Overlord Wizard

Chapter 105: Secret Realm Adventure (21)

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   "Come on. Kill these **** ravens!"

   One hundred and fifty apprentice wizards, led by seven formal wizards, rushed in frantically.

   In an instant, the sound of intensive bombing and screams were endless.

   "My neck...There is a vampire here!"

   "These **** are all converted into kinship, go and ask Lord Louis!"


  While Li Luo and Aiana were maintaining the circle, they heard the screams from the base constantly, and then, there were apprentices running towards Louis.

   "Master Louis, these Scarlet Raven people have all been transformed into blood!" A **** wizard apprentice ran up to Louis and said in horror.

   "Well, go. Eliminate them all." Louis just said this lightly, and ignored the apprentice, calmly looking at the Scarlet Raven's base.

   The latter froze in place and became at a loss for a while.

   "Why, don't you dare to go?" Louis said lightly, but his words revealed irreversible meaning.

   "Yes... it's an adult." The wizard apprentice's complexion changed, and he returned to the Scarlet Raven's base, but his pace was significantly slower, as if he was looking for some chance to get out.

   Li Luo frowned, hesitated, waved his hand to the apprentice: "Come here, take my place, I'll go in and take a look."

   Now, if most of the one hundred and fifty apprentice wizards died in it, it would be exactly what Aiana said. After leaving the secret realm, this young lady didn't even dare to face her father. Therefore, whether it is to stop the next conspiracy of Gui Che, or save these apprentices, Li Luo has to participate in this battle.

   The apprentice was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly came to Li Luo's position to stand still, and gratefully bowed to Li Luo.

   "Thank you so much. Thank you so much..."

   Li Luo ignored this guy, instead he took out a cross sword, and walked into the Scarlet Raven’s base without any haste.

  As soon as Fang entered the base, he saw a few apprentices of Scarlet Raven holding a female apprentice in his own academy, lowered their heads to her body, and stayed there motionless.

   Li Luo's eyes flickered, and his figure flickered, he passed by these few Scarlet Raven apprentices, and ran towards the other Scarlet Raven apprentices not far away.

   Immediately afterwards, a few apprentices of Scarlet Raven passing by behind him snorted for a while, and all the heads that were close to the girl broke apart from the body, and a stream of black and red blood flowed out.

   The girl finally broke free, and crawled to one side with a horrified expression. At the same time, she took out several bottles of Yanyang Medicine and drank it. At this time, even if she risked her death by poisoning, she would desperately remove the blood poison from her body, otherwise it is very possible that she would transform into the few scarlet ravens in a quarter of an hour. Vampire!

   "Don't come...Don't come!" A round-faced Tatar wizard apprentice yelled in horror while crawling towards the back.

   In front of him, several apprentice wizards with scarlet eyes and blood robes, showing two inch-long fangs, walked towards him step by step.


   The round-faced apprentice seemed to retreat too fast, hit a wall with his back, and stopped. The round-faced apprentice looked back, where is there any way out? With a desperate expression on his face, he mobilized all the mana in his whole body and instantly boiled.

   "Want to explode?" A blood-robed wizard apprentice sneered, and a blood beam sank into the round-faced wizard's body.

   Soon, the restless mana of the round-faced wizard calmed down, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't mobilize a single bit.

   The eyes of several blood-robed wizard apprentices suddenly flashed, and at the same time they rushed towards the round-faced wizard.

   The round-faced wizard looked desperate, took out an oval magic weapon, pressed a button on it, and threw it at the several Scarlet Raven apprentices who rushed forward.


   A small mushroom cloud rose up, and under a burst of cracks on the ground, a building with a radius of more than 30 meters broke apart and splashed into the air. The round-faced wizard and these blood-colored raven vampires all disappeared in the ruins.

   Li Luo just passed by here, jumped not far in fright, looked there in shock, feeling a little bit more bad in his heart.

   He speeded up, and constantly shuttled among the vampire wizards who were fighting with his academy apprentices, beheading each and every pale head, and the situation on the battlefield began to stabilize for a while.

  The fight lasted for more than an hour. Under Li Luo's powerful combat power, all the vampires of the Scarlet Raven were killed and wounded, and only nine Tier 1 vampire wizards were left surrounded by everyone in a hall.

   Li Luo's eyes flickered, then he walked out and found the girl he had previously rescued.

   "How do you feel?" Li Luo squatted down and looked at the slightly pale girl.

   The girl glanced at Li Luo weakly, but did not reply. Li Luo pondered for a moment, took out a bottle of crimson potion, and handed it over. It was the concentrated version of Yanyang mixture.

   The girl gradually recovered after taking a few sips.

"thank you."

   The girl stood up hard, staggering about to fall to the ground again.

   Li Luo held her back and said lightly: "Go out with me and take care of the maintenance of the circle." Then he stopped admiringly and looked away.

   There, a thin figure, hesitated, came over.

   "I...I want to go out too." The thin figure looked nervous, and seemed to be frightened by the vampires just now.

   Li Luo hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Then follow."

After   , Li Luo picked up the **** his back and ran towards the entrance of the Scarlet Raven.

  The speed was so fast that the thin figure couldn't help but stay in place, but then he followed closely.

   Soon, Li Luo appeared outside the circle with the **** his back. A thin figure also ran out after a minute.

   "You go to take over Aiana's position." Li Luo put the girl down and said lightly. Afterwards, he turned his head, looked at the thin figure, and said, "You go take Feng Ling's position."

   The girl and the thin figure bowed gratefully to Li Luo, and walked towards Ai Anna and Feng Ling's position.

   Ai Anna and Feng Ling walked over with doubts on their faces, Li Luo just whispered a few words in their ears, and the two of them brightened their eyes and followed him into the base.

   Louis' eyes flashed in the distance, and a powerful mental force spread out and swept toward the base. Afterwards, his admiration color changed, revealing a hint of surprise, but soon disappeared.

   "Lone wolf, how is the situation inside?" Ai Anna asked as she walked.

   Fengling also looked at Li Luo questioningly.

"If I'm not mistaken, the blood sacrifice ceremony is now going on in the main hall of the base. You can wait outside for a while. If I succeed in killing them all, there should be a way to raise your rank to the level of a formal wizard. ."

   Li Luo said lightly, speeding up his pace and rushing towards the hall.

   "Wind Ling, protect Ai Anna."

   Although Li Luo's figure disappeared in place, the voice still came over.

   Fengling's complexion changed when he heard the words, showing ecstasy, and tightly guarding Ai Anna's side. He didn't believe that what happened to Aiana, this lone wolf would help him advance. Aiana frowned, as if she was still worried about the safety of the apprentices in the hall.


   Li Luo went all the way and quickly returned to the hall.

At this time, in the hall, more than 130 apprentice wizards, all lying on the ground, but the seven newly promoted official wizards stood with nine vampires of Scarlet Ravens, with an extremely fanatical look on their faces. .

   "Huh? Is there a fish that slipped through the net?" One of the first-order vampire wizards was surprised and looked at Li Luo.

   Soon, the wizard hit Li Luo with a **** light, and plunged into Li Luo's body.

   Something that shocked these wizards happened. Li Luo stood there unharmed, patted the dust on his body, and walked towards them leisurely.

   "Which one of you is Wu Tian?" Li Luo asked lightly as he walked.

  Although his tone is very light, it looks abnormally harsh in the ears of these dark wizards.

   A total of sixteen official wizards, all of them changed their faces, and **** energy began to condense in their hands.

"I rescued your sister Wu Mei'er from Gul'dan. Fortunately, she did not become a vampire... I also promised her not to hurt you. Then, who is Wu Tian?" Li Luo continued to walk step by step, an oval dark green shield lit up on his body, and his tone of voice showed a slight anger.

   One of the sixteen wizards, his complexion changed, and the magic in his hand spread out.

   Li Luo's eyes condensed, and he said faintly: "It turns out that it's you...then everyone else...go to death."

   His voice fell, his figure disappeared in place, and he appeared in front of a blood-robed wizard in a flash. The cross sword in his hand flashed with cold light, and the wizard was chopped in half without even igniting the energy shield, and his eyes fell to the ground with round eyes.


   There were four muffled sounds again, and four first-order wizards fell one after another.

"Damn it, kill him!" The other eleven formal wizards finally reacted. Under the flash of blood, a shield lit up on their body. Then, **** wind blades and fireballs blasted Li Luo one after another. Come here.


   A series of sky-shaking blasts, the fire wave suddenly spread in all directions, and after hitting the wall, it seemed as if there was a flash of blood, but under a tremor, the fire wave was still blocked.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and all the eleven remaining wizards suddenly changed their complexions. In front of them, a dark figure was still standing there, but the skin on his body was slightly blackened, even a trace of **** skin and flesh. The anger didn't come out.

   "Hit enough. It's me..."

   Li Luo glanced at the wizards indifferently, and gave Angel Wu a look.

   The latter's complexion changed, and he jumped toward the apprentice.


   One of the first-order wizards was about to throw the energy ball in her hand, and a charming woman on his side suddenly slapped his arm severely, and the energy ball in the wizard's hand collapsed.

   "Eveya, what are you doing!" The wizard was crushed by the energy in his hand and looked at the woman next to him angrily.

   The latter covered his mouth and smiled. As soon as Lianbu stepped on it, his blood robe fell on Wu Tian's side without any wind.

   Li Luo's eyes were cold, and he opened his mouth to the remaining nine wizards.


   A fan-shaped wave of fire spewed out, covering the nine wizards at once.

   "Damn it. Kill them together!"

In the fire wave, nine wizards showed dazzling blood in their hands. Soon nine wind blades and fireballs swarmed towards Li Luo, and the piercing sound of the air and the billowing heat wave agitated the air into layers of folds. , As if distorting the space.

   Boom! ......

   The whole hall began to vibrate constantly, and the **** runes on the surrounding walls began to flash wildly, as if it were about to shatter in the next moment.

   A few minutes later, when the fire wave cleared, Li Luo couldn't help but step back and looked forward. The nine wizards were lying on the ground, silent.

   At this time, Li Luo turned his head and looked at Eveya and Wu Tian.

   "Both of you have been used by others. If you want to survive, hurry up and wake up these apprentice wizards."

   Wu Tian and Eveya looked at each other, instead of doing it, they stared at Li Luo constantly, their scarlet tongue licked the corner of their mouth.

   Li Luo patted his hands, and soon, a slim figure in leather armor slowly walked in from the entrance of the hall.

   "Brother, do as he says."

   A enchanting female voice sounded, and then Wu Tian looked over there, finally there was a different look in his eyes.

   "Sister. It's okay...You are still alive, Eveya, let's wake everyone up."

   The woman who appeared was no one else, but Wu Meier, Wu Tian’s sister.

   Eveya reluctantly and Wu Tian shot blood beams at the surrounding apprentices, and soon all the wizard apprentices woke up.

   After everyone woke up, they whispered and looked at Li Luo and others at the end of the hall.

   "You hurry out, and call Aiana and Fengling in." Li Luo's voice came out, resounding like a bell in every corner of the hall.

   "Didn't our seven official wizards betrayed?"

   "Why did the leader of the Scarlet Raven save us in the end?"

   "It doesn't matter what he is, it's good to live alive, and quickly do what this adult says."


   Everyone hesitated, and they ran out of the hall one after another, and soon Aiana and Feng Ling walked in.

   "Have you collected all the corpses?" Li Luo grabbed Wu Mei'er's beautiful body and asked with a smile.

   "Huh! If you say, how can the slaves dare not obey!" Wu Meier slapped Li Luo's arm severely, and took out the bodies of the dead wizard apprentices from the space bag.

   "Time is running out. Let's start offering sacrifices!" Li Luo glanced outside nervously, and said to Wu Tian and others.

   Wu Tian and Eveya looked at each other, walked towards the ground somewhere, took out a piece of magic stone and mounted it.

   Soon, including the corpses of fourteen official wizards, all of which were in the sacrificial circle, began to melt. The speed was so fast that it was completely melted in just a few minutes and turned into a huge blood-colored light group floating in the air.

   At this time, Li Luo also had to admire the high-end research on the Scarlet Raven in sacrifice.

He drank a few bottles of mana potion in one gulp, and the two magic circles in his hand emerged out of thin air, covering the blood-colored light group of nearly 30 meters in size~www.readwn.com~ The blood-colored light group began to shrink rapidly, and the blood light began to shrink. Dispersed, and finally turned into a three-meter-sized milky white light ball floating in Li Luo's hands.

   At this time, Ai Anna seemed to have thought of something, grabbing Li Luo's shoulder, and asking loudly, "Who are you!"

   Li Luo turned his head to look at Ai Anna's tearful eyes, smiled, and did not answer her. He directly divided the ball of light into three parts. One handed it to Feng Ling, one to Ai Anna, and he swallowed the rest.

   Fengling received the ball of light, his eyes brightened, he swallowed it, and sat down cross-legged.

Li Luo saw that Ai Anna hadn't moved, and said lightly: "The advanced level one wizard will tell you. Hurry up and swallow meditation." While talking, Li Luo patted Ai Anna on the shoulder and ignored her. He also sat down cross-legged.

   Ai Anna's beautiful eyes flashed, she glanced at Wu Meier, gritted her teeth, swallowed the ball of light in one bite, and sat down cross-legged.

  Wu Meier stood by Li Luo, looked at Wu Tian and Eveya, sighed and asked, "What are your plans in the future?"

Wu Tian and Eveya fell silent for a while, and then Wu Tian glanced at Li Luo and said, "Sister, you and I have been displaced since the death of my parents since the age of five, and now you can stand next to this man, Even if I have a support, I feel relieved. But as a vampire, I can no longer live in human society. Let's not live it."

   Wu Tian's voice fell, and he led Eveya out to the outside.

   Wu Mei'er watched Wu Tian walk out of the hall with a drop of tears in her eyes. She knelt and sat on the ground, her eyes dull.

   And just at this moment, outside the hall, there was a roar that shook the sky.

   "Lone wolf, you are so bold!"

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