Overlord Wizard

Chapter 111: Secret Realm Adventure (27)

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   Li Luo was surprised not only by the troubled team, but also by the fact that there were two familiar figures in this team. It is the two witches that disappeared, Irene and Ivy.

   So Li Luo said without saying anything, "Go and help them, there is a wizard from our academy!"

   Everyone also looked happy when they heard this. At the moment when manpower was needed, Li Luo couldn't refuse this request.

   A few minutes later, there were eight more corpses of the little Balrog in front of everyone, and Irene and Ivy finally sat down with a sigh of relief.

   "Thank you, how do you call you? It looks like you should be a shadow guard in the academy." Irene wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with some breathlessness.

"My name is Ailan, codenamed Lone Wolf, and this time I am here to perform a special mission. Just follow us." Li Luo looked back at his teammates and winked, obviously not intending to let them out of his special ability.

   At this time, Ailan and Ivy’s other three teammates came over, looking nervously and asked: "How do you divide the spoils?"

   Li Luo hesitated, took out a fire core from the chest of a little flame demon and threw it to Anda, then he held down the body of the little flame demon and began to inscribe the sacrifice witch formation.


   Soon, the sacrifice witch formation flashed a dazzling red light, and the body of the little flame demon gradually turned into a crimson ball of light and floated on Li Luo's hand.

  Because of keeping secret, Li Luo did not activate the Demon Hunter skills to continue purifying, but instead ran the Dragon Soul Casting Dafa, sat cross-legged, and absorbed this violent ball of light on the spot. Because the flame demon is not a fel creature, although the spirit that was initially decomposed is violent, it will not cause too much impact on the body. Li Luo also wants to use his powerful thoughts to see if he can absorb the memory of this little flame demon. Compared with knowledge, one is to obtain a part of his abilities, and the other is to see how much the source of fire absorbed is worse than that after purification.

   Soon, a tyrannical soul aura enveloped Li Luo, and then with a move in his heart, he began to forge the dragon soul. The broken soul of this little flame demon began to burn under Li Luo's powerful dragon soul, and gradually turned into a stream of heat and merged into Li Luo's soul.

   Then, Li Luo only felt a restlessness in his soul, a tyrannical will surged all over his body, and then under his powerful mental power, he was abruptly suppressed.

   "Huh!......" Li Luo gasped for a while before he recovered.

"It seems that it will take an hour or so before we can absorb the next one..." Li Luo thought secretly in his heart, stood up, smiled and said to everyone: "Sure enough, the spirit of this little flame demon Po is not so easy to absorb." While speaking, Li Luo pretended to wipe the sweat from his forehead, looking extremely weak.

   Irene and Ivy looked at Li Luo in shock, and then slowly retracted their gazes. Irene interrupted her when she wanted to say something. On the contrary, the two women Yuqing and Yumeng looked unsurprisingly, their eyes flickering. Irene and the other three men in Ivy's team were surprised, but they quickly disappeared. "By the way, let me introduce our three teammates to you..." When everyone was silent under Li Luo's amazing behavior, Irene chuckled lightly, opening up this embarrassing situation. .

After introduction, Li Luo learned that the three strange men in front of him were the official wizards of the White Ring Tower in the Griffin Principality. Among them, the middle-aged man was named Fajal, the long-faced and thin man was named Lin Tian, ​​and the man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks was named Lin. Shu, the two are brothers, just like Irene Ivy. After Li Luo briefly introduced his teammates, everyone turned into a team and continued to explore around the foot of the volcano.

   In the next hunt, Li Luo didn't pay much attention, and even took the time to disassemble the corpse of a little Balrog on his own, but compared to the original power of the fire obtained before purification, it was more than a little bit worse. Although Dragon Soul Casting is very painful to the soul, as long as the soul of the little flame demon is completely melted with a hard heart, there will naturally be no side effects. On this point, Li Luo didn't tell everyone, he just kept collecting the little flame demon's corpse while constantly refining it.

Because refining a little flame demon spirit that has not been purified is quite tortured, even Li Luo has to wait an hour to continue refining one, so the time spent on eating and drinking Lhasa in a day is at most eleven refining. The spirit of twelve little flame demon is not bad.

   But as long as the source of fire does not absorb enough weight, it will dissipate some of it every day, so in a month, Li Luo absorbed three hundred little flame demon spirits, but dispersed more than one hundred, which really made him speechless.

   However, it is not without obvious benefits. Now, after merging the knowledge and memory of these little Balrogs many times, Li Luo has developed a rather powerful passive witchcraft skill based on the knowledge he has learned in the past. This passive witchcraft was developed by combining his own soul knowledge and the little flame demon's innate knowledge of the fire element. The name is Burning Soul. Every time Li Luo casts a spell, as long as his mind moves, he can activate this passive when he consumes a part of his mental power. He found a little Balrog and tried it. The first apprentice spell hasn’t caused any damage to it yet, but then, the second, third... and the seventh apprentice-level spell, directly The little flame demon's body exploded under a burst of red glow. Even in the end, the energy shield of the little Balrog's body guard did not shatter, obviously because of the mental power riot, which caused the mana backlash to explode and died.

   This time, it made Li Luo a pleasant surprise. Obviously, this passive skill seems useless, but when fighting a powerful enemy, just give him a few spells and passively stack it, and it will definitely be able to play a good power.

   On this day, everyone had to temporarily divide into two teams to act, because in Li Luo's space bag, the corpse of the little flame demon could no longer be stored, enough for a preliminary sacrifice.

   A red cedar forest fifty kilometers away from the Flame Demon Realm.

   Li Luo, Anda, Zhao Hu, Yuqing and Yumeng stood on a clearing with a diameter of 100 meters in the form of a five-pointed star. Among them is a corpse of little Balrog, there are more than 500 corpses, everyone only temporarily withdraws from the periphery of the Flame Demon, the other reason is that the little Balrog on the periphery has been hunted for so long, so much less. , It's hard to meet.

   This time, each of the eyes is very big. Although it consumes magic stones, the victory is that they consume low-level magic stones. Everyone accepted it after a pain.


  A dazzling red light flickered, and the bodies of the little Balrogs began to melt away.

   Soon, a red light group of more than fifty meters in size floated in the air. Looking inward along the light group, there was a faintly huge fire spirit roaring continuously, and everyone was stunned by tinnitus.

   Li Luo's complexion changed, still inspiring the Demon Hunter's purification skills, but after a quarter of an hour, he stopped.

   Looking at the wilting fire spirit in the light group, Li Luo nodded secretly, and the light group that had shrunk to more than 20 meters flew up and was gradually swallowed by Li Luo.

   "No way. You are not completely purified?" Anda looked at Li Luo's death, his eyes protruding, exclaimed.

   Li Luo ignored Anda, immediately sat cross-legged, and began to run the dragon soul casting with all his strength, and at the same time a tyrannical soul will exploded in his brain.

   "Burn! Burn everything! Burn them all into coke, swallow them...burn..."

   The distorted deflagration will constantly flooded Li Luo's mind. Li Luo's tooth crown clenched, and the dragon soul casting was overloaded, constantly opposing this will. After such a long time of casting the dragon soul, his soul and mental power were more than three times stronger than before, and he also had the confidence to swallow such a large group of flame demon spirits. But still a wave of cold sweat came out of his forehead, the kind of pain in the soul that blurred Li Luo's tortured consciousness, and opened his eyes inadvertently, revealing a pair of extremely dazzling fire.

   "No, he is going to be eaten by the fire spirit, and his soul is about to collapse!" Anda exclaimed, taking out a crystal crown from nowhere and putting it on Li Luo's head. Then shouted: "You guys also think of a way!"

   Zhao Hu's face was solemn, but his hands were spread out, looking helpless. Anda didn't plan to rely on him either, and looked at Yuqing and Yumeng in a blink of an eye. The two witches looked at each other and hesitated, Yuqing still took out a bottle of purple potion and handed it over.

   "This is Requiem Water, which is refined from the essence of the Lord of the Water Elemental. It is quite expensive..." Yu Qing said painfully, and handed over the potion extremely reluctantly.

   "Okay, the water of requiem, and then I will change to two sources of fire!" Anda's eyes brightened, and he turned around with the potion, his eyes flashed again, and he walked towards Li Luo expectantly.

   Li Raksha seemed to want to kill him and burned all the people in front of him, but the next moment, he was poured into his mouth by a bottle of medicine, and then the whole body was cold, and the spirit suddenly recovered.

   was frightened in his heart, and hurriedly ran the dragon soul casting, guarding his heart, and casting the remaining fire spirit will.

   A little bit of time passed, Li Luo sweated more and more on his forehead, and the shaking on his body became larger and larger. In the end, he couldn't help but roar to the sky, and he passed out completely in a coma.

Li Luo only felt that he had a dream. In the dream, he became the Balrog, and slaughtered the four directions on the elemental plane. Finally, after devouring all the fire elements, fire people, and various fire elemental creatures, he finally understood the law of fire. , Achieved a tenth-tier powerhouse. Later, he became a hunter who hunted monsters, growing up in the fight, and finally fighting with his own incarnation of the Flame Demon King.

   In this battle, the world collapsed, and Li Luo would soon find that he had become the Flame Demon King, and then he would have turned into a Demon Hunter, alternately switching between the two roles. But this state only lasted for a few days, and he was awakened by a deep roar in his heart. So Li Luo once again started the operation of Dragon Soul Casting Dafa in his dream.

   This time, he directly transformed into a dragon, and the dragon's breath continued to burn towards the Flame Demon King, melting the pieces of flesh and blood on his body, and swallowing it in one bite...

   I don't know how long it took before Li Luo gradually opened his eyes.

   He discovered that he was actually tied to a stone pillar by Wuhuada, and he didn't know what it was that bound him. There was no way to get rid of it under the power of his physical body.

   "Quick! He is awake." Zhao Hu suddenly stood up and shouted at the rest of the people around him.

   A few people quickly stood up, and looked nervously around Li Luo.

   "What are you doing to tie me?" Li Luo frowned~www.readwn.com~ asked.

   At this time, Anda and the others loosened their expressions and released the witchcraft that bound Li Luo.

   "How is it!" Anda hurriedly asked as Li Luo wakes up.

   Li Luo felt it, and with a movement in his heart, a group of scarlet light appeared in his palm out of thin air.

   "A total of two and a half first-order fire origins were condensed. I absorbed one by myself, and this half is handed over to you."

   While Li Luo spoke, he handed the scarlet light ball to Anda.

   The latter looked happy, took out the sealing ball, and absorbed the entire light ball.

   Several people glanced at each other and looked at Li Luo scorchingly.

   "After swallowing and upgrading, how sure can I swallow it next time?" Anda stared at Li Luo and asked nervously.

   Yuqing and Yumeng even showed a hint of excitement that shouldn't appear on the girl's face, and they didn't look away.

   Li Luo touched his chin and pondered for a moment, and said, "It is half cleaned, and I can be sure of 90%."

"It's a real brother. I, Anda, worship the handle with you! Huang Tian is up and we will burn the yellow paper together. Uuuuu..." Anda held Li Luo's hands tightly, his expression looked like Li Luo was Like his biological father, he squeezed out a few tears abruptly.

   Li Luo opened his hands silently, stretched his waist, and said lazily: "Then, guys, let's start working!"

   Everyone simply ate a pot of fire-breathing beef soup, and then walked towards the foot of the volcano of the little flame demon again.

   But when they came to the foot of the volcano, everyone felt something wrong. To be precise, it was too quiet. It seemed that all the little flame demons had disappeared.

   "This...could it be?" Yuqing frowned, muttered for a moment, and then her complexion changed.

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