Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2322: In what capacity, instead of the Dongpu County Lord, I apologize to me.

Chapter 2322, in what capacity, instead of the Dongpu County Lord, apologize to me.

"How do people from all continents, famous and promising people, ran to the north of the mainland?" asked the night clear face.

The peach is a glimpse, the beauty is big: "You... you don't know?"

"What do I need to know...?" The night was stunned and stunned.

She is on the mainland of Beibei, at least half a month.

Did you miss the news?

"The 50th birthday of the ancestral lord of the Northern Song Dynasty, just ten days later!" The peaches helped the forehead and shook his head with helplessness. "This news, the whole Beibei mainland has been rumbling, I thought I would not say, you Also know."


The night cleared, said, will it be too coincident?

As soon as she arrived in the mainland.

Not the sovereign birthday.

Is the selection of the Miao women...

Do you want to be so busy?

After hearing the second half of the peach, the night fell and shook his head decisively: "The whole thing that has spread in the Beibei mainland, I only know one...that is, the war kings searched the whole continent."

"They all came to the Sovereign to worship the life, but also by the way to explore, and now the Beibei mainland, the development of the situation." Peaches glanced in the direction of the lobby. "Now, there are many from the outside of the city. The people of the power, like the genius, the small county owner and the Dongpu County, will soon be sent to their mainland."

The night clearing the barren suddenly expanded: "That is, my face, this identity... once again known as the nirvana world?"

"You can say that." Peach nodded affirmatively.

Night clear: "..." Is she going to think about it and change her face again?

The peach suddenly hit her arm, and the mysterious smile said: "The saying is that Gu Shaozong's reputation in Nirvana is very good, graceful, gentle and elegant, and sincere, whoever sees him will not help. He has a good impression on him. He just saved you, or saved you with such a cool and cool appearance, you have no feeling of heart?"

Woman’s white, but I am handsome, can you look handsome?

"..." The peach is silent, shaking his head, "No."

"That won't have to." The night cleared, said that looking at A Xuan for a long time, other men, regardless of appearance, are slag!

Only A Xuan.

Just a shallow smile.

Can let her Su into the bones.

"But... even if you don't feel heart, you shouldn't hate it. It's hard to be annoying."

The hand of the peach pointed to the fine eyebrows that fell clear at night: "If you see the lord of Gu Shao, you will wrinkle in here."

The night shrugged.

Indeed, the person of Gu Jingyu, who is under the body, has a temperament that is as honourable as a prince.

No one can hate him.

This is his charm.

But, I don't know why.

At night, I always feel that there is something wrong with it.

Xu is really used to the charm of A Xuan.

And for other men, no matter what type.

She is completely immune.

The other men are in her eyes, but they are two eyes, a nose and a mouth.

There is no difference.

The two are talking.

Suddenly, a clear, low voice came from the ear: "Girl, only the rudeness of the county magistrate, I apologize to her for her, and hope that the girl does not care about her."

The night fell and turned immediately.

I saw Gu Jingyu looking at her with a faint smile and a sly smile.

A sincere face.

Aerial clearing wherein I couldn’t help but laugh: "Don't ask the son of the son of the Dongpu County to apologize to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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