Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2323: I am forgiving you for mercy.

Chapter 2323, I am forgiving you for mercy.

Gu Jingyu stared at the girl in front of her eyes.

He felt that the girl did not like him.

He is a bit surprised.

It can be said that so far, although he can't say that he has seen him, he will like him for no reason and get close to him.

But well, there is absolutely no feeling of disgust to him.

Even Gu Fengzong, a few brothers competing for power, have never burned the war to him.

He is extremely confident in his personality.

This is the first time he has felt unhappy in a woman's body.

It was so close to him at night.

For a long time, her eyes showed a mocking look: "It seems that the son is very keen on heroes to save the United States."

Gu Jingyu stunned and suddenly realized.

Warm and windy eyes, flashed a trace of fine mans.

He licked his lips: "The girl's observation is subtle."

Unexpectedly, this girl actually saw that he had no real feelings for Lan Lingnuo or Xia Lingling.

They are also reluctant to have too much involvement with them.

Only two are the owners of the two continents.

He can't break the relationship between the mainland.

The night cleared the words.

Also remind him.

If he really does not want to involve too much relationship with the two.

Don't pretend to apologize for both of them.

Otherwise, the two men may have thought that he would apologize to her for the sake of both of them.

It will only make Lan Lingnuo more and more entangled.

Of course, the night clearing is not a reminder of the kindness of Gu Jingyu.

If Gu Jingyu can't understand what she meant.

Or Gu Jingyu actually likes to use the woman’s affection for him and has achieved his goal.

It will not be too much to pay attention to the night.

"The two of them called me a brother, I naturally apologize to you as their brother." Gu Jingyu's warm water, like a sly warm water, bit by bit into the human heart.

He squatted and looked at Lan Lingnuo and Xia Lingling on the side of his eyes. He said warmly: "Girl, after all, it is the 50th birthday of the lord of the loyalty, and you may be fearless, but after that... ...the restaurant that your friend has worked hard here will definitely be affected."

He intended to look at the direction of the peach.

The night is clear and the smile is slightly stiff.

Have to admit.

Gu Jingyu was poked at her weakness.


After all, Lan Lingnu came to participate in the 50th birthday of the Zhai Yuezong.

After all, Xia Lingling is the small county owner of Beibei.

She is fearless.

However, the peaches that have worked **** the Beibei mainland, as well as the eyeliner that explores various news, will have an impact.

At night, I picked up my eyebrows and faintly decapitated: "That's what it is, thank you for reminding me, then... I asked the two sons to let the two lords pay for the loss of the Peach Restaurant today. I am very compassionate. Forgive you."

"Hey! You... this oh..."

Xia Lingling heard the words and was angry at the time.

Just as soon as I opened it, I smiled at the night and smiled.

Xia Lingling had a cold back on her back and thought of her slap on her face.

The hard-spoken words that insulted were forced back into the throat.

"Why do you let us compensate? This is clearly you..."

“I?” The night’s laughter interrupted Xia Lingling’s words. “If the non-small county owner is innocent in the peach blossom restaurant, he bullies the small people and breaks through the door of the lobby and the backyard. If it’s not a small county owner, it’s not a good thing. The man wants to be fair to the little prince, and insults me over and over again; if the non-small lord still pulls the Dongpu County Lord to do it to me..."

Her meal, the eyes are slightly cool: "Peach Blossom Restaurant, will it cause losses?"

(End of this chapter)

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