Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 204 Transformed Refugees

After not seeing him for a long time, the hobgoblin looked even more radiant. It seems that the harassment of Carolina satisfied his need for war, and the spiritual satisfaction fed back to the material level.

"Sir?" The two bugbears were confused. This doesn't look right. Why does Lord Kalade seem to be very familiar with this person?

If that's the case, wouldn't that be all they do?

"You two idiots, hurry up and clean your boots!" Kalad kicked a bugbear on the butt, "The master here is back! How dare you keep them out, do you still want to live!" "

"It's better to clean my boots," Ron said, avoiding the bugbears who rushed towards him to show their courtesy. "Have you seen this one? Drivedo, it would be better for you to clean him."

With these two 1.89-meter tall men surrounding his feet, Ron didn't feel the slightest sense of security. Dreyfuddo enjoyed the service very much, and looked at Ron with eyes filled with gratitude.

"This kid has been blessed by following you for eight lifetimes," Kalad laughed, "I heard from Seymour and the others that they set off in a hurry after defeating the elf. What happened? , is it solved?”

"If it can't be solved, now I'm back with my army and our army. You can use these guys as much as you want!"

"It's not solved, but it can't be settled by the number of people," Ron said as he walked inside, "But you, when did you come back? This car is quite majestic!"

"That's right! We looted a caravan of more than a hundred people in Carolina and used their goods and other materials to build this chariot." Karad patted the animal skin on the exterior proudly, "If Instead of the two sides giving up and making peace, I plan to collect three more of these and use them as the vanguard to attack the wall of Carolina!"

"Those fat-minded slave owners will definitely not be able to withstand this. Then we won't have to stay here and can conquer wider lands!"

"It's one thing to attack the caravan, but it's another thing to attack the city defenses." Ron smiled and shook his head. "I'm afraid it's still a little difficult to rely on this to attack the city."

"According to the current intelligence, Carolina has raised a group of talents of all kinds, including necromancers, shadow spirits, and probably some other remnants of the Hyland Empire. And if we really do this, the attitude of the city-state alliance led by Rose City It’s also a problem.”

“It’s also necessary to stop when things are good.”

"I guess so," Kalad nodded, "So I brought the team back. We just happened to have built a lot of buildings and settlements here, and we can also let them help with the reclamation and enrichment."

"You also know how to farm?"

"That's what I said," the hobgoblin shrugged. "We are not in purgatory. There is no reason to fight every day. We still need to rest."

"But I have to remind you that these people under my command are all serving the war. Peace can only be a short-term transition, otherwise it will inevitably evolve into internal strife and riots. It is true that I am their commander-in-chief, but in this regard I Can't stop it."

"Then don't worry," Sera interjected, "We have fallen into a pile of undead creatures this time. As long as you want to fight, you will definitely not lack opponents!"

"As Sera said," Ron nodded, "You don't have to worry about this, but you still have to try your best to restrain your subordinates. After all, ordinary civilians are always the majority. Once someone with a physique like bugbears If there is a conflict, lives will definitely be lost.”

Karad hummed: "There are still a small number of bugbears. They are basically my personal guards. The main body of the team is still goblins. During the time outside, I collected several goblin lairs and gathered them together. With a few priests, we can form a team of spellcasters."

"This Pero is a member of my bodyguard," Kalad pointed at the bugbear who was preparing to polish Yelena's shoes diligently. Shadow Spirit raised his head and saw Ron's disapproving gaze, and quickly retracted his foot. "He used to command a small tribe of 20 goblins. After I defeated him, he followed me. These days, I let him stand guard at the door to prevent passers-by from entering."

"Yes, he told me about it—but why? Did something happen at the trading post?"

"Something did happen." Speaking of this, Kalad's face darkened. "Not long after I came back, a group of refugees came to us under the leadership of a tiefling. I didn't pay much attention at first. Especially when that tiefling said he was familiar with you."

"I took them in temporarily and planned to wait for you to come back before determining their destination - that tiefling said that they should have a separate and remote place to live. But within a few days, other guests from the trading post arrived one after another. Things began to be thrown away, at first worthless miscellaneous items, and later on goods, coins and valuables.”

"The investigation quickly turned to this group of refugees, but guess what? Except for that tiefling, the others' appearance and even species have changed!"

The hobgoblin warlord pointed at his yellow eyes: "Although I may not remember their specific appearances, I can still count how many elves, humans, and dwarves there are in a team!"

Hearing Karad's description, Ron knew who was coming: "So, how did you solve this problem?"

"There's no way to solve it!" Kalad snorted depressingly, "If you ask me, I'll punish them separately. I'm not afraid that these people won't be recruited! But the tiefling kept blocking them, and the people he brought They started teasing him again. Seeing that he was not human inside and out, I couldn't do anything like this. I could only imprison them first and wait for you to come back before making a decision. "

"Is it that Mr. Quest?" Sylvia said, "I asked why he left without saying goodbye that night, so that's what happened."

"But why would a tiefling bring an elf or a human dwarf with him? Unless..."

"That is, unless they are actually shapeshifters," Ron sighed, "To be honest, I originally thought that the people he selected could at least wait until they are settled in before they 'reveal their true colors', but I didn't expect that it would be so early. What a moth."

"Victoria, prepare some magic. It seems that if we want to accept these 'refugees', we have to go through them first."

"Understood," Victoria nodded, "but let me remind you: although the Domain of Honesty can resist lies, the affected creatures can be aware of the existence of this effect, so they can actively avoid answering those who usually reply with lies. When answering questions, they can be evasive or avoid the important points without getting feedback. As long as they do not go beyond the scope of the truth, there will be no problem.”

"As shapeshifters, they are probably used to dealing with this kind of spell."

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