Overlord Wizard

Chapter 112: Secret Realm Adventure (28)

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   Li Luo's heart suddenly burst, and a very unpleasant feeling suddenly came to his heart.

   The others didn't seem to be too nervous, but Anda hesitated.

   "Brother Ailan, these little flame demon suddenly disappeared, haven't they received the order of the big flame demon?" Anda's eyes flashed and asked Li Luo.

Li Luo nodded, hesitated, and said, "It is very possible that one of the Balrog leaders has evolved a great wisdom, otherwise it is impossible for a little Balrog to lose sight. Obviously, there should be a big one inside. The encirclement awaits us. If we enter this way, we are likely to be under the siege of the Little Flame Demon.

   Yuqing and Yumeng nodded thoughtfully, frowning their pretty eyebrows.

   They spent a lot of money on Li Luo, and now they can’t go in and kill the little Balrog, which really makes them a little angry.

But at this time, Zhao Hu smiled and said, "You don’t know, the Flame Demon Territory is not just this place where little Balrog gathers. As long as we bypass the redwood forest not far away, we can reach it. The green grassland, enter the area full of sheep people. After passing through the green grassland, into the wolf jungle, the werewolf zone, you can enter the Flame Demon Realm from three different directions."

   "Green grassland? Evil wolf jungle? Just kidding...Could it be that there are also Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?" Li Luo raised his eyes with an incredible look.

   "What? Brother Ailan, your expression...?" Zhao Hu looked at Li Luo's exaggerated expression, and his face was puzzled.

   Li Luo coughed slightly, calmed down the feeling of seeing a ghost, and said: "Dare to ask Brother Zhao, who is the leader of the Goat Race and the Werewolf Race now?"

   Zhao Hu frowned and thought for a while, didn't seem to think of it. Then he took out a booklet and flipped through it.

   After a while, he showed his expression and said, "Found it. The head of the Goatman is called Manwu, and the head of the Werewolf is called Blood Bra. If nothing happens, they should be alive.

   Zhao Hu’s answer made Li Luoda breathe a sigh of relief. If they were called Slow Goat and Big Big Wolf, he really had the urge to bury himself alive. As for why... is it interesting to live in a virtual world?

   But when I think about it, I'm relieved. If there are werewolves, there will be sheep, pigs, kobolds and so on. After all, this is a fantasy world, and it is quite normal for some to be similar to certain animations.

   Throwing away all kinds of abnormal imaginations, Li Luo and his teammates gradually came to a stretch of green grass.

   After he saw the goat-man's face, he was completely relieved.

The guy with a sheep head in front of him has no characteristics of the pleasant goat in the animation. The whole head looks really huge, but it is more like the legendary alpaca, with a very awkward appearance. Li Luo can't help but make Li Luo A moment of speechlessness.

   Is it cute and cute? If you were a werewolf... maybe these guys would be even worse.

   "Hey, who are you?" The alpaca man in front of me...let's call it the sheep man, and said stubbornly in a lingua franca that is full of dialects.

   "We are...people." A few people seemed to have a big drop of sweat dripping from their foreheads, and after a while, Li Luo still said with difficulty answering.

   "Hey, man? I'm a sheepman, are you the same as a werewolf?" This alpaca with a few painted scars on his face, his nose twitched, and it kept shaking in front of a few people, and it smelled directly and wantonly.

   The expressions of the two witches changed, their faces twitched slightly, and they hid behind them with disgust.

   Even Zhao Hu, a guy who usually doesn't care about, retreated back with the two witches. It is conceivable that what kind of state has the alpaca in front of me reached?

Ok. Li Luo said that in order to improve his strength, he passed here smoothly, and he was fighting!

   Even Anda covered his face and stepped back, Li Luo insisted on biting his head and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, friends of sheep, we are friends who have come here from afar, and friends of your sheep. Please take care of them." Li Luo's face twitched as he spoke, as if holding a sulky breath in his heart, he said with difficulty With these words.

   "Friend? I actually met a friend. It's great." The alpaca's eyes flashed like brilliance, and said with some excitement, he grabbed Li Luo and walked out in one direction. "Come with me, friends, we sheep people like guests from far away the most. I'll take you to meet our patriarch~"

   "Hey, I said, we're just passing by, don't do this." Although Li Luo could break free of this guy, he still reminded him.

The alpaca man became angry when he heard the words, and said loudly: "How can this be done? Finally, a friend came, how can we do this!" While talking, the alpaca seemed to have encountered something very unfair, and his expression was exaggerated. Extremely.

   "Uh..." Li Luo looked at the wizards behind him, the others looked at each other, shrugged and followed Li Luo. "Okay. Let's go to your village and have a look."

   Alpaca smiled at this moment: "It's a big tribe, my friend~"

  The unique dialect and a slightly wretched expression made Li Luo look weird for a while, but he didn't take it too seriously.

   Soon, a group of buildings with walls on all sides caught the eyes of a few people.

   Several people along the way also learned the identity of this alpaca, whose name was Orange Field. Along the way, this orange field always looked very thoughtful, but as soon as he got here, he showed a look of ecstasy and said: "Here, brother Ailan."

   Li Luo frowned and said "Oh", but he immediately stopped other people from following the sheep man in front of him into the open door.

"I said Brother Orange Field, you don’t need to go in. You should tell us how to cross this green grassland." Although Li Luo didn’t know why the face of the alpaca in front of him changed so quickly, but from just now, it’s controlled by the sheep clan. The core area is very safe, how can it be preoccupied?

   With the IQ of Li Luo, a high-achieving student in his previous life, he immediately thought of the scene of the primitive tribe cooking the living people into broth, and he couldn't help showing a cold sweat in fright.

   "What's the matter, Ailan, why did you stop?" At this moment, Anda next to him asked Li Luo in wizard language.

   "I'm afraid these primitive tribe guys will stew us!" Li Luo's expression changed, and he also replied in wizard language.

   "Ang~ I was worried about this, don't worry, according to the data, these guys are vegetarian and eat grass~!" Anda deliberately yelled ah, and said unhurriedly.

Li Luo frowned upon hearing this, and muttered to himself: "Is it because I am too mindful? It seems that these alpacas are so cowardly that they have the same preoccupied look in the orange field just now. They are afraid that there will be werewolves.. ..." Thinking of this, he shook his head, and after a few more polite words with Orange Field, he led everyone in to the entrance of the gate.

  As soon as Fang walked through the door, the door behind it rumblingly closed.

   Li Luo paused for a moment, and with his face as usual, he led the crowd and walked in with the orange field.

   What catches the eye is a round building, which looks more like a doghouse. Obviously, the IQ of this group of guys is not very high. And most of these alpacas are also fat, and at first glance they are very nourished generations. I have to say that, besides the grass, what these guys eat is probably the legendary grass cake, right?

   Li Luo thought all the way, and gradually followed the orange field to a huge dome. Several people looked at each other and followed the orange field into the inside.

   Soon, they came to the lobby of the rotunda, and a tall, plump alpaca appeared in front of several people.

   The alpaca man in front of him looked indifferent, saying that he was Meng Sao can't be overstated, which made Li Luo even more suspicious that he had entered the den of thieves?

"Hello guests from afar, welcome to Yangcun. My name is Manwu, the patriarch here. Hiss..." As he spoke, Manwu took a mouthful of saliva with a wretched expression on his face. Look at a few people.

A few people looked at the look of the goods, their complexion changed slightly, or Li Luo stepped forward and said, "Patriarch Manwu, fortunate enough to meet, we are coming from afar, rushing to the Flame Demon Realm, and passing through the green grassland, can you Can't you tell us a path with fewer werewolves?"

   "There are fewer werewolves, heaven. Why do you have such a ridiculous idea that this grassland is basically occupied by the pack of evil wolves!" Man Wu's expression changed, he seemed a little angry, and exclaimed.

   "Uh, okay. Excuse me." Li Luo clasped his fists, looked at each other with a few people, and walked outside.

At the moment they were about to step out of the gate, this brutal weapon appeared on one side of the body like a teleport, panting and saying, "Don't go, my friend. You will be eaten by the werewolf if you go on the road like this. These werewolves have bows and crossbows in their hands. They usually hunt and kill us sheepmen. It’s almost exactly one shot. You can’t get out of this grassland like this."

   Li Luo raised his brows, revealing a hint of surprise. The sheep patriarch in front of him suddenly became naive, but he looked a little stupid, and was quite different from the previous bad eyes. Is it possible that the talent of the Goatman is to change face?

   Although somewhat confused, Li Luo still asked: "I don't know what the patriarch has, please let me know."

Feitai’s patriarch took a sigh of relief and said loudly, “This is easy to handle. You can rest here for one night. I will ask someone to prepare a few wolf-flavored decoctions and apply them on your body. This can greatly reduce Your chances of being discovered by werewolves. There is also a high probability of passing through this grassland."

   A few people nodded suddenly, and then they breathed a sigh of relief. Right now, the sheep patriarch would be lucky if he didn't harm them, but then again, Li Luo swept his sights, and even the patriarch didn't have any fluctuations in mana. I'm afraid the whole group is all over, and they are not their opponents.

   Without Li Luo speaking, Anda stepped forward and smiled: "Thank you for the kindness of the barbarian patriarch. These... are a few bottles of healing potions, I believe you will be able to use them."

   "Oh, that's great, thank you, guest from afar." Man Wu fixed his eyes on Anda's healing potion, his face was suddenly happy, and he said loudly.

   "Huh?" Li Luo looked at this brutal warrior's expression, a bit strange. Although the healing potions are precious among mortals, they shouldn't surprise a patriarch so much.

   But soon, Man Wu interrupted his thoughts.

"Orange field, you did a good job. These medicines are enough to treat several sheep's arrow wounds. Hurry up and take a few distinguished guests to rest. By the way, you don't eat grass, right?" Man Wu patted Orange field on the shoulder He praised, and at the same time the voice changed, and asked several people ~www.readwn.com~ whether to eat or not, the patriarch only provided shelter, but we had to live in the same room. "Li Luoshanshan smiled, gestured to several people, and said.

   "Okay, just do it according to the customer's request. Tachibana, take someone down, come to me in a while and get a bottle of healing potion as a reward." Manwu's eyes flashed, and you said Yoyo.

   "Yes, the patriarch." Tachibana smiled with joy and pulled everyone out.

   As soon as everyone left, the expression on Manwu's face suddenly changed!


   Li Luo and others were quickly arranged into a medium-sized circular building.

   Everything in this sheep tribe is extremely backward, but a few people still walk out with the mentality of giving it a try.

   At night, all of them returned with helpless expressions.

   "What a broken place, it's too backward. You don't even have a decent ore!" Anda said complainingly after returning.

   The expressions of several people are also roughly the same, all sitting cross-legged muffled and meditating.

  In the middle of the night, there was a sudden riot outside.

   Several people opened their eyes and walked out.

  As soon as he walked out of the room, he found that fifty werewolves were surrounded by a dozen meters away in front of everyone. Man Wu was standing tremblingly on the side, as if he was afraid of something.

   "Fresh flesh and blood! Very good, you did a good job, Manwu. Reward you a brain pill!" One of the werewolves who seemed to be the leader laughed and slapped Manwu on the shoulder and shouted.

   After seeing Hui Nao Wan, Man Wu immediately showed an expression of excitement and swallowed it. Then the whole person was ecstatically fascinated in the same place, showing a posture of extremely enjoyment.

   "Kill them!" Seeing that Man Wu had taken the pill, he roared with a sullen expression.

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