Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 139: Golden Dragon Joins the Team

"The witch's spells are not included in the enchantment book. I can only confirm its effect through identification," Ron fiddled with the hand mirror on the way back, "but the witch didn't fool us or set any traps, which surprised me."

"Maybe she really needs external help," Ivy said, "In fact, if you ask me, we can accept it. There are four witches. Just thinking that they may appear near our base makes me feel uneasy."

The half-elf warrior is not so kind-hearted to do charity. She just wants to reduce the threat as much as possible.

"But make a deal with her? Forget it," Sera muttered, "I would rather beat her to her knees and surrender, and kill the other witches one by one after forcing them to tell me the whereabouts of them!"

Sera's opinion is also the opinion of Victoria and Driver. There is too much uncertainty in making a deal with the witch, and it is not controllable at all.

"Or we can just ignore them," Sylvia said, "There's no need to travel through mountains and rivers to provoke them, right?"

"I do have a suggestion, ahem," Exure hesitated, "Forget it, I might get beaten..."

"Why should we beat you? Tell me." Ron looked at the black dragon in confusion, but got a roll of the eyes.

"Who said you! I mean my teacher..."

"You looking for me?" A deep and powerful voice suddenly sounded behind the young dragon.

In a woodland far away from the witch's hut, the surrounding trees fell to the ground under the strong wind, and the ground sank, and a huge and terrifying shadow suddenly enveloped the heads of their group.

Ron raised his head. This huge creature was covered with golden scales. It had soft thorns like beards, which made it look as wise as a wise man. Its horns extended back along the nose and forehead, echoing the two frills decorating the long neck. Its sail-like wings extend from its shoulders to the end of its tail. It is this pair of powerful wings that forces the surrounding trees to bow their heads in submission.

This is a golden dragon, an adult one.

"Hello, respected lord," the golden dragon nodded slightly to Ron, "I'm here to pick up my student. He played outside for too long and forgot the day of class."

"Uh, did we..."

"Yes, we met before, and it ended with you expelling me." Although the golden dragon said this, Ron did not feel any displeasure from his words.

"You've been to the mine, right? Any clues?"

"I can't say no, but to be honest, I'm even more confused," Ron looked up at the huge golden dragon, "Is there any connection between this place and the abyss?"

"Abyss?" The golden dragon was obviously stunned, "I can guarantee that you must be overthinking this. The energy of the abyss is just an appearance, just like what the genius of the Hailan Empire saw, it is not the real problem."

"That's difficult," Ron frowned, "You didn't want to tell me before, and now you say it's okay, aren't you trying to trick me?"

"No, I definitely don't mean that," said the golden dragon, "but I thought-you know, I dare not get too close."

"Then teacher, if you are sure it's not that dangerous, can you go?" Aikesuri, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked.

"That's right, but the mine lord has been there twice, I don't think there's any need to go again."

Ron understood what Aixure meant; "Not that, he was talking about another possible clue - a group of witches who have lived from the Green Swamp Town period to the present."

He repeated the witch's proposal to Jinlong: "That's probably the situation. We want to go and take a look, but we are a little afraid of the power of those witches. If you can go with us..."

"Witches, I know them." Jinlong hesitated, "Their superstition led the elves to destruction and also affected themselves. I thought they were all destroyed, but I didn't expect that only one died."

"This is really... strange."

"So So, are you going to stay confused or come with us to see what happened to them?" Ron asked, "If there is any situation that may corrupt you, you can immediately warn us all to withdraw - we just want to ensure our own safety."

"That can be tried," the golden dragon thought for a while, "but we should still make some preparations to prevent the witch's tricks."

"She just gave you five days, let's rest here - as for you,"

The golden dragon used his tail to throw Exure and the cart containing the green dragon's treasure onto his back: "I have to send you back first."

"What?! No! I want to go too!" Exure protested loudly.

"Be obedient!" The golden dragon interrupted the young dragon's noise in a majestic tone, "This is a big deal, too dangerous for you!"

The adult dragon can fly very fast with its own physical fitness and magic. In just half an hour, the golden dragon flew back again and transformed into a black dragon baby that looked exactly like Exuri on the ground.

"This way he won't be discovered," the golden dragon explained to Ron, "which is why I sent him back."

"Next, we need to make some magical items that can resist the witch's bewitching and control. Scrolls, potions, accessories, whatever is fine. The main purpose is to prevent the witch from turning her tricks into reality and treating us as slaves."

The witch's tricks are so strange and unusual that even the golden dragon dare not be careless. In order to prevent a capsize in the gutter, Ron saw that he had put on at least ten different kinds of protection for himself these days.

Some of them are magic, and the other part is even divine magic.

"Unlike most of my kind, I really believe in the Lord of the North Wind," the golden dragon explained, "which is why I am the one who teaches Exuri Drusenor."

"Your teaching is effective," Ron didn't know if this was a compliment or something else, "I can hardly find the behavioral characteristics of a normal black dragon in him."

"The 'normal black dragons' you mentioned are just the dragons you have observed," the golden dragon said, "if you can see enough samples, you might sneer at the remarks of those so-called 'dragon scholars'."

"All of them?" Ron blinked, and he remembered a very famous "scholar" he had read in his previous life, "Is it the same with Fitzburn's works?"

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