Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 498: Flying Glacier

Blood, like the paint of oil painting, solidified on the ground. This group of frost giants in the polar regions who almost only regarded white dragons as their mortal enemies may not understand until today that the giants that shook the earth would fall like harvested wheat.

Ron was suspended in the air, just like his teacher Gillianis Galanold often did, staring coldly at the dying people on the ground.

Perhaps Gillianis was used to this not because she was hypocritical. In battle, it is difficult for any pressure to be greater than the oppression brought by the enemy's condescending gaze.

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At the same time, it will also bring a change in mentality to the caster.

"If this were a group game, you would at least provide a lot of experience points," Ron said something strange that his companions didn't quite understand, but they didn't care. "Now, you are of no use other than polluting this land."

"Mage!" The Ice Shaper of the Frost Giants was still alive. He stared at Ron angrily with his bloody eyes, and let out a suppressed roar.

His frost runes were still protecting him. Whenever a crisis came, the frost armor surrounding him would break into sharp fragments and sweep in all directions.

Sera was very willing to chop off his head despite these wounds, but her friends were unwilling to let this barbarian, who had already overdrawn his body, take risks again.

"I heard that you can choose the battles in Valhalla," Victoria comforted the depressed Sera, "What's the good of repeating the same battle over and over again? Here, we can experience more."

"I'm worried that this 'experience more' will continue until I can't hold the sword anymore," Sera muttered, "When I become a toothless woman like the priest of the Broken Tooth Tribe, it will be too difficult to pursue my glorious death."

"Even if I go to Valhalla, what fun will I have with my aging body at that time?"

"But if you stay alive, you will always have choices," Quest chuckled. He didn't help much in the battle just now. The two mages were much more efficient than him in doing this kind of work. "What if your next battle is more exciting than this one? If you rush to die, won't you miss the best battle?"

Sera was silent for a moment and nodded: "You're right."

She is always so easy to coax.

"Okay, be quiet," Ron said, looking at Yaer who was looking at him, "Tell me, why are you here?"

"Don't even think about getting any information from me!" Frost Giant Yaer laughed tremblingly, "Little man! Even if you have a stronger power than me, you are still a little man!"

"You will only be able to understand a small area in your life, and you will never see farther! You will face death in your ignorance!"

"You think you know everything, but you still can't avoid death," Ron snorted, and the orange-yellow crystals climbed up from the legs of Frost Giant Yaer as he raised his hand, gradually spreading to his torso, "No matter where your spellcasting ability comes from, I think you should understand what it means."

"You will be blown into pieces with a bang, and your remains will be here. licked up by wild animals, no matter how powerful you were, you will eventually return to nature. "

"Why don't you share some knowledge in exchange for your survival?"

"You wish!" Yaer sneered and spat at Ron, which condensed into ice in the air, "What do you mean by 'nature'? How much do you know about nature? !"

"You don't understand its power at all!"

"I have heard of it, why don't you tell me in detail?"

The frost giant calmed down, he looked at Ron, and suddenly, grinned silently: "Are you willing to listen to me? This is a very long story."

"I have always been very patient," Ron looked at the other's smile and added, "As long as you are not stalling time with me."

At that moment, the smile on the face of the frost giant ice maker solidified in a funny arc, and then quickly turned into overwhelming hostility.

"Kill him!" Ron instantly activated the arcane, and the others also burst out with the strongest attack, but they were still half a beat slower.

Because what Yael had to do was very simple, he only needed to shout out three words!

"Goddess of Solem!"

A dull roar echoed under the feet of everyone, and at that moment, the entire land seemed to sink.

"What did you do?!" Victoria's pupils shrank suddenly, and she heard some very bad words in the other party's words.

"I didn't do anything! It's nature! It's the power of nature!" As Ron clenched his palms into fists, the lower half of the Ice Shaper's body exploded into crystals all over the sky, but this could not erase the mocking laughter on his face.

"You know nothing! You know nothing!"

"Glaciers are collapsing, seals are loosening, cradles are shattered! No one can escape! This world is destined to be our kingdom!"

"Winter is coming!"

"I am just a pioneer, and behind me is an endless me! You finally kneel at Solem's feet! You——"

The giant axe in the hand of the frost giant Yar exploded instantly, and the frost runes contained in it also exploded, causing all attacks directed at him to stagnate for a moment. It was at this time that he had already climbed several meters away with a pair of strong arms.

"You can't even kill me, you can't kill me!"

"Because the heir of God, 'He', has come!"

Ron and others no longer cared about the disabled giant at this moment. They all raised their heads at the same time, together with the mayor and guards of Fromm Town, and those tribesmen who were frightened by the killing but not completely killed, and looked at the huge shadow coming from the north. At this moment, the sunlight was obscured by it.

It was not a giant, nor a creature, it was a glacier! A huge glacier thrown by some existence!

"Block!" Ron, Sylvia and Victoria opened three different barriers at the same time, while Sera and Ivy led them to retreat and avoid the place facing the flying glacier.

A huge crash sounded when the glacier hit the ground. The ice and frozen soil alone created a force no less than a storm!

The triple barrier intertwined with arcane and divine magic shook and swayed, and finally barely maintained. Ivy raised the tower shield and blocked a piece of snow full of sharp ice needles for everyone.

"Blocked..." Victoria's voice had not yet fallen, and a strong but abrupt shock wave shook the ground under their feet in an instant, and the barrier was shattered! (End of this chapter)

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