Outright Favoritism

Chapter 976: Defeated

   Chapter 976

  In the small restaurant, there is only one person.

  The man was sitting at the square table with his back to the door, kicking his heels, bold and uninhibited.

  Li Qiao sat back to back with him and called the waiter to order a bowl of egg soup. When closing the menu, her tone was light, "Where is the person?"

  "North of Liaoshan." The opponent seems to cherish ink like gold.

  Li Qiao tapped the menu lightly with his finger, "You go over."

  The man took a meal, holding his chopsticks coldly, "I am not yours."

  Li Qiao had no expression on her face, "The defeated man has no choice."

  The other party directly smashed the chopsticks on the rice bowl, "If you and Wu Minmin were not playing tricks, could I lose?"

   "Soldiers never tire of fraud." Li Qiao paused.

  At this time, the waiter brought the egg soup to Li Qiao tremblingly, and looked at the man's back cautiously, with undisguised fear on his face.

  That master, I can’t afford to provoke him.

  Li Qiao took the spoon to drink the soup calmly, ignoring the humming and gasping behind her back.

  In no time, the man shot the case and walked out the door in a stride, still muttering, "You **** don't get into my hands in the future, or I will blow up your house."

  "Send it to me as soon as possible if you find the specific location." Li Qiao urged while drinking soup, completely ignoring the threat from the other party.

  The man raised his foot and kicked open the wooden door of the small restaurant, and roared, "I see."

  Raining almost hands-on: "..."

  She doesn't know what happened in the small restaurant, but this person is very hostile, similar to a figure who wanders on the edge of the law all year round.

  Li Qiao drank the egg soup and put down a banknote, then slowly swayed out the door.

  The air near the evening was a bit suffocating, the sky was overcast and it seemed to be raining.

  Li Qiao stood on the side of the street, looking up at the gloomy sky, "Is Ming Dailan really crazy?"

  Luo Yu turned back to her, bowed her head and said, "Maybe. Hearing Wei Lang said that she might be sent back to Parma in the near future."

  "Go and arrange it. I want to see Ming Dailan."

  Luo Yu raised her eyelids, and then said: "No need to arrange, she has been on the street every day recently...looking for someone."

  Li Qiao raised her eyebrows, looking faintly, "Every day?"

   "Well, it means the owner of the house." Luo Yu stepped forward and whispered: "It is still unclear whether she is insane or pretending to be crazy or stupid."

  Li Qiao pursed his lips clearly, agreeing with Shang Zonghai's arrangement.

   probably exhausted all the friendship, even if Ming Dailan kept calling A Zun, she couldn’t return to Shang Zonghai’s mercy.

  Ming Dailan is the most vain, if it weren’t really crazy, I’m afraid it would not be able to pretend to be crazy on the street.

  Li Qiao glanced at the stormy sky again, "find a way to lead her to this street."

   "Okay, ma'am."


  This night, Li Qiao hadn’t seen Ming Dailan looking for someone on the street. However, the British emperor on the other side of the ocean had a scandal that shocked the world.

  The scandal comes from a video recorded by state media.

  In the video, the man wearing the dark blue knight costume of the Duke’s Mansion, wearing a black clown mask, has also changed his voice.

  If you observe carefully, you will find that the knight uniform on his body is an old style that has long been eliminated.

  The other party explained how the old Duke Zellman removed his wife’s womb, and how he sent someone to hunt down the Cavaliers.

  British Empire time, at six o'clock in the morning, this video was interrupted in the morning news.

  This is not the first time that the official media has reported a noble scandal.

  But this also indicates that Childman’s aristocratic status is about to face a very severe test.

  Once the old Duke Childman's actions are taken into account, the royal family will surely come forward in time to recover the noble status.

  With word of mouth from the British emperor, the content of this videotape instantly attracted great attention at home and abroad.

  The old Duke Xiao Hongdao, who has not appeared in the public for a long time, became the subject of discussion among the people eating melons overnight.

  In just two hours, another video shot by mobile phone was exposed by netizens.

   In the video, Ming Dailan has messy hair, hollow eyes, and wearing a linen skirt that does not fit her identity. She catches everybody on the streets of Burma, still chanting something in her mouth.

  British people's impression of Xiao Hongdao tends to be blurred, but Ming Dailan, who is often on the camera, is not ignorant.

  The dignified old duchess, how did she become like this.

   is not only crazy, but also lacks the dignity and elegance of the old duchess.

  Ming Dailan was the object and model that many British imperial ladies competed to imitate.

   Gentle and elegant, virtuous and virtuous, he is the noble among the nobles.

  For a time, the public opinion of the British emperor was fully fermented.

  The captain of the knight who escaped from the Duke’s palace came out to report the old duke, and then the old duchess was abandoned on the streets of Burma and no one cared about it.

   Even if there is inside information, it is not worth scrutinizing.

  People are more willing to believe that seeing is believing.

  Old Duke Xiao Hongdao suffered unprecedented verbal criticism. In front of the door of the Duke of Childman's House, a large number of people voluntarily organized demonstrations.

  Many people are holding drawing boards in their hands, demanding that Zellman be removed from his duke status.

  This is not a fuss, but accumulates little.

  In recent months, the Childman family has repeatedly appeared on the hot search, consuming the enthusiasm of the people again and again.

  Now that the official media has taken action, the public’s disgust towards Childman has reached its peak in an instant.


  At the same time, Li Qiao sat cross-legged on the bed. After watching the report video broadcast by the official media, Xiao Lu showed a trace of confusion in her eyes.


  Even though he was wearing a mask, his voice was processed, and Li Qiao recognized him within minutes.

  The surroundings were silent, and even the air stopped flowing.

  Li Qiao sat quietly for a while, and then called Bai Yan, "What's the matter with Landis?"

  Bai Yan was licking the spoon, suddenly hearing Li Qiao's question, frowned and knocked on the pot, "What Landis?"

  Li Qiao pursed her lips in silence.

  After a while, Bai Yan dropped the spatula, "Oh, that foreigner?"

  Li Qiao responded, Bai Yan picked up a can of beer and opened the pull tab with one hand. “It was sent by the Mavericks at the time. What’s wrong, something happened to him?”

   "Where did it go?"

  Bai Yan took a sip of beer, looked around without seeing Bai Xiaoniu, and simply replied, “I heard that it is an island with a permanent population of less than 10,000, and no one can find it except Wang Ye.”

  The last sentence is the awesomeness that Bai Xiaoniu patted his chest and blown off.

  Hearing this, Li Qiao hung up the phone without expression.

  She probably knows who the ‘Lord Yan’ is.

  Landis can be found on islands with a permanent population of less than 10,000. When did he start to operate? It can make her feel ignorant.

  Li Qiao clicked on the video again. Landis was eager to win, and he was willing to come forward to report Xiao Hongdao. This video is probably just the beginning.


   Two knocks on the door slightly sounded, Li Qiao said please come in, and then the rain came and probed in, "Madam, Xiao Yehui wants to see you."

  (End of this chapter)

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