Overlord Wizard

Chapter 106: Secret Realm Adventure (22)

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   "Louis, do you have a clear conscience if you want to entrap so many apprentices at once?" Wu Tian said hoarsely outside the hall.

"Asshole. What are you dare to teach me? You two conspired with the lone wolf guy to sacrifice to the seven official wizards of our academy. Now you want to bite me back. It's really sinister!" His eyes flashed, and he said hoarsely.

   The apprentice wizard on the ground listened to the conversation between Wu Tian and Louis, whispering to each other.

   "What's the situation? So we are all caught in the tricks of the lone wolf?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, the lone wolf has to sacrifice. It is logical to sacrifice all of us. Besides, if the eldest lady is there, the lone wolf shouldn't betray us."

   "Hmph. That's not true. With so many dead apprentices of Scarlet Raven, plus those dozen formal wizards, it's enough for the eldest lady, the lone wolf, and that Feng Ling to be promoted to the official wizard."

   "That said, who doesn't want to get that powerful power!"

   "Hmph, anyway, these formal wizards are fighting, we third-class apprentices can't stand it, or it's better to stay away."


   Everyone on the ground talked a lot about you, and then they withdrew out of the base one after another.

   Soon, many wizard apprentices disappeared, and the ghostly expression appeared on his face.

   "Since the two of you haven't completed the task, you will stay here forever." Ghost Toru's voice was very low, but it was filled with endless coldness.

   As soon as his voice fell, the void he was in began to oscillate, and there was an arc of electric light beating, crackling, and it seemed that the void was about to collapse under the powerful force of the ghost.

"Huh! I really thought I was a second-order wizard and I couldn't make it! Look...Uh!" Wu Tian coldly looked at the ghost in the air and snorted coldly, but before he finished speaking, the whole person Frozen in the air.

   Wu Tian looked down at his left chest, and was opened by a pale slender claw. A black and red heart in the claw was still beating.

   He turned around, looked at the person behind him, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"I knew... Eveya, you didn't treat me sincerely. Fortunately... I planted the blood curse in his own spiritual sea a long time ago." As a vampire, Wu Tian didn't die immediately. It was difficult to say this.

   Eveya, behind him, heard these words, her complexion changed suddenly, turning into a **** light flashing wildly in the distance, and a few breaths disappeared into the sky.

   Looking at Wu Tian again, his pale face was twisted, and then his entire body was spontaneously ignited.

   "Hahahaha...Louis, I am a ghost, I will curse you forever, until I tortured you to death! Hahaha..."

  While Wu Tian laughed wildly, the whole person turned into a **** phantom and rushed towards the ghost.

   "Huh! It's an idiot to swing the dark witchcraft in front of me!" Guiche snorted coldly, with an ironic expression on his face.

   But seeing that he was just taking a shot towards the ground in the void, a **** phantom flew over and blocked him. And under his thoughts, it turned into a **** cloak and enveloped him.

   Looking at the ghost that Wu Tian transformed into, he rushed to Gui Che not far away, but he stopped admiringly. Instead of jumping in immediately, he showed a hint of sarcasm.

   After that, the blood shadow that Wu Tian transformed into floated around the ghost, but he did not rush into the ghost.

   "Huh! Want to procrastinate?"

   After a while, the ghost frowned and moved towards a dozen or so places on the ground, and **** figures flew out from it, flying towards him.

   After these dozen **** phantoms flew in, the ghost shot several **** lights at them, and then began to mutter words, and **** runes continued to submerge into these **** phantoms.

   Then, these **** phantoms flashed with red light in their eyes, turned and rushed towards Wu Tian.

   The **** phantom that Wu Tian transformed into with a secret smile, flew out towards the distance, and a dozen **** phantoms then rushed over.

   The ghost frowned, and he ignored Wu Tian in the distance. He coldly glanced at the hall not far below his feet, and his hands began to condense with a dazzling **** light.

   Soon, a blood-colored fireball nearly five meters in size, rolled out in front of the ghost, and flew towards the hall under his light finger.

   The fireball seemed to be very slow, but the speed of the flight was suddenly increased, and it landed on the hall in the blink of an eye.


   A mushroom cloud that resembled a missile explosion rose up, and the fire wave suddenly spread in all directions. In an instant, rubble splashed, smoke and dust rose in all directions, sweeping the entire base like a world-destroying storm.

   The smoke and dust dissipated. Only the hall where Li Luo was located stood intact in the entire base, but the blood on it was indeterminate. Obviously, the defense formation had begun to fail.

   "Hmph, do it again, you can see the Underworld!" The ghost said sternly, and at the same time, fireballs began to condense in his hands.

   And just at this moment, a voice suddenly rang in his ear: "Really?"

Afterwards, Gui Che’s complexion changed, and he looked behind him suddenly, but was shocked to see that the dozen **** phantoms who had been chasing Wu Tian were hovering around the **** phantom that Wu Tian had transformed, facing him. With one finger lightly, everyone rushed towards him.

   "How is it possible!?" The ghost's complexion changed completely, his body was bloody, and he ignited out of thin air.

   Now that so many blood curses hit him, he has to burn a little soul power!

"Ah ah ah ah ah....."

   After a scream of ghost crying and wolf howling, Gui Che stood in the air panting, looking at Wu Tian's figure with a somewhat ugly expression.

At this time, Wu Tiancai patted his hands and smiled faintly: "Yes, yes. Although I don't know which demon soul you are possessed by, it is really admirable to be able to quickly raise your level to this level. .But do you think that for so many years, our human race has not done systematic research on some of your demon curse spells? Otherwise...what do you think is the significance of our existence of wizarding academy?! Hahahaha ....."

   Ghost stiffened after hearing this admiration, and his complexion struggled.

   "Asshole! I am a famous ghost, how can I succumb to your devil's will and get out of my body quickly! Ah..."

  Gui Toru froze there in mid-air, constantly beating his head with his hands, screaming in pain.

"Huh ha ha ha ha... Louis, you must have some wish to accomplish it. But trading with the devil can really guarantee your wish? Look at my sister, who also has a dark physique. Wasn't the lone wolf transformed into a normal person? Only humans can do anything that is impossible. I believe this from the beginning... You continue to cooperate with this demon, It can only get deeper and deeper. In the end, not only the wish will not be fulfilled, but the whole world is plunged into an extremely dangerous situation!" Wu Tian kept floating around Gui Che, constantly bewitching Gui Che’s will. .

   seems to be poking at a pain point of Guito, and Guito stopped for a moment, his eyes rounded, and he looked straight towards the ground, but it was more like falling into some kind of contemplation.

   "Yes. My wife is dead. My son and daughter are also dead. How can more people die!"

   The ghost murmured to himself, and at this moment his eyes appeared extremely clear.

   But then, his eyes were covered with a dark green color, and his breath suddenly changed.

   "Hahaha, I finally showed up. Louis, I'll help you!" Not only was Wu Tian not surprised when he saw Louis's change, he rushed into Louis's body with joy.

"Damn the bug, dare to spoil the good things of my Akales. Do you really think your curse tricks can be compared with our demons?" Gui Toru's eyes are dark green, and his voice is deep and rich in metal texture. Came out.

   Then, the ghost, who had been completely controlled by the demon soul, flashed a dark green light on his body, and the whole person turned into pitch black air, and under the surge, it was as dense as liquid.

   At the same time, I heard Wu Tian's painful wailing voices coming from Gui Toru's body.


   Wu Tian's voice is getting weaker and weaker, but the demon who calls himself Akales has a greater aura, and his whole person gradually recovered.

   And at this moment, a figure flashed, came behind Akales, and hugged him with both hands. At the same time, electric lights and colorful flames rushed out from his body, surging towards his body.


   Akales' complexion changed and he struggled hard, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

   "Asshole. A land knight comparable to a human!" Akales continued to struggle, his complexion changed suddenly.

   Behind him, Li Luo poured all of the thunder and colorful flames into Gui Che's body, like a vine coiled around a big tree, clinging to the ghost.

   And at this moment, the ghost burst into the body, and there was a very enthusiastic laughter.

"Hahahaha...Go to the devil, let's meet the Underworld together!" Wu Tian's voice sounded again, but this time, a wave of powerful soul fluctuations surged from the ghost's body~ www.readwn.com~ Damn bugs! "Acales cursed, then his head shrugged.

   Then a dark green light flew out of the ghost head and flew away towards the distance. The speed was as fast as a teleport, and it disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.


   Then, a ray of blood erupted from the ghost, and surged in all directions.

   Although the blood light did not damage anything at all, after scanning Li Luo, he felt a severe headache and fell from the sky.

   Ghost Toru also followed him down from the sky.

   bang bang!

   The two slammed heavily on the ground, enduring the severe pain, Li Luo shook his head, looked at the surrounding sky, and let out a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, the demon soul has not returned.

   looked at Gui Tetsu again. At this time, his mana had fallen to the early stage of the first-order wizard, and his aura was also fluctuating high and low, and he might fall into the realm again at any time.

   He picked up the ghost thoroughly and was about to walk into the hall.

   And at this moment, **** spots of light emerged from all around, gradually condensing into a reduced version of Wu Tian's figure, floating in front of Li Luo.

   Li Luo was taken aback, staring at this Wu Tian and not letting go. He didn't get over for a long time.

   "Brother-in-law... look at me like this, can you get a flesh again?" Wu Tian's figure flickered, as if it would collapse in a moment.

   Li Luo pondered for a moment, took out a crystal ball, and the latter dived in.

   "Leave me the matter of resurrection. It is still very easy to get a wizard apprentice in this secret realm." Li Luo said lightly, holding the crystal ball in one hand and dragging the ghost into the hall with the other hand.

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