Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 321 Richthofen Again

The interior of the castle is very different from the style of the territory outside. The splendor here is completely in line with the style of the castle itself, and it is closer to the preferences of the living. Precious furnishings can be seen everywhere here. Antiques, reliefs, and murals, which can be sold at sky-high prices in Rose City, are piled up and laid out in the corridors and rooms of the castle in a pleasing layout as if they are free of charge. Even goblins can see the extraordinaryness of these things at a glance.

"Some of these masterpieces here are even six or seven hundred years old, such as this sculpture," Sylvia casually pointed out a piece of art placed on the left side of the corridor, "Even when he was still alive, this would be considered an antique."

"What about these paintings?" Although he knew that this was a ghost area, it was really hard for Ron to feel scared when walking in such a magnificent building. He looked at the paintings on the wall with interest. The owners of these portraits looked 70% similar, and they should be a family.

"They are the successive owners of this castle and territory. Now, they are considered my 'ancestors'," the vampire knocked on an empty picture frame at the end, "If I inherit this place, my portrait will be posted on it."

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"Then future generations will be able to tell at a glance that this family is extinct..." Ivy was also looking at these portraits, but when she noticed the signatures at the bottom, the half-elf felt dry in her mouth, "Wait, these people's surnames--"

"Von Richthofen?!"

"What?!" Among the entire team, Yelena's reaction was the most intense, but this was not surprising to others at all, because the ancestor of this shadow spirit was also a member of this family!

She even helped a distant relative of hers to rest in peace not long ago!

The shadow spirit was terrified and forced herself to look at the portraits and names on the wall again and again, and compared them with the family tree in her memory. In the end, she had to admit that these elves that had been hung on the wall belonged to that long-standing family!

"Is it real?" Ivy stared at Yelena, observing the reaction of the shadow spirit, "You have recorded these people? But why did you say you knew nothing about this place before?"

"Because I have been in the Shadow Underworld for most of my life! Apart from those prominent clansmen, I can only remember the names of others at most!" Yelena lifted her hood irritably. The shadow spirit was instilled with how glorious it was to belong to this surname since she was a child, but from her experience after coming to the material world, it seems that every time she meets her clansmen, nothing good happens - it was like this when she met Mindatis and Saran Ryan, and it was the same this time.

"But, but you are not from our family? You are just a half-vampire who doesn't even know where you came from!" The shadow spirit looked at Sylvia, his eyes full of confusion, "Why did the owner here choose you as the heir?"

Even if the count died out because he turned into an undead creature, he should look for his own relatives. Yelena, who also appeared in the delusion, is of course closer to von Richthofen than Sylvia.

But think about it carefully... those gargoyles seemed to be targeting her at first!

"Of course it's because you rejected my invitation." A voice as graceful as a beautiful baritone came from the stairs leading to the second floor of the castle. Until this voice appeared, the Earl's Castle finally had some gloomy meaning. Ron only felt that the temperature around him dropped sharply. This building, which had just gradually warmed up because of the sunrise, instantly returned to the eternal night.

Everyone in the team turned their heads and looked at a tall and thin middle-aged male figure at the stairs. He was wearing a tight high-end black dress, leaning on a cane, and looking down at everyone with a slightly melancholy look. When the guests fell silent, the old gentleman slowly walked down the stairs and came to them.

Ron noticed that this man was not so much walking down as "floating" down. His feet were not really standing on the carpet, but slightly suspended in the air. He was just using his familiar steps to pretend that he was still a living aristocrat.

The reason why Ron noticed this was not complicated: as the former chief wizard of a short-lived empire, Gillianis would occasionally do this for nostalgia. However, the high elf paid more attention to work efficiency, so most of the time he was just flying.

In addition, this man has more obvious characteristics: his exposed skin is paler and bloodless than Sylvia and Shadow Spirit, and his eyes are also as red as blood. In addition, the two pairs of fangs that Sylvia would only expose when she opened her mouth later also extended to his lips without any cover, whiter than the most expensive ivory.

This is a vampire, or to be more respectful, this is a blood clan.

It seems that the earl and the "he" that Sylvia mentioned on the way should be this person.

"Wait, isn't this Sylvia's cane? Why is it here with you?" Driver was sharp-eyed and suddenly pointed to the other party's cane. And considering his height, he could see the crystal on the top of Sylvia's cane with his eyes open, which was really familiar.

Considering the patterns, the goblin hunter would swear on his own honor (even if it wasn't real) that this was definitely Sylvia's cane!

"Take your hand away, it's very impolite, goblin." The vampire count frowned slightly, but he still answered the question, "This cane will belong to Sylvia, but before that, it be mine."

"In other words, it was originally mine."

"'Dedicated to my beloved daughter'..." Ivy murmured and repeated the Elvish language engraved on the cane, "So, you are the one--"

"It's me," the earl nodded, "but then there were many changes in my territory, and this stick was lost. It wasn't until you awakened the gadget I made a few days ago that I sensed its existence. "

The Earl waved to the egret statue next to Ron, and the bronze magic item flew up obediently and returned to an empty display stand that originally belonged to it.

"Those were the darkest years in my long life, and I couldn't even protect my collection," the Earl sighed. "But fortunately some of them came from my hands, so when they saw the light of day again, I immediately Feeling something."

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