"What difference does it make?"

"The difference is huge: deciding not to tell the church members the facts may lead to condemnation and punishment, but not deciding whether to tell the facts is a reasonable judgment based on the actual situation," Evander said, "Miss Victoria, do you think you need to Tell them everything you've been through since birth?"

“What did you eat every day, how long did you sleep, and what was the length of each candle when you prayed?”

"This..." Of course Victoria knew this was sophistry, but if she wanted to get through this situation safely, she needed such words.

"It seems that you agreed," Evandell turned to Ron, "Lord, Miss Victoria is as reasonable as you said. So if you agree with this approach, Miss Victoria, you may still It takes some training - but don't worry, it's all very decent, decent and reasonable language."

"Are you sure?" Victoria still felt something was wrong.

"On the honor of a nobleman."

In the next few days, passing merchants and travelers noticed that the portal leading to the city-state alliance had become extremely busy. Many things were being moved in and out, and people moved more frequently than before. , there are some rumors claiming that this is to welcome a certain mission, but no one can tell clearly who this so-called "mission" is and what it is here for.

Until a week later, on a hot afternoon, a heavily armed team of four people riding horses and pack animals slowly approached the southern checkpoint of the trading post.

"Old Lei, I think we have arrived at our destination." Pelgram sat on the broad back of the beast of burden, rising and falling rhythmically with the movement of the mount beneath him. "It is indeed the border among borders. Look at it. With these simple buildings, the brilliance of civilization and order can no longer move forward.”

Sister Pergran is thirty-six years old this year, but she is still unmarried and still maintains good physical fitness. The black and white nun's uniform rises and falls with the iron armor that restrains her. On the beast of burden she rides, the The heavy lead-filled staff also swayed from time to time.

"You must not use your first name when performing official duties, Priest Pergran." The man riding a strong brown horse at the head of the team maintained a sitting posture without looking back. The actions of his beloved horse were equally precise. Only iron hooves clenched on the solid dirt road step by step. Although the horse does not wear armor, anyone who sees it can feel that this horse is completely different from ordinary domestic horses, slaughter horses and competition racing horses - this is a battle-hardened war horse.

"In addition, don't replace objective facts with your own subjective assumptions: the lords here turned the wild swamps into trading posts and towns. This is undoubtedly the achievement of spreading order. As for those hearsay remarks, they should not be used to affect your judgment. factor."

"Okay, okay, Judge Aaron, I just need to be taught," Pelgran shrugged, "Actually, I didn't affect my judgment. You are optimistic about the lord here, and I am the same. It's just a process. It’s just different.”

"Be serious, priest," a bearded dwarf sitting on a beast of burden to the right of Pergran shouted in a deep voice, "We represent the 'Molten Iron Barrier', how can we be so undisciplined!"

"Although we have just withdrawn from the battlefield, official business is official business. I advise you to put away your depraved thoughts of traveling around the world." The companion on Pergran's left also spoke closely, starting from him. Judging from the slightly pointed ears, this should be a half-elf. He only had a coarse cloth robe on his body and a sword sheath more than one meter long slung around his waist.

"Speaking of which, I always feel that you seem to have deviated from the teachings, but you still pass every test. It's really strange."

"It's not without reason that I was nominated as a bishop for seven consecutive years on the battlefield, monk." Pelgland snorted coldly, "Okay, now that our Lord Chief Judge has spoken, I will naturally follow the instructions—— Everyone cheer up, the lord here has been waiting for us for a long time. "

As a veteran of many battles, Pelgren's perception is far more sensitive than ordinary people. Although Ron was not nearby at all at this time, but used magic to observe the four uninvited guests from a distance, he still could not escape her eyes.

"There is no doubt that they are all warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles," Kalad sat next to Ron with his halberd. Behind him, there were a total of two hundred goblins and three bugbears. In addition, , Drayford and Sylvia were also hiding in the team, "Are you sure you don't need us to cheer you up? Soldiers and adventurers are very different."

"Your presence may lead the situation directly to war," Ron waved his hands repeatedly, "It's better to follow the original plan. From this position, you can observe the place where we will meet later. Look at my signal. If something goes wrong, you will naturally be there. of use.”

"Victoria, Ivy, Sera, Quest and Andre, you come with me. Evandell, you lead the way. If necessary, you can answer questions for Victoria."

"Follow your orders." Evandel was ordered to have a good night's rest yesterday, so he seemed particularly energetic in the past few days.

Victoria clenched her fists unconsciously. She had been thinking about it day and night these days and had prepared for the worst. But... I hope it doesn't come to that.

After their masters submitted documents to the guards, the brown warhorse and the three pack animals slowly walked into the trading post. This den, which was once a robber's nest, no longer had any banditry. The smell of gold, silver and copper coins mixed with the smell of various goods filled the air, impacting the noses that were used to smelling blood and filth.

"Every 'vacation' is a redemption," said the bearded dwarf wearing a horned helmet in a voice that only he could hear. "Only by returning to civilization can we realize the meaning of survival and not become demons who only know how to kill."

"Are you here to do business or stay in the hotel?" A brave innkeeper stepped forward and wanted to lead the head of the judge's horse. Aaron seemed to want to give him the reins, but the warhorse under his crotch just bared its teeth, and the indescribable breath made the clerk feel cold from head to toe. He screamed in fear, jumped back like a rabbit, and fled into the inn without looking back.

Seeing this, how dare other people who wanted to chat up or solicit customers come forward? Everyone dispersed, leaving the most spacious space in the trading station for these four people and four beasts.

Aaron took back the reins, as if he was already used to it. He narrowed his eyes, which were similar in color to the fur of the warhorse, and looked at the group of people approaching against the crowd.

Five humans and a half-elf, except for the tiefling, there seemed to be nothing wrong.

"That's a monk," the monk with a long scabbard naturally knew what his colleagues were thinking, "Looking at his walking posture, he should have been trained in the Shadow Sect."

That's simple, the priest of Heim and the practitioner of the Shadow Sect are together, either both of them have problems, or neither of them, there is no third possibility.

Aaron nodded slightly to indicate that he heard it. When Ron and the others approached a few meters closer, the chief judge raised the hand holding the whip high: "Everyone - dismount and line up!"

"The chief judge Raymond Aaron of the Third Parish of the Molten Iron Barrier has come here on the orders of the Grand Judge and the Archbishop to perform our church's duty of examining the relevant clergy!"

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