Overlord Wizard

Chapter 113: Secret Realm Adventure (29)

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   "Wind wall technique!" Yumeng reacted quickly, and under a soft drink, a wind wall over one meter thick was firmly blocked in front of everyone.

   swish swish! ..... More than fifty heavy crossbow arrows shot at Li Luo and the others, but they were all firmly fixed on the wind wall, unable to insert any more points.

   "Scorching fireball!" "Wind blade technique!" "Cluster stabbing!"

   Except for Anda and Li Luo, the others are all flashes of glow in their hands. The blue, red and yellow light group flies towards the pack of wolves, and in a blink of an eye it turns into a two-meter-sized fireball and wind blades whizzing out. Zhao Hu's mass stabbing even pierced more than a dozen werewolves in an instant. Where Feng Blade passed, under a few screams, a total of five or six werewolves broke into two sections and lay on the ground. Under the tumbling fire waves, there were a dozen werewolves who even had time to scream, and completely disappeared there, without even the corpses left behind.

   The fire wave dissipated, and the wind wall dissipated. Zhao Hu stepped forward and pressed his hand to the ground.

   Gululu, huh~

   An earth wall full of one meter thick on one side stood up from the ground, and when the wind wall dissipated, it once again stood firmly in front of everyone.

   At this time, behind the yellow soil wall, a deep and wild laugh came.

   "Hahahaha, I thought that the wizard would be buried here, but now you have released the earth wall technique! Don't you know? The release of this skill is simply helping us!"

   swish swish!

   After several bursts of air, Li Luo looked up and found that these werewolves had jumped directly onto the ten-meter-high dirt wall, their eyes were full of green, like beasts who had been hungry and thirsty for not knowing how long.

   "Damn, how can these werewolves have such a strong jumping ability!" Zhao Hu's complexion changed, bloodshot eyes all over his eyes, and he said in shock.

   Li Luo's eyes condensed. Before these werewolves aimed their crossbow arrows at the crowd, they flicked their sleeves, and seven cyan and red fireballs shot towards the earth wall.

   Then, there was a series of explosions.

   The earth wall suddenly splattered with rubble, and the smoke was everywhere, and it collapsed.

  The first-order magic earth wall technique was completely shattered by Li Luo's set of apprentice-level combined spells!

   The remaining nearly twenty werewolves staggered and fell from the dirt wall and pulled down, but the werewolf leader jumped back after facing the smoke for the first time.

   The people who were still preparing to find a cover and flee were taken aback, but then they looked happy.

Now it takes two to three seconds for some spells of Anda and others to be released, which is indeed incomparable with a crossbow, but after these werewolves fell to the ground, it took a full five seconds to slow down, even if it took time to release. The spells are also ready!

   Boom! Whoosh! Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Yumeng, who had just inspired the blasting technique, looked happy. The blue light in his hand condensed, and with a wave of his jade arm, a two-meter-long blue shadow flashed out, and then after a sound of breaking through the sky, the blue shadow was swayed, and it was suddenly instantaneous. Disappeared at the end of the street.

Two seconds after Qing Ying flew out, Li Luo was able to recognize that it was a wind blade technique that was several times faster in speed and power, and the place he passed was not only the werewolf, but also the sheepmen and buildings in the distance. I cut off at the waist, and the smoke was mixed with blood spewing out, like blood in the smoke.

   Yuqing also waved Yuqing's arm, but it was slower than Yumeng to take a shot, but in an instant, a two-meter-sized fireball was condensed, and it was about to be thrown forward violently.                                       .

   Li Luo's pupils shrank and shouted, "Stop!"

   At such a close distance, do you want to split yourself apart?

   But at this time, Yuqing seemed to be agitated a bit in real fire, and under the flash of red light on her body, she was about to throw her forward.

   Li Luo saw Yuqing's death behavior, and his pupils shrank to the size of a needle, and it was obviously too late to dodge at this time! Anda was even more frightened and sat on the ground, Zhao Hu even more simply, lying on the ground directly to one side. On the contrary, there was no fear on Yumeng's face, and the cyan light flashed wildly on her body, turning into a wind element energy shield that was several times stronger than usual.

At this moment, the fire element in Yuqing's hands seemed to be enlarged countless times in Li Luo's eyes, and the flow pattern and the details of its operation also seemed to have enlarged many times, plus what Li Luo had acquired from his childhood memories of the Flame Demon. Feeling, the hand moved even more with his heart, pointing to Yuqing in the air.

   The next moment, a burst of red light in Yuqing's hand was released, and it turned into a bit of red light collapsed and scattered.

   "This... Brother Ailan, you saved my life again!" Anda wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and quickly stood up. After a while, a dozen orbs were taken out.

Afterwards, the blue light in Anda's hand was booming, and a dozen orbs slammed into two-meter-sized metal men in a blink of an eye. He drew the sword from his waist and rushed towards the newly standing wolf crowd. .

Yuqing was interrupted by Li Luo, and it seemed that she hadn't recovered, but Zhao Hu hurried to her and shouted with a slight anger, "Sister Yuqing! You are trying to blow us up to the sky together." ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !"

   Being scolded by Zhao Hu like this, Yuqing looked a little unnatural, her face flushed, and she obediently stepped back.

  And at this moment, Li Luo's heart jumped, his body turned into an afterimage, and he rushed towards Yuqing.

"Sure enough, you still want to do something to the old lady." Yuqing watched Li Luo rush towards her aggressively, her complexion slightly changed, her face was in full bloom, and the red light flashed in her hand, she was about to condense some magic. .

   But she was Li Luo's speed, besides, after that, Li Luo swayed past her, and rushed towards Zhao Hu. To be precise, it was Zhao Hu's side!


   There was a muffled sound, and a black shadow rippled down in the direction Li Luo hit, flew upside down, and slashed towards the ground.


   As soon as the black shadow flew out, a dark red blood splashed, revealing a werewolf shadow. Although the werewolf rose roughly the same, Li Luo still judged that this guy who was more than a foot taller than an ordinary werewolf was undoubtedly the leading werewolf.

   As the wind of Yuqingxiang turned, he saw the werewolf flying out, his complexion changed, and at the same time, a strange color appeared in Li Luo's eyes.

   At this time, Li Luo's complexion also changed. Unlike Yuqing's different look, his face showed a very solemn look.

   Although it looked like just now, he slammed the werewolf commander into flight, causing a lot of injuries to him. But in fact, Li Luo himself didn't feel well, and now his left shoulder was tingling, and it turned out to be a fractured bone.

   Then he moved his shoulders, which was a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, there is no bone fracture, just a little bruise, but even so, it makes Li Luo a little surprised. The werewolf in front of him can still have the body of a dragon?

   After that, he saw that the werewolf leader stood up with earth-colored body.

  Looking carefully, Li Luo's complexion changed, and after sweeping his mental power, he immediately cried out in his heart: "Petrified skin!"

  During the hard study days at the college, he had witnessed the power of petrified skin, and was quite impressed with the hardness of its physical protection, so he recognized it at a glance.

   On that day, a wizard who inspired the petrified skin, under the repeated hacking of the three great knights, only a trace of blood oozes out, only slightly injured. Even though he was physically strong, he didn't think he was much stronger than those great knights.

   At this time, this werewolf commanding the earthy color of the whole body turned out to be applying petrified skin to himself, which made Li Luo's complexion hard to look!

   At the speed of this werewolf commander, he was a little hard to hit with spells from a long distance, and at close range, under this guy's despicable spells, it was hard to be injured by physical attacks, which was really a bit tricky.

   Li Luo narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of solemnity, and after adding another anti-energy shield to himself, he wandered in front of the werewolf commander.

   When encountering a master, he naturally has to be more cautious.

   Although the latter's black hair stood up, but he didn't immediately rushed over. He fell on all fours, really like a wind wolf, and confronted Li Luo.

"How many wizards does this thing have to eat to become such a powerful spellcaster? It is not capable of swallowing the corpses of one or two wizards at all!" Li Luo felt that the other party's mana fluctuations were no less than his own. There was a chill.

   Swallow wizard evolution, this is easy to understand, every monster has evolved like this. After all, monsters are more bloodthirsty, and they can advance by devouring the flesh and blood of wizards. Naturally, they like to hunt wizards, but this guy in front of him can know so many spells, what's the matter?

   The werewolf commander now flashed blue light all over his body, and applied the gale spell to himself. Then he suddenly expanded his body shape and grew more than three laps. It turned out to be another brute force technique on himself!

   Ordinary monsters hunting wizards, it is generally rare to obtain the wizard's spell model. After all, if the wizard's brain is swallowed, it may not necessarily be able to obtain the wizard's memory. The probability is never more than 5%. How many wizards does this werewolf commander have to eat to learn so many spells?

   Li Luo felt cold in his heart, but he didn't forget to impose the wind spell on himself. After feeling uncomfortable, he applied mental protection to himself, and his face was calm.

   Then a cold light flashed in his hand, put away the cross sword in his hand, and held the two war blades in his hand again.

   He had just finished all the preparations, his face suddenly changed, and his whole body suddenly leaned back at an incredible angular velocity.


   A sharp claw covered with black hairs rushed from right in front, passing through a flashing hole in his chest before he lowered his back.

Li Luo's posture remained unchanged, but his feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and he sprang more than ten feet away at an alarming speed~www.readwn.com~ Then he stood up straight again, and looked opposite in anger. go with.

   I saw that where he was standing, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the werewolf leader. It was obvious that he would miss his attack, which was a bit unexpected. He licked the corner of his mouth and saw that Li Luo's expression became even more greedy. A pair of blood-red eyes kept looking up and down Li Luo.

"This...it's not right... you are a werewolf wizard, a monster that was degenerated from a human wizard!" Li Luo carefully felt the direct attack technique and the cunning of the werewolf commander Lulu was shocked in her heart, and then she uttered aloud.

   However, the werewolf commander on the opposite side obviously did not intend to admit or defend. Suddenly, his body moved and another vaguely disappeared in place.

Although the speed of this werewolf was astonishing, it did not exceed the level of the peak of the second-order physical body. Li Luo was not inferior to him in terms of physical strength and speed, and how rich his fighting experience was. He was a little surprised when he saw this scene, but The sword in his hand was dancing under it, like a moon glowing with cold light, blooming all around.

   Immediately, several sword lights glowing with electric light rolled away in the void.

   "Clang!" The sound of gold and iron was repeated.

   The khaki phantom appeared at a distance of more than ten feet on one side. A black-haired earth-colored arm lifted up, revealing a few **** trenches that were not deep or shallow, and then grinned and howled. The whole body of black hair immediately stood up, and turned into blood red in a blink of an eye!

   "Crazy!" Li Luo's heart jumped, and he jumped into the air, and at the same time, surrounded by cyan energy, he was about to fly into the sky.

But at this moment, the werewolf commander suddenly stomped his foot and threw himself into the air where Li Luo was. With two arms, he was about to hold Li Luo's feet and drag him down from the air. .

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