Overlord Wizard

Chapter 109: Secret Realm Adventure (25)

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   "Okay, the engraving of the magic circle has been completed, and I will activate it as soon as Brother Zhao's hurricane burst expires. You must escape here as soon as possible!" Lorenga flashed his eyes and said loudly.

   Li Luo also opened his eyes at this time, and glanced at the witch formation at his feet, his expression changed, and he hesitated.

   At the moment, this witchcraft formation obviously has the existence of the true eye center, and it is impossible to attack indiscriminately. But this Lorenga made them all escape. Why?

   Li Luo's heart moved, and he transmitted the doorway he saw to Anda. The latter's complexion changed slightly, and then a sly look appeared in his eyes, and he glanced at Lorenga and signaled that Li Luo would act on the occasion.

   The two of them had their own calculations in their hearts, and waited quietly.

   After a while, the tornado really burst into disintegration with a burst of blue light.

   "It's now, everyone flies away!" Lorenga yelled, and pressed hard to the ground.

   At the moment when Lorenga roared, the two witches turned into two red lights without thinking, and shot out. Zhao Hu and Wang Yue also turned into two escapes of green and yellow, and lased to the other side. Even Mels and Tarron flew out in different directions. Li Luo and Anda almost thought it was exactly what Lorenga said, this witchcraft formation really did not distinguish between the enemy and me, and they all attacked indiscriminately.

   But Lorenga's distorted face immediately awakened Li Luo who was about to flee.

   Even Anda followed Fei and went out. At the last moment, Li Luo suddenly turned around and jumped two meters in front of Lorenga.


   There was a buzzing sound.

Within a ten-kilometer radius centered on Lorenga, countless wind blades of one meter long flew out from him, rolling in all directions, not to mention these formal wizards, even these three thousand came. All the fire bees instantly turned into a series of orange-red blood rain, scattered and opened. The trees and rocks disintegrated and broke apart in an instant, turning into countless rubble and sawdust flying up, and the whole scene was like a dust storm of unknown level.

The smoke and dust were gone, and all the first-order wizards who flew out, including Anda, lay on the ground. A stream of red blood dyed the orange-red earth more eye-catching, like a bit of a blooming chrysanthemum. Bright red in general.

   "You! Lorenga! You unexpectedly..." Zhao Hu vomited a mouthful of blood not far away and passed out.

   Wang Yue was simply cut into three sections by the wind blade, completely losing his voice.

   The two witches are better, but there are three or four wounds running up and down on the back neatly, and they can't live without treatment.

   Myers and Tarron died more thoroughly. Li Luo looked along the line of sight. Their bodies were broken into pieces, and they were the most miserable pair in the team.

   Anda was lying there motionless. Although there was blood flowing out of his body, compared with others, his injuries were much lighter.

   "Papa Papa!" Li Luo bulged his palms beside Lorenga.

   "Good means, Captain Lorenga." Li Luo said softly to Lorenga while applauding, but his face was full of sorrow.

"Huh! From the very beginning, I planned to count you all to death. Although my design is quite meticulous, I have never counted you. However, you think you are hiding in my eyes. Will it be safe and sound?" Lorengar snorted, and was about to chant the spell again.

   Li Luo narrowed his eyes and kicked his abdomen.

  Because of being close, although this Lorenga activated the energy shield, he was still kicked out.

  嗤! Scream.

   Lorenga smashed into a pile of fire bee corpses in the distance, and one rolled and stood up.

   But his face suddenly smiled weirdly, and the spells continued.

   Li Luo's expression changed, he drew out two war blades, ran the vindictive energy in his body to the extreme, and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards him.

   "War Blade Clash!" "War Blade Clash!"

  In just two breaths, Li Luo stood in front of Lorenga again.

   The latter's complexion stiffened, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

But in the next moment, there were no less than a hundred wind blades of one meter long in all directions where the former eyes were smashed, and in the blink of an eye they chopped the ground and cracked open, and a blast of cold wind blew Li Luo. There was a tingling pain in the back, as if it had actually cut a wound.

   "Good means!" Li Luo's eyes condensed, and he let out a cold cry, and his sword waved in front of Lorenga.

   "Soul Slash!" "Evil Slash!"

  The two martial arts were used one after another, and Lorenga was in a trance, and the protective cover on the body flickered, and it was about to shatter.


   Loren intensified his curse and jumped behind him abruptly. At the same time, it seemed that there were countless blue lights surrounding him, dragging him up instantly.

   Li Luo narrowed his eyes and stepped on his feet suddenly. With a bang on the ground, he rushed towards Lorenga in mid-air.


   As if countless hurricanes swept across, Li Luo fell into the air with an instability, and Lorenga appeared in the air more than 200 meters in height.

   "Huh! You're just a first-order wizard in the early stage, just competing with strong mana, and I can kill you!" Lorenga glanced at the energy shield on his body, his face changed, and snorted coldly.

   Then, a dazzling blue light began to condense in his hand, and the strong wind element began to condense into his hand.

   Li Luo's complexion changed. As this Lorenga said, his current mana is indeed inferior to him, and if he flies into the air and fights this guy, he will probably run out of mana and be consumed alive.

And just as Li Luo couldn't help it, two fireballs and a metal bird rolled towards Lorenga. Li Luo looked back, and it turned out that Anda didn't know what method was used to rescue the two witches, and quickly recovered. Fighting power, came to support him here.


   Lorenga's face was startled, and the energy on his body flashed with blue light.

   Boom! There was a loud explosion.

   The two witches didn't know what kind of bloodline power they had. Under a set of spells, Lorenga fell from the air.

   "Cough, cough, cough!" Lorenjia spit out a large mouthful of blood, half-kneeling on the spot.

   Li Luo's eyes flickered and walked towards him step by step.

   "Hahahaha!..." Lorenga was instantly dropped, not only did not have any fear, but instead laughed wildly.

   "Do you think that Lorenga is preparing for this? To tell you the truth, the resources that were robbed in your academies in the past were all from your own handwriting. Now let you feel my true power!"

Lorenga's voice fell, and her figure began to rise. At the same time, a pair of purple horns appeared on her forehead, the nails of her feet and hands turned into a dark color, and the corners of her mouth showed two sharp fangs. Similar to a demonic monster.

   "This...could it be the Behemoth Transformation!" Seeing Lorenga's transformation in the distance, Anda exclaimed, and at the same time couldn't help taking a step back.

   Li Luo frowned, carefully recalling some information about the Behemoth.

  Bemun Behemoths, the holy beasts of the orcs. According to legend, the orcs were transformed by humans who drank the blood of the behemoths. They were nothing more than a group of humans eroded by the blood of the beasts. But according to legend, this Bimeng monster has the strength of Tier 3 when it grows up, and it is not afraid of general Tier 2 witchcraft. Even Tier 3 witchcraft can not cause death at once. It can be said to be rough and thick skinned. The extreme, it can even be called a pervert!

   Is this Lorenga in front of you actually carrying this kind of blood? ! At this time, Li Luo also had some retreats.

   "Hmph! In front of our sisters, show off the blood of the beast! Look at the trick!"

And just when Li Luo wanted to fly out of here, the two sisters Yuqing and Yumeng in the distance rose slowly to the sky. One pair of giant flame wings appeared on the back of one person, and a pair of blue wind wings appeared on the back of the other person. Crimson flames condensed in the hands of one person, and an extremely strong wind condensed in the hands of one person, and at the same time he threw it towards Lorenga.

Crimson flames are rising in the air against the storm, and the cyan wind is constantly pouring into it. In a blink of an eye, the two spells are catalyzed by each other and turned into a six-meter-sized fireball, carrying the extremely hot waves of fire towards Lorenga stormed away frantically.

   Li Luo was a full two hundred meters away from Lorenga, and he felt anxious on his body, and his hair curled up even more.

   frightened him, and quickly activated three warblade collisions behind him.

   Boom! The sky blasted loudly.

Li Luo only felt a tingling in his ears, as if there was a warm liquid flowing out, and his body was even more uncontrollable. He was lifted off by a powerful force, and rolled out more than 30 meters before stopping. .

   "Cough, cough, cough!" Li Luo couldn't bear a flow of heat from his belly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly. Looking at the two women in the air in horror.

   Now Li Luo doesn't even need to perceive him, he knows that Lorenga might be more fortunate.

   As expected, under a big pit in the distance, Lorenga's behemoth incarnation was lying on the ground covered in blood, blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth, and he looked at the two witches in the air with a vicious expression on his face.


   Yumeng glanced at Lorenga indifferently, then shot out a wind blade, stabbed it, Lorenga's ferocious head rolled down to one side.

   Li Luo's complexion changed, and he quickly sat cross-legged on the spot, drank a few bottles of healing potions, and directly recovered from his injuries.

   After a while, Anda helped Zhao Hu walk step by step, and the two witches also landed not far from Li Luo.

   Li Luo stood up, UU reading www.uukanshu.com smiled and said to a few people: "Although Lorenga is hateful, it does a good thing for us."

   Zhao Hu frowned and asked, "Where is the good thing?"

   Li Luo smiled without saying a word, and began to engrave a witchcraft formation on the ground.

   An hour later, a large sacrificial circle was successfully engraved by Li Luo.

   Then, he took out a piece of middle-level magic stone from Lorenga's space bag, and pressed it down one by one in the circle.


   The big formation soon started, and countless fragmented corpses of Fire Bee and other first-order wizards melted one after another, turning into a fire-red ball of tens of meters in size and flew toward Li Luo.

   "Alan, you are crazy. It will cause a big problem if you absorb the energy and essence of the sacrifice. Stop it." Zhao Hu was taken aback and hurriedly persuaded him.

   Yuqing and Yumeng did not stop Li Luo, but stared at him closely.

   Then everyone was shocked to see that the huge red light ball in Li Luo's hand began to shrink rapidly, turning into a five-meter-sized milky white light ball floating there.

   "This... is so pure! How did you do it!" Zhao Hu said in disbelief with his eyes popping.

   At the same time, other people's eyes lit up, showing a hint of desire.

   Li Luo evenly divided the ball of light among the people, and then said leisurely: "This is my ability, how about it, envy it?"

   The expressions of the two witches changed, and after hesitating, they absorbed their spheres of light. Zhao Hu and Anda swallowed without hesitation.

   Soon, everyone absorbed the ball of light, sat cross-legged and started refining.

   One day later, everyone continued on their way to the Flame Demon Realm.

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