"Bishop Luipold is such a mastermind."

When Kalad directed his men to search in the direction of the principle territory, in the jungle not far from their search direction, a man dressed as a missionary in gray and black robes slowly opened his eyes and spoke to his companions. He cast admiring glances in a certain direction.

This man does not have a bald head, and the lines of the black dragon are on his short robe, which means that he is also a member of the Gray Ruins Dragon Society, but his level is higher than that of the "Burial Bishop" and the "Skeleton Collector" Lower - This is an Ash Priest, like his fellow travelers.

It was these two people that Jack met before, but because they were in the dark, even if they did meet, there was only a chance that Jack would be recognized.

"As he expected, the poor painter did not choose the safest way to report the message, but rashly attracted a bunch of goblins." The tall figure stood beside his companion, "But even so, this cannot be concealed. Your fault - if I hadn't left a mark on his painting and observed the arrival of the goblins, we would have been caught off guard."

"I will go to receive the punishment later," the Ashes priest who had previously tried to read Jack's mind said solemnly, "Now is not the time to assign blame. We should follow Bishop Luipold's next instruction and punish them severely here. An ambush..."

The two subconsciously looked to the rear, but they could not detect anything: except that they could confirm that the ambush was in place, they could not detect anything.

The ambush brought by the bishop is really strong...

"Thinking about me?"

A breeze blew through the forest, and a black dragon with a bloodthirsty look on its bald head appeared in the sight of the two Ash Priests. Its owner was a rather young-looking half-orc, and his light gray-green skin provided him with excellent cover in this environment, so much so that even his two men did not react immediately.


"Okay, okay, there is no need to be so groveling. We are all just the humblest servants of the Lord. Ranks are for distinguishing work, not for distinguishing superiors." Although his innate appearance is a bit scary, Bishop Luipold was able to make himself look amiable with his temperament and expression, "How far are they from here?"

"Report to your lord! They should reach the attack range here in about half an hour!" The bishop's gentle words made the two Ashes priests feel like spring breeze, and they scrambled to report the results, "I think we should let them get closer until they are completely inside. Ambush the area before attacking in order to annihilate them all!”

"Well, well," Bishop Luipold nodded with great satisfaction. He looked at the taller priest, "I remember you were a soldier, right? You are indeed professional."

"My lord, you are so complimentary..."

"But I don't think that's enough," the bishop interrupted his humility. "How many are there?"

"Basically they are all goblins, about forty or so," the priests quickly replied. "There are two bugbears and a hobgoblin among them - they may be the military chiefs here. When the lords here were fighting against Carolina, He once led his men to plunder city-states, and even had the intention of forcibly attacking Carolina."

"It's really barbaric." Luipold showed a trace of disdain on his face. "No wonder my lord is not satisfied with this last bite of 'food'. Does such a bandit deserve to be called 'civilized'?"

"Sir..." Hearing what the other party said, the two priests couldn't help but look at each other, "In this case, wouldn't it be my Lord's grand plan..."

"It doesn't matter. Since our Lord thinks the time has come, it is acceptable. However, before He takes this place into his mouth, we need to do some preliminary processing work." The half-orc bishop closed his eyes slightly. Lomu Town has been incorporated here as planned by our Lord, and the quantity is sufficient. Our purpose is to bring its quality to a higher level. "

"...It's a pity that Bishop Buckman failed first. Otherwise, if we had a two-pronged approach, the situation tonight would definitely turn to our side."

"That, that crazy..." The Ashes priests saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Even they had heard of the bishop's illustrious reputation, but they had not lost their minds and did not dare to slander another bishop in front of him. A funeral bishop.

But Luipold completed the entire reference by himself: "Yes, that's the madman. It was he who caused some changes in our actions."

"But fortunately, I am here. I will use the most foolproof way to make up for his rashness, and I cannot let a few deviations interfere with my lord's plan."

"You two, are you willing to come with me?"

The half-orc bishop's eyes were so gentle and his smile was so pure and sincere that the two priests were dumbfounded. They looked down blankly at the bishop's palm stretched out to them. After a moment, they raised their hands at the same time and touched it.

They almost touched the thing in Bishop Luipold's hand at the same time: it was a stick-shaped object, cold in hand, made of iron.

To be more precise, it was a crowbar.

The Ash Priest looked at the Bishop in confusion, his chaotic thinking unable to figure out why his superiors gave them this.

"Very good, thank you both for your cooperation." Luipold nodded with satisfaction. He withdrew his hand, and the crowbar was naturally held by two people at the same time. "Then continue to the next step - please."

A bloodthirsty red light flashed in the eyes of the two Ash Priests at the same time, just like the eyes shown by the black dragon mark on the bishop's head, but the latter had no intention of continuing to communicate with them, and turned around and disappeared into the darkness again.

There, some dark-skinned hunters and assassins who looked like elves were waiting for orders from him and their leader. They don't have many people, only twenty-four people, but the blood debt in each of their hands is more than ten times that number.

There are those underground, those above the ground, and even those of the same race. These fightings are commonplace for them, and tonight is just a monotonous repetition.

"You are still so disgusting, Luipold," a dark elf with a punk hairstyle walked towards Luipold, his voice was neutral. If you don't pay attention to the special curves of his body, it is difficult to tell his true gender. " Why not kill them directly? There is no value in torturing such people, and we are not shadow spirits."

Wisps of faint blood drifted from the direction where the two priests were fighting. As the breath of the drow seeped into their bodies, Luipold did not absorb the blood mist. He needed a clearer mind instead of More powerful.

"This is a ritual, Salona," the half-orc bishop's smile was still warm and not stained with blood. "My main thing is destruction. It should not just be a structure, but a process."

"Decline due to internal strife and strife is the most common way of 'destruction'. It will bring a... feast to the successors."

"Ah, it looks like it's over, faster than I expected." (End of Chapter)

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