If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


Weeks after Momonga changed his name, I announced I would go out and explore the world. I wanted to see the New World, and test the limits of my powers in the process, Ainz however didn't like this, he was afraid I would encounter an enemy stronger than me, and that because of my hubris I would die, frankly he had a point, there was always a chance I would encounter someone stronger than me, but if that happened, I would simply go back to Nazarick.

Anyway, after a long debate with him, he agreed to let me go without complaints if I took one or two guardians with me, which I was going to do, part of my plan was to infiltrate the nobles, and stuff. So I took Sebas, Fenrir, Lupusregina, CZ2I28Delta and Solution with me.

So here I was, in the middle of the Re-Estize kingdom, marveling at every little thing, wondering how exactly I would infiltrate amongst the nobles, after all, this was an idea in the rough.

And then it came to me, the best way to become a noble, was to marry one. Now the question was, who would be the pawn to take that step? I needed more information, what I remembered of the anime and the novels lacked substance, I needed more.

With that in mind, I started to move, sending CZ2I28 Delta to find any information about the nobles. While she did that, I went and bought a very nice estate close to the castle, using an illusion to trick the seller into thinking he had gotten his money. "This will do for now," I said, looking at the place, it was fancy, not as much as Nazarick but it would do for now.

"Alastor-sama," Sebas bowed, "If you permit, can we clean this place? To make it worthy of your presence?" At this I smiled, and nodded, why not. Right now we had time to burn.

"Sure, but… while we are exploring, call me, Mael," I ordered, not sure why… maybe playing pretend was fun.

"As you wish, Mael-sama," Sebas bowed, leaving to clean the mansion.

As the Pleiades and Sebas cleaned the house, CZ2I28 Delta arrived with a book, the book contained detailed information about the noble families and their position in the kingdom, "Very good CZ2I28 Delta," I praised, patting her on the head. "Now, go and assist the others with the clean up, while I take a read," I ordered.

Opening the book, I started to read about the nobles of this country, how important their families were, and which one would serve my purpose better. Did this mission have any importance? No, I was simply having fun, though, in the process I wanted to expand my influence to gather information about all the possible threats this world had to offer.

After reading for a while, a single noble amongst all the ones within the book stood up. Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, the third princess of the Re-Estize kingdom. "She will do," she would be my ticket to infiltrate the royalty of this country.

If I recall correctly she was kinda crazy, now let's meet her, "I will be out, guard the place for me, Fenrir," I ordered.

"Al— Mael-sama," Fenrir took a step forward, "I apologize for… not obeying immediately, but please let me accompany you… if you were to be hurt, and I wasn't there to protect you… please," he bowed.

"Don't worry, I won't be doing anything dangerous," I chuckled, "So wait for me here, okay?"

Fenrir looked at me, and nodded, "Very well, I will do as you command, Mael-sama," I could tell he wasn't happy with my choice, but I honestly wanted some alone time.

"Be right back," I waved at him, as I walked out of the mansion. "Now, to meet the Harley Quinn wannabe," I grinned, summoning my wings for flight.


Once I was on the skies it took me five minutes to find the princess, and when I did I entered her room, and with Magic silenced everything within that small domain, impressive enough she wasn't scared, no… she was intrigued. "Hello," I greeted with a faint smile.

"Is this how I die?" Remarkable, even with her limited human mind, she could tell I was beyond anything she could stop, she didn't even question who I was, or why was I here.

"No," I shook my head, amused at her reaction. "Why would I kill… such a useful pawn,"

At this she smiled, a wicked smile if I say so myself, a smile that only a psychopath could sport, "What use do you have for me?" No resistance, not hesitation… she was submitting without a fight, this girl was very intriguing.

"I have an experiment, I want to run down, and for that… I need to be a noble," I replied.

"And I am the gate to that end," Renner smiled, "You want to marry me? Is that my use, to be the door to the noble world and your whore?"

"My whore? Don't flatter yourself human," I hissed, "I have no use for you in that manner, I find the idea disgusting." Me? Bedding a mortal?! Laughable! I would never dirty myself with her… wow, talking about wrath, taking a few seconds to calm down, I said, "All I need from you, is to be my… pretend wife, while I run my experiments all over the kingdom, and in exchange… I will grant you a wish,"

"I want two things," Renner smiled, "One, I want to be something else… something not human, and two… I want to keep someone alive, someone of my choosing, is that alright?"

Impressive, she knows it is possible for humans to become something else if someone powerful enough is in the middle, "Very well," I nodded, "You will get your rewards after your end of the deal is completed." I added with a tone of finality.

"I understand," Renner nodded.

"My name is… Mael, remember that," I told her, before I flew out of her room. What an interesting girl, her soul is rotten to the core, she would fit well in Nazarick.

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