Overlord Naruto

Chapter 61 - 61 Demiurge's manipulation

....Land of waves .....

..... Wave damiyo's castle....

A man in red suit and a small girl is now standing outside the small castle of the previous owner of land of waves . The previous wave damiyo and his family is killed by Gato's ȧssassins . After the death of wave damiyo it became easy for him to control land of waves . Till Gato was killed by Naruto .

There are still some samurai present there who are loyal to the previous damiyo but they are jobless now . Now they only guard the small castle as it is their duty as they are bound by their oath to wave damiyo .

When the guard saw a man and a girl are approaching them they become alert . They stopped them and asked them .

" Who are you people ? Even our land of waves recently become fully free . It doesn't mean you will enter inside our deceased damiyo's castle like it's a park ," One guard said to them . He do not want to be rude to a man and a small girl . It is a daily procedure for them .

" I am sorry but I have a job to do . Would you call your superior . I am here to deliver something which belongs to your damiyo ," The man said to them . He is very elegant in talking . His voice made them relax .

" Please stay here , I will call our samurai general ," Another guard said to them . He went inside and called their commander . When he came outside he was shocked to see the girl .

The general samurai was old and he has seen many generation of damiyo's reign in the land of waves . He was shocked because the small girl with the man exactly looks like the younger sister of deceased damiyo . She ran away with a boy from the land of waves after her father wanted to marry her in the family of another damiyo . The boy was poor and her father didn't agree with their marriage . To hide this fact he wanted to marry her somewhere else . Her father died after she ran away and her elder brother became the new damiyo . Who later killed by the ninja ȧssassins of gato .

" May I know what you came to deliver . And who is this girl . She reminds me of the younger sister of our previous damiyo . By any chance she is related to our damiyo . Ohh where are my manners . My name is Satoshi and I am the one who manage the security of this castle ," Satoshi said to them . The girl was not paying attention to his words and busy in looking everywhere . She is around 10 years old .

" Hello my name is demi . I came to deliver this girl in your care . She is the last member of this noble house . She is the daughter of the younger sister of your deceased damiyo . Your previous damiyo hired me to find his sister . But I was late as she was dying from a disease and only her daughter remained . So I brought this orphan child of this noble family back to the land of waves ," Demi said to them . He is quite odd for a mercenary hired by damiyo's .

" How do we believe your word ? You can be an imposter who tried to control our lands like gato ," One guard said to him . The guards are more cautious about this matter . One wrong move and their lands will fall again in the clutches of an evil person .

Demi didn't get angry and handled it calmly . The general is also waiting for some more evidence . As a samurai they have to follow the code . Even in his heart he already believe that this girl is from this noble house that they serve .

Demi brought out a letter which is sealed and signed by their deceased damiyo . He gave it to the general and he read it . He bow down his head in front of the girl .

" Sorry for our rude behaviour lady damiyo . We have to make sure about his identity . I have no doubt about you identity from the beginning ," Satoshi said to the girl . The girl looked everywhere around her as if she doesn't know what is going on . The other guard followed the general and bow down in front of her .

" Where is lady damiyo ? I can't see her . Is she invisible . Ohh my God I was so rude to lady damiyo ," The girl said to them . And she joined them and bowed to the invisible lady damiyo .

" I am sorry for my rude behaviour lady damiyo ," The small girl said to the air . Demi laughed at this incident .

" You are so innocent little girl . You are their lady damiyo . I have never seen someone bow to themselves . For one moment I thought you are paying respect to yourself ," Demi said to the girl . She pouted at his words . Even if the guards wanted to say something they couldn't find a word . They got a new damiyo even if she is a small child . At last they will serve the damiyo household for whom they swore an oath .

" I am so little Mr Demi . All the damiyo are so big and ȧduŀts . How do I know it's me ," The girl said to Demi . He sighed at her words .

" Please could you introduce yourself to them . They are waiting to know your name ," Demi said to the small girl . She pout again but decided to introduce herself .

" My name is Selena ," The girl said to them . It brought the smile on the face of general Satoshi .

" Thanks for returning the heir of our noble house . So how much amount damiyo has to pay for your mission ," Satoshi asked Demi . Even if they doesn't have a lot of money in the noble treasurey . At least it should be enough to pay for Demi .

" No need for that money . It was already paid in advance to my lord . I am not a mercenary by any chance . I work for Kai uzumaki who appointed me for this job . If you are wondering who is Kai uzumaki . He is the lord of uzushiogakure . He want a better relationship with your damiyo and land of waves . And also keep it a secret from the other damiyo ," Demi said to them . When satoshi heard the word uzushiogakure . He was stunned by it .

" I understood your point of view Mr Demi . So uzushiogakure survived the massacre . They used to be so nice to our damiyo's . But everything changed when some ninja villages banded together to destroy uzushiogakure ," Satoshi said to Demi . He was very young during the uzushiogakure massacre . So he knows about it .

" Well I will take my leave as I have to be in the service of my lord . Be nice to them lady damiyo ," Demi said to Selena . She is full of tears when she heard Demi is about to leave .

" You are *sob* leaving Mr Demi *sob* ," Selena said to Demi .

" I have to leave lady damiyo . I have a job to do . But we may meet in the future . You can call for our help if you need it . My lord will surely help you out if you face a problem . But for now I have another job to fulfill ," Demi said to her . She stopped her sobbing as if she understood Demi is very busy .

" Thank you Mr Demi for taking care of me all this days during our journey . Please visit here sometime ," Selena said to Demi . She cannot stop Demi but invited him if he visit land of waves again .

" I would sure visit you in future lady damiyo ," Demi said to Selena .

" Mr Demi , I want to ask you something if you like you can answer it . Do you know Naruto uzumaki . The hero of our land of waves . Is there a relation between Lord Kai and Naruto ," Satoshi asked Demi . In response Demi smiled at them .

" Yeah I know master Naruto . Even if he doesn't know about our existence . He is the only nephew of Kai uzumaki . His mother is the younger sister of our lord Kai . It is a top secret of uzushiogakure . So please don't say it to anyone . I also saw the great Naruto bridge which made me proud of him . Now please excuse me ," Demi said to them . He left the castle soon afterwards . After all he is a very busy person .

" I hope Mr Demi visit me soon ," Selena said to herself which is heard by every samurai .

" Don't worry lady damiyo . We will maintain a good relation with uzushiogakure . So he can visit you often . We have to keep it a secret from other country . So please don't tell anyone about them ," Satoshi said to Selena . In his eyes she is a little girl .

He took her inside the small castle to introduce her to everyone . He felt a little bad to put all the damiyo's work on a little girl . But he can't do anything about it . Well one thing is sure under the rule of a new wave damiyo the life of the people will improve .


.....Town of land of waves ....

Demi is roaming around the town and saw the situation of their life . Even though the people live a better life . They are not worried about any goons and their life is progressing at a significant rate . But they are like a developing country .

" Are you a new person in our village . I have not seen you before ," A random person asked him . He is curious about this person .

" I am a foreigner who just came to visit this place . I heard the tale of a young ninja named Naruto uzumaki . When I entered through bridge I saw his name and got more curious about this land ," Demi said to that stranger . He has a smile on his face when he is talking about Naruto .

" Well he is a person who ended Gato's reign singlehandedly . His methods are little brutal but it gave us the freedom from a terror which haunted our life for many years . By the way my name is Tazuna and I am the one who made that bridge ," Tazuna said to Demi . He is very proud of his creation .

" My name is Demi . I can see your lands have greatly improved after that incident . But your markets need a lot of trade from other countries ," Demi said to Tazuna . It alerted Tazuna a little . He doesn't want a businessman like gato in his land once again . And Demi looks like a businessman with his red suit .

" If you are a businessman like gato then I have you ask you to leave our country . He also came to our lands like any other business man but at the end he corrupted our lands with his drugs ," Tazuna said to Demi like giving him a warning . Demi didn't even fazed by his behaviour . He has expected this kind of behaviour from him .

" Mr Tazuna I am not a businessman . I work for my lord . I came here after hearing the tales of Naruto uzumaki . This is the truth . But I can see a lot of opportunities for your people and for my people here . I am not a drug dealer and I don't like it myself . It slows the mind and eat a person from inside . Your people may love to trade food supplies from my people . We would sell food supplies at your affordable price . It may put you at ease Mr Tazuna ," Demi said and cleared the doubts of Tazuna . After hearing his words the bridge builder relaxed a little . If it is about food supplies he can introduce him to the market of waves . It is a tempting offer for them .

" Your offer is quite tempting Mr Demi . Even if we don't lack food supplies but the varieties are quite limited in our place . But I can introduce you to the shops of our market . I cannot decide for everyone so you have to convince them yourself ," Tazuna said to Demi . He just smiled and followed him inside the market .

" Mr Tazuna , I like to thank you for showing me around . But please don't compare me with a goon like Gato and he has no business sense . He only took from your people and in return your people gained almost nothing . I work for my lord and for the betterment of my people . You can understand that better than anyone if I am correct ," Demi said to Tazuna while walking . His statement was true to the core .

" What do you want to say Mr Demi ? " Tazuna asked him .

" Country become prosper when the people of that country have a lot of opportunities to thrive on it . You have build a bridge so people like gato doesn't have the sole ownership of the market and the trade route in your country by the sea is not the only option for your people to survive . I want to build a Trade route here in land of waves through land and sea for the products produced by my people . It would give your people more job opportunities . My lord wants me to supply food products for now . We are still thinking about the trade of clothing materials . But we can only supply world best silk for now in that area . We have the best liquor and wine in our country but we will decide it's price later . There are many things to trade . For your ȧssurance we don't sell drugs as it is one thing our people hate from their heart ," Mr Demi said to Tazuna . After hearing his words Tazuna is looking at him in a new light . Now he understood why Demi referred gato as a goon . Gato was too naive for a real businessman . His eyes wide opened when he heard about world's best liquor and wine .

" Please wait Mr Demi . I will call all the shop owners and the people who are here in the market . They would love to hear your offer ," Tazuna said to Demi and went to bring all the people in the market .

Foreigners are rare in the land of waves . Due to Gato they are very cautious to deal with the foreign businessman . Mostly people do not visit in the land of waves except if they want to trade something . And Demi has a devil's luck today as no other person from another country is present in land of waves except him .

Tazuna brought all the people in the market to hear Demi's words in twenty minutes . He is looking at him like one time opportunity for the people of land of waves . Due to Tazuna's reputation everyone gathered in one place .

" Are you the one Tazuna is speaking about ," One old man said to Demi . He nodded at him .

" Don't try to trick us like gato . I am giving you a warning beforehand ," A young man said to Demi .

Demi saw everyone gathered in the middle of the market . He started to think for a moment and then he jumped at the roof of a shop and cleared his throat . His actions gained even more attention towards him .

" Ladies and gentleman . I am honored to be here . To ȧssure you I am only a scout for my country . I ȧssure you I am not even a businessman . Especially not like gato . Wait a minute , I thought gato was a tyrant , who do not know how to do a proper business ," Demi said to them after giving them a small bow .

" That's true he was a tyrant . That midget didn't know how to do a business ," A young man said to him from the crowd . All the people nodded at his words . People attention were now on Demi and his words .

" You have heard about my country from the old times as it is now wiped out from the world's map by the jealousy of few nations . But we survived , I know your pain and suffering as I felt the same thing . I belong to uzushiogakure , the land of uzumaki clan . Even your hero's mother belong to that land before it got destroyed ," Demi said to the crowd and he revealed it here as he knows they cannot betray him after this revelation . He gave them the time to process the whole information .

The crowd started to talk among themselves about this new revelation . Soon they stopped talking so Demi can talk more about it .

" I came here at the recommendation of our young master Naruto uzumaki . Our young master feels that this land is full of opportunities for you and for us . This place is at the best place in this world's map for a trade route . We want to establish a Trade route center here and provide you a lot of jobs which will improve your condition rapidly both financially and economically . You will get the same product from our country more cheaper than others . But I would like all of you to keep it a secret about the existence of our country . If they knew about our existence then the first person they will attack will be Naruto uzumaki . And you would not like it ," Demi said to the crowd . The crowd became silent when they heard about Naruto again .

" We will keep it a secret from others , from every country . Even if it cost us our lives ," One old man said to him . He has a burning determination in his old eyes .

" We will keep it a secret from everyone . Not even konoha will know about it ," A young boy said to Demi from crowd .

When Demi was sure that the crowd will keep everything secret about Naruto and uzushiogakure he started his speech again .

" Thank you for understanding my words . We will start the trade among us from tomorrow and we need a land to establish an office for the world trade to control everything from the sea and land from the wave country . The land of waves and uzushiogakure will rise together in the world trade . And it is a new beginning for all of us ," Demi said to everyone and they agreed to his word easily . He jumped from the roof to the middle of the crowd .

The asked him so many questions and he patiently answered it to them . After everyone got their roles and duty Tazuna and Demi left the crowd .

" I am surprised by your speech . I thought you are a damiyo for one time ," Tazuna said to Demi . He just smiled at him .

" I am not a damiyo but soon you will get a news about your new damiyo . Tell your people to support her fully and keep her safe . It took our people a lot of time to find the right full heir of your country ," Demi said to Tazuna . In which Tazuna nodded his head . His life long dream is going to be fulfilled if he would see Land of waves as a prosper country .

" You are very nice person Mr Demi ," Tazuna said to Demi . It brought a smile on Demi's face .

" You are the first person to say that Mr Tazuna . I should get going . So I can send the food supplies and materials tomorrow through a ship ," Mr Demi said to Tazuna and disappeared soon afterwards like a ninja . Tazuna was not surprised as he now knows that Demi is from uzushiogakure and it is a land which was once filled with only ninjas .

" I am so grateful to Naruto . Everyone will remember his name forever in the land of waves . I will give the good news to tsunami and Inari ," Tazuna went towards his house . He is very happy about the future of land of waves .

Unknown to them they made the best decision of their life . They will remember it for the rest of their life .


.....The great Naruto bridge...

Demi appeared on the bridge and started to walk on the bridge . A small girl appeared from another side .

" Aura are you bored ? What were you doing all this time ," Demi asked her . Aura looked at him .

" I was admiring the greatest work of the human kind . Our lord has a bridge named after him . I was so happy about it . I looked everywhere if there is fault so I can correct it . But it is nicely made by the bridge builder . I casted some spell on it so it can never be distroyed by any human . Next time I will bring my brother mare here so he can make it the strongest bridge in the world . His magic has more effect than me on this kind of materials ," Aura said to Demi . But soon Demi turned into Demiurge . And now his tail and long ears are visible to others .

" Next time we will bring mare with us . Our new minion really surprised me today ," Demiurge said to Aura . He has a satisfied look on his face .

" The girl we resurrect from the damiyo's house of this country . She is very good in acting . Solution trained her with Karin . If I am correct Pandora brought her corpse for the future use and she became really useful . What is her real identity ?" Aura asked Demiurge . He smiled at her .

" Selena is an illegitimate child of the father of the previous damiyo . She was disposed by her own father during his reign . He also didn't like the fact that she looked like his other daughter who ran away from his castle . He even killed his legal daughter and her lover when they were eloping together from this country . So we don't have a problem in that area ," Demiurge explained the origin of Selena to Aura . She didn't like the story of a small girl which was killed by her father .

" So your plan is successful Demiurge san ," Aura asked him . She is not fully sure about his plan .

" I convinced them quite easily . But don't worry when I revealed about a part of lord Naruto and uzushiogakure . I put a magic spell on samurai and people of waves . So even if someone tries to betray him they will forget about the whole incident and die on the exact spot . But I don't think they will betray him . I was moved by their determination . Now whole land of waves is in our control ," Demiurge said to Aura . Even if he is sure that they will not betray Naruto but he is not over confident about that fact . So for precaution he put magic spells on them .

" If your plan is successful then we should leave early . We have to prepare for a large export ," Aura said to Demiurge . He again smiled at her .

" You should relax a little Aura . Every thing is already prepared and everything is going according to the plan . Let's go , we have to come here tomorrow ," Demiurge said to Aura . She nodded at his words . Later a gate portal appeared infront of them . And they disappeared in it .

A world can be dominated in many ways and controlling the world's economy is one way to dominate it . Land of waves would become one of the most prosperous country in few years in the eyes of the ninja world . The one who will take full benefit from it would be Naruto and uzushiogakure .

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