Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 324 The Woman in the Attic

The goblin hid very well. Ron and others met the butler who was stitching on the road. It noticed everyone and politely asked what help they needed, but it was completely unaware that behind it, a short ranger was quietly lurking in the dark.

"As long as it is not the owner of this castle or Sylvia, no one can find me!" After the butler walked away, Driver jumped out from his hiding place, "Quest may be very smart, but not as smart as me - no one would suspect a mouse running around in the castle, right?"

"Have you been hiding here these days?" Ron thought carefully. It seemed that he could not find Driver's shadow every time he had dinner. He would only find a note in his room with the words "Going Hunting" written in crooked fonts.

Driver was born a hunter, and there were many animals around him. No one would suspect that he did such a thing.

No one would suspect that a goblin would be so clever to such an extent that he could hide from everyone's sight and use a mouse to explore the entire castle.

"When you go to help arrange the ceremony," Driver grinned, "the earl and Sylvia will be there, and even the butler will be around you. This is when the castle's defense is the most lax."

"That's not right," Quest frowned, "Then how was I discovered?"

"You went to the attic?" Driver sneered, "You probably never dreamed that your whereabouts would be exposed - the attic is not empty, there are people in it!"

"Why did you say you were discovered?"

"Someone -" Quest was so shocked by Driver's news that he almost cried out. At this critical moment, he twisted his body into a weird shape, and then he was in time. Avoiding alerting the enemy, "How did you know?"

"I saw it with my own eyes," Driver signaled everyone to move to a more convenient place to talk, "What a rat saw!"

"Although the attic was locked with three large locks, it was not completely closed. There was a pipe at the top of the castle that only rats could get through. I took advantage of the opportunity when Quest was discovered a few days ago and sent a local rat to sneak in!"

"In there, I saw a disheveled, crazy woman!"

"Woman?" Victoria couldn't help but question, "Are you talking about a female elf?"

After all, the von Richthofen family is an elf family. It's normal to find an elf here, but humans?

I'm afraid there haven't been any living people here for hundreds of years!

"I know exactly what I'm talking about!" Driver retorted dissatisfiedly, "Women, female humans, just like you!"

"Ivy is a half-elf, Yelena, Seymour and the wizard are all elves. I can't even tell this apart!"

"Go on, then what?" Ron signaled Victoria and the others not to interrupt and listen to Driver continue.

"Nothing happened afterwards," the goblin shrugged regretfully, "My mouse was soon discovered by the woman. She jumped onto the ceiling like a spider, making strange noises! The last picture sent back by the mouse showed that its head had fallen off. I guess the creature jumped behind it and bit off its neck."

"You think she drew out her sword and killed the mouse, which is more reliable than this," Quest complained, "How can you be sure that it was bitten off?"

"Because I have ears!" Driver, who was questioned, flicked his pointed ears unhappily, "I can't tell the difference. The sound of swords cutting and teeth chewing?"

"Then this woman is really crazy..." Ron believed Driver's description. The goblin had shown his reliability several times before, and he should not be joking this time, "But why is it a woman?"

"The time when no one survived in this earldom was before the Kingdom of Faramar. No human could live to this time, right? Unless she signed a contract with the devil like Faramar."

"It may not be the devil..." Quest muttered, looking up at Ron, "Sir Ron, we are just guessing here. There will be no results, why not actually go and see? "

"You mean, send another mouse over?"

"No, we go in person," Quest said, "but we certainly can't just go like this, someone has to stop the butler."

"Let me go," Ivy looked at everyone, "It seems that I am the only one who is quite free recently."

"No, Ivy, you have to protect Ron, remember the woman I mentioned? She is very aggressive," Driver said quickly, "I will find a way to stop the butler, anyway, you are planning to go directly up, I can't be of any use."

" As for the time, I suggest around 10 o'clock the day after tomorrow morning. Based on my observations over the past week, although there are patrolling undead creatures in the castle during the day, there will be a short gap at the staircase leading to the attic at that time of day. "

"What's the reason?" Quest asked cautiously, "Is it a trick to lure you into a trap?"

"No, the reason is that gargoyle," Driver gestured to the outline of a huge body, "Remember the gargoyle with a broken body? The one that Sylvia called 'Old Opal'? It was on patrol at that time of day!"

"But because it has not fully recovered yet and is not able to move, it cannot complete its duties according to the original plan in the castle - it will be fifteen minutes slower than expected, and this is your chance!"

"Break the lock, subdue, question, evacuate..." Quest subconsciously cracked his knuckles, "Time may be a little tight, the gargoyle's eyesight is not bad. Even if it can't get to the scheduled location, it will not prevent it from seeing us."

"So we don't leave from that door," Ron said, "I will prepare as many gaseous forms as possible, and then we will go out from the pipe on the roof!"

"Drivedo, can you draw a map of the castle for us? If there is a chance, I think we can teleport directly from the roof back to the room. The earl is resting during the day, so the possibility of others discovering it is eliminated."

"Okay, I'll turn around and ask Dabai to give it to you!" Drivedo immediately returned to the room, and the others dispersed, while Ron and Victoria prepared to find Yelena and go to the earl again to see if there was anything they could help with.

Ron and the other two turned around and came to the backyard of the manor where the ceremony was being arranged. The vampire Count and Sylvia had been waiting for them for a long time. Ron subconsciously raised his head and looked at the closed attic that had no windows but was real - if he asked the other party for some details about his wife and daughter, it shouldn't alert the enemy, right?

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