Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 125 The Golden Dragon's Punishment

If Exuri was an adult dragon, he would say whatever he said, but now he couldn't defeat Victoria.

Ivy and Sera stepped forward and worked together to turn the black dragon over. Victoria's fingertips lit up with the halo of healing magic and touched his wound.

As the wound healed, the black dragon felt extremely itchy and kept twisting its body and sweeping its tail everywhere. Drayford had to jump to a high place to avoid being knocked down by him.

"No need to be like this, really, I feel like I almost laughed myself to death just now!" As Ivy and Sera let go, Axuri automatically turned over like a cat, stretching his body comfortably, "But Anyway, it feels good to be healthy!”

"Where's the hill giant?" Ron asked. "Is he hurt?"

"Probably not. After driving away the robbers, I saw no injuries on his body," said Eksuri. "The big man was still hostile to me at first, but he stopped yelling at me after seeing that I was also helping. ”

"Speaking of which, his battle ax looks familiar. It seems to be yours, right? There are not many stories about giants repaying their kindness. You can brag about it for a lifetime."

"I guess another reason is that those people have the stench of Mindatis on them," Ron said, "He was deceived by Mindatis and received a good beating from Sera."

"It's that elf again, it's really haunting," Eksuri sat down on the threshold of the hall, "Some time ago, the kobolds found a gem you mentioned, fiery red, but it was snatched away by an elf. , I guess it’s him too.”

"That's not good news."

"Yeah, but there's nothing we can do," the young dragon blinked. "The kobolds couldn't beat him and his henchmen. The two Spark Shamans were injured - the worst was their chief, who was broken. An arm."

"We will visit them in a few days. Thank you for your kindness."

"'Thanks for the good deed,'" Exuri muttered. "It's a good thing no other chromatics heard, otherwise they would have lost their dragons."

"By the way, there is one more thing, you must go and see it." When talking about "Dragon Lost", Aixuri suddenly remembered something reported by the kobolds, "Walking further away from the kobolds' lair, they discovered I found the remains of a real dragon. According to the fragments they brought me, it was most likely a green dragon in its prime or old age - but dead."

When Aixuri talked about this, he didn't feel sad at all, and he was even a little happy. Because the black dragon and the green dragon live in similar habitats, friction is common. A powerful black dragon may take the heart of a green dragon's opponent as a precious trophy, and the green dragon is not afraid to display the black dragon's head in a conspicuous place in his lair. If this green dragon is still alive, Iksuri will most likely not live to be eight years old.

As for the kobolds, they will definitely worship the green dragon as a totem instead of Aiksuri - these little creatures with dragon blood have no loyalty at all, whether they are color dragons, metal dragons, or rare gem dragons , they will only compete to worship the most powerful individual they have ever encountered.

Eight-year-old Aiksuri clearly got a bargain.

After seeing off Exuri, Drow Seymour walked over, lowering his head, waiting for Ron's disposal.

"My benefactor, I have failed you," Seymour whispered. "When Bakoyannis attacked us, I failed to organize an effective resistance. If it were not for the help of the hill giants and Exuri, we would almost have been defeated." All the surrounding villages have been completely lost.”

"Ignoring this, are there any casualties?" Ron asked, "I haven't had time to go to the village to see."

"There were quite a few injured, and some villagers were kidnapped by them at the beginning, but later we rescued them all and no one lost their lives."

"It's all thanks to Bunnie and Lavinia, they healed so many people."

"Seymour has also made great efforts to fight against them. In my opinion, it is better not to punish him," Lavinia interceded with Drow. "Speaking of which, if you and Kalad hadn't eliminated most of the elites here, If they are all transferred, the fight will not be so difficult."

This is indeed true, otherwise Carolina would not think that the delusional rear area was empty and come over to engage in some home-changing tactics.

It's just that they made a mistake in their calculations, that is, the hobgoblin warlord did not need Ron and the others to sit down at all. His own abilities were enough to command the legions to attack Carolina.

"Something should be done to deal with it," Sylvia suggested. "It just so happens that the second team is short of manpower, so just kick him to train the militia."

Ron looked at Seymour; "What do you think of this treatment? The villagers really need some training."

"I accept the punishment!" Seymour grinned, "Anyway, I was bragging about it at the beginning, and now it has become such a mess, and I cannot absolve myself of the blame."

In the next period of time, Ron and the others reorganized the nearby buildings and manpower, and went to deliver some food to the hill giant. Thanks to Bakoyannis's fireball scroll, Ron and Sylvia were finally able to take a step further. As mages, they can now provide more help to the entire team.

And when they were about to explore the remains of the green dragon, they passed by Iksuri's lair, and Bakoyannis came out to greet her, but now she seemed to be in a strange state.

"Hi! Look how my new body looks like!" "Bakoyannis" greeted Ron and the others enthusiastically, "The master's teacher transformed her so that I can move physically for eight hours a day!"

"Are you... You?!" Ron barely guessed the identity of the other party after hearing this tone. After all, the banshee at the moment was using the appearance and voice of Bakoyannis. "Did that golden dragon kill her? !”

If this is the case, it can be regarded as the dark history of Jinlong.

"No, this woman is still alive, but her soul falls into a deep sleep for eight hours a day." You obviously is not yet accustomed to the physical state, and her banshee spirit body will float out of Bakoyannis' body from time to time. , and then hurriedly regained control of the body before she fell to the ground, "The master said that his teacher used very gentle methods. I am only 'temporarily using' this body, and when I take over the body, this woman will Suffer a slight but lasting tingle in the soul.”

"This punishment will continue until the master forgives her for the harm she has done to the master, or the master's teacher believes that she has reformed."

You were a little dissatisfied when he said this, probably because for an undead creature, the time of holding the entity in this way is still too short.

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