Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2324: Looking straight at my home, I am not...

Chapter 2324, looking straight at my home, isn’t it...

Xia Lingling was questioned by a voice, and he couldn’t say a word.

Lan Lingnuo was sinking and just about to open.

Seeing Gu Jingyu's warm and watery eyes, she glanced at her: "This girl is right, you two have to take up this responsibility, let the people see your jokes."

Lian Gu Jing Yu said so.

Lan Ling Nuo also dared to refute.

The two grievances looked at each other and looked at them with a flat mouth. The weak one responded: "We know."

Gu Jingyu’s expression of appreciation in the eyes of the two of them nodded to them: "I can correct the mistakes, and I am very arrogant. I will not be willful anymore."

I was praised by Gu Jingyu.

Lan Lingnuo’s unhappiness in his heart was swept away.

Although Xia Lingling’s heart is unhappy.

But when he was pulled by Lan Lingnuo, he couldn't beat the slut, and he had to suppress the anger in his heart and walked toward Miao Zhengwei, who was simply bandaged by the guards.

Miao Zhengwei was originally ignored.

Just saved the glory of Xia Lingling, and was taken away by Gu Jingyu.

The mood is indignant.

See Xia Lingling coming towards himself.

He immediately adjusted the expression on his face: "Little County Lord."

"Wei brother..." Xia Lingling saw Miao Zhengwei looking at her with her eyes, and could not help but feel the grievances in her heart, holding Miao Zhengwei's arm.

Miao Zhengwei seems to be a distressed sigh.

Xia Lingling buried his head on his shoulder and whispered: "Well brother, you can rest assured that I will never forget it. The monk will hurt you, I will avenge you!"


"Since it is settled, then how far do you want to make trouble, don't affect the business of the restaurant." The night fell and waved his hand, turned to the boy, "Go, my sister took you." Go to the medicine."

The teenager looked around with some fear.

The hand that cleared the night had already pulled his wrist.

A glimpse of the young boy, the green glow of the fleeting, looming.

These little hands.

Extremely warm and extremely soft.

It is actually to let him have a feeling of inexplicable peace of mind and want to trust.

This is...the feeling he has never had before.

The night cleared the youngster and took a few steps.

Immediately behind him, the man’s low and warm voice was heard: “Girl, I am the Nanfeng Continental Valley Fengzong Shaozong, the main Mirror, Yu Yu, can the girl tell me... your name.”

The night fell to the footsteps, faintly spit out two words: "Night."

"Night falls..." Gu Jingyu whispered these two words, and his eyebrows were dyed with a smile like sunshine. "Night girl, I am very glad to meet you."

That smile, indeed, is as warm as the wind.

At night, I picked up the powdered lips and smiled and nodded. "Well, I am very happy."

After all, the night has already pulled the boy, turned the corner, and stayed away from the sight of everyone.

The peaches retracted their sight and moved their eyes to Gu Jingyu.

Gu Jingyu is staring at the back of the night, and his eyes are slightly embarrassing. I don’t know what to think.

"Gu Shaosong, my family has left, and you are still staring at it, isn't it..." Peaches looked at Gu Jingyu with a smile.

Gu Jingyu’s eyes drifted away from the line of sight, and two small reds were floated on the surface: “Tao girl misunderstood, I am just...”

"Just what?" The peach raised his eyebrows and smiled even more.

Gu Jingyu has some uneasy explanations: "I just admire a woman like the night girl. If I can become a friend with such a woman, it will be very interesting."

The peach has a deep smile.

(End of this chapter)

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