Overlord Naruto

Chapter 50 - 50 Sasuke's defection


It's been a month in konoha after Tsunade become the fifth hokage . Everything is going in the favour of konohagakure . All the damage which they suffered from the invasion of sand and sound village is fully recovered . It's due to the pace Tsunade started to ȧssign work and she is completing the paperwork's with the help of her two secretary .

Its night time and Naruto is walking towards senju compound after he finished his daily training . He suddenly got a message from Demiurge . Orochimaru's personal guards are in konoha and they have interacted with Sasuke . They gave him some time to think and if he agrees he can leave konoha with them . They are now waiting outside the konoha for him .

Demiurge told naruto that root become aware of Sasuke's defection . They are waiting if he leaves konoha or stays here .If he leaves then they can attack him and forcefully take him in their custody to make him their puppet .

Now Naruto is walking towards the gates and he saw Sakura is lying on a bench . She is sleeping as if dreaming about someone . Maybe Sasuke didn't think much about his life in konoha . And directly went to grab power to kill his brother from Orochimaru .

Naruto tried to sense Sasuke through his sensory abilities . He found his chakra signature with four other signatures which didn't belong to any konoha nin's . He just ignored it and went towards his house leaving Sakura on her dreams .

' Let him think he escaped easily . I will not interfere with his childish behaviour till my friends life is in danger ,' Naruto thought about it and through shunshin went towards his house .

Tsunade and others are waiting for him . Naruto enters the house .

" Hello master , Dinner is ready for all of us . We are waiting for you ," Shizune said to Naruto . She looked at him and found him in a deep thought .

" Is something bothering you . Please tell us about it . We will try to solve it ," Irene said to Naruto . She is worried about him . As she has never seen him in this kind of thinking position .

" I am worried about my friends . It may seem a heartless decision but not everytime I can protect them . They should understand that life is not a bed of roses . I can go and kill all the sound four now including Sasuke . I let them go because I believe my other friends are capable enough to handle it ," Naruto said to them . In one hand he cannot see some of his friends get hurt especially shikamaru . But he want them to experience it . This is a life changing battle for them .

" Master are you saying that Uchiha brat defected the village and going with sound four the bodyguards of orochimaru . Sometime I don't understand you . What do you want from me in this kind of situation ? " Tsunade asked him . She knew this can happen and heard Sasuke's power seeking nature by Naruto .

" When I was coming to the house I checked with my long ranged sensory arts that they fought with two ninjas . One of them is genma shiranui . Sakura might know something about his departure but she is sleeping in a bench so I didn't disturb her . Wait till Sakura or genma give the testimony that Sasuke defected from the village . Then send shikamaru Nara , choji akimichi , Kiba inuzuka , shino aburame , Neji hyuga and rock Lee . If shikamaru ask about me . Tell him I have gone for training in the summoning realm and I will return soon and join them later . You can ask for the help of sand village . It will increase our changes for the good relationship with them ," Naruto said to them . He is not planning to bring his friends back in life threatening situation . He only wants them to acquire experience for their life .

" Yes Master . I will do it for you . It may be a heartless decision but it will make them fully aware about the future dangers they can possibly face . A kage makes this kind of decision all the time . So you are doing nothing wrong ," Tsunade said to Naruto . In a ninja world all the heartless decision are taken for the benefit of the village or for their own clan's survival .

" Master Dinner is getting cold . So please don't talk about anything now . The problem will be handled by tsunade sama anyway ," Shizune said to Naruto . She believes in tsunade to handle this situation .

They started their dinner and left the another day work for the other day . Till they doesn't get an eye witness they will not act .


....Unknown place...

Twenty root ninja appeared behind sound four . They already put Sasuke in the barrel after giving him mind awakening pill . So root members couldn't see Sasuke . But only felt his presence in the barrel which is kept behind Jirobo's back .

" Sound four we know about you . We demand that you should leave the young Uchiha in our care . We know you are exhausted after you fought with two konoha nin . You are in no condition to fight against us ," A root ninja said to them . He is confident that they can take Sasuke and kill the sound four . They got the orders from Danzo to eliminate them .

" Why the rat of konoha are talking so big . It is not good for your health . It doesn't matter if Orochimaru sama has a good relation with Danzo . If you interrupt in our mission we will kill you ," Tayuya said to them . She doesn't take commands from the anyone other than Orochimaru .

" Anyway you are dead , so no need to talk ," sakon said to them and ukon nodded for him . The twin brothers wanted to kill them to interrupt them .

" Attack , leave none of them alive ," A root member said to them . They all are wearing white mask . Even then the sound four can feel that emotionless .

The root ninja started to attack them with elemental jutsus . Sound four started to run at the full speed to make a big distance between them . Tayuya started to play flute and started to caste demonic binding jutsu through the sounds . But root doesn't think much about it and break through the genjutsu . Danzo has send his elites to recover the Sasuke .

Kidomaru went to offensive and and started to spit spiderwebs from his mouth . The root ninjas avoided them in quick speed . Ukon sneaked on one root ninja and entered in his body while his brother sakon stood with others . Tayuya summoned Three blind gaints which she is controlling from her flute they started to attack the root ninja except one of them .

Ukon started to appear from his body and he is destroying his body from inside out . He left his body soon afterwards and the root ninja is lying on the ground . All the proteins and minerals are stolen from his body by ukon . He killed him after he left him and entered on another root ninja's body .

About an hour later .

All the root members are lying dead in front of sound four . Ukon once again entered in his brothers body and went to sleep .

" Danzo has trained them well but they are weakling in front of us . Even if a trash has potential it will remain a trash forever ," Tayuya said to his teammates . Her arrogance is seen in her face . Maybe due to living with Orochimaru they all became arrogant .

" They wasted our lot of chakra . If we face someone now like them we will be in a difficult position . If we will not reach in time to our hideout . Lord Orochimaru will punish us ," Sakon said to them as their leader . They started to run with their remaining strength to find a suitable place to recover their chakra .



" Sasuke don't leave konoha ," Sakura uttered the first word when she got up from her sleep . The ninjas understood that she talking about Sasuke and he left the village . For more information they have to take her to hokage .

" Miss haruno , we have to take you to fifth hokage . It is very delicate matter if Sasuke left the village . So please don't vomit ," One of them said and put a hand on her shoulder and with a shunshin directly took her to hokage tower .

Now they are in hokage tower . Sakura tried her best to not vomit because of the after effects of shunshin .

" Hello , may we get an appointment with hokage sama it is urgent regarding Sasuke Uchiha ," One of the ninja said to the secretary of the hokage . She is also the same secretary which served under third and fourth hokage . Tsunade decided to keep her . But now she is not alone but sometimes Irene and Shizune help her as two other secretary and helper of fifth hokage . She is having a nice time now a days .

" Yes , you can directly go to her office if it is urgent . After all you are first one to come to hokage tower today ," Secretary said to them .

They directly went to see the see the hokage . They knocked on the door and after they got permission they entered in the office .

" You are so early . Is anything serious problem occurred in konoha . I took care of almost all the problem which needed my attention if I am correct ," Tsunade said to them . As soon as she entered in office and wanted to relax for sometime they disturbed her .

" Lady tsunade Sasuke left the village yesterday night . He knocked me out and I left me on the bench near a park ," Sakura said to tsunade . She couldn't believe Sasuke left her even after she confessed her love to him . Instead he knocked her out to leave the village .

" Do you know where he left Sakura ," Tsunade asked her . For sending someone to bring back a rogue ninja you should know the exact direction .

" Lady tsunade , Genma gave his statement . He saw Sasuke went away with sound ninjas . They are four of them . He saw them during invasion and they are the personal guards of orochimaru . He went willingly with them ," Shizune said to Tsunade . The testimony of genma created many problems for them . First they have send other Anbu with rookies to bring back Sasuke now .

' Master never said to me that I couldn't send other ninjas with them . I will ask him when this people will leave from my office . Uchiha's are always a headache for us ,' Tsunade is thinking after she listened to shizune .

" How Sasuke kun will do something like that . It might have effect of curse mark which Orochimaru gave him during chunin exam ," Sakura wanted to save sasuke even now . Her judgement is clouded due to confusion .

" Are you a fuinjutsu master , sakura ," Tsunade asked him .

"No" Sakura replied .

" Then you don't know how curse mark work . Then could you please only answer what is asked . Don't defend a ninja who abandons his own village and goes to enemy village for power . Two of our ninjas are hospitalized because they wanted to bring him back ," Tsunade said to Sakura . She doesn't like when someone defends the action of a ninja who abandons his own village .

" Call chunin shikamaru Nara and all the boys who studied with sasuke in a academy . Don't call Naruto uzumaki as he is not currently in the village . In his place call neji hyuga and rock Lee ," Tsunade said to shizune who immediately took her orders and left to send someone to bring Sasuke's classmates .

" You all have to submit the written report about the incident . Now please leave the office ," Tsunade said to them . All of them left the office . Later she contacted naruto and asked him about the situation and he agreed to sent some anbus with his friends .


In front of Tsunade five genins and a chunin are standing in her office . Shikamaru Nara , Neji hyuga , Rock lee , Chouji akimichi , Kiba inuzuka , Shino aburame couldn't believe when they heard that sasuke left the village .

" Lady hokage , why you are not sending Naruto with us ," Shikamaru asked her . It looks weird for Shikamaru that they going but Naruto is not with them .

" He is not in konoha but I have already send him a message to call him back . Yesterday he went to the summoning realm for more practice in summoning arts . It is good that he will arrive late otherwise the moment he will see sasuke he will kill him for defecting our village . Two of our ninjas testified that sasuke left willingly with personal guards of orochimaru ," Tsunade said to them . Shikamaru is calculating something in his mind .

" Lady tsunade it is very risky for my team to confront personal guards of the snake sanin . They success rate to bring back Sasuke is almost non existent if he went willingly ," Shikamaru said to her . He doesn't like this mission . It might be a very dangerous mission for him and his friend . Not to mention Naruto will arrive little late .

" We have to follow the protocol . We have to give him a chance to come back . If he doesn't agree to come willingly try to use force . I am sending anbu members with you . You are only in this mission to convince Sasuke . It doesn't matter if the people with him were all killed by anbu or you ," Tsunade said to them .

" I am here lady hokage ," A female anbu appeared in front of tsunade . It's yugao uzuki in her anbu attire and her face is covered by mask .

" Take at least three team of anbu with you and ȧssist them to bring back that uchiha boy . If he doesn't listen to them . Use your full force to bring him back . You are given full authority to kill other people who are with Sasuke . Now you can leave if you don't have any questions ," Tsunade said to them . All of them left the office .


After thirty minutes ...

Naruto went to hokage office and he got the details from Tsunade about his mission . He was a back up for his friends . After receiving his mission he left for his mission alone . He can reach before they reach a critical stage of their fight . There is gap of 20 minutes in there departure .

'Atleast I don't have to promise Sakura to bring him back to konoha . Even then I can bring him back his dead body ,' Naruto is thinking about this mission . He went in his normal pace after he left the konoha gates .

After an hour he met Chouji who is nearly exhausted his chakra and lying in ground with Jirobo and three anbu members . All of them are exhausted except Jirobo who died there . Naruto collected his body in a scroll and put some chakra in three anbu members and chouji . So they will not die before they reach konoha .

" Shadow clone jutsu ," Naruto said and created some advance shadow clones . They carried all of them back to konoha . But it is not life threatening for them .

Naruto continued his journey and when he saw Neji is fighting with kidomaru . Neji is surrounded by summoned spiders. Kidomaru is hiding in trees . He was about to strike him from his blind spot with a long range jutsu . Naruto appeared behind kidomaru with his blade and put it in his heart from behind .

" Surprise Orochimaru's bitch . I just caught you off guard ," Naruto said to him while twisting his blade inside his heart .

" How did you .... ," Kidomaru couldn't complete his sentence as Naruto is twisting his blade inside his heart . He died on the spot . Naruto collected his corpse in a scroll .

As soon as kidamoru died all his summoned spiders disappeared from the scene . Neji looked everywhere and saw that Naruto is collecting kidamoru corpse in a scroll .

" Hey Naruto . You are late but thanks for the help ," Neji said to Naruto . He has thin smile on his face .

" Where are others and the anbu who came with you ? How come you are alone ?" Naruto asked him .

" They are unconscious as they had a very long battle and they saved me few times . This guy summoned spiders which became too much for us ," Neji said and lead him to a place where three anbu members are hanging by threads of spiderwebs . Neji cut the spiderwebs and freed them . Naruto has to create few more shadow clones and sent the injured anbu members to hospital with them .

" Are you able to continue the mission Neji . I am only here as a backup . If you are injured I have to send you back ," Naruto said to Neji . Even though they are not friends it doesn't mean Naruto hates him .

" I can continue . Thanks to the anbu members . They helped me a lot . This spider guy is more durable than we thought . We also saw some twenty corpses of unknown ninja while coming here ," Neji said to Naruto . They both started to continue . Neji started to use his Byakugan and started to lead him .

" What is the puppet guy from sand is doing here . He is talking with Kiba and akamaru . Anbus are with them ," Neji said to Naruto and both of them increased their speed towards them . In few minutes they were with them .

" Hello kankuro , it is a surprise that you came as a help from sand village ," Naruto said to Kankuro . Kankuro looked at him and got terrified for few seconds . Then he calmed himself down a little bit .

" Hello Naruto , I hope you will not mind my presence . My sister and gaara is here to help . You might know we are again in alliance village . Orochimaru manipulated us and he even killed my father ," Kankuro said to Naruto . He heard about Naruto and recently saw his bingo book profile . The boy they ignored during their first confrontation made a name for himself in every elemental nations .

" Are you alright ," Naruto asked an anbu . Who looked like he is badly injured . All the other Anbu trying to treat him .

" That two headed freak divided himself and one of them entered in his body and he injured himself and almost wanted to sacrifice himself but then he left his body . That guy was little strange . With the help of Kankuro we easily took him down ," Kiba said to Naruto . They we're having a hard time to take down sakon and ukon but with the help of Kankuro who uses puppet it became easy for them . As sakon and ukon couldn't enter in puppet .

Neji checked on him with Byakugan and he find it was not a life threatening situation for him . Still Naruto send him back with the help of a clone to the konoha hospital .

Now Naruto is with two anbu members , Kankuro , Kiba and Neji . All of them went towards the direction in which his other friends went to chase after the barrel and one member of sound four . With the help of Neji they easily reached to shikamaru and temari .

" You are late Kankuro . I already took her down . She is really very problematic . Before she went down she injured almost five anbus . All the anbus fought her summoned gaints ," Temari said to Kankuro . Then she looked at Naruto . 'This guy he didn't changed at all . He is still reading me ,' Her thoughts were stuck on Naruto . After all he is the person who fooled her .

" Shikamaru let's go we have a traitor to kill ," Naruto said to shikamaru . If Sasuke will meet him today he will definitely kill him today . That's why he arrived late to control his urges from killing Sasuke .

" We still have to follow the protocol . Sasuke is lucky that you arrived little late ," Shikamaru said to Naruto . He can feel if Naruto would have come early he would have gone for Sasuke's head .

" I still couldn't believe why your teammate will leave your village ," Temari asked Naruto .

" He is a power seeking bitch . Who will follow anyone who promise him to make him more powerful . He already tasted curse mark of Orochimaru ," Naruto said to Temari .

" What we do with the unconscious anbu ," Shikamaru asked him . Naruto looked at them .

Again Naruto has to produce shadow clones and they immediately carried the unconscious anbu and started to run towards konoha . Anbu already collected the twins body . Naruto , Kiba , Kankuro , Temari , Neji and two anbu are running towards to help rock Lee and shino .

They arrived at the scene after few minutes and the saw that gaara is with a female anbu and rock Lee near a dead body whose head is cut by a sword .

" Whose is this person ? I have not seen him before ," Naruto asked yugao .

" He is send by Orochimaru as the reinforcement . He was a kaguya clan member and able to use his bone manipulation . It was quite a headache for us . With the help of gaara and lee . I was able to take him down ," Yugao said to Naruto .

Neji is using his Byakugan and looking for the traces of sasuke and shino . He looked at one direction and he got shocked .

" He injured shino . We have to hurry up . They are near border line ," Neji said to them .

" Follow me ," Yugao said to them . She is the in charge now .

All of them followed Yugao uzuki and when they reached Valley of the end . Shino is lying in the ground fully exhausted with blood flowing out from his wounds . He was knocked out by Sasuke . Yugao checked his condition .

" He has exhausted all of his chakra . Let's take him to the hospital . His wounds may become serious if not treated on time . They might have a serious battle ," Yugao said to them .

" Captain , what should we do ? Should we have to follow him . It looks like he already crossed the borders . We don't have any orders to cross the borders ," an Anbu said to Yugao . She is thinking for a moment .

" Let him go for now . We will catch him later . But first we have to take shino to the hospital ," Yugao said to everyone .

All of them started to move towards konoha . They have to admit shino to the hospital .


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