Overlord Naruto

Chapter 71 - 71 Joker of Narutoverse

Next day ....

Early morning .....

When Hinata woke up she found herself hugging Naruto like a teddy . Kurenai saw this but didn't say anything about it. After everyone woke up. They finished there morning necessities and breakfast . Now they are ready for their mission .

" You can go ahead I will come after some time . I still have my morning practice to finish ," Naruto said to Team 8. Everyday he spend some time with his morning ŀȧps , daily exercise , kenjutsu practice and meditation .

" Are you sure Naruto kun ," Kurenai asked Naruto . Last night she became the wife of Naruto after she signed a marriage contract. Whatever the situation was at that time but now he is her husband . She felt a little worry about him .

" You can come with us till beetle forest, Naruto kun," Hinata said to Naruto . She said to him so they can spend more time together .

" Nah !!! I will pass . I am in a solo mission . I don't want to gangbang my opponents . I will catch up with all of you after I finish my routine," Naruto said to Team 8 . He always finish his daily exercise . It became his habit .

" That gangbang sure sounds like a sėxuȧŀ word . You use quite new type of words pal . But take care ," Kiba said to Naruto. He has no intention to stop Naruto . He knows he can execute solo mission like a pro .

Team 8 left Naruto alone . He became busy in his morning practice session . He started with his ŀȧps.

...Beetle forest....


The trio from kamizuru clan of iwagakure are still searching for the rare beetle . Till they see Team 8, who also came in search of the same beetle.

" It looks like they are from konoha . And one brat is from aburame clan . They look like a genin team lead by a jonin . We cannot ambush them in her presence . But if we catch one of them alone . We stand a chance," Jibachi said to his brother and sister. He doesn't want to attack head-on when the team is with their jonin sensei .

" I can understand your point of view Jibachi . But we will wait till they find that beetle . We will capture one of them to built some pressure . Then we will kill all of them with a trap," Suzumebachi said to his brothers . She has a grudge on aburame clan and their supporters .

" I am with you sister. Recently this konoha ninjas has given a headache to our Tsuchikage . Especially that fourth hokage's brat Naruto uzumaki . And this genins look like they are from the same age group of that cursed brat . Naturally they should have good friendship among them or at least they should know about each other . If we capture them to take more information about that brat . It will definitely raise our reputation in Iwagakure and in the eyes of Tsuchikage," kurobachi said to Suzumebachi and Jibachi. They nodded their head as if they agree with her. An unknown figure appears between them at that same moment.

" So you know about Naruto uzumaki. Now tell me where can I find him ?" A tall man said to them . He looks very angry to them. The trio took out their kunai for precaution .

" Who are you ? How did you find us ?" Suzumebachi said to him . They hid their presence even the konoha team couldn't sense them. But this man not only find them but they didn't sense him .

" You were talking about Naruto uzumaki. I have a grudge on him. I left my hidden village in search of him . He killed my son in one of his mission . Now tell me where I can find him . Otherwise I will kill all of you," The tall man said to them. In his eyes they can see he is not joking .

" We are from Iwagakure and we are in no relation with Naruto uzumaki. If you want to find him you have to go to konoha," Jibachi said to him. His words put the man at ease . Now he no longer look at them with anger .

" I thought you are friends of Naruto uzumaki . You are not wearing your headband so it is difficult to recognise you . If you are from Iwagakure then there is no chance you are with him . Sorry for the disturbance . I should leave now . He should be around beetle forest and you three should be careful if he finds you. He is a young but he is ruthless like his father," The long man said to them and about to leave . But Suzumebachi interrupted him .

" Well I have an offer for you . You look like an experienced jonin. You have seen the other group in this forest," Suzumebachi said to the tall man . He stopped to hear her offer.

" I have no dėsɨrė to participate in your cold wars . I want only Naruto uzumaki . What kind of response I will give to my wife if I kill other innocent people who are not Naruto uzumaki . She is in depression because she lost her son," The tall man said to them . Whenever he takes the name of Naruto uzumaki they can see he has a deep hatred for him in his eyes .

" My sister wants to say that the other group are from konoha . And some of them are from the same age group of that brat . They must know a lot about him . We are in this forest for a special beetle but we also want to extract information about Naruto uzumaki from that group. They also have a jonin in their group which can cause a problem for us . So we need your support," Jibachi said to the tall man . He thought for few seconds . And a smile came to his face .

" Now you are talking . I don't know what you will do with that information but I am going to kill Naruto uzumaki after I get the information. If I take one of them I can lure him in my traps . After I complete this task I can retire and take care of my wife for the rest of her life," The tall man said to them. He sat down at the branch where he was standing .

" What is your name ? And which ninja village you belong ?" Kurobachi asked the tall man . The like to know with whom they are working.

The tall man looks like he is thirty five years old. He has black hair . He has a depressed look in his face . And he is wearing some foreign clothing.

" You can call me Joker . That is the name I used to called by others till I was in anbu of hidden demon village . You probably never heard of my village because it never maintained any relation with other ninja village . My son wanted to live a free life and left our hidden village. After some time when our ninja located his whereabouts . He was already dead by the hand of Naruto uzumaki . From that day I am searching for Naruto uzumaki," Joker said to them . He is quite relaxed now .

" You don't like to tell your real name . You are quite shy for an ȧduŀt man," Suzumebachi said to joker . She wants to know the real name of this person.

" It is forbidden to tell the real name of a person to others who are from different places or villages. If I tell you my real name I have to kill all of you . My village is not like your ninja village . We don't believe in war among ninja clans and mostly like to live a peaceful life. So our ninjas or villagers can live a longer life," Joker said to them . His clothes are totally different which made them believe that he is from a hidden village which is not seen by others .

" There are many hidden villages which are not friendly with others because of the ninja wars ," Jibachi said to joker . Many small hidden villages tries to avoid war which is quite common for them .

"When are you planning to attack them?" joker asked them . He is curious about their planning .

Suzumebachi explained him and others about her planning . They will attack the konoha ninja when they will find the rare beetle .

.....Beetle forest....

.....Night time.....

Hinata finally find the female rare beetle in the beetle forest . Shino captures the beetle and keep it safely in a transparent box which has a few small holes. So air can pass easily but beetle cannot escape from the box.

" Our mission is successful and now we have to wait for the beetle to lay an egg ," Kurenai said to his students . Now they can return to konoha . There is no need to stay in the forest .

" I am little surprised why the three ninjas never tried to ambush us . They are watching us for few days. It irritates me to be watched by other people for few days continuously ," Kiba said to his team . They discovered the three ninja are stalking them on the first day.

" Don't try to go alone . Otherwise they will capture one of us and put us in a vulnerable position," Kurenai said to them. They are waiting for one of them to go alone like Canon so they can caught them off guard . But kurenai is with them so their plan is going to fail without a doubt.

" Let's take some rest . After that when we will leave this forest," Kurenai ordered them . They started to rest as if they knew nothing about the ninja who are watching them .

.....In some distance.....

" Look at those fools . They are unaware about our presence . But they don't separate from each other, not even once," Suzumebachi said to his team .

'These fools are still thinking that they are unaware about their presence. They are not aware about me but they are fully aware about this trio," Joker is thinking in his mind . He will not correct them for his own purpose.

" It doesn't looks like they will separate from each other. We should ambush them now," Jibachi said to them . He has a feeling that everything will not go according to their plan.

" Let's not wait any further . We should ambush them now. Then I can go for my real hunt ," Joker said to them . No one knows what he is actually thinking by watching him.

All four of them moved towards the direction of Team 8 .

" They are moving in our direction kurenai sensei . But there are four people now ," Hinata said to his team . She is amazed by the presence of the fourth member. He appeared like a ghost today.

" Get ready to fight ," Kurenai said to her team . And all of them took out their kunai from their pocket and waiting for them in formation .

" I was itching for a fight but it sure looks troublesome now after we discovered a fourth member," Kiba said to them . His words attracted the attention of shino .

"You just used the phrase of shikamaru," Shino said to Kiba . But in the situation even he wanted to tell the situation is quite troublesome .

The four people came closer to team 8 . And Suzumebachi came forward as their leader .

" Just handover that beetle you just captured and that aburame kid . We let you go if you fulfill it without a problem," Suzumebachi said to Team 8 . Most of her team has experienced ninja and it will put Team 8 in a disadvantage.

" No, I will never leave my student behind. You have to fight us to take him," Kurenai said to them . She is angry at Suzumebachi for putting some ridiculous demand infront of her .

" You are from kamizuru clan . Who specializes in manipulating bees," Shino said to the kamizuru siblings and also informed his Team 8 about their skills ." Who are you I don't think you are from kamizuru clan of iwagakure," Shino said to joker .

Joker smiled and his faced changed and now his face is full of colour red and white . Red colour is around his mouth and eyes . His face has a red smile around his mouth .

" I am joker which is only my code name . Tell me where is Naruto uzumaki . I am here to kill him . He should be around this area . And I am not with them . It is only one time alliance for profit," Joker said to them . He smiled again and every one of them got terrified by his new look and smile .

" What kind of makeup is this joker ? You almost scared the shit out of me," Jibachi asked him . Even he was scared by him .

" I don't have any face . The face you saw the whole time was fake. I am on a personal mission and no one can stop me," Joker said to them. His smile is almost horrified the shit out of everybody around them.

" Even if you look scary I don't fear you. We don't trade the information of our comrades with other villages," Kurenai said to joker . And with that a lot of bees started to surround them Team 8.

Shino extended his hands a lot of bugs started to come out of it . The bugs started to fight with bees . So they shouldn't attack Team 8.

"I will kill you here aburame brat," Suzumebachi said to shino and extended her arms. She brought more bees . Three bee users versus one bug user is a disadvantages position for shino .

Kurenai saw this and casted her genjutsu binding on the bees so shino can take full advantage of it . His bugs started to kill them at an incredible speed .

The trio are in a disadvantage now as most of their bees are killed by them . And shino's bugs are still in a large number .

Kiba and akamaru attacked Jibachi and kurobachi with a 'fang over fang jutsu'. And they were injured by it speed and power. They couldn't protect themselves due to their bees sudden decrease in numbers .

" Suzumebachi take your brothers and run . Naruto uzumaki is coming at this place at an incredible speed . I can feel his chakra . Get out of this place," Joker said to Suzumebachi . She doesn't want to leave but her brothers are injured . If she will live to see another day . She will come back to take her revenge .

" What about you joker San?" Suzumebachi asked him . Even if they knew each other she doesn't know much about this man . It was only a deal for her.

" I will wait for him and hold this team back before they can come after you. I am too strong to die by their hands . Now please leave this place ," Joker said to them with a smile . After seeing his smile she got even more afraid and carried her brothers and ran away. She is afraid of his bloody smile .

" Naruto is not nearby why you told them a lie," Kurenai asked him . She couldn't sense Naruto nearby. She couldn't feel joker's chakra as if he doesn't exist.

" They were losing their bees . Without their bees they are nothing . No strong points other than their bees . You defeated them with a pure teamwork . I am impressed," Joker said to them and he clapped few times for them . Then he disappeared from their view. After few seconds shino, Kiba and Akamaru fall down and fell asleep .

"Now your team power is reduced in half . One jonin and a genin . Let's fight ," Joker voice is heard to kurenai and Hinata from every direction .

Hinata and Kurenai are fully vigilant to counter any attacks from joker . A large number of shuriken and kunai is thrown from all the direction and it was countered by Hinata and Kurenai .

Joker appeared between them . Both kurenai and Hinata didn't expect him to appear between them . But they tried to injure him by striking a palm and a kunai . But he put a distance between them .

Kurenai tried to attack him with a genjutsu but for some reason he didn't fell for it .

" Miss kurenai, your genjutsu couldn't affect me . I am immune even to sharingan's genjutsu . You will only waste your chakra by casting it on me," Joker said and laughed at her . He again appeared behind them . Hinata tried to use sixty four plams but he deflected her fingers before they can touch his body .

" You cannot block my chakra paths if you cannot touch my body hyuga girl," Joker said to her and he started to block every attacks of Hinata with more speed. Hinata felt helpless and she used chakra rotation during there hand to hand combat . But joker jumped out of the range of chakra rotation .

Kurenai came from side and attacked him with a kunai. But then she started using taijutsu to battle joker . Hinata came and joined Kurenai in her attacks . Joker again disappeared from their view .

When he appeared nearby . Kurenai waved some handsigns .

" Water bullet jutsu," Kurenai said and hit joker with her jutsu. He is injured a little bit by the jutsu .

" I never knew that you could do a elemental jutsu miss kurenai." Joker said to her . He looked a little surprised.

" I knew it will come handy one day," Kurenai said to joker. Hinata came to her sensei's side . Before they can do anything .Joker started to do handsigns .

" Genjutsu : Hell's illusion," Joker casted a new type of genjutsu on both of them. Hinata and Kurenai couldn't save themselves from the genjutsu. This illusion is strong even for Byakugan .

For few minutes they saw themselves in different kind of situation in genjutsu. There are multiple genjutsu layer in one genjutsu . It took them several minutes to come out of his illusion world .

" You came out of the illusion . I was waiting for you to counter this genjutsu ," Joker said to them. They found themselves tied by a tree . Shino, Akamaru and Kiba are sleeping nearby .

" What do you want from us ?" Kurenai asked him . She can see that it is not a genjutsu . But the real world . And they are now in the beetle forest on the mercy of joker .

"You fought bravely , I can feel it . But there are other enemies who will come later in your life who are stronger than you can imagine . The illusion is just a glimpse of it . Thanks for the last night show . Now the fun is over I should get going," Joker said to them and their binding disappeared . And joker's body started to shine and it rise in the air and like an spirit his body cracked in lights and it disappeared from their view .

After joker disappeared from their view. Shino and Kiba came back to their senses .

" Sensei what happened just know . All of my insect slept with me," Shino said to them . He felt like he woke up from a nap.

" How come I slept without a warning . Even Akamaru is telling he slept without a reason," Kiba told his team . Akamaru is barking behind him.

" It looks like a test or something . Joker is some kind of forest spirit . He never hurt anyone of us in this encounter. He never attacked us when we were fighting the trio of kamizuru clan ," kurenai said to them . The joker is a mystery for them. He deliberately missed chances to take them down.

" We never sensed him till he want us to sense him . No Byakugan and sensory worked against him . Normal humans cannot escape the Byakugan range ," Hinata said to them . She felt something is wrong with joker when he entered with others to battle them.

" We should improve ourself for future . He showed us some illusion where we are helpless to help our village or loved ones. Even we overcame that illusion it was a disaster for our village in every illusion," Kurenai said to them. She felt helpless when her illusion started to fail against him.' I should improve faster, without my genjutsu I have nothing major in my arsenal. I will talk about it to lady tsunade . She can advise me how to increase my variations in all different ninja skills,' Kurenai is thinking about increasing her skills . She doesn't feel that her level is enough to beat anyone without her genjutsu in a long fight.

Same kind of thoughts were going through the mind of Hinata .

Few seconds later Naruto came to them with a great speed .

" Are you okay," Naruto asked them .

" Naruto kun, we saw the people whom you want to capture," Hinata said to Naruto . She is happy that Naruto meets with them again.

"I already captured them . My clone is taking care of them . They told me that you are in danger so I came to check on your team ," Naruto said to them .

" Let's go together Naruto kun . We already finished our mission," Kurenai said to Naruto .

They started to run together to the place where he kept the trio of kamizuru clan . And naruto's clones is waiting for him .

Naruto look at them and then his clones knocked them unconscious and carried them for the journey .

One of Naruto's clone brought a mask which looks awfully familiar with joker's face . He went to check the surrounding .

" I brought a mask . But it looks quite old . I found it under a destroyed old tree ," Naruto's clone said to Naruto and gave to him . Naruto took it and inspected it and read a name which is written in the backside of the mask.

" Joker's mask . The testing spirit of woods . Can only be found when his spirit finally rest in peace," Naruto said and then he started to check it again .

" Joker is really a spirit . It also means we faced a ghost," Hinata said to the his team . They are horrified by the events .

" Naruto kun, what are you gonna do with that mask?" Kurenai asked Naruto . She gets horrified whenever she looks at that mask.

" Well joker is a cool name. I will bring fear on my missions while wearing this mask . It is in a good shape and looks tougher than any other mask . I am gonna use it in future," Naruto said to them and took the mask and wear it in his face . And it fit him exactly.

" Naruto kun please don't wear that mask in front of me or Hinata," Kurenai said to Naruto . Whenever kurenai and Hinata will look at that mask they will realize their weakness rather than they get scared like others.

Naruto took off his joker mask and put it in storage scroll.

'Well it was fun to play like a joker . Mostly a mission is boring and people in this world mostly understand when they experience it first hand . I gave Kurenai and Hinata that same experience by becoming joker ," Naruto is thinking in his mind . He smiled about his tendencies to make his mission more exciting . He cannot go all out like real joker with hinata and Kurenai . But in future he can do that with his enemies .

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