Overlord Wizard

Chapter 108: Secret Realm Adventure (24)

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"Brother Ailan, there isn't much danger in the Flame Demon Territory, but Huofeng Mountain, a must pass through this region, is a bit more troublesome." Li Luo walked with the crowd, and Anda next to him was lighthearted. Said softly.

Li Luo nodded, and did not continue with Anda's words. Instead, he said through the voice: "Brother Anda, last time I explored with you near the Scarlet Raven base. You are only a third-class wizard apprentice, and now it's only two years. In time, has he advanced to an official wizard?"

   Anda's pupils shrank upon hearing this, and suddenly looked at Li Luo, then fell silent. After a while, he used his mental power to transmit sound to Li Luo: "It turned out to be you. Okay...I'll just call you Ailan. What are your plans?"

   The two walked side by side at the end, their eyes constantly flashing, as if a ray of light was constantly sweeping across the seven first-order wizards who were walking in front.

   Then the two looked at each other and smiled, revealing a very wretched smile.

   Soon, the two returned to their usual expressions and stopped communicating with each other. After walking for a while, Li Luo said: "Brother Anda, what is the danger of this Fire Bee Mountain, please explain to me a little bit."

Anda felt his chin for a while, and explained, "If we talk about this fire bee, it is not too dangerous to encounter a few fire bees. I am afraid that we will encounter the migrating fire bee colony. At that time, once we stop them The road of migration, you should know what it means." At this point, Anda's expression changed, adding: "After being bitten by these fire bees, you will get a very itchy fire poison. It is only a bite. Nothing serious, if you bite dozens of times, then a bag of detoxification medicine will die!"

Li Luo nodded secretly when he heard the words, took out a green injection, and gave it to Anda. He said, "This is an anti-toxin evolution drug. I developed it alone. After injection, it can permanently increase a person's toxin resistance. However. ..... You should have some good protective witchcraft, right."

Anda was pleased when he heard the words, took the green injection and said, "That's natural, it doesn't depend on who I am! Since your physical fitness is so strong... it's better to put on my special star iron Armor, these armors not only have good magic resistance and physical protection. I also engraved several layers of witchcraft arrays, which can enhance your various combat abilities. However, it seems that you are the anti-poison evolution potion alone. Can't compare the value of my witchcraft." Anda's voice fell, his eyes flashing non-stop.

   Li Luo glanced at him, then handed him a bottle of digestive gene evolution injection. After whispering a few words in his ear, he stretched out his hand.

The meaning of    is obvious. The value of these two evolutionary injections is always comparable to this armor, right?

After Anda collected the injection, he handed Li Luo a space bag, and said, "In addition to the armor, there is also a wand made of star iron. Not only does it have a good guiding performance, it can also increase the strength of the spell. The most important thing is Yes, it can be used as an iron rod at critical moments!"

   Li Luo was taken aback, and couldn't help but say: "These things you refine, I'm afraid I can't even use them!"

When Anda heard this, Shanshan smiled, and said: "That's not it, this is not about to refine a batch of witchcraft, and exchange a batch of potions with your academy to enhance the physical strength... Hey. I refine it. It’s not cheap to produce so many superb witchcraft, you kid, but you are making fun of me!"

   The several Tier 1 wizards in front heard the words, looked back at Li Luo deeply, then withdrew their gazes, not knowing what they were thinking secretly.

   Li Luo's eyes flashed, and he fell silent.

   At this time, Anda was like a familiar neighbor next door, and began to introduce these temporary teammates to Li Luo one by one.

"Now, Brother Allan. This time the leader is Lorenga. He is the leader of the Thorns. There are three of them. On both sides of Lorenga are Mels and Tarron. They are Thorns. The Black Leaf Guard of the Forest is equivalent to the shadow guard of your academy. The names of the two wizards behind are Zhao Hu and Wang Yue, who are from the Ring of Iron Hands. They and our academy are also proficient in refining witchcraft, but they have developed The path is different. We specialize in refining the magic weapons used by wizards, and they are more specialized in protective magic weapons. Your armor is also refined according to the blueprints they gave. These two witches are very famous. They are the two top witches of the Phoenix Wings of the Fire Phoenix Empire. Not only are they beautiful in life, but... I heard that there is no boyfriend yet!" Anda slowly Said, when the two witches were introduced at the end, the voice was as small as a mosquito.

   Li Luo's eyes condensed and looked at the two witches in front. The latter seemed to have noticed Li Luo's gaze and turned his head around. Two pretty faces with half white masks were revealed. Even with the masks behind, Li Luo could not hardly see that these were two extremely beautiful women, with long fiery red hair shawls falling down, with proud curves. It's just a glimpse, and it's hard to look away.

   "Are you from Shenglong Academy?" After the two women turned their heads, the taller girl asked Li Luo in a clear voice.

   Li Luo shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I just modified myself some dragon veins."

   And the other girl frowned, and exclaimed again: "God, why do I still feel a trace of Phoenix blood in him!"

   At this time, Li Luo finally couldn't help it, frowning and said: "I often do some experiments on my body, and some of the beasts have normal bloodlines, so the two ladies don't make a fuss."

   When Li Luo talked to this point, he felt a little speechless. The two witches looked at their posture and insisted on revealing all of their own bottoms, which really made him unable to hide any secrets.

   Hearing the words, the others took a deep look at Li Luo, but didn't say much, they just continued to sullen their heads on the road.

   After Li Luo's complaint, the two witches really stopped paying attention to him. On the contrary, Anda was wandering around Li Luo's side, constantly transmitting his voice to ask him to help him transform his bloodline after this mission. Li Luo also agreed to this request, but the price was that Anda would unconditionally help him refine some witchcraft in the future.

   Seven days later.

   Everyone came to a continuous mountain range full of red cedar trees. To the left of these mountain ranges, there was a huge mountain peak with a faint flash of fire, and waves of heat spread in all directions.

A heat wave of this degree is nothing to everyone who is promoted to a formal wizard. It only consumes a little mana to mobilize the water element in the air, and the heat wave can be blocked, and the consumption is also an automatic recovery that can catch up with the mana. . But the hard part is the fire bee in the mountain. They usually don’t take the initiative to attack humans, but the most worrying thing is that after fierce competition in the bee colony, some of the fire bees will be eliminated. This part of the fire bees will migrate to other places, and they will be directly returned when they encounter it. A swarm of fire bees attacking in anger will become very dangerous.

Although these fire bees are just some poisonous insects of the level of beasts that can command elemental spells, they usually gather in hundreds or thousands. Not to mention that they are grouped by nine. Even if you add ten formal wizards, they may all be Tuan Mie is here. If you encounter tens of thousands of bee colonies, it really can only be regarded as unlucky for them.

   These fire bees do not matter whether you fly in the sky or run underground. The place where they are migrating and passing by can be said to be dead, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are alien-like locusts.

   After everyone stood still, Anda took out a metal ball and threw it into the air. After a flash of blue light, the orb suddenly expanded to the size of one meter, and turned into a golden bird, and the cattail flapped its wings and flew towards the Huofeng Mountain.

I saw that the metal bird hadn't flew hundreds of meters away, and it was covered by a group of fire bees. Although it was only an inch long and dozens of them, everyone could hear it from a long distance. The sound of crunching gnawing.

   "There are small swarms of fire bees migrating. Just kill them." Anda opened his eyes, let out a sigh, and said faintly.

   When everyone heard the words, they moved forward quickly, and several fireballs blasted toward this small group of fire bees.

   The fireball exploded in an instant, and the billowing flames burst out, engulfing many red fire bees.

   Most of the fire bees were turned to ashes on the spot, but there were still more than ten fire bees rushing out of the flame package, flying high and low in the air to the distance, obviously also suffering from serious injuries.

   Everyone didn't have enough energy to make a move, and this time, Anda yelled in surprise.

   "You don't want to kill you, are apprentice-level spells not enough to kill? This kind of first-order fireball is trying to poke a hornet's nest?!"

   Anda's words resounded in everyone's ears like an initiation, all complexions changed, and the spells that inspired the invisible body and breath burst back toward the rear.

as predicted.

   Within a few moments, a dense cluster of fire bees flew over here, looking at the scale, half of the sky seemed to be shrouded.

   At this moment, even Li Luo was a little nervous.

   There are already three thousand fire bees on this scale. Once discovered, there will be no other choice but to escape.

   The people didn't feel scattered, and they fled to the thin place where the fire bees gathered, but these fire bees seemed to have spotted the people, and accelerated towards this side.

   In the end, the nine people were still surrounded by dense fire bees.

   Li Luo frowned and didn't intend to hide it anymore. At this time, it was idiotic to think that he could escape the attack of these fire bees.

   Suddenly his sleeves flicked, and several green and red fireballs shot out from it, and after a "boom", they hit the fire bee swarm.

   At the moment these apprentice-level combination spells, Li Luo has been able to release as many as six or seven at one time.

  The billowing flames burst out, engulfing many fire bees. The power of these combined fireballs is not inferior to that of Fangcai's first-order spells, and even the fire bee swept by flames can escape.

   In an instant, the mid-air was like raindrops, and the broken bodies of fire bees fell from the air. The orange-red body fluid directly burned the earth like an oil painting.

   Although it is full of artistic sense, everyone is not in the mood to appreciate it.

   They took out witchcraft that can quickly restore mana, and one after another apprentice spells were thrown out in all directions, exploding all over the sky and being filled with fireworks.

   But there are still many fire bees flying out of the dense fire waves, and under the frantic flapping of their wings, they rushed to the front of Li Luo and others.


   Under a series of intensive muffled noises, someone's energy shield was finally stung, and big red and swollen bags appeared on their bodies.

   Except for Anda and Li Luo, almost everyone drank a bottle of antidote. This time, everyone didn't care about what swarms of bees were attracted to ~www.readwn.com~ One after another, first-order witchcraft broke out, turning half of the sky red.

   As time went by, everyone's mana gradually dwindled, and finally showed some fatigue.

   And at this moment, Zhao Hu had an extra blue banner in his hand, and the blue light flashed in his hand, and he began to continuously pour mana into it.

   Soon, a tornado enveloped everyone, but everyone in the middle of the tornado didn't feel a strong wind hitting them, but the fire bee swarm was firmly blocked outside.

   "Haha, Brother Zhao, your hurricane tornado flag is really extraordinary, everyone quickly restore mana!" Lorengar laughed, sat cross-legged, and drank a bottle of mana potion.

   "My magic weapon has a cooling time. The next activation will take three hours. I really don't know if we can last until that moment." Zhao Hu frowned and said with an urn sound.

"It's okay, when I set up a cosmic wind and rain formation, when the big formation is activated, we will all fly around at the fastest speed. These fire bees can at least wipe out half of them at once!" Lorenga waved his hand. Said with confidence.

  "Qiankun Fengluan Formation, isn't this a second-order witchcraft formation? Do you have enough middle-level magic stones?" At this time, one of the two witches said in surprise.

   Lorenga proudly took out a few bright black stones, fiddled with them, and said, "Yes, I don't lack anything else, there are so many magic stones! Hey, girl Yuge, just laughed."

   "It's really rich!" The witch who was called Yuge's side said sourly at this time, giving Lorenga a white look.

   The latter's eyes flashed, and he sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and regaining his mana.

   Li Luo also drank a few bottles of mana potion in one gulp, and began to recover while the tornado was protecting him.

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