Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 205 The Thief Among the Shapeshifters

"Quiet, all quiet!"

Kalad led Ron and others into the hall and gave a loud shout, and the noisy voices inside suddenly became quiet.


Ron stepped over a bunk at the door and looked around. There were about twenty to thirty people in the hall. They were standing, sitting or lying down. They looked at Kalad with disdain, but they were also observing Ron and others. I couldn't help but show a curious expression.

These people look different from "refugees" in the general sense. They are quite decent and clean in their clothing and grooming. It is difficult to imagine that any of them are engaged in theft.

Among these people, Quest, who was wearing a black short shirt, attracted attention, not only because of his identity as a tiefling, but also because his clothes seemed too simple among these compatriots.

"Lord, you are back!" Quest shook hands with Ron enthusiastically and smiled sheepishly, "You must have heard what Lord Kalad said about the situation here. When I chose my companions, I apologize for my negligence..."

"You're really going to cause trouble for Ron," Ivy snorted, "I'm a little curious, aren't you a shapeshifter yourself? Can't you tell which one of them is the thief?"


"None of us are thieves! This is a naked slander!" Before Quest could speak, a shapeshifter wearing a dwarf skin immediately shouted, "I have been a craftsman in Yungang for thirty years, don't believe it Go and ask around, who doesn’t know that I am a good, honest and trustworthy person?”

"Those compatriots who are accustomed to petty theft, not to mention that Quest will not accept them, even we will not let them come!" A citizen who looked like a middle-aged man then said, he looked at Ron, his eyes were With expectation, "You are the Lord here, right? Quest has praised your character and virtues to us several times. You must be able to give us a satisfactory answer!"

"Yes," a turtle man nodded slowly and said in a slow voice, "Maybe in your mind, we all are experts in stealing, robbing and deceiving, but in fact not every doppelganger is like this. We as Ordinary people spend most of their lives just wanting to have a community of fellow citizens where we don’t have to live so tiredly.”

"Think about it, what if we weren't the shapeshifters you guys say? Is it possible that those businessmen were stealing from us and then blaming others for it?"

Ron looked at them without speaking, but he knew that every stranger present here could read his superficial thoughts. This is the racial talent of the shapeshifter.

"Continuing with Ivy's question just now," Ron looked at Quest, "Can't you read each other's thoughts? Just exclude your own people first, and then read the memories of those stolen passengers. Isn't it enough? "

"This may not be so easy for other races, but it should be easy for you, right?"

"Of course we have tried this method," Quest glanced at the turtle man, "but it's actually not that easy."

"Those businessmen did not steal from themselves, I am sure of this, but doppelgangers are very sensitive to reading thoughts, and everyone resists doing so."

"Because of this?" Ivy said she couldn't understand, "So you would rather be put under house arrest together than find out the culprit?"

"This half-elf lady, please pay attention to your wording," the turtle man said slowly, "In our culture, there is no 'culprit'. Everyone is living a life of imposters. If you use the method the lord mentioned to find out your own secrets and little thoughts, the thief can also use this method to find out other people's problems."

"You can't check everything, right? You might find something, right?"

As soon as this was said, the shapeshifters present nodded in agreement. It was obvious that none of them wanted their secrets known to their compatriots.

This "tradition" seems a bit unreasonable to Ron: including Quest, the shapeshifters can read other people's thoughts on the street at will, but when it comes to themselves, they think this practice is completely unacceptable.

"I don't mind this," Quest smiled bitterly, "but it's useless to search my mind. If I knew who did it, I wouldn't be so embarrassed."

"Okay, what about the physical evidence?" Ron found a chair and sat down, looking at Quest and Karad, "Have you found the lost items?"

"I found it," Kalad said helplessly. "Under an empty bed on the second floor, the thief must have changed his appearance. Therefore, it is difficult to locate the thief with fingerprints or footprints."

"Fortunately, because the things were found, those guests did not continue to pursue the case. I arranged for them to go to Andre's village. Now we only need to find the black sheep."

"...Even so, you still trapped everyone?" Ron scratched his head, "Let those who haven't transformed during this period of time be let go. If they are all trapped here, won't it make things more chaotic?"

"Quist, who among the people you brought has recently changed his appearance before and after the theft? Do you still remember this?"

"Understood!" Quest was convinced and immediately began to read the names, "Tom, Trouben, Werther... those of you who don't like to stay in a single form, come here, and the rest go to the other side. Stand still and don’t run around!”

The shapeshifters on the ground immediately took action. Ron discovered that the dwarf who claimed to have been a craftsman in Yungang for thirty years was not called by name. It seemed that what he said was indeed somewhat credible.

Turtle Man was not called, but the middle-aged man was a little nervous, but after hesitating, he still stood beside Quest.

Quest's view of his compatriots may not be 100% accurate, but it is certainly not 100% inaccurate. Naturally, there are some shapeshifters who sincerely want to live a steady life. If someone finds out, it will not be the same. .

"Okay, let's see..." Quest began to check the number of people, "Yes, yes...the race number and the number of people are consistent. Those are the same people - Sir Ron, all the people who have changed their appearance are here with me. ”

Ron's suggestion was indeed useful, and half of the people were separated. According to common sense, one only needs to interrogate these recently transformed shapeshifters one by one to confirm their reasons, and then the scope can be further narrowed down.

However, just as Ron was thinking about how to ask the question, a halfling standing next to Quest suddenly shouted:

"Lord, there's something wrong with that Turtle Man! I turned into a Turtle Man before. If my memory serves me right, there might be a lightning-shaped crack on the back of his shell!"

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