Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 138 Polly's Plan

"That was the stupidest decision they ever made - to wake up that insensitive mother."

"Is this the 'aunt' you mentioned before?" Ron guessed.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

For hags, "aunt" and "grandmother" are honorific titles rather than real blood connections. The oldest, wisest, and most powerful hags are called "grandmothers" by other hags, some of whom are even as powerful as some of the supreme goblins; while the lower-status but still respected hags are called "aunties," The status of an "aunt" can be achieved by living long enough, being a member of a powerful hag coven, directly serving the "grandmother", or having many descendants.

It is possible that the mother Polly refers to is such an "aunt".

"No, aunt is another surviving hag and one of the members of the gathering I am in now. My mother is secretly manipulating and inducing her, exploiting most of the power she has obtained."

Polly shook her head and gritted her teeth and said: "As for our sisters, we will be subject to even more severe double exploitation, but stupid Sally is not willing to cooperate with me to overthrow them even in this situation - she even betrayed Me, let my aunt take away all my belongings and let me sink in the swamp to fend for myself!"

"Isn't that too short-sighted?" Sylvia frowned, "What do you mean by cooperating with her? To overthrow 'aunt' together? Or to overthrow your mother?"

"Together? No, no, no," Polly frowned, "I want her to give me all her resources, so that I can complete the task of overthrowing my mother, and then take over the control of 'aunt'."

"In a gathering of three hags, you only want three resources. No wonder your sister will deal with you." Polly's brain circuit simply refreshed Ron's understanding of this species. What did she think? ?

"You don't think Sally thinks that way, do you?" Polly curled her lips disdainfully, "She must have had the same idea as me, I just acted first!"

"It's a pity that the power of 'aunt' and mother is far beyond my imagination. I can't resist them..."

"What do you think they will do in the future?" Ron asked, "Will the vacant seat at the assembly need to be filled by someone else? Or will your mother come from behind the scenes to the front and directly exploit her sisters and your sister?"

"The vacant seat in the assembly needs to be filled by someone else, but it won't be so fast. After all, it's hard to find a replacement around here now," Polly said. "As for my mother, she is in a very bad state and will not come out on her own - —Since that incident, I haven’t even seen her a few times.”

"Maybe if I pretend to admit my mistake, I can come back to the rally again."

"Is it possible?"

"They have no choice," Polly snorted, "but before that, could you do me a favor and take the shackles off my feet?"

"This damn thing makes it impossible for me to cast my own magic, I can't turn it on!"

This is a big problem for the controlled hag, but for outsiders it's not a big deal, it's just a matter of tapping to unlock it.

"Ah, so refreshed!"

As the restraints were removed, the aura on Polly's body began to become obscured; "I am shocked by your simplicity and stupidity. Maybe we can make a deal?"

The hag monster laughed, and it waved its hands to create various horrifying or bright environments in the hut to show its current strength, but it did not attack or show any hostility towards Ron and others.

"What deal?" Hags' deals usually only benefit themselves, but it doesn't hurt if they just listen.

"You pretend to be my servants, and I will sacrifice you to 'aunt' and my sister as an apology." Polly's eyes flashed with cunning and insidiousness, "When they lose their vigilance, you will come with me Attack and kill them!"

"It doesn't matter if I don't want this kind of oppressed and exploited 'assembly', I will not become a vassal of others, even my mother and sisters!"

The hags in the gathering are usually far stronger than the independent hags. Polly's decision is tantamount to giving up the pursuit of power. You can imagine how much unfair treatment she has suffered before.

"This is a very dangerous matter. Not counting your sister, who knows how powerful two hags who have lived for a long time are?" Ivy frowned, "And what if you regret it after you succeed?"

"I don't have the habit of breaking contracts, and I don't want people who trade with me to do so." Polly said solemnly, and she took out an ancient transaction document from the bookcase, "This was signed by a passing businessman before. I generously helped his terminally ill child recover and asked him to bring me magical materials from the field every year."

"He left ungratefully and never came back, so now his child is in my basement, forever suffering from a terminal disease and unable to die."

There are differences between hags. Some hags will place bets as part of the transaction to increase risk and reward; some never actively provide information and only answer questions; and some will offer generous terms, but the cost of breach of contract Very high. Polly clearly belongs to the third group.

She may induce traders to default, but if the other party can really avoid various traps, they can indeed get considerable rewards from her.

"If you can really help me complete my revenge plan, I promise not to harass your people forever - including unborn fetuses; we can coexist peacefully, don't mess with me, I will pretend you don't exist."

"I can't make any promises to you now," Ron put down his teacup, "We lack too much information, I can't take the risk of my family's lives."

"And speaking of it, we just saved your life, what is your reward to us? Come to your cabin for tea and snacks?"

"You make it hard for me to feel at ease."

"Okay young man, I admit that what you said makes some sense - wait a minute, I will give you a reward." Polly looked at Ron with an uncertain expression, and finally motioned Ron and the others to wait for a moment, and disappeared in a pile of fluorescent powder.

"Take this and leave," the witch reappeared in front of everyone a moment later, and handed Ron a hand mirror. "On every full moon night, you can use it to talk to me for an hour; and if you break it, it will be regarded as you have released a thunder summoning spell."

"There are still five days until the full moon night of this month, you have plenty of time to go back and consider my deal. If you agree, we can discuss the details further."

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