Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2305: The gap between the people and the county

Chapter 2305, the gap between the people and the county

The peach gave her a white look: "I believe you have a ghost."

At night, the "giggle" laughed straight: "Little peach, say a good girl? How long has it been, you don't worship me?"

Peach will look up and down at night, and it is very serious to touch the chin: "The goddess or something, it is still far from the perspective. This close, the illusion is shattered."

The night is clear and the old Shih Tzu is heart-shaped: "Little peach, my heart hurts!"

Peach pulled out a yellow paper from his arms and stuffed it into the night: "Show you a message, and then slowly hurt after reading."

The paper was picked up at night and was about to look down.

Suddenly I heard the restaurant building not far from the front, and there was a huge crash.

Immediately, I heard a loud bang.

A black shadow hit the front door and window.

The main hall and the backyard are separated by a row of extremely nice windows and doors.

This collision, the shadow of the group, has been rolling a few times.

The smile on the peach face was on time.

At night, I also put away the paper in my hand, and looked up at the person who rolled on the ground and vomited blood.

It was a handsome young man who looked extremely thin and stunted.

These blood spurts out.

The teenager has already turned pale, as if he will be mad at any time.

Then, I saw a little girl in a green dress walking arrogantly.

"Small waste, just because you dare to scream in front of the group owner? The county lord will let you know today, the gap between you and the county!"

The little girl waved a long whip in her hand, arrogantly raised her head and pointed at the boy with arrogance.

The teenager squatted on the ground and looked up at the little girl's approach.

In his eyes, the valley full of survival is owed.

The body lying on the ground shivered slightly.

He is not willing, not willing to die like this.

However, he did not have the power to resist.

The little girl has come to the boy.

The proud little face is full of pride and contempt.

Raise his hand and scream at the boy with a long whip.


A scream, rang through the restaurant.


This scream is not from the boy’s mouth.


That girl!

At this time, it was time for dinner, and the restaurant was basically full.

The crowds on the crowd looked at the direction of the screams.

I saw the girl wandering on the ground, a luxurious robes, contaminated with dust on the ground.

The girl’s well-dressed hairpins were also scattered because they fell to the ground.

"Hello, you dare to take the initiative to the small county!"

The girl's guards watched that their masters were actually being beaten out, and immediately rushed forward to encircle the girls.

The girl looked at the sound.

I saw a girl standing in front of a red flame.

In the girl's hand, a black leather whip is pinched.

It looks like a heroic and magnificent person.

The girl’s gaze was fixed on the face of the red girl.

Huanren is so big in this moment.

"You...you! It's you!"

The girl yelled, and stood up from the ground with the support of the guards: "It's you! The wicked man who killed the mad brother!"

This girl is not someone else.

It was the night when Qing Li and Yu Wen’s madness first met, and they ran to see Yuwen’s crazy jokes. In fact, they were concerned about Yu Wen’s mad little county owner, Xia Lingling.

"The little county owner is so happy, do you not see the place?" The night clears the lips and smiles.

Xia Lingling saw the night clear, the new hatred and old hate all rushed in the chest.

(End of this chapter)

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