Overlord Naruto

Chapter 18 - 18 Genin test

Naruto is getting ready for his academy. Suddenly he faced a new problem. His yellow and red coloured hybrid hair is longer than usual. He tied his hair in a ponytail and he liked it. After finishing his breakfast he left to academy. He took out his magical head phone and he put it around his neck and left to academy .

He reached the academy. Today he was not the first one or shikamaru , but it was shino.

Naruto : Hi shino.

shino : Hii naruto .

Naruto : How come you are early ? I always saw you on time. Neither too early nor late.

Shino : I was so excited that I could not hold back myself and came early to class.

At the same time shikamaru enters and looks shino and naruto.

Shikamaru : We both outlasted by some one else. This is interesting.

Naruto : Hey shikha. Shino is very excited about his team that he came early.

Shikamaru : I hope we dont have a girl in our team otherwise it will become a lot troublesome .

Naruto : Are you talking about Ino.

Shikamaru : Its not about Ino, but I don't want to hear about sasuke all the time. Its troublesome for my ears. Anyway she is going to end up in my team. *( They are gonna make another ino-shika-cho team. I am damn sure about it .) *

All the graduates came and took their seat. Atlast Ino and sakura came charging like a bull. After a series of curses both of them settle down. Atlast Iruka came with a sheet of paper.

Iruka : Class settle down you already are graduates not a small kid. I am going to announce the team and after some time their jonin teacher will come and take them for the team introductions. *( They are not ready for the nasty surprise which their jonin will throw, the real genin test. If they pass that , then a series of d rank mission and the tora the cat. hehehehe) *

Iruka :Team 1.....






Team 7

Sakura : Ino take that.

Ino : Why she is so lucky today ?

Iruka : Team 8,

Kiba inuzuka, Hinata hyuga, shino aburame . Your jonin sensei will be kurenai yuhi.

Team 10 ,

Ino yamanaka, shikamaru nara, chouji akimichi.

Your jonin sensei will be Asuma sarutobi.Thats all for the team .

Kurenai yuhi and Asuma sarutobi takes their respective team and leaves. Jonin sensei came and started picking their respective students. Till only Team 7 remained.

Iruka : Good luck Team 7 . Your jonin sensei is going to be late.

Sakura : Where is our sensei?

Naruto : May be he is in on a date . Looking at his lover's eye. May be forgotten about the time while drowning in her eyes.

Sakura : Do you find it funny?

Kakashi enters the class room.

Kakashi : My first impression of you is ....

Naruto : Kakashi sensei you are still alive after drowning in your lover's eye in the date.

Kakashi : Meet me in the roof . (disappears)

Team 7 walks to the roof to meet their new jonin sensei .Kakashi is waiting for them.

Kakashi :Lets introduce ourselves.

kakashi : We meet again. I am kakashi hatake your jonin instructor. My likes and dislike are something which I will not tell you. My hobbies and dreams, never thought about it.

Sakura :*(He only told his name) *

Kakashi : Pinky you go first.

Sakura : My name is sakura haruno, My likes are (giggles) , well my hobbies are (again giggles). My dream is (Blushes). ( Looking at sasuke)

kakashi : Any dislike?

Sakura : Ino pig .

Kakashi : Next red head blondie.

Naruto : My name is Naruto uzumaki . My likes are something which I like. My dislikes are something which I dislike. My hobbies are something which I have yet to make. My dreams are something which you can't even think of , but its the reality of this world's future.

Kakashi : Last one blackie.

Sasuke : My name is sasuke uchiha, my likes are none , and I have a lot of dislikes. I don't have a hobby. My dream is not a dream but I am going to make it a reality and kill a certain someone and restore my clan.

Kakashi : *(Sasuke is talking about itachi, which is clear as a day , he wanted to kill him, a path of revenge.) *

Sakura is surprised by sasuke by his proclamation but thought that it is a charm of sasuke and let it slide from her mind. Naruto didn't even react to his proclamation.

Kakashi : So the introduction is over , meet me tomorrow in training ground 3 for the survival test.

Sakura : But we already did the survival test in academy.

Naruto : You are talking about that child's play as a survival test. He is talking about the real survival test .

Kakashi : The real survival test is on tomorrow. it will decide whether you pass or going back to academy.

Sakura : But we already passed the academy.

Kakashi : They passed you so that jonin like us , can test you for the future. Its on me whether to pass you or send you back to academy. Out of 27 academy graduates only 9 become the real genin. Its means your failure chance is 66%.

Sakura : Then what about that test we took yesterday.

Sasuke : Try not to drag me down with both of you.

Sakura : Sasuke kun can we go on a date. (follows sasuke).

Naruto : *(Team work is a difficult thing with both of them. I would have a better chance if I am with shikamaru and chouji or with hinata and shino.) *

Naruto left to his house.

Next day...

Naruto finished his 30th ŀȧp and went to his house. He made his breakfast, and after eating that he took out his mothers sword which is black in colour and red on the cutting edge .He polished it with an oil . He sheathed his mothers sword and put it in inventory. He walks to the training ground 3 .

Sasuke and sakura are waiting for his sensei and naruto for more than one and half hours.

Sakura : What's with both of them , both of them are so late. We are waiting for more than one and half hours. *(I am alone with sasuke kun, ino pig will get jealous if she come to know about it . )*

Sasuke : They are coming today or we have to wait till tomorrow.

Sakura : Lets wait a bit more.

Naruto arrives after some time .

Sakura : What were you doing till now ?

Naruto : Eating breakfast.

Sakura : But he told us not to eat breakfast.

Naruto : He told to try. I tried for hours but at last I ate the breakfast. Anyway who goes to a survival test without a full stomach.

Sakura : But I came with an empty stomach.

Sasuke :*(Even I missed my breakfast) *

Naruto : Its certainly a team work based survival test. All jonin focus on that . In entire elemental nations we are known for team work. Thats why they make a team in first place .

Sasuke : You telling us like you know everything.

Sakura : How you know it ?

Naruto : Kakashi sensei never passed a team. He failed everyone who goes only for an individual performance and neglect team work. I heard it from an upper classmen who came back to academy after failing his test.

Sakura : What he told to you ?

Naruto : Not to me, they were talking among themselves. they tried to attack him separately . He was not satisfied with them and tied one of them to poles . And told them they lacked the team work and gave another chance after lunch but warned them not to feed the one who is tied on pole.They didn't feed him. After lunch he appeared and told them they failed.

Sasuke : So we have to attack him in a synchronized way.

Naruto : If you are not decieved by him before the exam. Like how he told you, try not to eat. But never said you shouldn't eat.

Sakura : So this test is a tricky one.

Naruto : All jonin test are tricky one. There is an arch rival of kakashi , who told his student to attack him. They attacked him separately and he totally destroyed them. But they don't give up on the test atlast when they attacked him together like a team , he passed them. *(Sorry gai sensei .)*

Sasuke : So you are saying we can only pass if we work together.

Naruto : We can pass only through team work otherwise who put a survival test with a jonin against his untrained genin. How a new genin take an experienced jonin in a match or his test .Its an overkill. Only way out or answer of the solution is teamwork.

Sakura : Where is he?

Naruto : He should be arriving soon. Its his trademark to come late for 2 hours. Some time 1 hour. No one is sure about his timing.

Kakashi arrives through shunshin and gives his famous eye smile.

Sakura : You are late kakshi sensei.

Kakashi : I lost in the path of life.

Naruto : Even I am lost there sometime .

Sakura : What the hell you are babbiling about. You are also late, no need to join kakashi sensei in his poor excuses.

Kakashi : O. k its time for test.

Kakashi takes out a big alarm clock and put it on a pole and set the timer.

Kakashi : Now listen up , its 9 'o' clock and you have till 12 'o' clock to take this bell from me.

Sakura : But sensei there is only two bells in your hand.

Kakashi : At the end of the test those two who acquire the bell will pass and the remaining one will fail and go back to academy.

Sakura : *(I am not falling for that.) *

Sasuke : *(I will not be fooled this time. )*

Naruto : *( Game is already over kakashi sensei) *

Naruto looks at sakura and sasuke. They look at each other and nodded.

Kakashi :*(Something is not right.) *

Naruto : We are ready sensei, You haven't told start.

Kakashi : Come with the intent to kill, that is your only chance to pass the test . Start.

He expected them to hide . As they have only three hours . They stood there waiting for kakashi to make a move. Sasuke was first to attack him with shurikens. And it hit him and he turns into a log. They started to search him in a group.

Naruto : I just sensed him there.

Kakshi : Shinobi lesson no. 1 Taijutsu.

Kakashi appears and he goes after naruto. Naruto attacks him a punch which is grabbed, followed by a kick which is blocked. Naruto backed off. Sasuke comes ahead from the backside of naruto .

Sasuke : Fire ball jutsu .

Kakashi easily evaded it. But there comes the barrage of kunai sent by sakura on his side.

Kakashi turned into a smoke of dust.

kakashi's hand comes out from the ground and grabs the naruto legs. With a force Naruto is pulled inside the ground .And now only his head is seen.

Kakashi: Head hunter jutsu. Shinobi lesson 2 . ninjutsu.

Sasuke engages with kakashi a close combat. He comes with a punch, and side kicks and then round house kick, which were all blocked by kakashi. Sasuke hands were almost reached the bell. And it jiggled a bit .Kakashi makes a distance between them. But again comes a kunai from side ways. Its sakura. Naruto free himself from the ground. and rushes on the other side of kakashi and not to give him a room for an easy battle. Sasuke comes from other side. Sakura still hidden in bushes. Throwing shuriken and kunai when ever she gets a chance. Suddenly kakashi disappears from there sight. The world around sakura starting to get distorted.

Kakashi : shinobi lesson no. 3 Genjutsu.

Before she could collapses sasuke and naruto rushed forward and sasuke dispels the genjutsu from her . He has to do it because he is the faster in dispelling genjutsu than naruto. He just doesn't want to fail.

Sakura : Thanks guys.

Sasuke : We have to finish it together.

Naruto : I agree with you this time. I can feel kakashi is on that tree.

Kakashi amazed by the accuracy naruto is telling his location, although the battle is easy for him but it still exhaust him to fight without a break. Sasuke send a few shuriken toward his direction. Kakashi avoids them easily. This time sakura comes for the phyiscal confrontation with both of them. sasuke on the right side of kakashi and naruto on his side while sakura is on his back. Sasuke tries to hit him with punches and kickes if he tries to block it naruto attacks from other side. When kakashi started to block both of their kicks and punches . Sakura attacks him with kunai. Now kakashi has to block all three of them. Its almost irritating for him.

Suddenly a hand comes out of ground and grabs both of the bell from his waist. It is real naruto who is hidden from the very beginning and watching the match between sakura, sasuke and his shadow clone versus kakashi sensei.

Kakashi : Didnt expected that you would know shadow clone jutsu naruto.

Naruto : Nobody asked me about it. A grandfather figure of mine taught me this jutsu after he lost a bet .

Sakura : Yeah we won.

Sasuke : I have never seen that jutsu.

Kakashi : Actually it never meant to teach a genin. Its takes a large amount of chakra and mental exhaustion after the usage. So only chunin and jonin do this jutsu. But looks like naruto has a great affinity for this jutsu.

Naruto : It fits perfectly with me without any backlash. But I dont use it quite often.

Kakashi : Now you have two bells, whom you will give the other bell.

Even if they knew the answer of test they are still nervous. Naruto tosses both bell to sakura and sasuke.

Kakashi : You want to fail yourself.

Naruto : No, quite the opposite, I forget to give your book back. If you fail me you can say goodbye to your beloved book.

Kakashi search for his book in pocket but didn't find it. Kakashi saw that naruto was serious and not to endanger his book he said the word, he never told any genin before them.

Kakashi : Fine You all passed . Now hand over my book.

Naruto clone give the book to kakashi. Now he understood when used head hunter jutsu on naruto's clone. The clone took it from him .Naruto never had the book in the first place but his clone had.

Kakashi : What happened to alarm clock it suppose to ring 15 minutes earlier.

Naruto : About that. Here is your alarm clock.

Kakashi : When did you take the alarm .

Naruto : After the match started.

Kakashi : Meet me tomorrow 8 'o'clock for our first mission. But before that let me treat you for a lunch.

Kakashi took them for the lunch as a tradition set by jonins for the students after they pass the test . He took them for lunch and he lost half of his money from his wallet because naruto eat way more than he can think .

Hokage office ......

Hokage : So except kakashi all are here. Lets start with the report of your team.

Jonin 1 : Team 1 failed .

Jonin 2 : Team 2 failed .

Jonin 3 : Team 3 failed.




Kurenai : Team 8 passed . Kiba inuzuka, Shino aburame and Hinata hyuga did a great job so passed them. They can become a fine tracking team.

Asuma : Team 10 passed. Shikamaru nara, Ino yamanaka and Chouji akimichi are fine gems . They can improve greatly in future like their fathers. * ( Why I am saying this infront of my father) *

Kakashi enters the hokage office.

Hokage : Ohh kakashi , team 8 and 10 passed this year. What about your team I am curious.

Kakashi : Team 7 passed.

Room was silent. This was the first time kakashi passed a team. Even iruka who was silent was shocked.

Hokage : They passed well I can expect that after all an uchiha is in their team. *(Because of the orders I can't praise too much about my master infront of others) *

Kakashi : Lord hokage did you teach naruto the shadow clone.

Hokage : He learned it after he mastered water clone and earth clone . As I promised him I taught him shadow clone after he mastered other two. He was 11 years old at that time . It slipped my mind.

Kakashi : It was naruto who cracked the test easily . They worked together well during the test. Naruto placed a shadow clone from the beginning . Sasuke also show some great promise. He also knows fireball jutsu. Sakura is a fan girl but she did well with both of them.

Naruto even took both the bells while I was fighting the clone, sasuke and sakura. He waited till the last moment to appear. His clone took my icha icha, but naruto blackmailed me to pass him after giving the bells to sakura and sasuke. Thats not the worse he even took the alarm clock after the match started. I fought them for extra 15 minutes. He even gave me my alarm clock back with a smile. Let me tell you it's not the worse. When I took them for lunch naruto bill alone made a dent on my pocket. I saved the money for the next series of icha icha book.

Kurenai : I am quite happy that some one can keep you away from icha icha. *(damn that book I hate it) *

Hokage : Dont worry kakashi. You aren't alone whose pocket get hit by naruto's stomach. You can see Iruka and Anko get into the same disaster .

Iruka : It was an old news Hokage sama about 8 months have already passed . (embarrassed)

Asuma : It happened to my father too. His wallet suffered the same crisis.

Hokage : There is no need to tell them that.All right if your report is finished you all are dismissed.

All the jonin sensei left the office.

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