Outright Favoritism

Chapter 975: Stay away from him completely

  Chapter 975 Completely stay away from him

  One day later, an international economic discussion summit among politicians kicked off the Cabinet Office.

  The Duke of Zellman was unexpectedly absent from the meeting, but it did not attract too many people's attention.

  The Crown Prince George, the first in line of the British Emperor, arrived in the capital of Nay Pyi on the eve of the summit, thus robbing most of the attention.

  During the summit, all main roads in the capital were closed and controlled to ensure the normal and orderly progress of the summit and to ensure the safety of politicians from various countries during their stay in Myanmar.

  In the hospital, Li Qiao’s freedom is restricted, and she lies bored in bed and uses her mobile phone.

   On the opposite sofa sat side by side with Yun Li, Song Liao, Shen Qingye, and Su Moshi.

  Everyone is wearing a hospital gown, and the scene is quite spectacular.

  And Xia Siyu dangled her arms, leaning slantingly on the bedside table, murmured lazily, "It's so boring."

  During hospitalization, not only was it boring, but nothing happened.

  Xiao Yehui was captured, and the royal knight was captured. According to common sense, a **** storm would surely be set off.

  But...Unexpectedly, Xiao Hongdao did not take any action.

  At this time, Li Qiao turned off the phone page, rubbed her temples, and asked, "Where is the second child?"

   "I don't know, I guess I'm taking care of my aunt." Xia Siyu shook the bandage hanging on his chest, and added, "Brother Chen hasn't come these past two days."

  The words fell, and a strange silence spread in the ward.

  Several pairs of eyes looked at Xia Siyu at the same time, with different expressions, all expressing playfulness.

   "Why do you look at me like that?" Xia Siyu curled his lips, "Am I wrong?"

  Song Liao asked in a naive way: "What does the second son have to do with Brother Chen?"

  Xia Siyu rolled her eyes and muttered in a low voice, "Hanban..."

  Yun Li, who was sitting on the armrest of the sofa, glanced at her as if there was no point.

  Xia Siyu looked away from Song Liao's face, and continued to pull her bandage calmly.

  She didn't seem to see Yun Li's gaze, and she seemed... but she didn't care about it.

  In short, after the conversation that day ended, Xia Siyu never caused any trouble to Yun Li.

  She kept her friend's distance, restrained her caring for him, and tried to use the most understatement to stay away from him completely.

  Xia Siyu has been impulsive several times, but now she has run out of courage and she is tired.

  Not long, the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside.

  Shen Qingye just wanted to whisper why he didn't knock on the door, and suddenly caught the black and tall figure, and quickly shut up as a quail.

  The recent Master Yan is really a bit scary.

  There are not too many violent words, and the behavior is very normal, but the whole body makes people feel timid.

  The man walked into the ward, his eyes passed indifferently, and he pursed his lips and whispered, "Get out."

  Li Qiao raised her eyebrows, and quietly touched the phone with her fingers, unlocked and opened the watch’s built-in program quietly.

  A few seconds later, Li Qiao tilted her head to look at the screen, frowning in deep thought.

  Shangyu's vital signs are all normal, no matter whether it is heartbeat or breathing, there is no abnormal fluctuation.

  But the indifference he showed was very different from usual.

  Li Qiao sighed softly and raised her head again. Only her and Shang Yu were left in the ward.

  Xia Siyu and a few people filed out long ago, without even saying hello.

  Li Qiao sat up, wrapped her hands around her knees, and looked at Shang Yu for an instant.

  She tried to see something from the man’s face, but after a while, she found nothing.

   "Why, there is something on my face?" The man pulled the chair away and took his seat, gracefully holding up the water glass and handing it over.

  Li Qiao did not answer, the dark and clear eyes reflected Shang Yu's handsome face, "You..."

   "Huh?" The man held the cup with one hand, looking at her in time.

  Li Qiao blinked, abandoning certain thoughts, and uttered to the water glass, "You feed me."

  That's it.

  Even she can't get a glimpse of Shang Yu's true thoughts, so she asks rashly, which only adds to her troubles.

  Furthermore, the watch's built-in program does not have any alarm records for physical monitoring, and he should not have an attack.

  As Li Qiao thought, she didn't worry about it anymore.

  And Shang Yu heard her request, his thin lips pursed the arc of a faint smile, and he took a sip of water on his own after toasting.

  The next second, Li Qiao's head was buckled, and her body was dumped into the man's arms uncontrollably, and then her lips pressed against each other, and warm water came from the man's mouth.

  Li Qiao: "..."

  She didn’t mean that either!

  Shang Yu didn't see it well, so he closed it. After taking a sip of water, she opened her teeth with her big tongue, and went in to conquer the city.

  As soon as the kiss ended, Li Qiao saw the man holding up the water glass again, and hurriedly pressed his wrist, "Enough."

  "One more drink?" Shang Yu smiled in his eyes, and his voice was gentle and full of magnetism.

  Li Qiao stared at him warily, and withdrew behind the bed, "I'll do it myself."

  The man graciously handed her the cup of water, as before, obediently to her.

  At this point, Li Qiao completely let go of the suspicion in her heart.


  In the afternoon, a civil airliner landed on the runway at Nay Pyi Capital Airport.

  The standby cabin door opened, and passengers walked onto the bridge one after another. At the end, three stumbling figures walked out slowly.

  Behind them were a number of tall and burly black men in suits and leather shoes, all of whom looked bad.

  The passenger in front of him occasionally glanced back and glanced at him, speeding up his pace involuntarily.

   "What the **** is going on?"

   "I heard the stewardess just now that it seemed that the police were handling the case. In order not to cause panic, they all wore plain clothes."

   "It doesn't look like it, do the Burmese police look so fierce?"

   "The three old men don't know what crime they committed. It is unlucky enough to be sent all the way to Burma to accept sanctions."

  Not long, a group of people left the airport lobby along the VIP passage.

  In a black van in the parking lot, the man in black pushed the three old men into the back seat, locked the doors and windows, took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Sir, the first shipment has arrived."

  At the end of the receiver, an old and low voice sounded: "Come here, send someone to keep an eye on the other goods."

"Yes, sir."


  At four o'clock in the afternoon, Shang Yu returned to the hospital.

   Ten minutes after he left, Li Qiao changed to casual clothes and left the hospital lazily.

  She did not go far, but walked out of the inpatient department and came to a small restaurant across the street.

  Liu Yu followed Li Qiao vigilantly, watching six directions, listening to all directions, a defensive posture ready to fight at any time.

  Li Qiao glanced at her, “Within a hundred meters from the hospital, they are all by their own, so calm down.”

  Luo Yu paused, her expression still not slack, "Madam, it's better to be careful."

  Li Qiao did not speak, pursed his lips and sighed, and went straight into the small restaurant.

   Luo Yu didn't dare to be careless, so she acted as the door **** at the entrance of the restaurant, and she had to look at whoever came.

  So that in the next half an hour, no customer dared to come in for dinner.

  (End of this chapter)

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