At the front, a group that was obviously taller than the surrounding ones separated like a wave with the surrounding goblins. They stood out firmly and calmly and appeared in front of Jack.

Three bugbears with a body as strong as a bear are surrounded by a fully armed humanoid creature. His physique and height are ordinary, but he is inexplicably awe-inspiring. In his hand, a heavy long spear The halberd hummed in harmony with the ground as the melody arose from the friction between the armor.

"General Karad!" Jack was shocked, "Why are you here?"

"These guys have found some suspicious traces around here these days," the hobgoblin said in a deep voice, "but they are still not sure whether they are animals or other things, so I let They're leaving traps around here to see if they can catch anything."

"I didn't expect to catch you."

Karad and Jack were relatively familiar with each other, but only in each other's transformed form - after all, it was extremely difficult for people outside their race to distinguish them clearly due to the shape of the shapeshifters themselves.

Especially when there is nothing identifying about them at all.

"But it looks like it's a mistake, right?" Kalad looked Jack up and down, "Where is the place where your mind was probed? Take us there immediately!"

"Ah, yes!" Jack nodded quickly, but as soon as he took a step, he hesitated, "Well... don't you need to inform the lord and them?"

"Someone will go, you don't need to worry about this." The hobgoblin nodded to his side, and a bugbear guard immediately spread his bare feet and strode towards the direction of Green Marsh Town, "He will Run faster than you."

"Now, without further ado, take us there immediately!"

"As you command!"

The surrounding goblin troops gave Jack great encouragement and psychological comfort. He no longer hesitated and immediately led the way towards the place where he had been painting. Behind him, the two groups of goblins on the flanks disappeared at a faster speed. On both sides, a pocket-like encirclement was formed in the darkness, spreading forward.

Goblins themselves rarely use these simple tactics, but when there is a hobgoblin behind them, the situation completely changes. Karad re-hidden himself into the army to better command the army and ensure his own safety. Far behind them, more than a dozen mounted wolves and their riders were stationed far behind, ready to charge at full speed if there was a battle ahead.

This is not all the "army" in today's delusional land. The chariots that had appeared in the previous attack on Carolina were not used in patrols in the territory because they were too heavy. In addition, there are at least three The other two goblins are scattered among the various settlements in the territory to make up for the shortage of militia manpower.

The reports of "suspicious traces" that Karad said basically came from these goblins.

"This is it," Jack in front stopped and pointed to the hillside not far away that was completely shrouded in night, "I was painting here before."

"That guy seems to have left..."

"It doesn't matter." The hobgoblin waved his hand and signaled his men to start searching for all clues. "This is our territory. No matter what he is, he can't run far!"

Usually, when tracking target footprints, you will focus on checking the ground and nearby vegetation. These places are very easy to leave footprints or other traces, and are difficult to remove in a short time. The two cultists knew this very well and did a lot of tricks to ensure that they would not be followed.

However, the goblins' thinking was more open-minded than normal people: they even searched the surrounding trees, and soon found something.

"Jack, are you sure someone is checking your thoughts?" Kalad leaned slightly to listen to his subordinate's report, then looked up at Jack.

"Yes, that's for sure," Jack nodded, "But if there are many people on the other side, there shouldn't be a need for everyone to do it, right?"

"That's the truth." The goblin nodded slightly, "So I unfortunately tell you that there should be two or three people spying on you before - the damage marks on the buds and leaves on the tree and the scratches on the branches tell us this a little."

"But you should also feel lucky that you did not choose to go to war with the opponent directly. Otherwise, we would probably have to come to collect your body tomorrow morning - a casting-net investigation is not as fast as walking in a straight line, and the speed is much slower."

"It doesn't matter if you die. What's important is that if that happens, we're afraid it will be difficult to track those guys anymore."

A little cold sweat broke out on Jack's forehead, and Kalad's cold blood made him feel chilly: " should be too late now, right?"

"Of course, they are already in action." He raised his halberd and swept half a circle around him. "Now there is only one question: What are you going to do? There must be no gaps in the subsequent search in the wilderness. We are afraid that we don't have anyone available now." I’ll send you back, but there’s no guarantee you’ll encounter enemies on the way back.”

Jack's mind immediately flashed to the situation where he was on a narrow road halfway - the goblins' search was not silent, the other party must have noticed and guessed, and of course he was the first suspect who exposed the whereabouts of those bad guys. . If he and those "two or three" had the misfortune to meet...

Anyway, it won't end well.

"I'll go with you!" Jack gritted his teeth, "Can you give me a weapon? I can protect myself!"

A pair of daggers were quickly brought out and delivered to the shapeshifter's hands. Jack's eyes, which took up a large amount of space on his face, immediately flashed, and his body shrank rapidly. After a while, he turned into a goblin and blended into the crowd.

"That's it," the newly emerged "goblin" shook his big head, not caring about the goblin next to him who looked exactly like him, who was shocked, angry and afraid to speak, "this way no one can recognize me."

"That's the best," Karad didn't dwell on it too much, and immediately began to dispatch people, "Send a message to the first and second squads, continue to maintain the flank; the fourth squad will go forward and disperse the formation, the third squad--"

In the distance, the wolf riders soon received the order, half of them immediately turned their wolf heads and galloped in one direction, while the other half continued to follow the goblins in front and continued to move forward. They kept the noise to a minimum, the wolf crawled on the ground, and the goblin riders lay on the back of the wolf. Even though this was not a dense grassland, their actions were enough to hide in the dark without being discovered. (End of this chapter)

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