Overlord Naruto

Chapter 62 - 62 Land of snow ......

In the land of waves the new trading company is established under the care of Demiurge . He named it 'Overlord Trading Company' . At first he wanted to name it after Naruto but it may cause a lot of problem for Naruto unknowingly . So he used a different name which is suggested by Naruto . By the time people will become aware of this company's real potential . It's business roots would have spread in this whole world .

While Demiurge is busy in maintaining Overlord Trading company (OTC) in the land of waves . Naruto is with his team 7 in a newly ȧssigned mission . After the defection of Sasuke his place is given to kosuke for the timing till they find a suitable fresh genin for their team .

...Somewhere in Fire country ....

Naruto is standing with Sakura and Kosuke near a film production house . Kakashi went alone to discuss with the client . As client is busy in his work .

After sometime kakashi comes out with the client . The man is observing them .

" Hello , my name is Sandayu Asama . I work for the actress Yukie Fujikaze as her secretary . You have only one job and that is to protect our crew during our journey to the land of snow ," Sandayu said to the new team 7 . He is nervous about something for some unknown reason .

" Mr Sandayu , don't worry about your crew safety . I can guarantee that they will remain unharmed during their visit to the land of snow ," Kakashi said to Sandayu . It made Sandayu to relax as he knows about the reputation of kakashi .

After taking with kakashi , he went inside . He has some business to attend . Kakashi turned back and looked at his team .

" Cheer up guys , no need to be so serious . We are going to land of snow . Even though it is a A rank mission . It is easy for us ," Kakashi said to them . Even though he is telling that to his team . But in truth he is the only person who is nervous . He has few bad memories in land of snow .

" Have you ever visited land of snow before kakashi sensei ," Sakura asked kakashi . She is excited about visiting the land of snow .

" That was a long time ago . But it is not related to this mission . Try to buy some winter cloak . That land has no summer season . For the whole year their is only snow . I don't want any of you to catch a cold during our mission ," Kakashi said to them . They walked toward the inn where they are staying for today . They will start their mission tomorrow .

' That bastard Doto kazahana is ruling that place . I should be little careful . I suddenly remembered that little girl koyuki kazahana . I hope she is safe somewhere in the world . But why I am feeling uneasy about this mission ,' Kakashi is thinking about the past mission he has taken in land of snow .

They went to rest for the day but kakashi cannot relax and went outside to take a walk .


...Next day ....

The new team 7 went to the ship which is ȧssigned for the crew and for them . Kakashi is yawning for some reason . After they settled down in the big ship . Sandayu introduced them to the crew . Naruto is silent during the whole introduction . He is observing everyone and he knows what is coming .

' It is quite different from the movie . Maybe the lack of Sasuke and the presence of Kosuke affected this mission a little . So maybe that's why kakashi didn't tell us to watch the movie of Yukie . Anyway no one is acting like a child in our group so kakashi sensei have felt no reason to send us to the movie ,' Naruto is evaluating the situation and chose to remain silent .

" You are Naruto uzumaki . I heard about you little boy . You are the war hero of konoha and the son of Minato namikaze the fourth hokage ," Director Makino said to Naruto . His eyes were shining when he looked at Naruto . As if he found a masterpiece .

" Not only that , I heard you are the hero of land of waves too . I couldn't believe my eyes that a small boy like you is regarded as a hero in many places ," Assistant director said to Naruto . It attracted the attention of other crew . Sandayu looked at him with a little interest .

" I don't think I am a hero . I was just doing my job ," Naruto said to them . Director Makino started to write something on a piece of paper and kept in his pocket . And again he looked at Naruto as if he wanted to hear more from his mouth .

" Wow , I got the idea of my next series . I will make a movie on a badass ninja who is small boy who becomes a hero and saves many nations . It is a brand new idea ," Director Makino said to others . He was confused on what kind of series he will give to his audience . As the princess Gale series is coming to an end after this movie . Now he has this new idea .

' Now I become a research subject for this director . God knows what will happen around me in this trip . Everything is going off script . I will kill that Doto guy on the first chance I will get . So I would relax during this trip ,' Naruto is making plans as everything is not going according to the movie . So he will end it as soon as possible .

Director is observing Naruto while shooting the scenes . As if he found a treasure . But Naruto is feeling like he fall in the hand of a stalker .

" DAMN KAKASHI ," A woman voice is echoed through air . Kakashi woke up from his half sleep state . Sakura looked at kakashi as if he took advantage of a lady .

" Don't look at me like that , Sakura . It is necessary for our mission ," Kakashi looked at her again . He understood that she misunderstood his words .

So he explained them in simple words that the main actress of princess Gale was not ready to go to the land of snow . And he made her sleep and forcefully brought her to ship . If she was unable to come in this trip then there mission would have failed . It is necessary for their mission .

" Now do you understand Sakura ," Kakashi said to Sakura . She understood his words and then went back to guard the crew .

Soon Yukie Fujikaze entered on the sets . She looked angrily at kakashi but couldn't do anything about it . It is an irony for her . The person who saved her during her childhood is now forcefully taking her to that land again .

She is angry with her crew for forcefully bringing her to the ship . Even then she continued to give her scenes for the camera without a problem . Even Naruto couldn't believe she is the same person off screen .


....After three days .....

A big iceberg came in front of their ship . Director Makino didn't get disappointed by the situation but looked at this situation as an opportunity to shoot more scenes .

" Let's use this place for a bonus scene . Start moving boys . We have a set to prepare for the new scenes ," Director Makino said to the crew and they started to land on that Iceberg .

They rapidly built the set for shooting the movie . Everything was going normally . But soon Naruto felt some hidden presence in that big iceberg . And when Yukie Fujikaze started to shoot her scenes . He felt they started to move in snow .

Kakashi suddenly felt the disturbance and threw a paper bomb on ice . And stood in front of Yukie to protect her .

Everyone is confused why suddenly kakashi went infront of camera . But before they could ask anything . The snow which covered the intruder faded away and a snow ninja appeared infront of him .

" Kakashi , it's nice to meet you after a long time . Are you going to run this time like our last encounter ," The snow ninja said to kakashi . And soon another two ninja appeared nearby . A fat male ninja and a female ninja .

" Why are you here Nadara roga ? What is your purpose on attacking this crew ? " Kakashi said to Nadara roga . He smiled as if kakashi is playing with him .

" I am here for Yukie Fujikaze who is also known as koyuki kazahana . The daughter of previous damiyo of land of snow . Hand her over and we will let you go kakashi . And your three genins will not be harmed ," Nadara said to kakashi . He didn't know about Naruto as no information about him got to land of snow . Kosuke has a reputation in elemental nations as an eternal genin after might Dai .

Naruto is wearing a black cloak and it has hidden his chunin vest under it . And at the age of Naruto all are genin . So he just said it without thinking .

" Evacuate everyone from this iceberg Naruto . We will take care of them by that time ," Kakashi said to Naruto . Their first priority is saving the crew .

" Multi Shadow clones jutsu " Naruto said and at least hundred clones appeared with his hand sign . They started running towards the crew and picked them up with their shooting equipments . And started to run towards the ship .

" Mizore and Fubuki capture princess koyuki . Eliminate the other konoha shinobi ," Nadara said to his team and they started to engage in the battle with new Team 7 .

" Be careful of their armor . They have no effects of ninjutsu and genjutsu ," Kakashi warned his team from a distance .

Kakashi and Nadara started to fight each other in a Taijutsu battle with occasionally using ninjutsu on each other .

Sakura is fighting mizore who is a fat guy . While kosuke is taking Fubuki . Sakura is struggling a little . But due to her recent training with tsunade and shizune , she is keeping up with the snow ninja .

While Kosuke is keeping Fubuki busy without a problem . Whenever she thinks she caught him he slip away from her grasp .

Naruto has evacuated almost half of the crew . Naruto went towards Koyuki and saw her struggling with fear . She couldn't move from her place due to fear .

Naruto carried her and ran towards the ship . When Nadara saw it he wanted to chase her but kakashi stopped him .

" Kakashi get out of my way . It is your last chance ," Nadara said to kakashi . But he didn't move .

" You are quite overconfident Nadara . Let's play a little longer ," Kakashi said to Nadara . He is giving him the payback for last time .

" Ice style : white whale jutsu ," Nadara used his best jutsu .

" Thanks for the new jutsu , Ice style : white whale jutsu ," Kakashi said to Nadara .

As soon as Kosuke saw Nadara and kakashi are going to cast big jutsu . He slipped away from Fubuki . And reached near Sakura and grabbed her and took her to the ship .

" You lose kakashi , I still have a lot of chakra thanks to the armor ," Nadara said as soon as he saw the two whales were about to clash .

" My aim is little different Nadara , " And kakashi used shunshin and ran towards the ship .

The two Ice whale collided with each other but kakashi's Ice whale changed it's direction and didn't collided with the other whale head on . But it hit on it's stomach and the weight of two Ice whale is enough to cause disaster to the iceberg . By the time Kakashi already jumped on the ship .

Team 7 and the crew escaped without any problem . The Nadara team remained unharmed but kakashi's clever move made them engulped in the ice for some time . So they couldn't chase them for the timing .



....Inside the ship ....

No one in the crew is hurt because of Naruto's shadow clones . Sandayu felt bad for them because of his idea , Director Makino wanted to see Land of snow for the shooting . Kakashi and his team are also present there . Only koyuki is not present in that room .

" I am sorry everyone . It is all because of me that you are in danger ," Sandayu said to them .

" What are you talking Sandayu ? How it is possible ? " Director Makino asked him .

" I was once a loyal follower of damiyo Soutetsu kazahana . He is also the father of Koyuki kazahana . Till his brother Doto killed him ," Sandayu said to them .

He started to explain how they thought that koyuki was dead with her father . They tried to rebel against Doto many times but ultimately failed . He went to land of fire and saw Yukie and immediately recognised her as their princess koyuki . He started to work as her secretary to remain close to her . Then he somehow convinced Director Makino that land of snow is a nice place for shooting . And Makino agreed as he saw another opportunity for a new blockbuster movie . But koyuki refused to go . So he hired Kakashi's team as a last resort . He fully believe in Kakashi's ability as he earlier saved princess koyuki from Doto .

Director Makino looked at Sandayu as a rare creature . He unknowingly found a new script for a movie from the real life experience of Sandayu .

" Don't worry about it Sandayu . We also wanted to see the land of snow . It is not only your fault but all of us ," Director Makino reassured him .

But a figure appeared from behind the door . It was koyuki and she looked at Sandayu .

" I should have guessed by how you always asked me about my childhood and my parents . You tried so many times to convince me to go to the land of snow . I thought you are worried about my career . But you wanted to sent me to that hell again . So I can suffer again ," Koyuki said to Sandayu . He didn't flinched by her comment .

" Your people need you princess koyuki . They are still waiting for you to lead them in a battle against Doto . You are the only one who can go against him ," Sandayu tried to convince her but she payed no attention to his word .

She walked back to her room . Even if she try to stop them , it is no use . Doto has discovered her and he will hunt her down for the hex crystal .

When she entered in her room she saw Naruto is sitting there in her chair .

" What are you doing here . I don't need a body guard while sleeping ," Koyuki said to Naruto . She is in no mood to talk to anyone . But Naruto didn't leave the room . He silently casted a silence spell on the room . So no one could listen to what he is about to talk to koyuki .

" I can only see a baby princess here who couldn't avenge her father . Are you feeling weak because you couldn't do anything against your uncle . Or are you afraid that he will make your life a living hell again ," Naruto said to koyuki . She is in no mood to talk about past . But sensing the mood she understood that Naruto will not leave her alone if she doesn't talk with him .

" I am afraid of him so what . It is painful to remember what he did to my father and they were brothers . I can still see in my dreams that my father is burning with his castle . It haunts me everyday . That place is full of bad memories for me ," Koyuki said to Naruto . As if she explained everything to him .

" I can kill Doto for you . But their is a price for it ," Naruto said to koyuki .

As soon as she heard it . She couldn't control her laugh . In her opinion Doto couldn't be killed because he has an army with him . He is backed by the snow ninjas .

" Hahahahahaha , You sure can make me laugh . If you can kill Doto I will be your servant for life . After all he made my life a living nightmare . But forget it kid even if you are a ninja you couldn't touch him ," Koyuki said to Naruto in a sarcastic way . She is looking down on Naruto .

' Jane give me a conditional devil contract ,' Naruto said to his system . He is not angry but in his heart he accepted her challenge .

[Bought a conditional devil contract ]

" Challenge excepted Princess koyuki kazahana . You just have to hurt my ego . I will kill your uncle in front of you and make you my servant ," Naruto said to her . But the ego part was a lie as he has expected her to behave in such a way .

" I told you it is impossible for anyone to kill him . Not even my father can do that ," Koyuki is getting angry on Naruto . She couldn't understand what is the deal with this kid .

" Here is a contract princess koyuki . In your mind you are already killed by him many times . If you sign this contract then I will kill him . And you will be free from the nightmares which you suffered for a long time . What do you say ? Sign it and it is guaranteed that he will die in few days and if you choose not to sign it then he will live to see few decades ," Naruto said to her . She looked at the contract and couldn't understand it .

" I couldn't understand it . Even if I believe you . You may trick me later as I couldn't understand a single word from this contract ," Koyuki said to Naruto . She is looking at him .

' Jane how do I translate it to the native language ,' Naruto asked his system again . He has never faced this kind of problem before .

[Touch the contract and say translate . It will change to the native language of that world but the contract will change back on devil language as soon as your hand will leave the contract ]

Naruto touched the contract on one corner .

" Translate "

The contracts language changed in native language .

Koyuki started to read it and she was sweating at the conditions . They rules of contract cannot be reverted under any circumstances . She came to know that it is a devil contract .She looked at Naruto .

" What are you ?" Koyuki asked him . She is sweating after reading the contract .

" I am a human .If you choose to refuse it . I will erase your memory about this meeting but it is your only chance for revenge . You have read the devil contract . According to it if I fullfill your dėsɨrė or whatever condition you set for the contract . Then you will come under my rule and by any means you cannot betray me . I will have full control over you . Choice is yours Miss koyuki ," Naruto said to koyuki . He is waiting for her answer .

She thought about it for more than fifteen minutes . And then at last she looked toward the contract .

" I accept ," Koyuki said to Naruto . She took her pin. She pierced her finger from it . she took some blood from her finger and signed on the contract . She felt a little pain in her ċhėst . An uzumaki tattoo in black colour appeared above her heart .

" Now go to sleep princess Gale . It is a devil contract which you cannot discuss with others . So please don't try to speak about it to others . Bye princess ," Naruto said to koyuki and disappeared from her room . The silence spell is lifted as soon as the caster left the room .

Koyuki is still thinking about the things the Naruto said to her . She still couldn't believe that Naruto can kill Doto . As Naruto is a small boy . But the devil contract surprised her to the core . She gambled with her life for the first time against Doto for revenge .


.....Next Day ...

...Land of snow ...

Koyuki tried to speak about contract many times to crew but for some reason she is unable to speak to anyone about it . After trying it many times she knew contract is real . If Naruto kills Doto she will turn into his servant . Any way she doesn't care about becoming a servant of Naruto . As she lived a hopeless life for more than fifteen years . And her life is full of Doto's nightmare . They reached to the land of snow and took vehicles for their journey .

Naruto was not surprised to see the advanced vehicles which they are using for travels . They stopped somewhere to take a break and director Makino find it a perfect place for shooting .

" We will stop at this place for shooting so hurry up ," Director Makino gave his orders . As soon as he said it the people started to unload the equipments .

Koyuki kazahana didn't try to run in this timeline . Either way she will get killed by Doto in land of snow . It is under his control and she cannot run from here without anyone's help . She prepared for the shooting as it is right thing to do .

Naruto stood near koyuki as she is the main target of Doto . Last time he didn't interfere with the battle as it will cause problem later on . They still think he is a weak genin .

Soon a train route emerged from the ground which was earlier covered by snow . Naruto can feel chakra is running from it .

" What is that ? Director Makino curiously asked as the train route is not seen everywhere .

Sandayu checked it . He quickly understood that their location is tracked by Doto kazahana . He is coming for princess koyuki .

" Director Makino , I am sorry but you have to hide with the crew . Doto is coming for the princess . I will bring help in few minutes ," Sandayu said and he quickly ran away to call his samurai friends who live nearby to that location .

Within few minutes a train arrived on that place .

" Uncle is here . Where are you koyuki my darling niece ?" Doto voice is heard by everyone . Koyuki is hidden but she can see her uncle .

Naruto is standing there alone . Waiting for him . Other member of team 7 are hidden away to ambush them . They couldn't understand why Naruto is standing in front of that train .

" Are you Doto the worm . The shit eating worm who send some snow ninja to ambush us . After looking at your stinking face I am sure no one gave you their girl in marriage . After all no one gives their girl to back stabbing worm like you . Even a worm will not give you her daughter ," Naruto said to Doto .

At first Doto looked at him like an idiot for few seconds but after listening to one of the sore subject in his life . Because of his reputation and face he never got married . And now a child is telling him that even a worm will not give him a girl for marriage .

" Catch him and bring him to me . I will skin him alive ," Doto angrily said to Nadara . Nadara jumped up and speed up towards Naruto . He is almost two feet away from hitting Naruto . Kakashi wanted to leave his spot and rush to help Naruto .

Naruto without a handsign produced three shadow clones . He has a ton of chakra and he can produce few of them without a handsign . Three clone of Naruto quickly caught Nadara's hand and legs before he can hit Naruto . As no ninjutsu and genjutsu can affect him directly because of his armor . So Naruto didn't use any ninjutsu or genjutsu on him . Nadara cannot use any ninjustu in his position either . As his hands and legs are captured by three clone Naruto .

" I want to tell you something from the last time Shit head . I am a konoha chunin ," Naruto said to Nadara and quickly caught his head and twisted his head with full strength and broke his neck while shattering his wind pipe . Nadara got killed in few seconds due to broken neck and suffocation .

Doto became alert as he saw his right hand man was killed by a small chunin in few seconds . Naruto tricked him in thinking he is a genin . And caught him in an awkward position . Anyone can get killed in that situation . Rank doesn't matter in that position .

" Ice style : Ice dragon blizzard ," Doto casted a one of the his best jutsu towards Naruto . It hit him but soon he was engulped by the smoke produced by blizzard .

As soon as Doto casted his jutsu , Naruto has activated his Aura defence . And no matter what kind of jutsu it encounters it will keep Naruto unharmed . Naruto took advantage of smoke and made few hundred shadow clones .

Naruto jumped outside of the smoke . As soon as Doto saw hundreds of naruto . He become more afraid and attacked Naruto again with another jutsu .

" Twin dragon blizzard " Doto casted another jutsu but all the naruto's clones have their own Aura defence . So they landed on the train safely . And their first target is Doto.

By this time Sandayu arrived with his samurai friends and saw Naruto is attacking doto . He wasted no time and attacked the train . Kakashi and his remaining team 7 inflitrated inside the train and started to capture snow ninjas .

Few dozens of Naruto's clones caught Doto like Nadara . Naruto took his sword out . Naruto's clone forcefully opened the mouth of Doto . Naruto put the sword inside his mouth and forcefully pierced the sword from his mouth to lungs . Doto was bleeding inside and outside . The life in his eyes soon faded away .

Naruto's remaining clone went inside and started to support his team 7 in capturing the snow ninjas .

....After an hour later .....

Koyuki tattoo changed from black to red as the conditional contract is completed . Soon all the samurai who came to help them took everyone to the capital . Now they have a new ruler .

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