Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 322: Vampire Count

"They were previously kept as a collection by an old green dragon, and then were taken away by a black dragon. We only discovered them recently," Ron explained. "No offense, but let me state in advance that we are definitely not thieves."

"Of course, I will never allow my heir to associate with thieves," the count said seriously. "If I hadn't secretly understood you in advance, I would not have decided so quickly to let Sylvia inherit this place."

"You buried the elf who belonged to the Richthofen family before, didn't you? My messenger went to the green dragon's former lair and found some clues there."

"Your messenger?"

"It's a skeleton. I named it Hermes. We were attacked by undead creatures a while ago, weren't we? It was also among them." This count, who is separated by a mountain range from Ron's territory, does not seem to be as expected. "I'm glad to see you survived such an attack. Over there, there are too many unpopular small forces that are fleeting, and some of them can't even survive my short sleep."

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"So, after confirming your scepter and your potential heir, you sent out the gargoyles?" Although it seemed that the previous encounters were somewhat clear, Ron was still confused in some places, "But as far as I know , those gargoyles seemed to be just attacking a village, and they also drove away a family of giant eagles from the Magpie Nest..."

"This...maybe it's nature. It's a pity that I can't completely restrain them outside the territory." Speaking of this matter, the earl looked a little embarrassed. "And I don't know if you know that that village was invaded by a group of people." The devil has taken over, so my gargoyle can probably do justice?"

A lawful evil vampire drives a group of chaotic evil gargoyles to attack a demon-controlled village that has surrendered to the order camp, and then says it is "justice". Ron didn't even know how to evaluate this matter - even in the magical world, this was too magical.

"I'm not interested in this matter, but I want to ask you a question," Yelena shifted the focus of this embarrassing past, "Lord Earl, does your previous invitation still count? After all, your gargoyles don't have any I can't accurately convey your will - since I am your first target, what do you think of me agreeing to your invitation now?"

Shadow Spirit didn't really want to inherit the family business, but as a member of the von Richthofen family, she really couldn't tolerate the fact that the family's property was handed over to a man who had been living on the streets since childhood and was trafficked as a child. Slaves, in the hands of outsiders who don’t even know who their own parents are!

This is simply a shame! What a shame!

This is because Yelena and Sylvia are still acquaintances. If the Baron of Green Marsh and Mindatis knew better, they would definitely be furious and say that they would rather feed the entire territory to dogs than give it to a humble untouchable.

But the earl apparently saw things differently than his distant relatives.

"What do you think, Sylvia?" The real vampire looked at this descendant who was only half of the vampire family. "She should be considered your companion, right? And legally speaking, she is indeed more qualified than you. If I will Do you think it’s okay to leave everything to her?”

To the surprise of the count and even everyone, Sylvia's reaction was quite dull after hearing the count's proposition. She took a few steps back, stood next to Ron, and bowed slightly to the earl: "You are the current owner of this place, and abandoning the identity you promised before, I am my benefactor's attendant and the guest here."

"So I think I have no right to express any opinion. Everything is up to you. I just hope that my friends and I can be treated in a manner that matches our status and leave here safely."

"Sylvia?!" Victoria was greatly surprised by the truth of the vampire's answer. The priest, regardless of the count's gaze, quickly pulled Sylvia aside and lowered his voice, "Are you serious! What did you say before? Didn't you also say that if you have this, you can... isn't that your wish? "

"How could you just abandon it?!"

"Are you really not going to fight for it?" Ivy also persuaded, "Sylvia, no matter what, this is your opportunity! Yelena can fight for it, and of course you can too! The Earl did it with you first Isn’t it a promise?”

However, Sylvia's direct withdrawal made Yelena slap her forehead. If the vampire had tried to argue with reason just now, Shadow Spirit was almost sure that she would receive this generous gift, but she gave in directly, which means...

"This is what I appreciate most about you." The Earl looked at the respectful vampire with satisfaction and paused his cane on the carpet twice. "Although you are of low origin, you do possess the qualities of a nobleman - this Distant relative, I am very sorry that my decision has not changed, Sylvia is still my designated successor.”

Yelena's expression changed several times. After a brief struggle, she spoke again: "Is this the final decision?"

"Of course, this is the final decision, you can give up."

"Even if someone else with our blood shows up, you won't change your mind?"

"..." Only then did the count realize Yelena's trap. He was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly, "Yes, it won't change - where did you learn your little tricks?"

Seeing that he could not obtain the greatest benefit, this shadow spirit actually began to protect the interests of his friends? This is not like those guys from the Shadowfell Underworld.

"I said it was purgatory, do you believe it?" Yelena snorted, turned around and looked at the mural again, saying nothing.

Genealogically speaking, this Earl may even be a generation younger than her. Yelena does not need to be respectful to him at all, especially when she has no interests.

"You don't have to worry, because in fact I don't intend to hand over the management of the territory to outsiders," the count's eyes sparkled like rubies under the light, "I plan to transform Sylvia's bloodline and let She truly became part of our family.”

"And given my current status as a vampire, this has another benefit for her: Sylvia, you will no longer have to bear the title of 'half-blood' in the future. On the next full moon night, you will become a A real vampire and a countess with an actual fiefdom!”

"As for your friends," the Earl clapped his hands, and a monster made of multiple corpse fragments appeared in front of everyone without warning like a ghost, "Lord Ron, I sincerely invite you Watch the ceremony with your friends on the next full moon night. Since our neighbors are a bit far away, during this waiting period, you can condescend to stay here and visit my castle and manor. Even the entire earldom, my butler Alfred will provide you with all the help he can."

"Alfred, these are Lord Ron and his friends from the Delusion Land. Please give them hospitality that matches their status. Don't neglect the guests - I'm sorry to excuse you. It's daytime now and I need to rest." ”

"Which specification should I match?" The butler's stitched head seemed to have little idea, but he still asked this question despite his master's hint.

The Earl flew upstairs lightly: "He is the benefactor of your future mistress. He should at least enjoy the treatment of 'second only to me', Alfred."

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