Over The Infinite
- I don't know the frog in the well, the sea...
I don't know the frog ocean in the well.
It's a proverb used in the sense that you need to know, or where you find out, the frog swims out into the ocean, but anyway, a view completed in a small world, someone with only narrow horizons, a word poked at by me as an adventurer.
Wasn't I complacent when they poked it under that torture staircase? Would it not have grown? Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure there were a few of those aspects. I mean, I'm pretty sure it was a picture star. When I was once overconfident and complacent about myself as a genius, the essential part had not changed.
The man didn't say anything with disgust or scolding. Now, of course, I understand, and even then, if I calm down a little, I would have found out.
In the first place, that man wouldn't do that if he didn't have to. d It is a fact that we all admit to being perverse and madman, but in other parts it is extremely sensible, serious and ruthless. Fundamentally a thin emptiness of feelings of fondness, aversion and other feelings towards others, I see, seems to give a peek into the remote side of man as a hero of salvation. More to the point, I'm broke as a person.
Even with those words, you didn't necessarily think you could get results. It would not have worked. You must also have thought of me as a dwarf frog. But it is the behavior of an extremely objective thought that it may be tied to a good result, even in a wayward way.
Anyway, that guy doesn't care what others think. The gaze of slander and disdain rather rewards you. I don't have any disadvantages, so if I had to, it would be provocative.
I rode the provocation after understanding that. I stood up for you in return. The result seems to have been a rare surprise, but it is also true that it was unpleasant to be danced in the hands of de pervert.
Thus, the frog who knew the sea was determined to become a whale in order to destroy it from the inside, rather than leaving the well and aiming for the sea.
I have no idea how to achieve such an odd metamorphosis.
"Wow! Amazing. Big."
My sister admires the whale giants who make sure they stick to the glass and roam the back of a dedicated tank.
There are multiple protective walls between us, quite far apart as a distance, but that giant nonetheless is a sweeping word.
The magnificent and mysterious presence, which is also different from when confronted with giant monsters, also makes me nod to the fact that it has long been admired in discovered and protected areas. Honestly, so much so that I forgot my name as Mona's amulet.
Naturally, but it's not going into the well either. It's the usual metaphor, but if it's this big, it'll be able to crush it from the inside out. Hmm.
Labyrinth City Central Aquarium.
That name does not mean that it is in the central compartment, but rather the most and central as an aquarium. Other aquariums are quite splendid, but only the best and their size is isolated. Place patterns called tourist compartments Although tourists tend to be deprived of other facilities, many things can only be seen here, such as supermassive tanks, cutting-edge shows, and aquatic organisms that have difficulty maintaining the environment for breeding. Sometimes the price of tickets and the research institute for marine life are set up together, and the hurdles are expensive to visit lightly, but I wanted to turn my back on my feet if I had the opportunity.
Today, in addition to the magazine interview, I used the tickets I received, and my last sister and I are visiting here. I'm finally babysitting. My second brother, who was to come with me, seems to have had plans for a date in thin air. It is dottakan.
Even in the sense of making sure I'm not weirdly affected by that de pervert, you'll need to cage me later for some reason.... I'll compromise you with about an ass bat because the whipping is just like that.
"Which is bigger than Mr. Monster your sister is fighting for?
"I don't know if this size is quite there"
Not so much as not at all, but it's the size you won't see until the layer we're reaching.
Even compared to the same aquatic organism, Serpent Dragon, there are considerable physiological differences. Too big to grasp and hard, but is it Mr. Gard's horseman, Grosgron, who is nearby? Not exactly, I guess, but they're both the same in the sense that it's hard to grasp the whole picture.
"Why are you so obsessed?"
"Why don't you ask him directly?
"Can you talk to Mr. Whale?
"I can't seem to do it directly, but if I record it on this machine, it seems to pass on"
"Ooh. I want to try!
This aquarium is only available in some tanks, but it allows you to communicate with fish and animals inside.
Nevertheless, to the extent that the vast majority respond somewhat because they do not understand human language, it is extremely partial that they respond using words. This giant whale seems to be the latter, and if he's not in a bad mood after all, he'll respond.
The tank is equipped with what appears to be conversational equipment and its simplified manual. There is also a keyboard for once, but the audio input doesn't seem to be a problem. However, I can't type in a very long conversation sentence either way.
It's an easy mechanism, but I'll do the manipulation instead that it'll be difficult for my little sister. Simple steps were taken and Mona began typing her voice toward the ready microphone, which was in a recording standby state.
"Whale, whale, why are you such a bitch?
The voice was converted into letters and displayed on the screen. He's not passing it on to his opponent at this point, but when he presses the outgoing button, he's passing it on to a whale traveling around in the tank. They say the response will also appear on the screen, not the audio. And I waited for a few seconds or so and came back with a really simple answer.
I don't know.
My sister raises her dissatisfaction, but surely the whale herself can't possibly know why the whale is so big. Being normal just makes it bigger, and that's normal for them.
But how does the whale side type? Look, it doesn't look like I'm doing anything special.
"Don't you think you want to go outside?
'No, especially. This tank is huge, and it's not free.'
Then I'll ask you a question too, but it's still not a good attitude. There are many animals in labyrinth cities that wield affection, but I guess that's not the type of guy he is.
"There may be unknown worlds waiting for you outside."
"I can come out on my own and come back on my own, so there's no unknown or shit."
"Oh, yes."
Apparently he was a whale who knew the ocean. It was unexpected.
"But when I look for my husband, I have to go outside."
And it wasn't even him.
and there was some unmeshing interaction, but my sister seemed to enjoy it with all her might.
"I'll be the aquarium breeder"
etc., is about to become a future professional candidate that is common in young children. From what I've seen today, the example whale and the ohsan shaw seem to be my favorites. Around that hobby is changing but I don't know, I guess we're still sisters.
I'm a babysitter, but the truth is I enjoyed it, too. I don't usually take my feet, but I feel that the plain image I had in the aquarium has been dispelled.
"Was that the pastry chef I was telling you about?
"Cake shop! He said he'd get some extra cake."
That would be the story of a cake shop near us. Even so, there is no distinctive store, but there is demand there because of its proximity to residential areas.
"And a kindergarten teacher!
Is Mona sensitive or he wants to be right on what he sees?
But there are no adventurers among them who are the floral forms of labyrinth cities. Not only that, but everything that seems to be highly competitive seems excluded.
Sometimes my oldest daughter is an adventurer, and the other siblings show a lot of interest, but Mona doesn't seem to be willing to do anything about it. Either way, I can feel you hating me.
I'm still a toddler, so I guess I'll change my mind in the future, but I couldn't imagine a bit of a future where my younger sister would be an adventurer after she hated strife in energetic weather.
I'm not going to force you because I am, and there's no point in doing so, but maybe it's a generation that doesn't admire adventurers any more than I did. That, in a way, could be described as the appearance of a new generation of mature labyrinth cities. Even though I was twenty years old, I feel a little older.
- I don't know about the frogs in the well.
It's a very current story, but the labyrinth city is a distorted city.
An adventurer from outside says he feels fear that common sense will rapidly be overwritten over time.
Productivity that can cover everything internally, even if it blocks interaction with the outside world, other than bringing in some adventurers. Extreme cover-up and disguise operations for the surrounding area. Although it is the formal leadership that does not exist, it even possesses the power of war that would win without any problems against everything but the Labyrinth City. I guess if you just don't do it, and you want to conquer the world, it will be easy. Initially, governing mechanisms such as countries and cities do not take this form, nor can they. Naturally.
Then if you ask what it is for those born in labyrinth cities, like me, the answer will come back that the large part is aware of being distorted. It is common sense that has been there since birth unchanged, but it is also common sense that it does not recognize it as the standard of the world.
It is a matter of learning within the scope of compulsory education that it is a strange form, and it is understandable to just think about it a little bit.
When they show footage of Wang Du in school classes, it's also a passing point to be stunned by so many differences. It is obvious by comparison, and there are civilizational differences that do not even make me want to go sightseeing. In addition, even that is somewhat filtered information, and the actual experience will make it even worse. … mainly about our cranmaster's (planned) experience.
For those from labyrinth cities, even the Wang capital connected on land is different worlds. That is why it is similar to the dragon world of starting to interact this time.
Labyrinth cities are distorted structures mainly due to the structure of the urban base.
In other words, groups of dungeons, including adventurers and infinite corridors, are the core of this city and the cause of distortion. Dungeon masters and operating mechanisms centered around the Four Gods are also, in the end, just the result of optimization to suit them in the root part.
The majority of the residents of the labyrinth cities living in it are supportive of the dungeon offensive and are adventurer reserves. Even if you are in a common industry, you may be involved in some adventurer. It is not enforced, but it is advisable to take an aptitude test if you are older than a certain age and, depending on the outcome, become an adventurer. Residents are also rooted in their desire to act as adventurers if they are also fit.
The Adventurer's School is at the heart of its talent development. Not the highest school as an academic. I don't get a degree. Just because you graduate doesn't mean you'll succeed as an adventurer. But it's definitely an institution for the development of elites in the heart of labyrinth cities.
No answer has yet been given as to whether that is in line with the original purpose envisaged by the Dungeon Master.
"I thought about it as a way forward when I went to high school, but it's too high a hurdle. I felt vague when I was a kid, sister. Feels like the image is getting clearer and clearer? Some guys tried in my class, but they ran out, but they failed miserably, and as far as the health measurement of the entrance exam is concerned, they're unlikely to meet half of the demands."
When I recently returned to my parents' house, conversations with my brother Mahong, who went to high school, raised such topics. Unlike my youngest sister, they put her on the list for once.
In fact, the tightest part of the entrance exam is the field survival of the second exam, not the academic test or the physical fitness test, but I guess it's not famous because there aren't many people who can get that far in the first place.
Adding to that, admission to Adventurer's School is a high hurdle. Some items are exempt from rollover from the included preschool, monologue specialization, or if you have a recommendation, but there is no significant difference in the final hurdle. Many people, like my brother, think of it as a substitute for high school exams, but it is inherently so much so that it is said that it is the normal route to re-enter after college.
"Your sister was one of the top of those guys, wasn't she? I'm not sure why he fired me, but he's been active since his debut."
It is a terrible misconception even though it is within me.
"No, no, I didn't fire you. In the first place, Arc Saber hasn't quit yet."
"It is. But you're active, aren't you? Look, it's in this magazine, and I'm gonna ask you for your name on TV."
Although coverage of lower and intermediate adventurers was largely blocked in < Arc Sabre > due to the large factors that hindered adventurer development, such rules do not exist when operating externally. In addition, it is obvious that coverage will be focused on topical clans like ours. And I am sure that I often respond to it. And the manager.
There are others who seem to be able to do it, but many do not want to be on the table, and there is a certain S who wants to get out but socially handles theatre. At first glance...... no, there are many tangled and hard people to know deeply, so there would be some reason why it would be easy to talk to me without difficulty. I'm from a labyrinth city, so there might be a reason.
Thanks to increased visibility, the more healthy beverages we have developed, the better. Even though it doesn't contain ingredients of my origin, "Moyenne juice" has become a product name, but let the retailer tell me that it is easy to understand.
… Apart from that powdered beverage thing, I can say that my own visibility is higher than it was when I was the main < arc saber >.
"It's just that my de pervert tells me I'm not talented as an adventurer."
But I have to wonder what it's like when it comes to the adventurer industry at heart.
It would be relatively active compared to other adventurers and synchronisms, but that's only a story at the moment. I don't think I'm top notch, and I'm on trial and error to see if I can be top notch.
Looking from the outside, like my brother, it's hard to see the difference between the real thing and anything else. Whatever, because even the parties are hard to notice.
"If you're not a sister and talented, you're talking about what happened to the other adventurers. No, I know you're amazing in a lot of ways where you have a sister."
That de pervert is saying is far from the adventurer statue commonly held by residents of labyrinth cities, so I'm not going to be humiliated there.
It's just that those who are above us… especially those who continue to reign on the front lines are certain to have that talent. The difference there is that if I were a talented adventurer, I would have faced the wall sooner or later, and I could have just been baptized.
At that time, being left behind, I was thinking of the torture staircase as if it were a path to escape the well. There can't even be a staircase in the well, but I guess that's what a circular stage called a spiral staircase leading up with me being poked at the words and squatting under the stairs made me feel. Then again, the same applies [between the spires], requiring them to even go up. That's how I waited ahead for the fake pervert. Mr. Lotte says it's just a coincidence, but it's an overdone situation.
That's how I understood my limitations through that trial. I feel a little over it, but the exit of the well is far beyond what it looks like, and I just look up in the body of a still short frog.
I know the limits. So what we're going to do next is compromise on its limits, or force it to break its shell?
It would be easier if we compromised. Because the only talent protected by shells can unfortunately be demonstrated in it.
Breaking the shell, on the other hand, carries risks. There is no guarantee that the contents can withstand the unknown outside, and there is no guarantee that they will fly. In the worst case scenario, they could destroy their talents and destroy themselves.
I chose to break the shell. There is no right answer to that choice, only one's own responsibility.... Unfortunately, the results are not yet known.
"Well, you can't just burden your sister, 'cause I'm gonna be able to make some quick money too.... There's still a lot down there."
"Graduate straight to college. When it comes to money... honestly, I make more money than I did when I was in Ark Sabre, and I expect it to continue to double."
The welfare of the labyrinth city is plentiful, but it does not protect all the lives of its inhabitants.
Blah, the tuition is expensive, especially with the stance that only those who really need it learn about higher education. Not everyone has access to that scholarship system. In my case, dreams, talent and profits meshed without having to make a choice, but that's a rare example.
It would be my sister's heart to want to expand her options for her younger siblings if possible. At least, I want to avoid the fact that I can't go to school because I don't have the money.
"From outside of adventurers, it's already a high-income area.... awesome"
I don't deny it, but in my case, it's a big part of what blesses the environment.
Regardless of the major equipment, all expendable items with a heavy cost burden are handled, and the reliability in the name of Dr. Ladine's exam can be used with more than the latest items, not so much as < Arc Sabre >, but there are actually many sponsors.
There are plenty of opportunities even in action to work out… or perhaps harsh enough not to look at examples in past labyrinth cities. Nature and Dungeon Attack will also have many opportunities because there is no one else I can scout if I say so at last. Mr. Corgolo, who is likely to become an understudy in the future, has also just debuted, and my standing is unlikely to change for a while.
That way, naturally, you earn more. I don't think I'll be bothered with the tuition for my younger sisters.
- Kangaroos in jail will resume at dawn -
"Totally irrelevant, but my sister bought me a T-shirt in Stock Disposal City before. Kangaroo's going to start again."
"Uh, you know"
It really doesn't matter at all. I just bought it for my brother because it happened to be in my eyes that Mr. Watanabe used to wear it. Anyway, it was a hundred yen.
If you peek into my brother's magazine, it says' Dirty Bonard II, the drug king who rises from prison '.
Or what magazine is this? What are you reading?
- Contempt for Leviathan shallow sea fish lurking in the deep sea -
When I was young, I fell in love with myself as a genius.
In me at the time, there was only recognition of 'genius' as a degree of excellence who jumped through and was talented. I thought that was the case with the good grades in the class, the fast legs, the good singers and the exceptionally good results in each area. That's why I mistakenly assumed that I was, too.
I understand everything quickly and have good memory. The motor nerves were also good out of the crowd and there were no subjects around to compare.
That's the same with enrollment in Adventurer's School, and at some point, Speed Star gained such a title skill that he could stand up from around. Now I think those two names are embarrassing, and I think they were embarrassing at the time. I mean, I knew it was embarrassing. What is this title skill?
I went to the solid and was on the diagram. I was overconfident I could do anything.
As a student, it's natural that it can't be extended to full-time adventurers, but once they debuted, they thought that if success was promised, they could go unconditionally to the same place as the heroic Mr. and Mrs. Growentina at the time.
Similar to the uniform of the time, it is the one called Black History, which is unexpectedly remembered and bored.
Those overconfidences were easily fogged by touching the so-called authenticity.
He was instantly killed by Mr. Sword Blade in a battle exam he took after he was scouted... OK. It's been a long time since you can't win, and that guy and the other clanmasters are different people on the stage. I don't see how anyone who hasn't become an adventurer can help but resist.
The problem was closer to home.
He was defeated by a boy who continued his research without debating even if he qualified as an adventurer.
She continued to smoke even though she was youngest and tried, and was overtaken by a girl who didn't try to walk herself out.
The opponent is a student of the same Adventurer School, far younger. Even if they weren't willing to do that, it was enough to crush their cheap pride.
Furthermore, it seems that for two people far younger than myself, I was similar to a roadside stone.
It's not disrespectful. He didn't behave like he was a senior at school. Interpersonal communication is normal, even if it is slightly biased. But as an adventurer, I guess I was overlooked. As the vast majority of adventurers did, so I was also included in a hundred categories.
I don't think so now. Anyway, I was really a frog in the well at the time, and even dumber enough not to notice it. I was complacent that I could do anything without looking outside and just within the frame.
Graduate and join < Arc Sabre > as originally planned. Most of the joiners in the same period have the same face as Adventurers School. Those who continue to maintain outstanding grades and, furthermore, have been recognized as adventurers since before graduation.
In doing so, he accumulated an outstanding track record as a runaway adventurer. Junior Rank Adventurers don't stand out because of Arc Sabre's policy that it's time to build up basic power anyway, but they had a real sense of growth for that matter. That can be said to be more than enough smooth sailing.
But I was also certain that one by one I could see my ceiling. If we keep going like this, we'll be top notch, but we need to get to the super top notch we were aiming for.
'You're an alley. You're a discerning elite. Then it's Sekiyama who's catching up with us now. "
By then, I understood what Mr. Sword Blade was trying to say.
In the end, I'm only a very good new adventurer. It would sound like complacency, but it wasn't more than that.
If you work out, you can keep up with the current top. That assessment means that you have been recognized as having first-rate talent, but at the same time it means that you are not a genius beyond that.
Two younger seniors or the top adventurers I once admired float behind my brain. Not only are they different from me who can only do what the textbook says to those who keep running the line right now. There can be no comparison between those who go unprecedented wilderness and those who walk paved paths. It is normal to travel faster because there are easy walking paths available.
But I didn't know how to get over the difference there. Those who learn only the optimal solution, manualized by precedent, have no idea what to do.
So it can be said that the opportunity came from the other side.
'That is why I order you to leave under the authority of the Clanmaster. Go play outside for a second.'
It was a development I didn't expect.
But there are trips to another clan, but that's more than intermediate. There is no precedent in lower ranks like mine. In other words, it is a special case. The story itself was interesting, so I accepted it honestly, but I wouldn't have been able to say no at the time I was told the story. Later on, I looked it up, and the party I belonged to had already been restructured, after rooting for every aspect of the clan.
It may have turned out well, but there's more to it than force.
... so the tumultuous days begin.
Honestly, if you showed me who I am six months ago, I wouldn't be able to understand much of the difference.
I'm not surprised or disappointed, I simply don't understand. Too different to see how it got to that thought.
It is hard to say that I myself at the present time know all about how things have changed. Little by little... but the truth is that this happened at some point after repeatedly touching on events that shook my values. So much so that all the turning points I've experienced so far have been vivid and harsh. You can call it spectacular.
And there are probably more intense experiences ahead of us than that. I understand that's the way I chose to go.
... somehow the most recent problem is the collapse of the world. If you don't swallow it, you'll die, so there's nothing else than understanding.
- Break the passing Watanabe well -
The person named Watanabe Tsunami, where we are leaders, is a difficult person to appreciate.
At first glance, he looks like a mediocre boy. Physical stature and height are above average, but not uncommon for adventurers.
Not the type to pull around with intense leadership.
It's likely to be misunderstood that I've been diving through the fierce battles so far, but my strength as a warrior hasn't jumped through so much, and technically it would be up there or down there at best.
I know it's an interesting personality, but if it's just the strength of AK, the faces around it are much more intense.
Although it has changed, it does not leave every area if it is only the part that is normally evaluated.
The phrase 'you can actually tell if you're relative', which is often said on bulletin boards, is not a metaphor or anything, but a hard person to appreciate from the outside anyway. If those with no direct knowledge saw it only on the documents, they would not understand and be confused as to why such a background had been created.
But I can assure you no if anyone asks me if I can be the representative of a clan that will be launched in the future besides Mr. Watanabe.
It might come together if we cut it off on a party-by-party basis, but we wouldn't be able to lead the whole thing.
The trust of letting them do something about any crisis situation. The track record of actually doing something about it is a difficult talent as a clanmaster.
If I know the circumstances in depth, I will know that it is due to the impact of the gift, but I don't think that's all. Not only me, but probably everyone feels that way.
I wonder if Watanabe Tsunami exists even further and more intrinsically than gifts and skills.
On second thought, I'm younger, but I don't have that impression at all. Instead, the older Mr. Tilia looks more like his sister.
[Kugelschreiber cabin]
"Things are unusual now that I did that. Don't you think Mr. Watanabe is overburdened?
"... I see. So he came to talk to me."
Mr. Sarjes nods with a strange face.
The face is serious in itself, but completely naked. Maybe I'm the one who suddenly pushed it, but it would be worse not to go into conversation and get dressed.
I am not here now, but would it be nice if I were in the same room as Mr Berenvar? Don't they care if their roommates are naked with the brave men of the other world?
Well, now I'm not even willing to point it out.... I'd rather be happy to point it out, so abandonment is the best solution here.
"Yuki often acts with Watanabe, so if there's anything he can do, he'll act voluntarily. Then I thought I'd talk to you about partying from the beginning."
On the basis of the ratings previously given to us by Mr Lieselotte, Mr Yuki and Mr Sarjes were treated differently.
I don't want to come too close to myself, but I won't be able to discuss Mr. Watanabe.
"Truth is, I was also concerned about the burden of leaders. I think a lot of other people think the same. However, the problem that leaders currently have is that there is a huge element that they can't help without, so it's hard to get their hands on."
"Well, yes, but I thought that's why there's a part of me that's out of sight."
"... I see"
The point is, the problem that we can deal with without Mr. Watanabe is the suggestion that we try to do something about it here.
In fact, there must be a lot of areas that are out of sight when the burden is concentrated so far. Even if not, we can afford the status quo, so if there's anything we can do, we should just spread the burden.
The dedicated bulletin board I've been using for some time is still alive, but I'm sure there are parts of it that I haven't touched. I'm not asking, but it should be different just to talk to you in person.
"Not so uncomfortable, but Mr. Sarjes has been very popular lately."
I get the impression that the oddity has decreased less than before.
"Really?... Didn't Moyer just get used to it?
"Haha, such an idiot..."
No, stupid. If you think about it carefully, why are you having a conversation with a naked man as usual?
But for this de pervert, this can also be called routine... Speaking of which, I feel like this was already the norm when challenging the Castle of Blood... Are you saying you shouldn't train?
"In the meantime, as there doesn't seem to be a problem with that, I'm putting it on hold..."
"No, there must be a problem. Ugh!?"
Not good. Even worse now. It's not about the crisis of chastity or anything like that. It's pointless to worry about that to this man opponent, but isn't it bad for a woman to be talking about it in front of a naked man and being extremely obvious? I feel severely contaminated.
"... Well, I know what to say about this. When we go to different worlds in real life, we can feel that the goals that we thought were far away are approaching… maybe we're standing still."
"Though I thought you were someone who didn't really have those feelings."
Other than perverse behavior.
For example, if you're heralded "I'll torture you in an unknown way tomorrow," I can also understand this man standing up. But other than that... I don't know how distressed you are if you're serious, but it's Mr. Sargess who's calm.... No, is that what goals and things are about?
"Even so, it's not directly related to the world of dragons."
But the look and voice color of Mr. Sarjes, who says so, is serious and not the same as when he's saying those things. No, I'm naked.
"May I ask if I may?
"Fine. I'm not going to talk to you, but I'm not hiding it."
It was a difficult goal to understand in my values to be told without the way I cared.
I want to know the results of my previous life. Whatever your interest is to some extent, you will only understand it in person when it comes to making it your goal in life.
None in return for the effort involved. I only get enough to convince myself. A goal in life or something like that, but looking at the whole adventurer would be a heterogeneous goal. Even considering the abnormality of Mr. Sarjes.
… or there may not have existed anything else that would have been the target.
"What if the result was undesirable…"
"Whatever as far as I'm concerned. All I'm asking for is convincing, so I have nothing else to want but confirmation of the results. However, as far as the history of the planet is concerned in labyrinth cities, I guess you've never done well as a nation. It's no surprise the man collapsed just after he was executed."
"... right. We're also talking about what we did well with, but it's unlikely we'll even be able to maintain the state."
In the first place, objectively, it doesn't make sense for Mr. Sarjes to be executed. Because the hunted down people are just searching for the killer and gassing for a reason that looks like it.
Perhaps we can also imagine that most of the people involved in the revolution were eventually executed. And executing a leader's only existence is the same thing as dropping his own neck, and there is no way he can maintain the system. Except with a great man like Napoleon, the situation would be far worse than the French Revolution.
"Turning back, I'm in favor of reducing the burden on leaders. Wash it here too for any changes, problems or discomforts you wouldn't miss if it were normal. It could also increase the burden on leaders as a result, but better than to miss it."
"Yes, because I want to avoid missing out in situations that could be fatal if I make a one-handed mistake"
It's not funny how the world collapses as a result of missing something.
"Are there any other issues that specifically concern you? If there is, I'm going to talk to you first."
"For now, I'm curious about two more things. One of them is Mr. Sargess... there's something I don't know about looking into.... Who were you after all with an outside friend that you were seeing on New Year's Eve?
I've only heard about it, but I hear Mr. Sarjes canceled his first appointment for some reason and was meeting with a friend from outside the labyrinth city. Watanabe and the others seem to have gone through, but getting into the city from the outside should be fairly scrutiny that time of year.
"Oh, it's Pharaoh, the Wind Beast God"
"... what?
The name came up so unexpectedly that it solidified. I'm not familiar with the Beast God thing, but isn't that someone I can't easily call my friends?
"Um, Mr. Moyer was out of his seat when we talked about it before. As a matter of fact, when I was wandering the Dark Continent, I got to know him and I was in the mood."
"What part of the world do you think I'm in with you..."
"His god seems to be dos, which is why he was interested in my mazo research. When I arrived on New Year's Eve, I guided him through a variety of trials to give protection to the beasts under his command."
"Uh, yes."
It also feels like a flag that Mr. Gaul will be badly eyed for some reason, but for now it doesn't seem to matter.
"Is one more me?
"No, is the other Mr. Tilia? Example" Playback. "
"Oh, you do care a little"
As in the case of Hatsumomo, the discomfort is uncomfortable, although it is trivial that I do not think is directly related to this case.
"When I asked lightly, it was a breeze that I didn't really understand, but I still can't wipe the discomfort, so I thought I'd explore a little more."
"Then I'll leave that to Mr. Moyer. If there's anything you don't know about the geography and terroir of the empire, it might help. Because you wander quite extensively."
Apparently, Mr. Sarjes is also familiar with areas such as those called the periphery of the Empire and minorities living behind the mountains. That's also knowledge based on the experience I actually visited. Mr. Tilia has a missing part, so that knowledge might help.
"I'll start asking around men. I'll talk to you after this whole training."
"We still have time to train, but yeah"
It would be quicker to talk in a place that would certainly gather than to look onboard.
Although it is a very unfortunate story, Mr. Sarjes in these serious modes is reluctant. Even in this state all the time, that seems to be a problem again.
"You! Wait, that's how it works"
If I thought so, an official caught me in the hallway. It came out extremely naturally, but if you leave the room naked, you can also be stopped.
Left Mr. Sarjes taken to the security room, I headed straight to the training ground.
... This poisoning method may not be good.
It's called the Affidavit.
Overall training that Senior Dirk suggested. The trump card I showed Watanabe there was extremely difficult for me to understand.
After the training we were shown again, too, so much so that we had the feeling that 'Ah, it's my worst field'.
I am also convinced that I showed Watanabe ahead of time for now. Of course, it's not something you would wear overnight, but surely Watanabe would be the only one who could possibly achieve it by chance or miracle. I'm not talking about aptitude, but about doing something unexpected.
The overall impression was that Yuki and Gaul, who usually move with sensory emphasis, showed some understanding, and those who think first with Dr. Ladine at the head, were definitely leaning their necks. In that sense, I don't think Senior Dilk is a good area, but the fact that he can use it may mean that I can use it.
... No, I wonder. To use this, I need a strong self that I can assume is more right than common sense by the extreme. Honestly, I feel more hurdled than any of the previous unscrupulous challenges.
And Ms Tilia, classified in one way or another as the latter, had one different reaction.
It's similar to being inclined to the neck, but that's more of another than incomprehensible… an atmosphere where you can't remember what's known, for example.
"What's wrong?
"Oh, no... what is it? I feel like I know what this feels like... like I'm getting out to my throat."
It is also unclear whether that is the Affidavit itself or the consequent reversal of common sense.
In the meantime, I was relieved that we were not talking about making a common sense alteration to the oak.
"This isn't my original, so maybe Mr. Gard knew. The Spirit of the Stars seems to have it."
"Master... Was... hmm"
Mr. Tilia roars with her neck twisted until critical as a skeleton.
I can't even confirm it in the absence of the person, but if it doesn't appear in the skill section, it's also a possible story. Even though he's a disciple, he wouldn't be at this stage of teaching skills that don't make sense.... but would you forget to look at these skills?
"I'm not going to forget if it's such an impressive skill."
"I'll forget it. Now it is recognisable because it is immediately after use, but when the altered common sense returns, to some extent, every existence of the Affidavit spreads. If you don't recognize it, you may not remember it even if you've seen it."
Since what I saw is foreign in itself, do you mean to try to undo it? The more I hear, the more annoying my skills are.
I get the impression that it's close to inhibiting the perception of labyrinth cities... but that should have been a silo thing too I don't know.
Either way, the whole training ended with leaving Mr. Tilia, who tilted his neck in vain. As far as I'm concerned, this is the harder part because we're talking about training for "information magic" as long as we can on the move.
Mr. Tilia leaned her neck all the way back to her room.
I'm in the same room, so I don't need to call or visit again to talk about examples.
There was no rush, so we talked after getting ready for bed. There was an empty part of the matter earlier, but Tilia agreed without any particular reluctance.
"I don't have a problem with that, because I do, too."
"It helps."
Nevertheless, this is a topic that we have confirmed on a chat level before. Sometimes we don't have enough information to go deep. So this time I was going to complement the information from a little further away.
"We have prepared a map of the Empire, shall we follow from Mr. Tilia's background"
The general background of adventurers who worked externally is passed on to labyrinth cities through adventurer guilds everywhere.
In Tilia's case, it is viewable if you are an adventurer of something that is not open to the public, so it can be verified without having to obtain permission from the person.
However, all I can tell by that is the base-level story, and the only information I have undertaken as a job. In the case of adventurers, there are few opportunities to travel around the city, such as escorting traders, and the way to get around is often on foot, so there is a way out. So the first thing to fill is the base transfer applications and activity records that remain in each Adventurer's Alliance. I will put those dates on a map prepared for you.
If you look at it this way, you can see that it travels around quite a bit, albeit within the Empire alone.
"Since my countryside is also a border, there was no criterion for where to base it, was there? Also, there were many unwelcome places because there were few female adventurers."
"Oh... it's not a job usually done by women, is it?"
Even adding to those circumstances is a pretty heavy range of travel.
Just order one or two guild jobs and never stay in one location for long periods of time. This is more of a traveler than an adventurer.
"Outside, I hear it's normal to get a day job or something, but you didn't get that kind of job?
"So is the adventurer industry itself, but the external person, that's also a woman, is really a necklace... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I had nowhere to hire you."
"… so I fell in search of work, so"
"It seemed better than me, but Lilica seemed to be under similar circumstances."
I don't know what's going on, but it's a tough story.
"And then this is where the orcs nearly killed you."
"... why so many"
No, I know why, but I had to go in.
Tilia pointed out the whole point empire...... distributed to some kingdoms.
Guild records show a lot of failed requests only when the oak is involved...... or devastating. Even though I have a history of crusading the top monsters, I didn't know that it would be so tragic just because of the ingrained sexuality.
... No, I can't count just asking for an Alliance. This is a raid to the point where it's irrelevant.
"The request for an oak exorcism was actually a goblin - and all those false alarms, and occasionally you come to kill me with or without a real one, right? If it weren't for my companion, he'd probably be dead. As far as I'm concerned, there's a situation where the party is destroyed and I'm the only one imprisoned..."
"No, I don't mind talking about oak. I've heard it many times."
[(', ω, …)]
"Why do you have an emoticon display board for Mr. Chimera..."
Very much now, but why do you want me to talk about it? Even though they tend to be distant just because of someone else's sexuality, they have trouble being asked about such a special sexuality with joy.
"... Again, there are many blank periods when you look at it this way"
"You travel most of the time. Some cities have not received a request even if you stop by, or if you don't have a request..."
Even including such memorable ranges of information, the blanks are noticeable. Most are travel periods, but many seem to have forgotten the details.
There is also a good period of time available for the first confirmation of the Renewal and for the use of the Church before it. In addition, it can be narrowed down to a certain extent in order of skill acquisition and at a time when "Regeneration" seems to have been activated physically, but is still obscure.
Occasionally or unluckily, it would be a problem not to stop in a big city at a time that seems applicable, but to be rolling over the mountain ranges of the northern part of the empire.
"This time of year, I was asked to exterminate the nest of monsters distributed throughout the mountain range. It was rare to pay half the price in advance and the request fee itself was good, but there was a pretty long detention period."
I see. The wider the range, the longer the period can snort.
"Some nests were half dungeoned, so it turned out not to be a very tasty job. I survived in the mountains about half the time, so it wasn't as good as Mr. Leader's, but it was an experience that seemed like it would return to the wild. And this mountain range seems to have very little oak environmentally."
It would be odd to just have the experience to compare it to that guy.... and I don't need to bother adding information on the missing oak.
"It just doesn't mean you got hurt badly at this time, does it? If you're going to learn to play, that's what it's like to have an experience."
"It seems to me that people who are fit to die are finally experiencing it."
If you see something like that outside of a normal labyrinth city, you can't start over before you've mastered your skills. The exception is about Mr. Watanabe.
"How did you get the supplies?
"It's not on this map, but there are quite a few settlements. Since the settlement was a joint request, it wasn't so much trouble except for equipment."
Apparently, it's a settlement not listed at the map level of the territory.
If you look at a more detailed map instead of what we have prepared this time, it will certainly scatter settlements, but it doesn't have a name. If you ask me, there are only about double digit residents everywhere, which means that even if they are registered in the territory, they are not large enough to give them a name.
"You have more settlements. I just don't remember the exact location, but it should have been about twice as good on this map."
There will be cases where residents there are unregistered even if they are recognised. There is also the possibility of tax measures.
I do... what, this discomfort?
"There should also have been a good number of settlements in the large blank area around here... or the biggest settlement around here... so we had a massive crusade..."
"It would be weird for the biggest settlement to be leaking.... What's up?
Mr. Tilia was staring at a point on the map and solidifying.
"Massive crusade... yes... if it's massive, it's not weird to have more adventurers and mercenaries... that..."
"If it's such a big request, you're not alone, are you, Tilia?"
Activities in the mountains, and so extensive, even labyrinth city adventurers would not be able to cover them all. You should need a good number of people even if you have a local person and a base of activity.
But there's something wrong with Mr. Tilia. I wonder if that's what you mean.
"No... more than that... oh, fuck... wait a minute. Mr. Moyer... didn't you even do this story before in the first place?
"What? No, it should be my first ear. I went all the way to the store to buy this map.
- That's when I recognized that the world was distorted.
...... weird. I did buy the map, but that was the first big mess I used and I shouldn't have kept such detailed maps at the store.
I took it out extremely naturally. Was it in the Item Box? There's a map that's going to have a limited use like this?
In the first place, why didn't you question the fact that you had this stuff?
"... this is it. The identity of discomfort"
The look on Tilia's face is as strong as the point was made. It didn't take long for me to realize that was what I was saying during the Affidavit.
On a good note, multiple 'positive' letters on the edge of the map. Perhaps that's what I wrote, indicating how many times.
... right. It's weird from the first place.
Even before the scale of the story grew until the collapse of the world, there's no way I wouldn't touch on the topic of "regeneration" so suspicious. There are stories that Mr. Gard cared about, so even on a chat basis, he just can't be done with a "I don't know" word. Even though I had time, Watanabe couldn't have asked.
It's different from the premise.... I didn't ask, "I forgot the majority of what I heard".
"Not good..."
Not good. Not good. Not good.
Intense chills that transmit the back. The ambiguous discomfort switches to red flags.
I was able to recognize this probably because I touched even one end of the common sense alteration of the Affidavit.
If we leave it like this, we lose this memory, too. Right now, I feel like I'm falling apart. Nanica, something I don't understand is falling off zero.
I know sensibly. I understand. I don't even know how it relates to the status quo, or in the first place, but this stuff can't be mine. It is a matter that must not be left unattended.
"Yes... then we were wiped out. The very existence of the village disappeared"
Is there any way to open it? Is there any way I can get it back if I forget?
Even the letter "positive" is probably a bitter tactic. If there was such a convenient way, you couldn't have tried it.
"... me, dead?
Is this an Affidavit? Are you saying that the world has changed now, mainly Mr Tilia?
That can't be right. It can't be such a limiting interference. This is more massive, anchored from the backbone of the world. That's why there's been a shake back to the "normal state" where nothing happened.
No, I can't resist. The world will be rewritten...... to be modified.
It can't have the power to resist paranormal things like world change. If I could use the Affidavit here, it would be impossible to resist.
All I could do in the time I had left was increase the number of positive images.
The world changes. The world returns. Leave an oversized mine and the look on Mr. Tilia's face like a peek at the bottom of despair.
Lonely knights lose nanica
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