Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 29 Long time no see, Mindatis

"Who made these?" Ron pointed to other marks and asked.

Although there were a lot of lizardman claw marks on it, those footprints were too special to be ignored.

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Those were the footprints left by the soles of shoes.

"One of them is tall and heavy," Derivdo rushed over immediately after hearing Ron's discovery, "and the other is very short and light."

"The other two don't look anything special, they look like you."

"It's obvious that the lizardmen are against us because of these people's instructions." Victoria looked down at the footprints, and there was no joy or anger in her tone.

"Do you want to go down?" Kalade came over and asked.

Ron closed his eyes and thought for a while: "Go down! We have to know what happened."

"If there are no other passages here, they may not have gone out yet," Driver reminded his companions, "Pick up your weapons and get ready!"

"Did you hear that? Get ready!" Kalade shouted and jumped down first.

Victoria and Ivy followed closely behind, Ron and Driver were the third group, and the goblin hunters followed behind.

These hunters had just experienced a fierce battle and lost some people, but the rest who were still alive and breathing followed without exception.

The reason is simple: they found that the enemy was not strong, and this was the time to show their bravery and fearlessness!

The first half of the lizardman's nest was very simple, and their extremely limited intelligence was not enough for them to build a complex network channel. But the further they went, the more complex the structure of the entire nest became.

"It looks like they found an ancient ruin or tomb." Kalade snorted with some jealousy.

As he said, as they went deeper, a huge stone door appeared in front of them.

The door was not closed, but open. Ron looked inside, and it was pitch dark and he could see nothing.

"It's that elf!" Ivy said coldly, "Why is he here?"

"Shouldn't they have traveled through the land of delusion to the other side?" Victoria was puzzled, "Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?"

"Elves, tieflings, dwarves, and human barbarians, this combination is hard to forget once you see it." Ivy looked at Ron.

"What do you mean, should we just rush over?"

"Don't be impulsive," Ron glanced at Victoria, "We are nominally colleagues, so why not just go over there and maybe we can get some information."

"Anyway, we have the advantage in numbers now, right?"

"That's right in terms of numbers," Ivy pondered for a moment, "but he still has a few lizardmen there - oh, the injured guy was killed and fell to the ground."

"Let's go and take a look," Ron nodded, turned to look at Karad, "Captain, please wait here with your men for a while. Once the fight starts, we will have to rely on your strength."

"Go ahead with confidence," Karad showed his canine teeth, "It's better if you can't reach an agreement. I like this place very much and it can be my base camp."

It is too untraditional to build on the flat ground in the col and live together with other intelligent races. Karad still likes this place that is suitable for goblin nests at first glance.

"Hurry up! You idiots!"

When Ron and his men approached, they heard a familiar voice scolding his men.

"That human team arrived three days late, and dawdled around for three days, but even so you still couldn't find what I wanted! If you keep going like this, you'll be surpassed by them, and then you won't get a single penny!"

"Enough! You noisy thing!" Chief Sera of the Ochre Tribe threw the shovel in his hand to the ground, looking at the elf Mindatis angrily, "I'm tired of being pointed at by you!"

"I want to cross the delusion to settle in the town over there, but you let us dig everywhere in this dark tomb! What's your intention?!"

"I don't care," Quest shrugged, "I bet on both sides. If you keep making such a fuss, I'll go to Ron."

"Go to that human? If you want to go, go ahead, I'm not stopping you - hey! How long have you been watching there?!"

Mindatis was still on the line with Quest, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Ron and his men standing at the door.

"Aha! You don't need to tell me, you must have used these stupid lizardmen, otherwise you would never find me in your life!" Mindatis shouted angrily at Ron.

"Oh? I thought you deliberately led us here, didn't you?" Ron leaned against the stone gate.

"Long time no see, smart Mr. Mindatis, or, smart Mr. Mindatis?"

"Now we are here as you wish, do you have anything to say, for example, tell me what you did before and what your purpose is?"

"What did I do?" Mindatis laughed, but there was a hint of anger in his laughter, "I didn't do anything, I just told the fool Halleck and other refugees their true desires, and then hired a group of robbers from the Gobi Desert in the west."

"I thought I could control the entire pioneer group in my hands and build a team that only obeys me! I didn't expect you guys to come out and mess up and ruin my plan!"

"But it doesn't matter, I can still find new slaves here. They are so stupid that they completely obey my orders!"

"Really?" Ron turned his eyes to Sera, "What about you, the chief of the Ochre Tribe, what do you think?"

"As you can see, this elf is an egomaniac and a control freak. He wants to annex the This land, Sera. You should understand one thing now: he will never allow a second force here, such as the Ochre Tribe. "

"Are you still going to follow him?"

"Oh my God, my God!" Mindatis stamped his feet exaggeratedly, "How despicable and vile! You actually poached his competitors in front of him? !"

"It's unreasonable! Sera, you won't listen to the nonsense of such people-"

A double-edged axe brushed Mindatis's pointed ears and passed by him, taking away a strand of golden hair. The barbarian put away the axe and looked at the elf coldly.

"You guessed it right, thin bamboo pole. As I just said: I've had enough of you!"

"You fool!" Mindatis covered his ears and screamed, "You ungrateful thing! I brought you out, not those freaks!"

"Come on! The owner of this tomb today is you!"

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