Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2306: Domineering side leakage small peach

Chapter 2306 Domineering side leakage small peach

She thought that in the past few days, Yu Wen was sick in bed.

I thought that I was cleared by the night and went out in public.

There is a clear hatred in the bottom of my eyes.


Xia Lingling hands akimbo, proudly raised his chin, staring at the night, extremely proud of the cold: "The county is the most favored little county owner of Beibei mainland! Where the county wants to teach you, Where do you teach you, who dares to disagree?!"


Light and sweet voice, with a touch of laziness.

The peach went to the front of the night, raised his hand and rubbed his long hair on his shoulder, and smiled at Xia Lingling.

Xia Lingling's face sank and glared at her: "Do you know who the owner of this county is! You dare to disagree with the people? Believe it or not, the county owner killed you?!"

The peach is slightly biased, and the smile on the corner of the mouth is not reduced: "Little county owner, I am the owner of the peach blossom restaurant. You are making trouble in my restaurant, and I am not allowed to disagree?"

"You...you are..." Xia Lingling naturally knows that this peach flower restaurant is the site of the three thousand mercenary regiments of Taohua, so he specially ran over to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, I actually met the owner of the Peach Blossom Restaurant today...

That is, the head of the Peach Blossom Three Thousand Mercenary Corps - Tao Tao!

This pottery peach actually stood on the side of the monk!

Sure enough, like the sister of Rong, this peach three thousand and the monk are a group!

For a long time, the War King House could not find the traces of the monks in the entire Beibei continent.

It is the peach blossom three thousand to help the monk, covering up the traces of everything!

"Tao girl, the monarch has always had a good relationship with the peach blossoms. The county magistrate is not willing to ruin the relationship between the peach blossoms and the royal family. Today, I also ask the Tao girl to see it!"

Xia Lingling grew up in the palace since childhood, and can walk to the present position, naturally not an idiot.

She is very clear about the status of peach blossoms on the rivers and lakes.

If it is for a monk.

Leading to the royal family and the peach blossoms are three thousand.

The monarch will surely blame her.

Her purpose is only that slut!

Unexpectedly, after Xia Lingling moved out of the monarch, the smile of the peach mouth, there is still no change.

Peaches looked at her like a smile, as if taunting her incompetence.

"You!" Xia Lingling has never suffered such aggrieved except in the Yuwen Mania.

Especially this time, it is still in front of so many people.

If Tao Tao does not give her face.

The prestige of her monarch was completely crushed into nothingness.

"The little county owner is a big fan, making trouble in my restaurant, insulting my friend, and letting me see it?" Tao Tao couldn't help but laugh.

With the look of looking like a fool, watching Xia Lingling: "The little county lord is very rude, I should not enter the palace, ask the monarch, ask this is the reason."

"Tao girl!" Xia Ling Ling anger shouted the name of the peach, "Do you insist on defending the monk?"

The peach has a sly eye and looks like a harmless little girl: "She is my friend, I naturally want to maintain it."

"You...you really are a group!" Xia Ling was so angry that he shivered.

She knows that it is definitely not wise to do it with peaches.

But just letting go of that monk, can she be willing?

Xia Lingling’s dawn, suddenly pointed to the boy who was lying on the ground, the boy who had been bullied by her: “This county lord gave you this face today, letting the monk a horse, but... this untouchable, The county owner must teach him!"

(End of this chapter)

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