Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 499: Frost God's Heir

When the tremors continued to come, shaking the walls of Fromm Town into pieces, a Titan holding a double-edged giant axe, 20 to 30 meters tall, emerged from the ice and snow dust that had just dissipated and walked towards this side. Everyone just woke up from their dreams and knew what kind of monster they were facing.

The tremors were not some special spells, but the opponent's footsteps!

The steps of this giant statue alone were enough to make the caster on the ground unable to maintain a focused state of casting!

This creature, which is even bigger than the frost giant, looks 70% similar to the frost giant, but even the frost giants dare not regard it as a compatriot with them.

Because it is not, or rather, the frost giants are not-not the true descendants of the giant gods!

It is!

"The heir of Solem..." Ron smacked the shout of Yar just now, and roughly understood what kind of existence they were facing.

A real Titan giant!

"Haha, hahaha..." Quest's eyes widened, looking at the existence that was approaching slowly, and he couldn't help but laugh at himself, "How is it possible? How is this possible?"

"This is impossible!"

"It's no longer the era of giants! Shouldn't the descendants of the giant gods be sealed in the powerful elements called cradles in every corner and sleep?!"

"Why is there a frost god heir here! Why!"

If the appearance of the frost giants was unexpected, then the appearance of this god heir should have been an impossible event! But it just happened!

"Ahhhhhhhh——" The Titan-like heir of the god stood in front of everyone, causing those tribes to flee in all directions. Perhaps this mob appearance annoyed this existence. With a roar that sounded like a howling wind, the double giant axe in the hands of the heir of the god slashed at the tribes driven by the frost giants.

"It, it, it, what is it saying?" Driver covered his pointed ears, the big guy's roar almost deafened him, "Can we talk to it? Let it leave here?"

"I'm afraid it's difficult," Sylvia also covered her ears, "Theoretically, it should at least speak Giant language, but with its voice, we can't hear or understand what it's saying!"

"It won't be good anyway..." Sera looked at the huge creature and sucked her teeth, "From what you said just now, the giant transformation should not be able to be used, right?"

"Unless he can stop him from trampling on the ground," Victoria shook her head bitterly, "otherwise, I'm afraid we will have difficulty even casting spells."

And as a true "heir of God", if it is said that this Titan has no resistance to magic, no one present will believe it.

"This...what should we do?" Shuke, who had been staying beside Victor, was pale and trembling. He asked, "We didn't see this thing when we came here!"

"I'm afraid it hadn't come yet at that time." Ron frowned, "But I'm just curious: why didn't it choose to go to Yungang, but turned to the side of Fromm Town?"

"Whether it's the frost giants or those tribes, accidental looting can barely explain it, what is it, or 'Him', doing here?"

"Is it because of the delusion?" Ivy gave an explanation that she herself didn't quite believe.

"If that's the case, I think we should be facing the hills or the rock gods, the frost gods?"

Ron couldn't help but think of the weird dragon lich. Could it be that he was the helper invited by the other party?

But except for the dragon lich's wish to let this Titan replace Annan, the "all-father" among their gods, otherwise Ron really couldn't figure out what kind of temptation could make this person run all the way here.

Even if he ate the entire delusion, could he earn back the gas money for this trip?

"There's no time to think about anything else. What should we do now?" Driver's somewhat anxious voice interrupted Ron's thoughts, "Those tribes! They're starting to run towards us!"

"That heir of God is also--"

"Take the mayor and the others and enter the town!" Ron immediately gave the order, "Maybe relying on the building terrain, we can still fight back a little!"

There's no need to defeat them, just delay for a while. Ron doesn't believe that such creatures can carry out high-intensity activities here for a long time. Maybe they only need--

The double-edged axe swept across the originally low wall of Fromm Town with an overwhelming attitude. In Ron's eyes, the wall, which was not strong to begin with, was now shattered into powder like paper. Then, a big hand emitting ice magic covered the town. On that hand, another huge glacier was forming!

"Stop him!" Ron raised an ice wall behind him to try to block the opponent's steps and throws, but this was just a drop in the bucket compared to the current situation.

"Give me some time, I need to use teleportation!"

"Can't teleportation only take eight people?!" Sylvia looked at Ron, "Are we going to leave this mayor behind?"

"Go back and get help!" Ron stamped his feet, "Call someone back! Only another being that shouldn't be here can stop it!"

As Sylvia summoned endless black fog to sweep towards the Frost God, there were faint barking sounds from it, and the space around Ron was suddenly distorted. The teleportation array was about to take shape under his feet, but suddenly!

With a sound similar to breaking glass, Ron was shocked to find that his arcane was actually disintegrated by some unknown force - something was preventing him from teleporting back!

"What the hell!" Ivy also saw this scene and couldn't help but screamed.

"Since we can't escape, we have to fight!" Looking at the giant statue that was almost the same as the towering glacier, Ron gritted his teeth and picked up his short bow with his backhand. A golden-red arrow appeared on the bowstring out of thin air as if it had broken through the barrier of space.

This was one of the little tricks that Gillianis gave to Ron. If Ron performed it, the effect would certainly not be as good as the moon elf's own spell, but it could be regarded as a trump card. Ron had intended to use it against the black dragon lich, but in the current situation, if he didn't want to be buried in the glacier by this heir of God, he had no choice but to use this.

"Law--" Ron's eyes reflected the body of the heir of Solem. The other party seemed to have noticed something and turned his huge head towards Ron. He raised one of his big feet high and was about to drop it again to create earthquake waves.

"Solem..." I don't know if it was because he sensed the danger, the heir of God called out the name of his god, and at the same time, the unique arrow in the world also shot out with the vibration of the bowstring, heading straight for the Titan's face.

"Burning Embers!" (End of this chapter)

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