Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 349 The last question

"I received your letter."

Ron coughed twice and stopped a few meters away from the four people. He did not move forward. The others stood behind him. Only Victoria took two extra steps forward. After all, she was the protagonist and focus of today's meeting.

"This is Miss Victoria. The territory is just established, and the facilities in all aspects are still very imperfect. I'm sorry that I can't show you around."

"That's the best." As expected by Ron and others, Raymond Aaron had a very high evaluation of this seemingly impolite reception. "We are here on business. We will leave as soon as possible after reaching a conclusion. We will not interfere too much in your affairs here."

"Priest Pergran, let's start now."

With a "dong", the heavy lead-filled staff hit the ground, raising a thin layer of dust. When he started working, Pergran's expression became three points more serious than his colleagues. As she chanted, the realm of honesty unfolded, covering the four people of the cult and Victoria.

"Miss Victoria, please swear by the honor of the Watcher (Heim) that every word you say next is true and reliable, from the heart, without any falsehood or deception!" Judge Aaron put one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and said word by word.

"... Of course, I swear."

Victoria was silent for a moment and began her oath.

She had never thought that these people would be so direct and ruthless. In this case, two-thirds of the tricks taught by Evander would be useless.

But it doesn't matter, at least she still remembers that sentence - there are some things she just hasn't decided whether to tell.

"I thought you would read my mind directly." When the armored priest unfolded the domain, the weaving preface in Ron's hand also floated up together to identify the opponent's spell. Unexpectedly, the priest really just unfolded the domain of honesty, without any trace of other spells.

"We must strictly follow the rules to ensure the fairness and justice of the results," the chief judge turned to Ron and saluted him, "without the consent of the lord, the examination shall not use the results of mind reading as evidence - do you want to clear Miss Victoria's suspicion more thoroughly?"

"No, no," Ron waved his hand quickly, "I am sure this is enough."

Because Victoria had undergone sufficient "training" from Evander in the past week, and the priest himself did not think that he had deviated from the doctrine, even under the cover of the realm of honesty, Aaron's targeted and repeated questioning did not get any suspicious answers.

"Well, then, there is only one question left," Raymond Aaron turned to face the priest, "Priest Perglan, what are the results so far?"

"Reporting to the presiding judge, Miss Victoria's words are true, absolutely not a single falsehood," when Perglan said this, not only did everyone on Ron's side breathe a sigh of relief, even the presiding judge's stiff facial expression relaxed a little, "I think we can be sure that this church member in such a dangerous environment still maintains the purity of his faith."

"Indeed," Aaron turned to Victoria again, "Miss Victoria, your determination makes us all feel sincere admiration. The chief judge and the archbishop once told me before I left: If you have not done anything that deviates from the doctrine, we should sincerely invite you to come. You join our cult. Warriors and believers like you will surely shine in our war against disorder."

"You mean...?" Victoria's breathing suddenly became rapid. She raised her hand in a panic, pointing at Aaron and then at herself, "You don't mean...!"

"That's right," the presiding judge forced a stiff smile on his face, "If you agree, we may have many opportunities to fight side by side in the future."

"I am very happy to work with you!" As soon as she said this, the pastor immediately regretted it. She looked at Ron behind her with some guilt, "I am very happy to work with you, but..."

Aaron and the other four did not show too much expression on their faces, neither "as expected" nor "how dare you refuse". They just listened quietly to what the young pastor said.

"But as I just said, I was ordered by Mayor Victor to assist Lord Ron in establishing a new territory," Victoria sighed, "I can't betray my mission and promise."

"It should be so."

After listening to the pastor's reasons, Ron could notice that the priest Perglan was obviously relieved-was she worried about something?

"That's what the creed of Heim teaches," the bearded dwarf wearing a horned helmet stroked his beard with satisfaction, "Mr. Judge, this lady does have an admirable noble character."

The Molten Iron Barrier is not a small sect. Joining them requires complying with more rules and enjoying considerable power and obligations. How many people want to join but have no chance. And Victoria actually gave up this opportunity because of her duties.

"I agree with you, Brother Wulfgar," Aaron nodded slightly, and he turned his eyes to Ron, "My Lord, I just said there is another problem. Although this is not what we need to care about, the Archbishop attaches great importance to it, so I must ask for your opinion."

"If you think it's okay, we will raise this issue with you; if you object, we will leave immediately and report the results to the superiors."

Ron raised his eyebrows slightly: "Can I know what the problem is first?"

Seeing the other party's half-smiling expression, Ron felt a little unsure: "Can you tell me about something? What impact will it have if I refuse?"

"In my opinion, it has no impact." Aaron thought for a moment. "This question is about the situation in Delusion. You also know that many forces tried to get involved here in the past, but they all ended in failure. Therefore, the Archbishop is I’m very interested after hearing about you and want to know how you do it.”

"Our original plan was to stay in your place for a while, but the reason for your refusal was reasonable and we didn't want to waste time on non-official matters, so I came up with another way."

The presiding judge and his colleagues looked past Victoria and Ron and looked at the other people behind them: "Are these your companions who are developing the territory with you? We want to explore your background and make judgments based on this." situation here.”

"Please rest assured, this is just an ordinary friendly discussion, that's all." Raymond Aron took off his sword, but did not take it out of the scabbard. "And, the number of people is on your side." Advantage, isn't it?"

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