Overlord Naruto

Chapter 72 - 72 The great magician Kai uzumaki


....Morning time...

Naruto returned from the beetle forest with Team 8 and along with other three prisoners. After throwing them in jail. He submitted his report in hokage tower. He separated from Team 8 and went to senju compound . He messaged Tsunade and Demiurge that he is going for a very important task for few days .

.....Senju compound...

Naruto prepared everything for his mission. So he will not fail by any means.

" Jane how many days I have to spend in that dimension. How much it will affect my original timeline," Naruto asked Jane . He is not sure about the travelling in other world all by himself.

[It will take few hours for you to come back even if you spend days in another Narutoverse . I will take care of it without any problem.]

" Thanks Jane, I was worried. If I come back and everything in this world will change in my absence. Albedo will create chaos in this world in my absence. Rubedo is not allowed to leave so she will not leave the tomb till I give her the orders," Naruto said to Jane. He is worried if he will return after 1 or two years it will be a disaster by that time.

[An elder god gave you this mission. He should be held responsible for destroying a timeline if you won't return on time . Even if a God change a little in a timeline. They are not allowed to interfere everytime.]

Naruto thought about it for few moments and then he opened the mission tab and looked at his current mission .

{[ Misson : Defeat urashiki in another world and protect another Naruto uzumaki ]

<Note : Their is no urashiki coming from your future so you have to travel to another Narutoverse to defeat it . This mission is compulsory . Take your time . >

Condition : Never reveal your name as Naruto Uzumaki before defeating urashiki .

( You make others wallet empty , so karma is a bitch and can also bite in your ȧss )

Bonus 2 : Hug their world's tsunade while putting your head on her brėȧst .

( Boobs are heaven , feel it )

(Rewards : 3,00,00,000 SP points , 20 stat points )

( Bonus 1 reward : ??????)

( Bonus 2 reward : ??????)}

"What will I do about two bonus ? First one I can complete it without a problem and I have a plan for it . But second bonus need a sheer luck to find myself in between Tsunade's huge brėȧsts of their world . I am doomed," Naruto said to himself .

[ Don't worry master Naruto you have momonga's luck with you. Even if you cannot use his full powers, his 100% luck is on your side. Luck is something you cannot obtain easily but you got it from Momonga even by mistake. It is passively active all the time.]

"Thanks to your creator for giving me such luck before my rebirth. Now let's start our journey to another Narutoverse," Naruto said to Jane and smiled .

[ Travelling to another Narutoverse in few seconds ]


Naruto's body disappeared from that this timeline for few hours .


.....Another Narutoverse.....

...Land of fire .....


Naruto appeared in a forest and he looked all around him .

" Jane, where are we? What is the current situation of this timeline ? Is this ȧduŀt Naruto's world or the young Naruto, who has the same age as me?" Naruto asked Jane. He forgot to ask her about which timeline they are travelling.

'I couldn't tell my real name to others . I will use Kai uzumaki as my real name in this world.' Naruto thought in his mind.

Naruto changed his clothing from a ninja attire to his common clothes . He changed his face through transformation . He looks exactly like a young Nawaki now. He changed his hair in full red colour . He started to walk towards a nearby town.

He entered the town without any problem. He walked towards the market of the town . His clothes are quite different from others as he is wearing the modern clothing of earth . He bought it from system. So it attracted the attention of a lot of people .

He stopped when he saw that everyone is looking at him.

" Ladies and gentleman, I am a professional magician and can do a lot a lot of magic tricks. If you like my performance you can donate some money for my expense and travels," Naruto said to others. All the people around him stopped after his sudden announcement.

Naruto took out a box from nowhere which he is going to use to collect money. And no one can run with it because a magic spell is silently casted by him on the collection box. He put the box in front of everyone.

" Now for my first magic trick," Naruto said to his audience. And he put his hand on his pocket and from inside it, he took a large hat which is physically impossible. He wore the hat in his head. He took the hat from his head and took out his magic wand which is also impossible to keep it inside the hat.

The audience started to gather around Naruto to see his tricks. Many rich people are also standing in the crowd. It is a big town in fire country.

" A magician is nothing without his stylish hat and magic wand . Do you agree with me, my dear audience?" Naruto asked his audience.

"Yeah we agree,"

"Nice magic tricks young magician,"

"Show us more,"

"We will donate you money,"

Naruto got nice response from his audience. He doesn't want to perform for free.

Naruto started to rotate his wand around his hat like a magician and when he stopped. Few crows and pigeons came out of it . And again he started to rotate his wand and a snake comes out of his hat . Naruto caught the snake and again put it back on his hat . And then again he did the same thing and five White rabbit and black rabit came out of it . And they ran away in the crowd and disappeared from the eyes of his audience.

"How he did that?"

" I want to see more magic,"

"He is good with his tricks,"

"Thank God, he put back that snake inside his hat,"

"Where those rabbits disappeared,"

" You want to see more magic tricks," Naruto said to his audience and he took a flute out of nowhere and he started to play it .

But instead of sounds the flute is leaving bubbles . And a large amount of bubbles gathered above the crowd . And Naruto snapped his finger and the bubbles started to burst one by one without leaving water . But when they started to burst one by one . It started to leave the sounds of piano . One by one the sounds coming from the bursting bubbles turned into a melodious instrumental music.

Everyone from the audience looked at the sky at every bubble. They can believe a magician can bring many things from his hat but this is impossible for any other magician.

When they looked down Naruto is standing there and burning some papers.

Then he separated the fire from paper and it started to dance around his hands . And it entered into his flute . Again Naruto played the flute and again bubbles came out of it. But now the fire is dancing inside the bubbles. After he made at least hundred bubbles, they started to rise in the air at a rapid speed and it started to burst like fireworks in the sky . And all the people are forced to look at the sky again.

After the firework finished they looked again towards naruto. Naruto did a small bow to his audience.

" That's all for today. Please donate generously. Next time when I visit you I will show you more tricks." Naruto said to his audience.

Soon all the audience came to their senses and started to donate on the collection box which is put by Naruto. They watched a wonderful show and it is performed by a thirteen year old boy. The box is full and no one tried to steal it from Naruto. The collection box , flute, hat and magic wand disappeared in the hands of Naruto.

The people are still standing around him and Naruto again did a small bow like Demiurge and started to walk in that market. A man called him from behind.

"Excuse me young magician," The man said to naruto. Naruto stopped in his tracks and looked back and a man came towards Naruto .

" Yes, what can I do for you ?" Naruto asked him normally.

" I have seen many magicians but never seen anyone like you. May I know your name ?" That Man asked Naruto. Naruto forgot to mention his name to this people.

" My name is Kai uzumaki. I travel around the world to see different lands. I am a professional magician but it is my first time in elemental nations especially in land of fire," Naruto said to that man politely.

" My name is Kura and I work in damiyo's court. I came to visit my mother in law and brother in law in this town . He owns a big hotel, if you want to stay in a nice hotel I can talk with him," Kura said to Naruto . Naruto immediately tried to detect any lie from his aura but he is genuinely helping him . He is after all a small kid in his eyes.

" I was thinking where I should stay for a night but I would like to pay. I don't want to stay as a freeloader in anyone's hotel," Naruto said to Kura.

Kura thought for a few moments and then he said something unexpected.

"Can you perform in my brother in law's hotel. If you do that you don't have to worry about hotel's rent and instead he will provide you a free stay and give you money. What do you say Kai kun?" Kura said to Naruto.

After thinking for a moment Naruto agreed with his offer. Then Kura showed naruto his brother in law's luxurious hotel. He talked with his brother in law in private and he agreed with him without a hesitation. Kura came back with his brother in law to introduce him with Naruto .

" Welcome Kai kun, my brother in law is quite impressed with your magic tricks . My name is Shuri and I am the owner of this hotel. If you perform nicely not only I will provide you free stay but give you a large sum of money ," Shuri said to Naruto. He has a smile which is seen in every businessman when he is going to receive a big boost for his business.

" Thanks for the heart warming welcome. So when and where can I perform?" Naruto asked Shuri . He doesn't want to waste his time .

" We have a big hall where we can arrange it in few minutes . Just give me a minute," Shuri said to Naruto. He went and said something to his workers and they left to bring the hotel guests for the show.

" Please Kai kun follow me," Shuri said to naruto. Kura came along with them.

When Naruto entered with Shuri in the hall it is already filled by many people and many ladies and gents are entering in the hall with the hotel workers . He took Naruto to the stage of that hall.

"Hello everyone, we have a young magician between us. He has came to show you some wonderful magic tricks which you have never seen," Shuri said to his audience. Most of them came to see who is the reason behind the disturbance in the hotel.

Naruto came forward and then introduced himself as Kai uzumaki to the present audience .

He took out his hat, and wand out of thin air .Which surprised the audience and Shuri.

" Now for the my first magic spell," Naruto said to his audience and he took out some ropes out of his hat . And with his real magic wand he started to manipulate the ropes and it started to move like a snake. Then the ropes started to move in the air and it started to fly around the hall. After a minute ropes came back flying towards Naruto and entered into his hat and disappeared.

" Now I want some glasses of water and few candle for my next magic," Naruto said to the audience. And Shuri signalled his hotel workers to bring glasses of water and few candles to the stage . And within a minute the worker finished their job.

Naruto light up the candle with his snap of his finger. He started to manipulate the water which is inside the glasses . It began to leave the glass as if they are no longer controlled by the earth's gravity . The water started to mix together and it started to rotate in a circle in the air.

Then Naruto started to manipulate the candle's fire and it started to leave the candle and fire mixed itself together as a fireball and it came in the center of flowing water in the air . Then water which is circling around the fire suddenly moved to other side and become a water ball. Then waterball and fireball came just above the palm of Naruto . Then slowly the water went back to glasses and fire disappeared from the flick of his hand .

Audience didn't said a word during his performance. They are mesmerized by the act of naruto. He took out playing cards out of thin air and then he started to shuffle it . After shuffling he started to throw it in the air but instead of falling down to ground they were swimming in the air .

All the cards are moving in the air in a slow motion . Naruto then took the glasses and threw the water in the air and it become small drops of water like raindrops and it added extra affects in his magic. Then with a snap of naruto's finger the cards and water drops disappeared in the air in front of his audience.

Audience's focus again shifted from the Hall's roof to Naruto.

Out of nowhere a gold coin appeared in Naruto's left hand and it started to move in a rapid pace between his fingers and then from left hand to right hand. And when he stopped he has ten gold coins between his fingers. Then with a simple motion of his hand the gold coins disappeared from his fingers .

Then Naruto moved his hand forward and the cards which disappeared from the air . Suddenly came back and started to fly towards Naruto . And every single cards came back to his hand and with a simple motion it disappeared from his hand. Then his hat and wand also disappeared like that.

Naruto again gave them a slight bow and left the stage . When he is leaving the stage a huge round of applause is heard for him.

" Kai kun, It is quite different from what you performed in the streets but it is still amazing," Kura said to Naruto . He couldn't believe his eyes till now.

"Thanks for the wonderful show Kai kun. I will pay you a large sum of money for such a grand show," Shuri said to Naruto . He is impressed by this little magician.

" It is my job Shuri san. I love to perform magic shows," Naruto said to shuri.

Shuri and kura took Naruto to reception desk and gave him a key of a vip room. And Shuri gave him a bag full of money. As soon as Naruto took it. It disappeared from his hands.

"How you make it disappear like that, Kai kun?" Shuri asked to Naruto .He is curious about Kai's abilities.

" A magician never reveals his secret," Naruto said to them. And he started to walk towards his ȧssigned room . Both Shuri and kura look at each other and then they leave the hotel to go to shuri's house.

....Next day....

Naruto leaves the luxurious hotel to travel towards the konoha. Kura met him before he can leave the hotel and he give him an official letter signed by him for his safe travel in land of fire . Naruto thanked him for his letter .

Now Naruto is travelling towards the konoha. He has enough money to treat Naruto of this world for 100 bowls of ramen. And even he can eat without a problem in this world.

Naruto doesn't want the money he use here to disappear with him. So he is using this world's money. He will spend everything which he will earn in this world.

....Konoha of this world...


Naruto appears near konoha and now he has his headset on his ears. He started to walk towards the konoha gate.

'This village should know the right value of an uzumaki. My presence will change many things for him. I will shake the foundations of this village after my arrival. Danzo whether you are from my world or this world. I will make you regret and curse the day you born. No one messes with Naruto uzumaki,' Naruto thought in his mind.

He reached near the gates and he is stopped by two eternal guards. They got terrified after they saw his red hair . The red hair made them remember 'Kushina uzumaki'.

" Excuse me boy but you have to show us your identification paper," Izumo asked Naruto.

Naruto put a hand in his pocket and he took out a magic made identification paper.

" Kai uzumaki , Age 13 , Professional magician. I never knew uzumaki can be a street magician," Izumo said to Naruto . He looked again and again towards Naruto because of his red hair.

"Is there a problem Mr.ninja with my red hair. You look terrified by my hair. Your face look like you have been beaten pretty badly by an uzumaki girl," Naruto said to Izumo. His words made Izumo and kotetsu remember the beating they received from Kushina in the past.

" We don't have any problem with your hair. And we definitely never received a beating from an uzumaki lady," Izumo said to Naruto . He lost his composure for few seconds but regained it rather quickly .

" You have to come with us to hokage office. It is quite urgent," Kotetsu said to Naruto . As it may become a big issue if someone know that an uzumaki came to konoha. The Naruto of this world has blonde hair so they never faced a problem the same problem with him. But this boy with a red hair is a new case . So they have to take him to fifth hokage.

"My documents are correct and I have friends in Damiyo's court. It should be better not to set a trap for me otherwise it will lead you into a problem," Naruto said to them. He said it in a strict voice .

"It is not a trap. But as an uzumaki you have to meet the hokage," kotetsu said to Naruto. He is more calm than Izumo.

"Okay, I will come with you to hokage office," Naruto said to them. Without any further delay kotetsu took him to hokage office with a shunshin. Izumo stayed in the konoha gate to keep guard against any intruder.

....Hokage office....

Tsunade is working inside his office and shizune is helping her. Suddenly the secretary come inside the office and tell her about the sudden arrival of kotetsu with a red hair kid.

" Send them inside," Tsunade said to the secretary . She leaves the room to inform kotetsu.

Kotetsu enters with Naruto inside the room . As soon as Tsunade lifts her head to look at them . She is shocked beyond her belief. She couldn't control her emotions and jumps towards Naruto and hugs him . And now his head is inside her huge bȯȯbs.

"Nawaki, I missed you so much. I couldn't believe my eyes," Tsunade said to Naruto . Then she pays a close attention to his red hair.

" Lady I... can..not breath and I am not Nawaki. You ha...ve a mis...understanding," Naruto says to her. By this time Tsunade calms down. She feels conflicted about the current situation. She leaves him from his bȯȯbs hug. And now Naruto can breath freely.

"Your huge bȯȯbs are a suffocation trap lady. I would have died their due to the lack of oxygen in my lungs," Naruto said to tsunade while pointing his finger towards her ċhėst.

"I can't help it. You look exactly like my younger brother. Except your hair colour, you are exactly the body double of my brother," Tsunade said and looked at Naruto from every angle.

" My name is Kai uzumaki. I am a Traveller and a magician. Next time you try to suffocate me with those huge bȯȯbs I will make it flat with my magic," Naruto said to Tsunade. She laughs at his words. No one threatened to make her huge bȯȯbs a flat before him.

"Please don't use such words infront of lady hokage," Kotetsu said to Naruto. He is little jealous of him because naruto can feel the huge bȯȯbs which others can only dream about.

" I knew you are a pervert. Instead of saving me from that trap. You were watching me with jealousy," Naruto said to kotetsu.

Kotetsu is in an awkward moment and he couldn't defend himself in this situation. But Tsunade ignored him.

Tsunade went back to her seat . Shizune is looking at tsunade and then at Naruto.

"Kotetsu, did you came here because he is an uzumaki," Tsunade asked kotetsu.

"Yes hokage sama.I thought it is better to inform you about him," Kotetsu said to Tsunade.

"You go and attend your duty. I will personally handle this situation," Tsunade said to kotetsu . And he was about to leave but at that time Naruto stopped him.

" Before you go I like to ask you something kotetsu san," Naruto said to Kotetsu. He has a serious face.

"Ask, I really want to know what kind of question you would ask me," kotetsu said to Naruto. He thought Naruto is going to ask some childish question to him.

"Why do you wear that red spiral symbol behind your back? Do you know where it came from? And why it is only on konoha ninjas flak jackets but never found in other countries ninjas jacket?" Naruto asked kotetsu. His question not only surprised kotetsu but tsunade , shizune and many hidden anbus in the room .

" I don't know about it," Kotetsu said to Naruto and he is embarrassed by that fact. Actually no one told him about it in the first place. So how could he know about it.

"My clan symbol is almost forgotten by konoha. What can I say now? I hope people in konoha still know that senju's and uzumaki clan used to be cousins of each other. Otherwise they have no right to wear my clan symbol as a sign of friendship," Naruto said to them. His words made everyone in the room to puke blood for some reason.

"Don't worry about it. I am from senju clan and I will make sure that no one forgot about uzumaki and senju clans relationship in konoha," Tsunade said to Naruto. She is totally puzzled by the situation created around her by the arrival of this new kid.

'I have to do something about this issue. This matter never came to my mind. I was so busy with other affairs. If I didn't heard about it from his mouth this matter would have left unattended. He looks exactly like Nawaki and he is also an uzumaki. I cannot get humiliated infront of him because of a small issue,' Tsunade thoughts were running at the high speed.

Kotetsu left the office. He will discuss this matter with Izumo. He will understand his problem and help him with this matter.

Naruto's presence is enough to rectify this small problems in this timeline.

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