Over The Infinite
-1 -
Intense enough atmospheric walls to be visible in front of you. Look up and you don't see the sky, only the storm spreads.
The land is barren wilderness. Instead of water and grass, the earth of death is spreading without any sense of life.
If you look at it, you can also see structures that are not artificially visible, but most of them are decaying and do not retain their prototypes, and only supermassive structures that are painfully in shape are allowed to exist on this earth. And if you look closely, you can see that the building is the center of this space, and that the barrier that blocks the storm is also placed around that building. But that doesn't mean that legitimate organisms can exist if they are within the conjuncture.
Only alien superorganisms, dragons, are allowed to live in an environment that blocks storms and regulates atmospheric pressure, gravity, and airborne components and is still super poor. They are allowed to live in this earth of death because of its mountainous giants and its threatening environmental suitability, as well as its properties of no need for diet, water or air.
"Look, the storm outside has weakened lately, right?
'... I don't think it's going to change. That's the first word I've said in decades. "
'No, I've been observing you, and you know it. You can see black more often, and you can extend the boundaries.'
'It wouldn't make sense to stretch it. As far as my brother tells me, seriously, there's nothing.'
Two dragons are uttering something. It was faithfully translated and originally sounded like a kind of sound that people, rather than Japanese, could not hear accurately.
It's a bit of a frank word and deed to be emanated from a reclining, intimidating giant, but the translation is a story that reproduces those nuances as well. I know it's technically amazing, but I don't even feel like I'm doing something wrong.
"... In this way, our home planet is a poor environment not suitable for the place where life lives. Aside from being viable in harsh environments, long-term survival will be tough for the majority of monsters."
To match the footage shown on the screen, the sky dragon puts in a description from the corner on the stage. The person in the commentary is an adventurer sitting in the theatre room.
What is happening today is like an orientation on a voyage, where Sky Dragon, a local, shares footage to supplement his knowledge of the world he is going to. Nor can we say that this is in itself an AC.
I stood at the rear of the theater room, near the entrance and exit. Whether it's a surprise or a boom, the seats are full, and besides us, there are flirtatious stands. Are the adventurers taking part in this expedition serious or simply a gift of curiosity towards different worlds and people of different worlds?
"And well, this is a place that can never be said to be a fun trip across the world, but we welcome you all"
Though it was faintly understood, the main reaction of the attendees is utter silence. It's what the brochure says, but I guess it gives me a different impression when I can show it on video like this. Just so we're clear, even I'm not where I want to go if I don't need anything. It's because there's an infinite corridor entrance when it comes to why you're rooting for it, but it's a hell of an environment that's hard to understand even if you know why.
"Excuse me. Does that survival mean outside the conjuncture?
A particularly serious looking adventurer who was in the front row asks questions.
"Oh, excuse me. This is a story within the conjuncture. If you go outside this, it's a pre-survival issue, and I was wondering if it would fall apart in an instant. This is the same thing not only for all of you, but also for the dragons living within this junction, and it would be tough to pass without the individuals originally created to live in a special environment, or the individuals who are at the top of the dragons."
Most of the dragons were born on this earth and said they would grow up without knowing outside the conjuncture. With some exceptions, executives called General Wu Long and their equivalent high-ranking dragons seem to be able to break through with force moves, and it seems possible to use skills and other skills to create temporary passageways.
It is naturally possible for the Imperial Dragon to oversee them, but the standard itself is different in the case of that giant dragon. We must not speak in the same line of beings that are capable of extinguishing the stars themselves rather than surviving.
Even there, the difference between the main force and the second group will be severe. The Dammus are monsters that transcend even their Imperial Dragons, but they won't have enough power to break the stars on the second group, the Werners.
"Oh yeah...... So, this time, we're limited to what we can do."
"No, even if all adventurers are tough compared to normal humans, survival is considered difficult within this juncture, so the technicians aboard this ship pre-empted the habitat. In other words, this first flight has a very limited range to travel to… well, isn't that the limit of a few percent in that building?"
Sky Dragon is referring to a giant building that is the home of the dragon.
I can't get out of the building, although it's a different world trip because of it. That's because of the size of the moon, but those who were in a slight mood for travel would have lost their tension. No, not many would be curious to know that outside environment and leave yet.
"We're talking about eventually being moveable if you're within the junction, but be aware that if you accidentally go outside the junction, you won't be able to guarantee your life exactly."
Who likes to try such a dynamic suicide?
... No, some idiots might be like that. For example, if you went to this world on a school trip, you wouldn't be able to say enough that there aren't any students who would go into such retarded behavior with some knoll. Because there's something about young people that emphasizes Nori at an unintelligible level.
In the case of my last life, I'm pretty sure there were some people who really wanted to see if I was going to die and come in a little bit and say, Well, it's a bunch of assholes called the Salad Club.
"... so there's no ocean, and Tuna can't walk around that star?
"Hey, don't."
Instead of in my previous life, there was a guy like that next to me in this world. Mr. Yuki.
"In this environment, but it's not really just us... oh, they don't think so"
It doesn't feel like either, but it is uncertain among the dragon's knowledge, starting with the sky dragon.
The screen switches and a storm is shown on one side. Outside the junction. The level of whether or not visual correction is visible is critical, but if you stare, you can see that there is a huge black mass in the storm. It would be tough to see it as fleshlight.
Was it "black" that the dragon that I saw earlier in the video said?
"This is probably considered a kind of plant. Mother... I hear the Imperial Dragon stood before he descended into the land, but the investigation itself has not been carried out, so I do not know the details."
That's a black pole, by analogy. It is difficult to judge because of the strange scale, but it is an unrealistic sight that a giant tree, which would be hundreds of meters advantageously, is upright in a storm that makes no sense.
"The tree, which has been named < Black Old Tree > since the introduction of Japanese, is thought to be the only native organism that continues to exist even in such a bad environment. I asked a labyrinth city technician if it was tougher and more available for buildings and armaments than any of the previously confirmed plants. Depending on the progress of the research, all of which will likely be one of the supplies we can export from our world"
I don't know about the technical stuff, but it's just a tremendous life force to say that it keeps its shape in such a bad environment, with no water or light. It doesn't look like just metal, but I think there was something that judged the tree to be so, and I can confirm the presence of multiple copies even rarely. Perhaps there are quite a few growing when you see them across the planet.
"On the other side, can you confirm the real thing?
"Yes. In addition to this, we already have some other ore available for production from the stars. We have secured the quantity of weapon material for adventurers, and everyone on Flight 1 can study it in advance after confirming safety."
The majority of theatre room adventurers are pale, but there are also multiple people who are apparently reacting when they hear of new materials.
By the way, it's more or less a beard that's reacting to that. Perhaps it's a blacksmith trend around growing long beards as well as dwarfs for some reason or another.
"By the way, taking it home..."
"Depends on the outcome of the safety check, but even from this first flight if there is no problem"
Around the time I'm not sure how old I am, but I'm also answering oddly piercing Dwarf questions properly, I guess these are the questions I predicted in advance.
Perhaps, but I think these have been explored by Sky Dragon as a means to be reciprocal between worlds he used to say. I wouldn't particularly care about the labyrinth city side, but if you think it would be even a little reciprocal, you would also need to do these things. Various resources are easy to understand exports, so I guess they are ants as a first step.
"I don't know, it might be interesting for the blacksmiths."
"It's also directly linked to our activities. I don't care how much you get out of that tree or that adventurer who loves wooden gear."
"What kind of wooden equipment adventurer was that?"
I thought the adventurer's gear was just made of metal, leather, cloth, or synthetic resin.
Oh, if you think about it, there are equipment made of monster-derived materials, and there may be a reason to use those materials mainly. Simply sturdy and lighter than metal is useful to us. At least, it would be healthier than cutting and selling our own bodies as materials.
What, the eyes that look at that asshole.
"Adventurers using wooden weapons"
Yuki said so, pointing at me.
"... ah"
What are you talking about? I'm a wooden knife. It was completely out of my mind. Recently, I was jealous when Dammus said he was going to use it because it was a wooden sword.... I'm sorry I've been with you a long time since I was a mustache.
Orientation goes on like that. It's basically a repeat of the video of the world over there and the Q&A of the Sky Dragon.
Some of the footage was interviewed directly by the dragon about how he did it. That's fine in itself, but shouldn't we consider putting a frank translation on a alien dragon with a vicious look because it drives the image crazy a little bit more?
Q. How do you communicate with dragons?
A. Except for some, basic Japanese has been learned. Some individuals do not have vocal organs, so in that case, please use the Reading Talk.
Q. What should I be particularly careful about, for example, cultural differences
A. Even if you stop it, it could strike you by calling it a hard try, so in that case, hit me back. Ideal to surround and slap with multiple pieces. On the contrary, I would love to be attacked by you all.
Q. Yeah, it's not gonna be a problem.
A. It's basically sturdy so no problem. So even if you do damage to the labyrinth city side, you can take a somewhat greater look...
It helps how unlikely it is to be a very diplomatic issue to take issue action, but it doesn't feel like we could have done something about it any more.
Nevertheless, this is how intelligent... even the intelligently accommodating Sky Dragon seems to have been similar when he came to the labyrinth city, so in the end it may be that he needs to get used to their culture and common sense. Most importantly, there is a basement that the three of them were particularly interested in other civilizations, so I wonder if some dragons will remain unchanged as brain muscles.
As such, the orientation for about an hour ended.
It seemed tired, but it would be a gift of practice not to see mistakes like those made during the public broadcast to Sky Dragon. Although we've seen somewhat awkward parts, we'll do the same thing a few times during this voyage, on flights two and three, so we'll get used to it.
Although some have individually questioned the Sky Dragon after the end, most attendees have begun to exit the room. In the theater room there will be some sort of movie screening and orientation in a row, so some people seem to stay put.
"What do we do after this?
"Until we get permission to travel to the center of the Kugelschreiber, right? As for reviewing the periodic report... do you want some dinner?
For example clown involvement stories, we are asked to send data in advance of regular reporting. It would only be about a few minutes different at most than the different passages of time, but they decided it was necessary.
However, searching for the video data that remains in the Kugelschreiber to confirm with the video does not reveal its existence. What a super-scientific story, then, of trying to reproduce the footage from the memory itself, but it seems to require the authority of the Kugelschreiber central to use that hand technology on this ship. Anyway, before we left the port, we really needed a few hours to get permission, more than just a place where we could go with the wheels during the voyage. As soon as it's ready, a call is scheduled to be made on the ship's air.
"... I'm getting a little nervous, but you're not looking at it wrong, are you, that?
"We're both watching... you were clearly a clown, weren't you?
"... yeah"
The clown I saw over the screen before I left the port comes back to life. Creepy, inorganic, cheerful elements claim to be clowns even though they have no shards. If I'm the only one who's been asked to exist beforehand, I can think of unconsciously creating hallucinations, but there won't be more to it than Yuki seeing something similar. It's possible we both had some kind of interference, but it's still something to report.
"How about you stay in the theater room? If it's a two-hour movie or something, it could be halfway there."
"No way. Such a psychopathic screening."
I got kicked in the ass, but I was also convinced when I checked the brochure Yuki handed me.
"Er, continue, after enough, the screening of the" Pain Resistance Training Report for Medium and Advanced Adventurers "by the Labyrinth City SM Research Society..."
In the commentary seat before the screen was the appearance of our Sarjes. Around it is normal at first glance, but also the appearance of comrades releasing the aura of their hands. I understood in an instant that what was about to begin was something that could throw something away as a person, even if it was useful to the adventurer.
We're leaving the theater room to escape. As the adventurers flow, so are we.
... may be useful in content, but why should I see something like that here?
-2 -
So whether we eat or drink something, let's head to the dining room for now.
Walk with Yuki down the interior corridor like a spaceship.
"You still have the aftermath of the Gate of Souls, don't you?
"I don't normally have a problem with training. Exactly. The actual battle is tough, and we can only fit it together in mock warfare. I'll be back on this voyage."
"I envy you, but it's a little inconvenient, isn't it?"
"The advantages to the disadvantages are enormous. The same goes for magic, but it was difficult to navigate. I learned a lot about HP."
Compatibility is the problem, but if you can complete the convenience of Lirica with it, it is a training you should receive unconditionally. It may be extreme in my case, but just stepping in normally would be a magically meaningful act. Not just magic, but just to get used to HP manipulation.
Although I often fight in the state of total HP loss, that's the only technology that might prevent a penetrating attack without question in the state of vegan. Even if the total HP damage remains the same whether it is operated or not, it is definitely significant that damage to the entity can be prevented.
"I guess it would have been more effective if it had been made of vegetables like you."
"I'm not really aware of that."
I have learned to some extent myself that Yuki and Sarjes carry out unconscious but fairly high-precision magic manipulations. In addition to qualities, there will probably be a huge difference in the skills used. The sorcerers seem to be going somewhat, naturally, as do the other members, and there's a good chance I was actually the worst. In other words, it seems that it may still be the bottom line.
This is not the case even within the clan, but Philos has acquired manipulation techniques with a slightly more difficult accuracy to comprehend. He said it was not only HP but also MP manipulation, "Demon Blade" with a longer reach than the entity, "Demon Shield" with a hard pinpoint only where it attacked, and still useless, but nothing but a threat to opponents such as the "Air Slash" that comes after him. The scary thing about him is that he's conscious of them. He must have dived the Gate of Souls for the first time.
"Speaking of which, what about the training center appointment? I just want to work out a little bit in case something goes wrong."
"Wouldn't some place mix it up if you were touring? You're popular with adventurers."
In a sense, it seems that the busiest place on this ship's premises is the training ground.
Although the facilities themselves are not significantly different from those of labyrinth cities, the environment of quasi-first-tier members selected from a wide variety of clans by most of the passengers allows for joint training with counterparts who are not normally able to do so. In fact, we also had a joint training invitation from a clan we don't normally see. I won't be able to join you for a while, but maybe we can do a mock fight or something.
"I guess we should be late at night with the onboard adjustment time, even if we make a reservation. You're gonna use the S6 simulator, aren't you?
"That's not all, but it is."
Like the training station set up at our Cranhouse, this Kugelschreiber training station is equipped with a device that can reproduce Erika's shadows, but it was only after leaving the port that we found out that its use was limited to some of them.
To be precise, the function itself can be used, but it seems that those who are under cognitive inhibition and do not know the circumstances cannot recognize that the function exists.
Explain it from scratch, I guess, but so far we're not talking about making it known to all adventurers, so we're going to use it alone for the time being. For once, in addition to us, some executive classes who know what's going on… Werner and Glenn also know. And you can use a beautiful bow.
As I walked down the aisle to the dining room, I smelled coffee unexpectedly.
Back a little and look at the end of the narrow aisle, where Ladine looks to the outer wall of the ship alone with one hand of coffee.
"... what are you looking at here?
"Oh, Watanabe, you guys.... a bit of a view outside."
Looking at the hallway walls shows nothing. It is true that the glass installed in the talking room...... or the wall always shows some footage, but basically it should have been a very normal landscape image.
But when I walked over to Ladine, who was giving us a surprise look, there was footage of just a part of the wall but peeking outside the ship. Apparently, it was a dead end.
"... this is the hole in the world?
"I don't know... it's more normal than I thought"
What you can see from there is the space that Kugelschreiber supposedly dug.
Because we're talking about drilling holes in the world and the world, I just thought it was something with a mysterious space like the surface of the transfer gate outside, but what's spreading looks like a walkable passage of something that's odd. Various colors mix and light up, staring at a point makes me go crazy, but the impression I feel from it is close to the dungeon. They're going to believe me when they say it's deep in the infinite corridor.
I guess the considerable gap between the ship and the ship is that the excavation area of this ship is larger than the entity. If it falls, it's going to be a thrown suicide distance.
... I wasn't thinking very deeply, but you're actually floating, this ballpoint pen.
"I don't know the details, but it looks like it's close to a place called the infinite corridor. It is not a normal infinite corridor, nor is it a negative layer that is an administrator layer. It's a world that doesn't form as a dungeon that opens its mouth from time to time."
I mean, is it to say that dungeons exist in a space between worlds, and the vast majority of them are mysterious spaces like this?
Maybe there's an infinite corridor across this wall. Actually, a shortcut in the hierarchy could be made... I've thought about it, but there's probably a lot of risk that it's impossible or something in the first place. There's no way Danmas would ever consider something that anyone would think about.
"... you mean there have been instances where we have confirmed that there is such a narrow space?
"Apparently the Dungeon Master has only stepped in once. He said that unless there was a crack in the world due to an accident, it would be an extremely irregular space. … maybe the cracks in the sky that came out of Watanabe's previous life are connected to these places."
It was certainly a story that seemed possible.
Now that I know the dungeon exists in this world, I can tell you, but I don't think that crack is the official entrance to the infinite corridor. There was only information before the panic on a global scale, but other cracks in space in Tokyo that I was headed for should have been confirmed. If that's the case, I'll be stepping in the middle of nowhere.
"What's like a horizontal hole in that wall?
Yuki points to something like a hole that exists everywhere.
It is also suspicious whether visual information can be believed in such a mysterious space, but horizontal holes can be seen that appear to have been open for a long time before Kugelschreiber was digging.
"If this is the premise of a space similar to a narrow space... it seems that most of them are endless, but they don't even know where they are connected to an anomalous space. There's no guarantee you can come back, and I'm talking about a ruthlessly unstable hole that doesn't even know if you're going to get into the same horizontal hole or not. It's a place where even the Dungeon Master has a miraculous chance of surviving, so we'd be dead first. For now, eagles don't want to try"
Do you have any experience with that guy going in there?
If it's another space that's connected, there's no guarantee that it's a viable place for humans, but if it's bad, the odds are minimal.
"If you get thrown out of this ship in some kind of accident, you don't get into the horizontal hole, you even have to move this big hole."
"I don't really want to think about it, but can you walk this down? Looks like there's something on the ground."
I feel like Werner said something about being able to walk, but when it comes to the ground, it's a shade that makes me anxious. I don't feel like I'm going to sink in once I step in.
"I can't guarantee it, but it seems to be moveable on foot. Thin but also airy. I guess half of them are in the same environment as labyrinth cities, because they're influenced by the connected spaces."
"In half..."
But well... is it possible to survive for once? It will be tough for a long time, but adventurers are likely to manage to some extent. Maybe it's better than space.
"Doctor, it's time to finish the error check...... Watanabe? What are you doing?
A nearby door opened and a white dilk appeared from inside. I don't see Serafina hanging around like she's always watching... No, you're sleeping in the room.
"It's a passage caught by the smell of coffee. I mean, what are you doing, too? Ladine doesn't have jurisdiction."
"Before I joined you even though I didn't originally have plans, you don't have my job with the Intelligence Agency, do you? Why, I'm helping the teacher."
Oh, did you reschedule after that meeting?
"By the way, the answer to what you're doing is to experiment with connecting Mr. Borg directly to a small boat on board this ship. If you succeed, you can make semi-automatic piloting fully automated."
Will that be called fully automatic?... Borg's just piloting it.
"Ideally, small boats are the only way to get around the world, but there are a lot of uncertainties, and it seems difficult. In the meantime... I'd like to finish it to the point where I can take action in the pit outside."
Chirali and Dilk looked at me.
"... I see, can you even assume such a case? I don't really want to do it, but it looks like it could be a tuna"
I regret Yuki's reaction to that, but I will not contest it because it is difficult to say that such a situation is not actually possible.
"Speaking of which, I was going to ask you later, could you both... or could I have my clan member schedule vacated whenever possible? From around ten o'clock at the time of onboard adjustment."
I glance at Yuki's face once, but it doesn't seem particularly problematic.
"We're fine for now, but what are you going to do?
"Basically, it's a collaborative training... is it about increasing the power of a burning blade? I'll make an appointment for the training area."
I don't know why I doubt it, but I mean training. Originally, I was going to do something, but if you have a clear vision, you should get on it.
Talking about that, the onboard broadcast rang.
I thought it would take a little longer, but they handled it early because of its importance.
When I went to the place designated on the air, there was Werner and Kugelschreiber.
It's not the last hub I visited, but it's still close to confidential, and it seems essential to accompany the person in charge. Kugelschreiber, you are simply a guide.
"Actually, near the center of this ship, I haven't really figured out the structure, either."
Even the general passengers, of course the Werner in charge, have little chance of touching the central part of this ship, which is mostly autopilot. They have a complex and strange structure because they don't consider people using it before authority, and they can get lost. I also got the impression that the centre I visited before is close, but when I get away from it, it does look like it's going to get lost. It is just a clutter to say that I made everything through without thinking about convenience.
If you get lost with me, don't stay in distress without even following the original path. In that case, I'd like to rely on Yuki's memory.
"Speaking of which, Kugelschreiber, can we do something about your name any more?
On the move, Yuki accidentally started saying that.
I can't help what I've put out in my mouth, but shouldn't I take a little more into account because it can cause deadly self-contradictions? What if the ship crashes?
"I don't know what you mean."
"Uh, no,... it's a little long and hard to call"
I guess it's the right reason, but it's certainly the best too.
... Do the Germans usually call the ballpoint pen Kugelschreiber? I simply find it hard to use.
"Even so, because there are people based on both Kugel and Shriver"
"Seems normal to split it there, but don't you have any other nicknames or something?
"Now with LC302-X5012-2"
"... I wonder if that's a model number or something. It's getting longer."
"It's a very difficult order"
It seems to be a challenge for AI, even though it's kind of about my name.
... You're not being restricted from naming names other than Kugelschreiber, are you?
"... then, even second or zwei"
Inorganic is extreme, but still feels better than Kugelschreiber. It's short.
"What's the second point? You know, there's something else about First."
"Yes, because there is an original called Elsie separately"
I thought it had something to do with appearance, but it seems to be the original existence.
"Oh, you look just like me."
"The appearance is almost a copy. There is no gender in electronic data, but the specially prepared prosthetics are also feminine."
"Then Zva...... no German. I'll call it a second."
Because the Kugelschreiber in question is Germany. Let's call it a second, too.
Travel to the desired room while interacting like that.
The route was so cluttered that I didn't feel like remembering it, and many places were unsuitable for people to pass by. Yuki was on the highway because she's small, but me and Werner are having a tough time, so I want you to pay a little more attention.
"Now that we have the memory reading, I would like to wear a visor in that private room one at a time"
I didn't particularly decide on the order or anything, but Yuki walks into a private room as the second one tells me.
When you check the interior with a dedicated monitor, only a table and chairs are installed in the room with nothing, and a visor is placed on top of it with a potpound.
The visor doesn't even look like a head-mounted display, but the eyes aren't hidden when worn. I guess isolating it this way is to avoid picking up extra information, but not going into sleep or blindfolding may mean that there is no need for that strict environment.
... Can I use this to convert my delusions into video? If so, I thought it was going to be a superb porn commodity for a paranoid person... but it seems difficult to visualize clearly, at best, to reproduce it to the point where it can withstand critical confirmation with still images. I look forward to future technological innovation.
Reading time seems to be a few dozen or so, but I'm out of time in the meantime.
Speaking of which, what an odd look he had when he looked at Werner, who had not spoken much so far.
"... something bothering you?
"Oh sorry, just a thought...... Self-loathing?"
It doesn't look like much of a character like that, but maybe vampires have a problem with being vampires.
"I was going to grow a little bit more, but the clown story in the example seems to be more enjoyable than I thought"
"If you're not told by Dammus, you don't have to worry about it because you didn't even tell your daughters and daughters or Mr. Alain."
Apparently, vampires and the like had nothing to do with it, and it was a problem in keeping with the status quo.
Nevertheless, what you told me was simply a question of timing and the flow of conversation. Rather, the closer you are to your body, the harder it will be to reveal.
"The presence of clowns is a worrying issue, but I understand the Dungeon Master didn't say that. I don't care about it in itself, I'm just stunned by my thoughts deriving from it."
It doesn't seem like you're jealous of what I know about Dammus you don't know.
"Well... I'm not the only one who talks about monsters, because of their origins, the concept of self is really thin."
"... is that right?
I almost snorted for a moment, but I didn't think so at all. The monsters I know are unique, including Werner in front of them.
Some of Ac's strong acquaintances are more of a personality...... would be too strong a category. This vampire has his own trademark in the whorehouse.
"We are basically not against the will of the Dungeon Master"
"True to an order sounds like a positive material."
"That's good if you're going to be in a lot of other places. But if you want to help the Dungeon Master, you don't question what you're told, you don't think what you mean, you don't need a pawn to follow blindly."
It's tough. I know Dammus wants a presence that can do things he can't do on his own, but it would be extreme to truncate it as unnecessary if it were just a pawn.
... No, maybe it's more gentle in this case. You didn't simply cut it off, are you encouraging growth to do so?... executive training?
"... I'm talking about the name Yuki was talking about earlier, what impression did Watanabe get?
"I agree your name is Ale, but I didn't think you'd have a dangerous conversation."
"Ha, sure.... In my case, I didn't think I needed to give it another name. Even though you thought it was a long, hard name to call, you didn't feel the need for improvement. … for whatever reason, it is the name given by the Dungeon Master"
I thought I shifted to an irrelevant story, but apparently I was the starting point of the idea.
"This is our vice, the discontent of the Dungeon Master, and the wall to overcome"
"... in this case, I guess we won't be talking about just one name"
"If it's just a name, there's nothing wrong with it. And I thought about it, and I noticed a fatal problem with this planetary collapse."
It's a weird association game. It is a connection of thought that I cannot understand.
"I'm talking about what if. For example, if the Dungeon Master intends to destroy the stars of his own volition, he cannot act to stop it from happening to us. Even without any justification there, we will affirm the actions of the Dungeon Master."
... does that tie you to the story?
"I don't think Dammus would want full affirmation... well, I guess it's a story based on understanding"
Because I know, that's how we talk.
"... It's a difficult vice. It's malicious again that I know and I can't stop it yet. Even I can now look somewhat objective like this. We're talking about the vast majority of other monsters and so on."
In a monster that absolutely sees Dammus, you can't stop the worst of such a thing.
"... the Dungeon Master told you that if you die and the clown stays, right?
"Oh. It's just a chat, an assumption with little basis."
In telling this story, Werner and Kuge… The second one tells the story of the clown. Naturally, it includes the details of one day's phone call in general.
'It's just a hallucination, so it's never on the table. Naturally, if I die, I disappear with you. It would disappear even if it cut through wear and looked like a nameless person.... That's what I thought, but I imagined if I died and this guy was the only one left.... It's so horrible, isn't it?
That was a story that came out of the question that if Dammus had died in the future world where Erica was, it would be unnatural not to have collapsed from star to star.
I didn't take it that seriously at the time when clowns and they only looked like Dammus, but I can't afford not to consider the possibility of that happening, no matter how thin the grounds, beyond what a third party named Yuki and I have thus witnessed.
"Mr. Watanabe, I think that if the clown in the example is part of the Dungeon Master, that's not the only way to unconditionally affirm everything."
"Of course, it's unlikely that the Dungeon Master will cause the collapse, but you better remember that we can't be stoppers if that's the worst case scenario."
"... ok"
This is absurd. It amounts to absurdity and no basis for doing so.
But I can't ignore it. There is only one element of this, "The power of Dammus can destroy the stars", and it is a possibility that you can never ignore it.
"... don't you think about defying Dammus or something? You don't have to go that far. You know, rebellion."
"Lilia...... you disobeyed me when you proceeded without my will to marry my wife. It's no longer black history."
I feel like I've heard it before, but around black history, defiance really seems to be a whisper.
"I made a lot of noise then about abusing adventurers in a dungeon of extreme evil difficulty. As long as you're really embarrassed."
... No. Instead of whispering, the spearhead of disobedience is not heading directly towards Dammus.
"Uh, yeah, like this"
After the memory reading process is complete, Yuki says, looking at the creepy clown shown on the screen.
This is an image that reads and reproduces Yuki's memory. It's pretty blurry, but the contours are clear to the extent that I can tell that's it.
Then there was another image… a clown with the same appearance was behind the dammus even as I switched from my memory to a reproduced image.
I also feel that there is a slight difference in detail, but on top of the pimple, it would be a remote viewpoint in the first place, so it would be a range of errors. There is also a line called misremembering.
"... Kugelschreiber, do you really think there's any video data that matches this?
"Yes, we cannot confirm any such presence, including surveillance footage of the building where the Dungeon Master was"
Even after giving a prior explanation and discussing as many concerns as Arre, the clown I saw many times came in to see if it was hard for Werner to believe. But the facts remain the same. At least, this is how I and Yuki see it.
"But it's refreshing to see what this means. As this is a moving being apart from the Dungeon Master's consciousness, did he show himself with any intent or why this is the time"
It's not an earlier concern, but it's like it's all about the collapse of the stars. You can't even cut it off with hallucinations.
It doesn't mean I can do anything special, and I can't predict what will happen. It is also unclear whether this involves the collapse of the stars. He is a disgusting guy, including his appearance.
"I think you're dreaming about something."
I agree with Yuki.
If it's just creepy, there's more to it than that. If it's physiological disgust, it's more like a kaonashi or alien I've seen in my last life.
But this guy isn't like them. You feel disgusting in different directions, like not just reminding you of malice, but entering into a gap in your mind and mocking you. Even from such a messy image, it makes me feel it.
If, as I've heard before, this is part of my heart with what Dammus has created, how much darkness is it in my heart?
That's how time flows to us, and we welcome the night. Only on the time adjusted from departure.
It is now a delicate time to do nothing else, although we can afford it by Dirk's designated ten o'clock. I had no choice but to take Yuki and I to the training ground early.
Adventurers with a basic 24-hour system, but few seem to dare to train late at night, and the users of the training grounds are sparse.
"Ah, Sempai, Yuki, Cheese"
It was Mr. Tomato who approached me with a retarded greeting. I felt like the chimp was coming close to me.
"Hello, Miyumi"
"Hey, what are you doing alone, you?"
Especially not the wind I'm in training, not with anyone. Doesn't look like he was expecting me.
"That's combat training. Even so, I can't fight as hard as I can yet, so I'm taking a tour."
That's what I said. A beautiful bow that turns its gaze behind the training ground. At the end of that gaze was a half-elf girl fighting with Rapier in one hand as well. … it's claris, the cultivated tundra.
"Oh, it's like Pinetan's escort"
Yes, sir.
The only two members I know of are the red vegetables and the carrots in front of me, but < Elves everywhere > is a party known among the intermediate adventurers for its rating of meritocracy. Although it has the peculiarity that it only belongs to an elf-based race, an elf that does not have an intense personality or weakness as a race would not be a war force issue either. The problem of a small number, which is the greatest weakness, has been cleared in the first place, and as far as Clarice is concerned, which also fights the characteristic of weakness and harder to bless his physique than any other race, he doesn't look like a handful that far.
"... you're strong"
Watch Clarice fight, Yuki squeaks.
That's right, the difference is getting clogged, but from what we see today, the party of the beautiful bows is pretty good. It is also natural to be strong.
This is how I saw Clarice's battle, speed, and number-oriented. Maybe more, but is it the type of precision-oriented subattacker where every single attack targets a weakness in terms? I don't move as flashly as Yuki does, but instead, I waste less and move more accurately. In other words, it is orthodox.
"It's a position like Yuki when it comes to Sempai. I originally aspired to be a rear guard, but now I have an avant-garde that is no worse than my original job. Honestly, so you swallow fast, right? Instead, it's immature as a tundelle for as long as it takes."
What the hell is an honest tundele......
"When I say avant-garde, I really tend to have the image of a tiger rampaging over there, but my firepower and Vivian's auxiliary magic are the axes, and I'm so grateful to be there."
A position that isn't at the center of your power but fills the hole in the party and pokes the hole in your opponent. If the frame is empty, you're a convenient guy who seems to be able to make quite a move at any party just by throwing it in for now. Even if you're weak, you'll be scared as an opponent to have a critical shot.
Incidentally, the tiger being compared, Riggles of the < Meteor Knights >, is rammed further back by a silver werewolf opponent.... Well, it's Gaul.
We're not close, so we're communicating quickly. He also looks abusive in his awesome shape, but I want to believe he's a targeted array that fosters that kind of man's friendship. If I do something, I hear the word Gaul, but I'm sure he's calling his name.
"Are the Sempais training too? Regardless of Yuki, Sempai isn't in the book yet, is he?
"Rent out a corner from ten o'clock. Overall training. They're going to do something under the auspices of our Dee."
"Uh, you know. It's been a long time since I was a model for the Shota book."
"... you, isn't that Serafina keeping quiet?
"I bought it in that book"
"... right"
... Isn't he actually failing to teach? No, I guess I would never betray you in the essential sense of the word, but I'm obviously not out of line.
But here's the thing...... that's it. You're not attracted to porn books based on the subject of your body. If you play stealing or something like that, you're an ant, but when they put fiction forward, you suddenly want to turn away.... with Tilia's array? I still don't have enough training either.
Yuki had a simulated battle with Clarice or Gaul had something blown up in the corner of his sight, but as the scheduled time approached, fewer users gradually became available.
And everyone was there except those who could not partly participate if they were minutes before the scheduled time. Borg is non-participating because he merges with a small boat in an experiment.
In addition to that, there were three dragon men, two beautiful bows and Clarice left in the stream as it was, and then for some reason Mr. Glenn. It's like jumping in, but I don't have a problem with it because I'm not willing to hide it even though it's rented out.
"I took part in something out of the flow, can we stay here?
"You know the circumstances, and you have no reason to limit yourself to the clan. Oh, explain it to Clarice."
Next to a beautiful bow? Clarice, who is floating, does not know about the current flow, but decided to throw it in a beautiful bow, including adding and subtracting explanations.
"You don't have to worry about me because I'm a tour. Think of it as a figurine."
I also know the circumstances regarding Mr. Glenn, so if you prefer him, there is no problem. Ask him, he's just interested.
"So, what are you going to do? I can't fight in full yet."
"What I was going to do today is a mock fight divided into teams of multiple people. Of course, it's not just a team battle, it's a battle in an environment that takes full advantage of my" intelligence magic. "
You mean Dirk's "Information Magic"? Game info windowy.
"... is that it"
For some reason Berenvar had a distant eye. I don't know where it's meant to be, but something must have happened with the Four Divine Practitioners.
"If you look at it in terms of the growth of adventurers, reliance on information magic is never desirable, but the status quo doesn't say so either. We want to increase our power, even if it is somewhat limited, assuming that it is relative to the extraordinary."
In character, the enemy who appears before me will decide that this is the case, but I won't deny it as an assumption.
"Well, whatever the circumstances of the case, I'm refreshed."
A question enters from a beautiful bow who has no preliminary knowledge of Dirk's "Information Magic".
"You're faster to look at it. … the point is that we envisage fighting in these environments."
Dirk unfolded his witchcraft, while saying. Tons of information windows in sight. Perhaps they all look the same.
"Hey, what the heck!?"
A beautiful bow that overreacts, but Clarice and Mr. Glenn are also out of line.
If you have experience with computer games, you will understand how this sight stained the anomaly.
"Huh... hey, Sempai, this... Huh?
"... I heard it was awesome... so much"
"All displayable information is in a visible state, but I think the information required will vary from person to person, so for now, I would like to repeat the simulation battle in this state to sharpen the information that each member does not need"
It is advantageous to have visual details that are updated in real time, but too much information leads to a negative. Especially when fighting, it's remarkable, and the information you need varies depending on your role in the fight, your personal qualities, or the circumstances of the battle.
By analogy, a guy who moves in an inquiry doesn't originally rely on information, and sometimes he blunts his inquiry because he can't see it. And then it's simply out of the way.
The source of the information is Dilk, so if there is anything unnecessary, have it visualized each time. It seems that the display position and the like can be moved by themselves.
Therefore, after each individual gently checked the contents and adjusted the position of the window, they split the team and started the simulation.
"Mr. Watanabe should not take part in the battle and train to understand the overall situation of the war. On top of that, it would be ideal if you could even give instructions from the Tales."
"I think it's more efficient for you to control the whole thing."
Now anyway, my position in combat is purely avant-garde. There are limits to understanding the state of the war in performing that role and doing so until the instruction is given.
I'm not saying I can't, but that doesn't make sense if my own combat power is drastically reduced.
"Of course, people who are fit, including me, plan to train party-by-party warfare and command, but Mr. Watanabe needs to keep an eye on the whole thing."
"... well, he's a leader and a clanmaster"
Positively, it is nearly impossible to always give instructions, but at least the opinion is that we should keep track of the war situation. Most likely.
"In the meantime, do you feel like continuing to optimize your familiarity training and information as it is today?
"Basically. Only Watanabe has one more thing to tell you. Well, there's no reason to rush this way, so let's just keep going and let's all get used to it."
"Ooh, copy that."
I think I'm just going to get a headache with this.
While overlooking the fascinating data set, we strive to capture the overall war situation. Even if it looks like a game, all this information is happening right in front of you.
Required is resource information such as each person's HP and MP. However, gauges such as those seen in Nursing would be easier to determine intuitively than digital numerical displays. Others are… abnormal condition, damaged position. Visualize even the HP distribution information.
Location and terrain information is close to imperative, but even it's harder than I thought to keep track of fast adventurer movements in 3D.
... The enemy side doesn't need allies' resistance information anyway. The buff debuff's interference position, impact, and effect time are also too detailed.
Do you even know the skill accumulation time and stiffness time by estimation? Regardless of the weapon moves you're sensibly doing, you should probably have information on magical skills that take a long time to recast.
It's tough to keep track of endurance values for all kinds of equipment. Asha would grasp these and repair them with Forge Magic, but all I need is information about whether I lost everything or not... No, it's easy to use gear destruction skills if you know the endurance of enemy equipment...
... I can't cut it off. There is too much subtle information that circumstances may require. I have to. Whatever information I can do, when I can poke it out like this, I get a desire to leave it behind.
"Dirk, can you switch this temporarily invisible?
"You can switch just to be aware, but visualization needs to be used to anyway. It may even display extra information."
I think that's going to happen if you ask me.
That makes the rest span shorter for those who wear out due to overload on the brain while also fatigue due to battle.
Though it is the end of the line to be distracted by information and lose your fighting power, these will also become more and more familiar.
It's hard to say I'm used to it, but even though I know the whole thing, I'm not in the fight. I'm getting somewhat spared.
"What do you think? Commander, you have a lot to do, Mr. Glenn. Do you have any advice?
Since the start of the training, I spoke to Mr. Glenn, who was roaring especially looking at the information window displayed without pinching his mouth. By the way, the two beautiful bows are similar, and this one tells me that it's not the two of them or the other. It's a surprisingly serious atmosphere.
"... I regret a little that if I were to say my personal thoughts, I shouldn't have put my face on the line of interest. In our case, the rest of us would have different opinions, but a troop commander like me wouldn't like to understand it so much."
You can't possibly tell from a super first-class commander.
"For example, if you fight a party with this information, some power difference doesn't make sense. So much irregular information. … However, it would be in complex environments such as Reid and other large parties, terrain, weather, etc., that this would really show off its true value"
Will it be so useful that it becomes difficult to grasp the situation of war? That makes sense.
"Of course, the burden of an operator is immeasurable on such a massive battlefield. I suppose it should be shared by more than one person... Dirk, what you should fear is that you are collecting this information on your own. I don't think we can handle it on the same scale as Reid."
Look at the massive windows deployed in front of you.
It's not just us, it's equally unfolding for Mr. Glenn and the beautiful bows who don't participate in the training. I mean, there's still room for his own resources. Besides, he's usually in the fight himself.
... Reid, on the contrary, I'd say we can handle it on an army scale. What the hell is that guy?
Repeat the simulation battle to some extent and select the output information. I will adjust based on actual combat experience, such as what information is necessary for me, or I want people in this position to have this information.
Since it was almost always deployed in Sijin Nebu, it has been somewhat adjusted with regard to the members of the D team. Serafina in particular is something I'm used to and hardly seems to need to put my hands on.
Overall, there was a tendency to have fewer avant-gardes and more rear guards, but there seemed to be a considerable difference in the information needed depending on the individual's qualities.
Gaul, for example, has the smallest number of windows in this, and minimal information species to display. The avant-garde and athletic style of battle, he/she would be the only choice because of the importance he/she attaches to combat surveys.
On the other hand, Tilia, the shield, has a lot of information. I feel that I attach particular importance to understanding the location of other members and the damage, including HP.
Yuki and others are extremely informative, not even in moving positions. I get anxious that I can grasp that amount, but in his case, he wants to increase the amount of information anyway and increase the choices he can take.
Originally, Moya, who had a broad picture of the war, chose to expand and elaborate further on topographical information. They intend to complement each other with information on traps and installed sorcery that cannot be verified in mock warfare, but can only be broken through in the line of duty. I'm guessing that some parts of Dirk's information obtained by magic is highly accurate, but does not extend to his position.
However, all of this is just information we process as individuals.
In addition to exchanging and selecting information, Dirk, the only source and relay of information, communicates it to each member after obtaining environmental information such as topography and information on the subject, including enemy allies. Besides, it's about nothing else to marvel at because you're normally in combat. To some extent, it's automated with skills, but just browsing and grasping the information you're given is going to make your head hoot. Dimensions are no longer the same as ours.
... This seems to be due to quality issues. I guess that's what he used to say about the suitability of "information magic" and not about the realm where you can drill and do something about it.... That would make Mr. Glenn wary, too.
"Well, here's the requirement for Watanabe that I said first..."
Dilk approaching with a cool face amidst situations such as corpse progression. I don't even see tiredness in Serafina lying next to me at the end. Somehow, I guess it was also known that participants would knock down early on that this requirement was later shifted.
"So far, it's a bad scratch to counter the unknown threats you may encounter from now on"
"Yes, I do."
The aim was also to take measures that could be disintegrating without such a dilk, so that even conditionally we aimed to raise the bottom of our maximum force. Methods that depend on these particular personnel should be used more slowly to penetrate them if they were meant to be and switch them by combat. Because it's so close to impossible to cover all parties in the clan than Dilk is alone.
"What we're going to talk about is even worse than that. You can't expect it to take shape, and you shouldn't. It's a real adversity to need this, and it's only possible in a situation where you don't have any other hands."
"Still, you thought it might make sense, didn't you?
"I thought Watanabe would. Or so. Even if it's impossible in a straight way, the ability to force a skill that would be incorporated into The Hunger Stormbeast could take shape."
You must be talking about the array I used in the battle against Berenvar. Indeed, the array activates the unmastered skill by tolerating negative correction.
"By forced activation, is that a bad scratch an action skill? Sure, if you just look at it, there's a chance you can force it to activate.... I know what skills you guys are mastering, which ones?
Dirk and Serafina's skills are often hard to understand the effects.
That's why there must have been a few things that just said that even the person didn't figure out how effective they were, that they were using the skills they were developing as they were.
"This is not on the list"
"... I know there are things that can be activated even if you haven't mastered them as skills, just like exercising magic, but are you telling me to use them in a vegan state?
If you build and activate magic on your own from one to ten as Lirica does, it doesn't have to be a skill to activate it.
You wouldn't mistakenly tell me to build witchcraft in a vegan state, etc., so I might be able to activate my weapon skills, etc., by the same means. If you ask me if I can force it to activate, I'm pretty sure.
"No, it's not that... it's a bit of a special skill. I've seen other people, including Watanabe."
Have you ever thought of it, Yuki, rolling at my feet in silence, raised her voice?
"It's me. The one Serafina used in the Four Divine Spirits, something like a spell chant."
"... is that it"
I've also confirmed it multiple times in the Four Divine Nerimu video, but the first look is a match at Adventurer's School before that. It was stopped along the way, but the same thing would have happened to me. It is true that Arre is not on the skills list. Because it's a sentence.
"But I didn't understand it in your explanation."
"I'm aware I'm a bad explainer, but I was upset by other explanatory errors then..."
Yeah. You certainly didn't tell me anything, and it was a long way off.
"Yeah, it's perfect this time. In short, I'm a shapeless skill."
"... all of a sudden I don't know"
Not perfect at all. Why are you so confident?
"Uh... hey, right.... This is like telling a lie... what you insist on becomes a skill name. Kill what you can't kill, destroy what you can't destroy, kill what you can't kill, smear concepts that are anchored in the world with lies."
I think you're saying something unscrupulous, but this isn't a bad explanation. The skill itself sounds unscrupulous.
"I mean, for example, make it a reality to insist that crows are white?
"If I told you so, yes."
I don't think that's feasible, but I kind of understand what you're trying to say.
"Use that skill to say Yuki is 100% female, when this guy becomes a woman"
No, I don't think you're going to be honestly happy, though it may be a grief. Even Dammus is making gradual changes considering the risk of making them change at once, and I don't think it's easy to make that happen.... No, isn't it easier than saying it's a bad scratch?
"Both the white crow and the 100% female Yuki are reasonably possible. It's just, of course, it's not that easy."
"As it were, well, right? I don't expect that."
Did you expect it?
"This skill changes the effect depending on how much the activator himself believes the word and claims it toward the world. So we're going to repaint concepts that are supposed to be immutable with personal lies, so it's och to be ignored by the world in a semi-productive claim. Furthermore, even if it works, the effect time is extremely small, and it quickly returns to the original concept."
"... I guess that doesn't make much sense"
"No, it's not about your gender change right now."
You mean the skill of deceiving the world just for a moment? From that word alone, I can see how that feels against the rules.
Usefulness is immeasurable if you can rewrite every concept as you wish for a moment alone. When it comes to polarization, it would be Dammus, but it would be the Imperial Dragon... because that is the only thing that has the potential to destroy even malice.
"It's quicker to take a look at it once"
"Am I going to show you an example?
"No, I'll do it for now. I think I'll ask Serra to come back later."
When I was a temporary lecturer and when I was practicing martial arts, it was Serafina who used it, but this appearance also seems to allow me to use Dilk. But thank you. There is no atmosphere to demonstrate in battle.
"Then take this..."
"... apples?
It's the apple that Dilk took out of nowhere.
I'm almost wary that if this were tomatoes, I might make a move, but it's a normal apple that could be bought anywhere in a labyrinth city supermarket. I put it on my palm and stuck it forward.
"As a matter of common sense, what do you think would happen to this apple if I let go? The premise is that this ship is gravitating toward our feet, and after we release it, we shall not physically or magically apply our hands."
"Well, you're gonna fall to the ground."
"That's right. I'll fall."
The apple off his hands fell to the ground of the training ground, quite naturally. Dilk picks up that apple and pays off the sand on the ground.
If you're going to apply your hand with magic or skill, you can even let it float or explode, but if you're not going to do anything, it would be Mr. Newton's heaven.
"Next, get your hands off the apple the same way, but now rewrite the concept using your skills." Feel what happens. "
Feel it, not see it. It means that more elements occur than visual phenomena.
"I hereby declare that I am one of the ancestors of the Labyrinth and one who has the right to transform the reason of the world"
- Action Skill "This apple is an apple that never falls" -
An apple out of Dilk's hands floated in the air, stopping it. But that state fell to the ground less than a second later.
The phenomenon itself is fine. It's odd, but it happened after I declared that I would. If that were all, there would be as many reproducible means.
But I was feeling stranger and more uncomfortable than that fact.
"What is this..."
What did I think now?... Didn't you take it for granted that apples don't fall for a moment?
When I look at Yuki, I am equally stunned. I don't have to tell you. This guy feels the same way I do.
"This is the biggest bad scratch we can offer as it stands. I can't even exercise the Dungeon Master at the moment. Me and Sella's trump card. Theoretically" caps or impossibilities do not exist, "a skill to rewrite the world. Something that is not even shapely, difficult to guess what the hell concept you created. Skills of different colors where generic skill names don't even exist and everything becomes unique"
What this guy did was ignore the gravity and float the apple or something. It's not simple.
"Even so, the classification name seems to exist properly as a tree skill, and by" nursing "the skill with my gift, I read it painfully. That's also a name that doesn't appear in the skills list…"
This apple is a non-falling apple, which eroded the world with the concept.
It literally altered common sense, including those watching it. Dirk made the world believe it was the right snail.
It's called the Affidavit.
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