Overlord Naruto

Chapter 49 - 49 Kidnapping


It's been three days after Tsunade has become the fifth hokage . Shizune and Irene work in hokage office to help her in the management . Naruto started to do D rank mission and he didn't take any C rank mission during this time . He is taking at least 4 D rank mission a day .

As he is a stamina freak he can keep up with a lot of missions in a day . Kosuke Maruboshi , the eternal genin is his partner for almost all the team mission . Sakura will leave him after one or two mission to visit Sasuke . Naruto is also doing some individual D rank mission .

A notification popped up when naruto finished a D rank mission . He is walking with kosuke Maburoshi .

{[ Mission : Complete 100 D rank mission ]

Status : Completed (100/100)

Reward : 10,000 exp , 1,00,000 ryo .}

{[ Mission : Complete 40 C rank mission ]

Status : incomplete (0/40)

Reward : 20,000 exp , 10 stat points. }

Naruto became happy after he looked at the notification . His D rank mission is completed and he will attend the C rank mission from now onwards .

" You look happy Naruto kun . We almost completed more than 60 D rank mission together . Now a days no one ask for a old man like me for the simple job due to my large experience in the shinobi field . It is an easy money to earn ," Kosuke said to Naruto . He is happy that he has completed more than Fifty mission with a young blood like Naruto .

" I want to know how it feels to do D rank mission . As a chunin it will my last time chance to take D rank mission . After that I will only take C rank mission at the least when I will become jonin . So I wanna grab as many D rank as possible . Kosuke san you would have completed more than 2000 D rank missions if I am correct ," Naruto said to kosuke . Naruto is expecting a lot of missions under the belt of kosuke . May be more than anyone in the konoha especially D rank and C rank missions .

" I lost the count when I spent more than 12 years as a genin . Now after I have spend fifty years of my life as a genin . I think I did a lot of mission in my whole life time . Are you thinking about taking C rank missions now ," Kosuke said to Naruto . He can see naruto is feeling bored for sometime and he can take C rank mission anytime from now onwards .

" I am thinking about it but it is good to take D rank mission in between C rank missions . I am thinking about changing our other teammate for dangerous missions . If we take her with us she will rush the things . She would like to finish it quick and we will make a lot of mistake during C rank missions due to her impatience ," Naruto said to kosuke .

He is talking about Sakura . He doesn't like her attitude this days . After finishing one or two mission per day as an obligation . She will rush to hospital to look for Sasuke . She requested Naruto to never tell about it to her mother . As her teammate he accepted her request .

" She will learn with time Naruto kun . We can still take her for simple C rank mission which is easy to finish early . For other dangerous mission I don't think she would like to spend a lot of time with us . I have seen her rushing many times to hospital to met your other teammate . It's not a bad thing . She is still young and will only learn with time ," Kosuke said to Naruto . He is very good in advising others and Naruto learned many things from his rich experience .

" You make it sound so easy . You have a lot of experience regarding this kind of situation ," Naruto said to him . Kosuke gave his toothless smile to him .

" I learned it with my experience of decades . She is not the first fangirl I encountered in my life . People can change if circumstances allow it . I have seen many people who were collapsed under pressure and some who come on top during the same pressure . No tree can grow from a seed if we doesn't take care of it during his infant stage ," Kosuke said to Naruto . He knows that Sakura has potential and will grow with time from her fangirl stage .

" I hope that she will grow soon . I will meet you tomorrow for a C rank mission ," Naruto said to him . Both of them said goodbye to each other and left for their home .


....Kumogakure .....

In the night when everybody finished their work . A lady with silver hair and dark skin is going to her home . She was passing by a dark street when someone appears behind her . She turns around to look at him but due to him standing in the shadow of the nearby building she couldn't recognize him .

" Who are you ? Don't you think it is rude to scare a lady when she is returning from her work ," The lady said to him . She is thinking that he is Kumo ninja who is gonna ask her for a date like other ninja .

Soon her illusion shattered when the mysterious person fully appear under the moonlight in front of her . She took her step back . He is not from her village .

" what do you want from me ? It will not be good for you . If you do something to me raikage will find you . I am raikage's secretary afterall ," She told him . She is little scared but have full confidence in the Kumo ninjas .

" I know who are you , Mabui . The current raikage's secretary . You have seen the message which is written by my master for your raikage . So you are my target . Don't blame me ," Mysterious person said to her . He is fully confident that he can kidnap her under the nose of every Kumo ninja .

" Are you talking about the Kai uzumaki as your master . What do you want from our village ? " Mabui said to him . Now she fully confident after calming down herself . She planning to escape from him after collecting some information .

" It is crystal clear what we want from your village . It's revenge of course . After all they destroyed my masters village . They won't mind if I take the Raikage's secretary ," Mysterious person said to her . He is not even nervous that someone may hear there conversation .

Mabui decided to run as she got an idea what he wants from her . She dashed in the opposite direction to escape . The mysterious person didn't even try to stop her . Mabui takes a signal flare she keeps for emergency and throw it in the sky . Again no reaction from him .

Soon Fifteen Kumo ninjas appear near her . When they saw the signal flare all the nearby ninjas come to the site . They saw an unknown person is standing in a distance of Mabui . Everybody knows Mabui so they understood that the stranger is causing problem for her .

" Catch him . He is a man related to Kai uzumaki . He is here to kidnap me that why I gave a signal to all of you . Now hurry up and don't stare at me ," Mabui said to them . She is now more confident that they can catch him .

" We will beat him for what Kai did to our Raikage sama ," One of the Kumo ninja said to others . They laughed at the mysterious man's fate .

" This is the backup you called to catch me . It's pathetic for my standards and my partner doesn't like the way you are laughing . When I leave from here you all would be broken as per my orders . And I am taking your beautiful secretary with me ," Mysterious person said to them . He didn't move from his place and stood there so they can make a first move against him .

All the Kumo ninjas were angry and dashed towards him with kunai and swords to cut him . The mysterious person kicked the first person and jumped up and caught a Kumo nin who wanted to injure him while jumping from the building silently . He slammed him on the solid ground and jumped on the walls . He started to run horizontally in the walls . He took his sword out from the thin air .

"You have to do better than that . I am bored with your level of skills . My partner doesn't even want to fight with you ," The mysterious person said to them . It made them angry but they made there first priority to keep their Raikage's secretary safe from this intruder .

" Mabui san , he is more dangerous than we originally thought so please run and call for more backup . We will hold him for the timing ," A jonin of kumogakure said to Mabui . Mabui was about to run when the intruder's voice stopped her .

" Time's up for all of you . Mabui San you are going nowhere . I already gave you a chance . You should know there is no second chances in life ," Mysterious person said to them . He started to do quick shunshin and it look like he is teleporting from one place to another place . He started to swing his sword during his quick shunshin . He injured every ninja with his sword , so they couldn't help Mabui .






In few seconds he was near Mabui . She cannot believe after looking at the strength of this mysterious person . She lost her chance to run away and to call for a back up . All the ninjas who came to help her are lying in their own blood .

" You killed all of them because you wanted to kidnap me ," Mabui is always calm and collected but after she saw all the Kumo nin were killed because of her . Her eyes were full of tears .

" Don't worry I am not here to kill . So I just heavily injured them and they lost their consciousness . I have to leave evidence for your Raikage that it is a work of my master Kai uzumaki ," Mysterious person said to Mabui . He appeared behind Mabui and with his hand chopped on her neck .

She lost her consciousness and the mysterious person carried her on his shoulder and he ran in a secluded place of kumogakure . A portal appeared in front of him and he jumped on it and vanished from that place .

Later other ninjas arrived on the crime scene and looked at the fifteen Kumo nin are down on the road and covered in their own blood . They immediately checked their pulse . All of them are alive and they soon transferred to the shinobi hospital in their village . They are waiting for anyone among them to wake up so they can know exactly what happened on the crime scene .


Somewhere near iwagakure borders......

A blonde shinobi of kumogakure is on a mission with her two teammates . And after finishing their mission they were returning to Kumo . A woman in maid dress interrupts them . She is wearing a mask to hide her identity .

" Who are you and why you blocked our path . Tell quickly otherwise I will not ask you nicely another time ," A girl with red hair said to the maid . She does not have a good feeling about this woman who looks like a maid .

" You will know soon . I am here to take Samui on the orders of my master Kai uzumaki . You cannot stop me from accomplishing my mission ," The maid said to them . She took a sword out of nowhere as if provoking them for a kenjutsu match .

The team Samui knew that all of them are in danger . So they took their swords out of their sheaths . All of them attacked her on the same time . The woman disappeared from her place . She appeared behind the red head girl and kicked her in the buŧŧȯċks . The red head girl is thrown few meters away from them .

The strength of the maid shocked them . She dashed forward and when she was about to attack Samui with a brutal sword strike . The only male of their team came in front of her to block her strike with his sword but he was pushed back by the strength of the maid .

" Damn what do you eat lady . I never encountered a lady this strong with physical ability ," The boy said to the maid . He is truly shocked when he blocked her attack . His hand become paralyzed for few seconds .

" My big sister is even stronger than me in physical ability . She doesn't even need a sword to do that ," The maid said to them .

The redhead girl got up and started to attack her furiously with her sword but it was quickly blocked by the opponent . She again kicked the redhead girl and appeared behind her to catch her . Then tossed her aside like a doll .

Samui finished a set of handseals and fired a fireball jutsu on her . According to her thoughts she would be able to finish her with the fireball jutsu . But the maid appeared behind her and gave a quick chop on her neck . And she lost her consciousness . She carried her in her shoulder .

Samui's teammate tried to stop her but she disappeared in front of them . They tried to search for her but they couldn't find her anywhere . Neither they can trace any clue to follow them . At last they decided it is best if they report it in the raikage office .


Naruto is practicing his kenjutsu arts before he can go for the dinner . Suddenly he got connected to demiurge through telepathy .

*" Yes demiurge , Any news or change in other ninja villages ,"* Naruto asked him .

*" We kidnapped the two kunoichi from the kumogakure . Tomorrow when Raikage will find about it . He will try everything to find them ,"* Demiurge said to Naruto . He is very excited to tell this news to Naruto .

*" Whom you send on this mission ?"* Naruto asked him . He is curious about the identity of the kidnappers of those two unfortunate kunoichi .

*" I send shishui Uchiha to capture Mabui . He used advance transformation for the kidnapping . He even left enough evidence for Raikage . He will know that it is the work of Kai uzumaki . I sent Narberal gamma to capture Samui . She finished quite easily and left clues that she also works for Kai uzumaki ,"* Demiurge said to him . He is happy that the mission is finished earlier than expected .

*"Good job Demiurge ,"* Naruto said to Demiurge .

Naruto disconnected the telepathy link after he got the report . He became busy with his kenjutsu practice . Tomorrow is a day when people will know that Kumogakure couldn't protect their own kunoichi from others . The ninja village which is known for the abduction of young girls from the other ninja villages for their bloodline is became a prey this time .

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