It can only be said that the reputation of goblins is really not good. Even people like Ron, who have been with Dryford for a long time, first reacted that the fault lies with the goblins and even Dryford himself. .

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ⓣⓦⓚⓐⓝ.ⓒⓞⓜ]

But when he arrived at the scene following Rurik's instructions, Ron was immediately dumbfounded: the goblin hunter stood on a wine barrel, and faced the militia captain Andre with a condescending attitude, and dealt with Zaun's output, and On the other hand, the young man who was sprayed didn't even dare to take a breath, standing at attention and ready to be hammered.

Behind the wine barrel at Dreyfudo's feet, two young goblins who had been beaten with bruises and bruises were sitting on the ground, angrily staring at a middle-aged man behind Andre, who seemed to have not sobered up and was drunk. Yes, Ron smelled the pungent smell of alcohol just as he got closer.

"What's going on?"

"Ron, you came just in time!" Dreyford turned his head. When he saw Ron, he immediately became more courageous. The hunter jumped down from the barrel and dragged the two goblin cubs to Ron's side. In front of them, "Look, what did this drunkard beat them to?!"

"Andre was planning to arrest them just now. Tell me, is this still justified?"

"This... I made a mistake." Seeing Ron looking over, Andre quickly lowered his head. He still wore the decorative sword bought from Rose City on his waist, "Sir, this is my problem. It was me who prejudged the situation and made a wrong judgment.”

"So you are going to take them both away?! They were beaten so hard in the face that they wanted to open a dye shop!" Dreyfudo shouted, "Andre, what do you think?!"

"Because Thomson claimed that these two children broke into his house and stole his things..." Andre whispered guiltily. He did not look at Dreyfus, but was explaining what happened to Ron. .

"Even if they really stole something, the beating they received can be regarded as a lesson." Ron's mouth twitched. Although the goblin's skin color made it difficult for him to judge the extent of the damage to the two cubs, even if he could see On the surface, this beating is definitely not light.

"That's right, this guy hung up the two little ones and beat them with a whip for half a night!" Driver snorted, "I thought so too at first, so I asked Andre to let them go. It was unnecessary. Lock them up in a dark room again.”

"But guess what? When I asked again, I found out that they didn't steal anything from him at all, and they didn't even enter his house!"

Ron's eyes narrowed: "You mean, this person is simply looking for trouble with the goblins? For what reason, discrimination and hatred?"

Goblins have always had a bad reputation.

"," Andre said in embarrassment, wishing he could dig out another village with his toes, "Thomson is just drunk."

"He is a coachman from a nearby village. Because the construction and transportation tasks have been heavy recently, he has been drinking for many years. He drank too much last night. On the way home, he couldn't tell the direction and mistakenly entered a valley. The warehouse became his home, and when he walked in, he happened to see the two of them——"

"Because of this, he beat someone up?" Ron slapped his forehead, quite speechless, "And then you listened to a drunkard and wanted to punish them both?"

"That's it," Andre blushed, "please don't worry, I already understand the whole story. Even if you don't come, I will be ready to punish Thomson after Dreyfus finishes speaking - -Ten lashes, plus a fine of half a month's wages, to provide treatment for these two children to ensure that no scars will be left."

"By the way, I have also decided to impose the same punishment on myself. I failed to fulfill my duty in this matter and almost made it worse. I am fully responsible for this."

"As long as you know." They made their own set of laws by following previous traditions and the laws of the southern city-states. Ron knew about this and had no intention of changing it - he was a lord, so naturally he had no control over these rules. On his head, as long as the residents have no objections.

"But I still have a question," Ron looked at the two goblin cubs, "Do you live in a barn? Why did this drunkard find you there?"

"You, are you Lord Ron?" A cub raised his head and stared at Ron with wide eyes, "No, we don't live in the barn, although our mother was on duty here last week."

"But we did think about sneaking in!" Another cub said loudly. Goblins at this age probably haven't learned how to lie yet, so some of them fell out like bamboo tubes. "But mother said this place is very important! If we go in and play, Lord Kalad will be unhappy, and Lord Ron will also be unhappy!"

"But you still couldn't hold it back, right?" Ron raised his lips slightly.

"No, it's not!" The cubs waved their hands quickly, "We didn't even get close to here last night. We were playing around the camp outside the village!"

"We have one of our scouts there and two militiamen guarding it. It's very safe!"

Ron watched them gesticulating and finally realized that they were referring to the suspicious camp that Seymour had reported before. Since there have been no problems during this period, the manpower guarding the place has been gradually withdrawn, and now there is only one goblin and two militiamen left.

But what does this have to do with the barn?

"We don't know either," the two cubs looked at each other, with greater confusion in their big eyes, "We were just playing there, and then we thought there might be something in the barn, and then..."


"Yes, 'Swoosh', we suddenly appeared in the grain pile on the hill!" The cubs described what they saw in the barn. In fact, it was not the harvest season yet, and the stored grain was basically obtained through trading. The stored grain was not abundant, but the goblin cubs were small, so it looked more.

"Suddenly appeared?" Ron thought for a while, "How about this, Driver, you go find them; as for the two of you, come with me first, and tell us about your experience later, how about that?"

"Before that, I'll take you to treat your injuries first..."

Driverdo vaguely guessed something, so he moved quickly. Ron had just taken out the potion to treat the two cubs, and the people in the team had already arrived at the hall of the trading station.

"...Sounds like some kind of teleportation spell?" The two cubs told the people present about the "swoosh". After listening to their story, Sylvia held up her chin with her hand, "But general teleportation spells are directional. You need to set up portals or magic arrays on both sides. How can you go wherever you want?"

"And these two little guys are definitely not skilled spellcasters. How can they trigger such a teleportation spell?"

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