Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 126: Kobold Canyon

Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢

"You should be content, You," Exuri emerged from the nest, "I don't have such powerful magic. If it weren't for the teacher, you would still be a skull now."

"Even if it's just a body for a while, it's already pretty good."

"As for you," the young black dragon turned his head and looked at Ron and others, "I will go with you."

"Want to see the treasure left by the green dragon?" Ron was not surprised by Exuri's decision. Rather, it was more surprising that he could endure it until now. "There probably isn't any treasure there, after all. I don’t know how old it is.”

Delusionally self-proclaimed owners come and go, and if there really was anything good there, it would have been divided up long ago.

"It's not that easy," Exuri snorted, "The dragon is the most powerful creature in the world. As it grows older, its power will continue to expand. This power will not only be reflected in the dragon's personal strength. , and even affect our nests and the surrounding environment.”

"An old green dragon. I guess its lair is stronger than yours. It's not that easy to empty out the contents."

"But compared to this, I'm more worried about other dangers you may encounter..."

The young dragon once again moved away from its lair, through the nearby swamps and jungles, and down the river, as the surrounding landscape gradually became dry.

The rugged rock walls bulge on both sides, with strange yellow-green crystals hanging on them, forming a collapsed canyon in the middle. When the wind blows, you can hear sad and weird tunes blowing from the holes in the surrounding rock walls.

"Where is this place?" Victoria looked around alertly, "It doesn't look like it was formed naturally."

"Of course not." The young black dragon approached the crystals on the rock wall longingly and stuck out his tongue to take a lick. "Have you seen these crystals? This came from the acidic breath of a powerful copper dragon a long time ago. It It shaped its territory into this appearance, and the traces of its attacks against invaders remain to this day.”

"Copper Dragon, are there too many dragons here?" Sera reached out and stroked the weathered rock wall, "Are you really sure?"

"My teacher confirmed it," Aixuri shook her body. "The copper dragon lived for a long time after abandoning her lair. She transformed into a dragon-born bard and traveled around the world. Finally, she He died in Avernus during an adventure across dimensions with his companions - my teacher's friends snatched his body back and buried it."

"And as for her abandoned lair, now—"


On the rock wall, a cry that was almost like a dragon's roar but with a strange pronunciation rang out, and immediately following the cry came a bright fire. The fire exploded less than ten meters in front of Ron and others, and the huge fireball almost swallowed them up.

The burning gravel and stone chips hit Ron's body along with the heat wave, making it difficult for him to even open his eyelids, let alone react accordingly.

"Ever since kobolds learned to cast fireballs, they have become less cute at all..."

In a daze, Ron heard Exuri mutter something, and then the words in his mouth quickly turned into a low and majestic roar. Since Ron had learned a little second-hand dragon language from Sylvia, he could barely understand what he was saying.

"Don't do it, it's not the enemy, it's me!"

"Gah? Gah gah gah!"

Exuri's roar was quickly answered. In the caves above the rock wall, small creatures with grid-like red-brown scale patterns emerged from the caves one after another, and one of them had a head The one with red rags tied on it and holding a wooden stick is particularly conspicuous.

Kobolds, the smallest dragon creatures, have a name that is completely inconsistent with their actual identity. Ron can't remember how this name was translated in his previous life.

But in fact, they have almost nothing to do with dogs, dog heads and desert death gods. They are a group of cold-blooded, egg-laying, scaly, small reptiles that live in groups and have an inexplicable connection with the dragon clan.

The kobolds firmly believe that they were created by Tiamat from dragon blood, and the evidence for this is their own reptilian (as they call themselves dragons) appearance. And they can indeed speak incomplete dragon language, and individual individuals can also emit dragon roars.

"The great Iksuri!"

That particular kobold led the other kobolds and slid down the rock wall, kneeling in front of Exuri. Although Exuri is still a young dragon, it is already considered a giant to them.

"We thought it was the invaders, but we didn't realize it was you..."

"I pardon you." Exuri magnanimously raised a paw and gently stepped on the back of the special kobold. "By the way, let me introduce to you, this is the ally I mentioned, Luo Well - you should respect them as much as you respect me, because they have as much power as me."

"I will obey your instructions——"

"Ron, this is Moro. He is one of the two Spark Shamans in this group of kobolds. Their chief and the other Spark Shaman were injured, so he took charge of the entire tribe."

Ron greeted the other party, but he found that the Morro's attitude towards him was far less respectful than that towards Exuri, and occasionally showed a little contempt - even though they had helped the trading post drive out the Carolina bandits under Exuri's instructions.

"You have no scales," Sylvia whispered, "If you were a dragonborn, it would be fine, but humans are just hairless monkeys to them."

"By the way, Spark Shamans are not the kind of shamans who can use divine magic. They are actually warlocks in the Kobold tribe - their gods are imprisoned, and it is difficult for them to use divine magic."

"Great Ixuri, I wonder how we can be loyal to you this time?"

Moro stood up and looked up at Ixuri with reverence, completely forgetting Ron and others: "We will do our best!"

"I do need you," Ixuri looked down, and it can be seen that it enjoys this treatment, "Where is the exact location of the green dragon's corpse?"

"After passing through the canyon, there is a huge banyan tree there, which is so thick that it takes dozens of us to surround it!" Moro gestured and described, "Please follow me, it is my honor to lead the way for the great black dragon!"

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