Overlord Naruto

Chapter 19 - Chapter19 Wave mission

Its been one and half months that naruto has become a genin of his village. During this time he met konohamaru and became his friends. He is busy in doing D rank missions. He is waiting for the zabuza arc or the mission on the lands of waves. He wanted to test his kenjutsu against the zabuza. Which is dangerous but he wanted to improve in battle where his life is on line.

Now naruto is doing a D rank mission. They following tora the demon cat.

Kakashi : Are you on the point.

Sakura : I am on point A.

Sasuke : I am on point B.

Naruto : I am on point C.

Kakashi : Have you stopped the target.

Sakura : Yes kakashi sensei.

Kakashi : Does the target has a ribbion in her right ear .

Sasuke : Yes sensei.

Kakashi : Capture it.

Naruto catches the tora the demon cat. The bane of chunin and genin. For some unknown reason it runs away everytime. It tries to claw naruto but naruto looks into its eyes and channel some chakra into his own eyes and it calm down tora . Nobody from the team saw this incident .

Naruto : * (Thank god it worked like haki to calm down animals or my chakra has the calm nature which directed from my eyes. I haven't developed my own dojutsu but using the chakra from eyes feels like a different sensation .) *

Kakashi : Nice job naruto.

Naruto : I want extra payment for catching it.

Kakashi : We will talk about it later.

After catching the tora they walk towards hokage tower.

Hokage tower.....

Naruto : You know I feel guilty about catching the tora .

Sakura : If the lady will hug her like that no matter it is a dog or cat they will run away.

Sasuke: Even I feel pity for tora's life.

Tora was given to a fat lady who is hugging her to death. It was crying tears from the lady's hug . She paid the money and left.

Hokage : Would you like to babysit the councilor daughter? or would you like to paint fence of a rich man house ?

Naruto : I want a bigger mission than that. Its boring to do some D ranked mission.

Sasuke and Sakura didn't said anything but want another type of mission rather than D ranked mission.

Iruka : Naruto you are a fresh genin, first you have to develop your team relations after getting some experience you can take C rank mission.

Naruto : I want other mission rather than doing a D ranked mission.

Hokage : If you insist so much I can give you a C rank mission.

Iruka : But lord hokage they are not ready for a C rank mission.

Hokage: Naruto wants to prove that he can take a C rank mission. Lets give him a chance . Send our guest in.

A drunk old man gets in the mission hall. His hands are on a liquor bottle and he looks at the ninjas.

Kakashi : Dont worry I am a jonin and they are my students.

Hokage : You have to escort him to the land of waves and protect him from animals and bandits till he completes the bridge.

Tazuna : I thought I will get some ȧduŀt ninjas. Their jonin sensei is fine but three brats , I don't want to babysit others kid.

Naruto: Drink your milk old boy, this Dad of yours is a ninja and you need me. Maybe you will built a bridge named after me after I am done with this mission. By the way I am naruto uzumaki , the best in the world .

Tazuna : Quite big words comes out from your mouth kid . Lets see how much you can do during this mission . I hope you still don't piss on your bed. *(lets see how you answer that brat) *

Naruto : Don't worry about it .If I do that you will be first one who will drown under it. I had no intention to do that during the mission maybe after that I can do it. *(Want to bully a kid. How do you like that .) *

Tazuna : * (This kid is taking it too far, as a senior citizen I should stop otherwise he will tarnish my pride infront of everyone) *

Iruka : That's enough naruto.

Kakashi : Try not to threaten the client naruto.

Hokage : If your greeting is over we shall resume our work.

Kakashi : We will meet tomorrow 8 'o' clock in the morning on the village gates.

All of them went to do their own preparation for the trip, Naruto has many other preparation to make. Now he is talking to pandora actor.

Naruto : * (I have a job for you pandora.) *

Pandora : *(What I am suppose to do master .) *

Naruto : *(You have to take out every detail of a person named gato .He is a shipping industry owner. Take some shadow demons with you. After he dies by my hand you have to do what a good treasurer always does. ) *

Pandora : *(Collect all his money.) *

Naruto : *(Dont leave anything . After I am done with him you have to collect all his money. You have to clean all of his bank account. Dead man have no use of money .)*

Pandora : *(It will be done after his death.) *

Naruto :* (That's what I want.) *

After their talk , naruto become busy on making explosive tags .

Next morning....

Sakura : Where is kakashi sensei and our client.

Naruto : Both of them lost in the path of life.

Sakura : Naruto, you shouldn't joke like that. If both were late what will happen to our mission.

Sasuke : I just want the real challenge.

Kakashi arrives with tazuna .

Kakashi : Yo my dear students, you are already here.

Sakura : You are half an hour late.

Naruto : Here I thought he was lost in the path of life with you but he was lost in the path of liquor.

Tazuna : Can we start our journey ?

Kakashi: Sure.

They started their journey but couldn't see the eyes that were watching them from the trees or what the owner of eyes thought.

After walking non stop for five hours they came across a puddle of water. Kakashi immediately understood this is a trap. After they passed the puddle two person came out of water. They trapped the kakashi in their joint chain which is connected to there metal gauntlet .They pulled the chains and shredded him into the pieces.

Tazuna was horrified after watching the death of kakashi. Naruto immediately rushes infront of tazuna and takes out his kunai. Both of the mysterious ninja lunged toward the tazuna. But sasuke used his shrikuen and kunai to strike on their chains which got stuck to a tree. They break the chains and started to strike individually but kakashi appeared and knocked them unconscious.

Sakura : I thought you died sensei.

Sasuke : Look at that, he used replacement jutsu. He is just a show off. ( shows her a pile of log)

Kakashi : What rogue ninja of kirigakure is doing here. They are famous as demon brothers . Gozu and Meizu are famous chunin before they defect the village.

Tazuna : Why didn't you interfere before then.

Kakashi : I wanted to interfere but I wanted to see who they were really after. So why they were after you.

Tazuna tells him everything and why he requested ninja in a first but they are from a poor country so he can't afford A ranked mission. kakashi and his team agreed after hearing his story .

Somewhere in a secret hideout.....

Gato enters in the hideout and look at the person who is sitting in the big chair like a king.

Gato : Zabuza I gave you a mission and you still not finished it. Your lackeys failed to ȧssassinate tazuna.

Zabuza : You never told me that he is bringing a konoha shinobi. They brought kakashi of sharingan. He is a jonin.

Gato : I gave you a mission and you have to complete it. You need money and I am giving you that .

Zabuza : Fine, I have to go to kill him myself after all kakashi is no joke. He is listed in a high ranking bingo book.

Gato : As long as you finish your job I will give you the money.

Gato leaves the zabuza hideout.

Zabuza : It's such a headache to have a rich client like that.

Haku : They why you listen to him.

Zabuza : He has something what we need now for the revolution in kirigakure. Its all about money. Otherwise I would have cut him myself .

Haku : I never thought the demon brothers will get captured.

Zabuza : No time to think about that . Now we have to finish the job. Lets go haku .

With Team 7....

Now Team 7 and tazuna is on a boat with the friend of tazuna . They successful reached the the land of waves. They said their goodbye to tazuna's friend . After walking for few more minutes naruto sensed someone with high jonin level chakra in the bushes. He threw a kunai which caught the head of replaced rabbit.

Sakura : Naruto baka you killed a rabbit.

Naruto : I caught a dinner for all of us .

Kakashi : That's one way to see it but what a snow rabbit is doing in land of waves at this summer season .

Tazuna : I never seen a rabbit like this in the area.

Kakashi sensed something

Kakashi: Duck everyone.

Everyone ducked at the same time and a long and heavy sword passed while spinning above their head. It stuck on a tree and someone is standing on the sword.

Zabuza : Kakashi who copied thousand jutsu. Its a pŀėȧsurė to meet you.

Kakashi : Zabuza momochi , the demon of mist , one of the seven swordsmen of kirigakure. Become rogue after failed to ȧssassinate the fourth mizukage .

Zabuza : Its an honour to be remember by Kakashi hatake. What are doing with some children and old man.

Kakashi : They are genin of konoha and the old man is our client .

Zabuza : For me they are kids, who have not gone through blood ritual. In my book they are not even ninja.

Sakura : What's a blood ritual he is talking about kakashi sensei ?

Kakashi :You see in kirigakure there was a custom, to graduate the academy you have to kill your classmate.

Sasuke and sakura : What!!!!

Kakashi : It is abolished later because a kid killed an entire class who came for graduation exam. Its him who did it.

Zabuza : It was really the fun time. You eat with them, sleep with them, and call them friends to kill at last. A person who has the same dream like you.

Zabuza gives the killer intent and sakura and sasuke got forzen from fear. Naruto is waiting for this moment. He is trying to resist the killing intent. He felt his mental power which he was working on is dancing inside his mind. His mental chakra is evolving after so much practice. He need a real killing intent to awaken it by surprise.

Naruto : Hahahahahaha its feels damn good . Give me more.

Kakashi : Naruto what happened to you.

Zabuza : You are strange kid. Your fellow genins are frozen and you want more.

Naruto takes out his hand and his mother's black sword appear in hand with a smoke . Naruto dashed forward and slashed his sword on the tree in which zabuza was standing. The tree split in half from middle.

Naruto : Ohh I forget to introduce myself, I am naruto uzumaki, the best in the ninja world.

Zabuza : I am impressed Kakashi atleast one of your brat is not useless. But kid you are not the best in the ninja world.

Naruto : Neither the seven swordsmen of mist. I heard a true story of a konoha genin who has beaten the shit out of seven swordsmen alone in Third ninja war .He killed their 4 members and deeply injured other 3 . That konoha genin name was mighty dai. Correct me if I am wrong.

Zabuza attacks naruto from behind him. He stabs naruto .Others were shocked what had happened. But naruto turned into bats . Zabuza was horrified with this kind of substitution .

Zabuza : *(What kind of genin he is ? Genin are not suppose to be this calm.) *

Kakashi : Naruto your playtime is over, as a jonin sensei I cannot allow you to fight him. Come back and protect tazuna, mission comes first.

Naruto appears behind kakashi.

Naruto : Yeah sure mission comes first.

Naruto returns to protect tazuna . He already got what he wanted his mental chakra already evolved to a new level.

Zabuza made a hand sign and entire field is covered in the mist. and he disappeared in it.

Kakashi opened his sharingan eyes and searched for him.

Sasuke got another shock when he saw his hidden eye. He never imagined he will see sharingan again especially other than itachi.

Sakura : What's with kakashi sensei eyes ?

Sasuke: Its an uchiha dojutsu , ' sharingan' . It helps you to read your opponents moves in battle , you can use it to copy it and also put them in genjutsu.

Zabuza clone appears in the middle of them but naruto stabs it. Kakashi and zabuza battles on river. zabuza tricks kakashi with his water clone jutsu and almost got caught him in water prison but a kunai was on his way which fly past his hand and his jutsu was cancelled.

Zabuza and kakashi at the same time.

Zabuza : Water dragon jutsu.

Kakashi : Water dragon jutsu.

Both jutsu collided with each other and cancelled it .

Again kakashi copy zabuza hand signs exact same time. At last moment he produced ann illusion on his side of zabuza and he got distracted.

Kakashi : Water vortex jutsu.

It hit the zabuza and hit him quite far. kakashi throws his kunai and aimed it in his legs and hand. Before he could finish him off haku appears as a hunter nin and hit him with senbon. kakashi checks his pulse but found none and he thought he died.

Haku : I am tracking him for months. Thank you.

Haku takes zabuza on his shoulder and disappears. kakashi closed his sharingan eyes. Before he could collapses to ground. Naruto put his hand on his back and transfer some of his chakra to him.

Kakashi : Thanks naruto.

Naruto : Don't bother , I do not want to carry a 100kg weight in my shoulder after the long journey.

Kakashi sighs at the antique of naruto. But then he realize something which he couldn't think during battle due to exhaustion.

Kakashi : Ohh shit what have I done.

Tazuna : Any problem mr kakashi.

Kakashi : Because I am exhausted I couldn't think properly at that time . But I think zabuza is alive.

Sakura : But you checked himself. His pulse was not working.

Kakashi : But he used senbon and hunter nin destroys the body on spot.

Sasuke : Next time I will prove myself. Inwill not freeze.

They reached the tazuna house and his daughter opened the door.

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