If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


Weeks passed, with Momonga researching about who were the people I vaporized, and with me doing research of my own about other stuff, like what other things had changed since I became this, I wanted to know about my body, what else was… difference. And with little research, I had discovered… was going on, at least on a surface level, as a fallen one, the seven deadly sins were affecting me, which would make sense considering how I had been reacting to some stuff.

I felt every single deadly sin with flaming strength, wrath, pride, lust, sloth, envy, gluttony, and greed, every single one of them affected me, some in a greater manner than others, lust, wrath, and pride being the principal ones. With Albedo, I felt lust, and during my fights, I felt Pride and Wrath, with my hoard of items, I felt greed… and on and on.

"I suppose it was to be expected," I chuckled.

"Alastor-sama," Solution, who was my maid for this week, said as she entered my room bowing.

I looked at her, and smiled, "Yes?"

"Momonga-sama would like to speak with you," Solution replied, as I wondered why the fuck didn't he use the message function to contact me.

"Tell him I'll be there in a bit," I replied.

"As you wish, Alastor-sama," Solution smiled, bowing before she left.

[Hey Skeletor, why the fuck did you send Solution to summon me when you have the message function?] I said.

[Skele… I will never understand your references, and about that, I didn't plan to send her, Demiurge did] Momonga replied with a chuckle.

[I see, very well… so… what's the summon about?] I asked.

[I want to discuss something… about how to proceed in this world] How to proceed… ohhhh, I know, he wants to change his name to Ainz, I see… we got to that point, intriguing.

[You want to change your name to Ainz Ooal Gown, right?] I grinned on my side.

[How… did… nevermind…. But yes, though more accurately I want to discuss who amongst you and me should change our names] Momonga elaborated.

[You] I replied without missing a beat, I liked my name.

[You sure… we both rule Nazarick, and I don't want to… abuse of your trust] Momonga replied.

[I think you represent that name better, and besides, Alastor is a sexy name… so, go ahead, be Ainz] I chuckled.

[I… very well then, I shall be Ainz then] Momonga laughed.

[Besides, Ainz Ooal Gown represented all of our guild, when we were together…. Now… that's gone, what represents us… the Nazarick, that name… no loner holds any value to me] I added.

[The Tomb of Nazarick is our guild now, right?] Momonga added, his tone a bit sad.

[Yes, and Ainz Ooal Gown is nothing but a reminder, we are here alone] I replied.

[Sometimes you can be pretty deep] Momonga...no, Ainz said.

[I have my moments] I chuckled, [ Besides, I know why you want to be called Ainz Ooal Gown, is to spread the name of our guild… to see if there are other people… other players around, right?]

[Yes] Ainz replied.

[I thought as much…] I smiled.

[You sure, you don't want to be the one to be Ainz Ooal Gown?] Ainz asked, again. [I don't mind, really]

[Ainz, why bother being a king when I can be a God?] I chuckled, [Be the king of Nazarick, and I'll be the God, deal?]

[That seems exclusively beneficial for you] Ainz laughed, [Very well, oh mighty God of Nazarick, deal]


[Zesshi Zetsumei POV]

Kaire had recruited the entire black scripture to hunt a single man and this… excited me, was this target the man destined to impregnate me, the man destined to rule over me, the thought of it… made my blood boil with anticipation, no matter what race… what age, or what he was… if he was stronger than me, if he defeated me, I would be his.

"He defeated the sunlight scripture Zesshi, don't get too excited," The captain of our little playgroup said.

"Yeah, but a girl can dream, right? Besides, if this man proves to be weak, he will simply die like the rest of them, right?" I replied with a smile, normally I wouldn't be excited about this, killing the sunlight scripture was nothing but a child's play, but… the fact the cardinal of fire himself ordered for us to hunt him and that our own cardinal Maximilian Oreio Lagier accepted our departure, well… all of this made the prospect of this man, being… very interesting.

"I suppose," the captain sighed.

"Foolish children," Kaire shook her head, "We are here to capture him, don't forget that.'

The captain bowed, "I apologize Kaire-sama,"

Capture, I wonder…. Will this man be a disappointment like the rest, or… the father of my future children, I can't wait to find out which.


[Shalltear POV]

I was jealous of Albedo, unlike her… I had yet to share a bed with the man of my dreams, Momonga-sama, I don't know how she did it, but to be ravished by one of the supreme beings, the one she loves… how much I envy her, this envy I felt got to the point, I was asking her… for advice how to seduce Momonga-sama.

"You can't give up!" Albedo cheered, "If Momonga-sama sees your determination, your undying love for him.. He like Alastor-sama will reward you with the greatest honor we as servants can possibly receive."

"Easy for you to say, Alastor-sama honored you almost immediately," I pouted.

"He saw my devotion, and so decided to pay me with his mighty… love," Albedo moaned.

At this I sighed, was it because of my small… assets Momonga-sama didn't honor me, perhaps I needed more filling, "No matter, I won't give up! Momonga-sama will honor me! I just know it!"

"That's the spirit!" Albedo cheered.

"What that hell did I just walk into," Fenrir asked, as he entered the bar.

"Girl talk, go away mutt," At this Fenrir growled.

"I apologize on her behalf Fenrir, she's just… sad, about some stuff," Albedo said, and Fenrir sighed.

"I will never understand females, so complicated…" Fenrir rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the bar, "Give me double pup whisky, on the rocks."

"Didn't I say go away!" I hissed.

"Don't tempt me, little girl, or I will bite," Fenrir growled.

"Shameful," That voice, Demiurge. "Yout two would bicker… risking the wrath of the supreme beings!?"

He was right, how could I be so blind, "I.. apologize, mutt."

"Whatever you say, slut," Fenrir replied with a small grin.

"I guess that's progress," Demiurge sighed.

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