Overlord Wizard

Chapter 119: Secret Realm Adventure (35)

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   Looking at the mist in front of him, Li Luo knew that no matter how dull he was, he should have fallen into the magic circle arranged by others.

   Based on his experience, it is natural that he cannot see where there is an array of eyes in this mist, but it is certainly not something that an ordinary wizard can arrange, just don't know if it is a second-order wizard array.

   It seems that there is no one else but the middle-aged wizard group yesterday. It is true that there are still a few teams of wizards passing by, but when Li Luo sees them passing by in a hurry, and does not even say hello to them, it must be these people.

  Looking at the dense mist, Li Luo's expression was like dripping water. Fortunately, I injected several people with the anti-toxin evolution serum, otherwise...it would be dangerous today! Although the toxicity of this green mist is strong, it takes two hours for the anti-poison bloodline of several people to develop strong resistance against the same type of toxicity. If this dangerous period has passed, there is nothing to worry about.

Li Luo looked up, the fog was very dense, I don’t know how high it was, and there were a few dark red light curtains in the sky surrounding a few people. Obviously there was a witchcraft array like enchantment. Want to trap everyone to death.

   "Brother Ailan, it looks like someone wants us to die!" Zhao Hu looked at the air and said in an annoying voice.

   "Yes, let's join forces to attack one end of the magic circle." Li Luo looked around and said calmly, and walked towards the weakest side of the light curtain.

   At this time, although everyone went deep into the circle, Li Luo didn't have any worry. Prior to this, several people had absorbed the entire source of fire, and Li Luo was confident that he could explode the barrier in a short period of time.

While walking around, Anda looked at the light curtain that was not far away, and said hesitantly: "Brother Ailan, this light curtain gives me a very familiar feeling. It should be an eight-dimensional concentrating array. This enchantment condenses and becomes frozen. To succeed, the four light curtains must be broken at the same time before they can be destroyed."

Li Luo frowned, and said, "These eight Yuan Yuan formations are so strange. It seems that we have to attack four different directions... You are a group of two, and I bombard the front light curtain alone. ...Forget it, let me bombard the light curtain closest to the swamp." Li Luo hesitated and walked over to the light curtain in the distance.

   Soon, the seven stood still.

Li Luo's face was sullen, and suddenly he swiped with one hand in front of him. With a "puff", a little red light appeared in front of him, and the flying converged into a red fireball, and it swelled against the wind in an instant. For the nearly four-meter-large behemoth, cyan light flashed again with one hand, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a cyan light into the fireball. After a few breaths, the blue and red light squirmed, and the fireball rose by seven meters. More than a look. Then with a flick of the hand shadow, he threw the fireball against the dark red light curtain fiercely, but he shot back in an instant.

   Boom! boom! boom! boom......

   There were four loud explosions, and under the dark red light curtain flashed continuously, it shattered with a bang.

   And at the moment when the light curtain shattered, Li Luo's heart jumped, he stepped on his feet, and shot out to the left, and in a blink of an eye he drew more than forty meters away.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw his original position, whoosh whoosh! Under the four blasting sounds, four sharp blue awns swept past. When the rock not far away touched it, it cracked in half and fell down. The surface of the incision was as smooth as jade. The sea water hit countless times.

   Li Luo saw this, his eyes split in fright, he stepped heavily on the ground under his feet, and then rushed forward to the right without retreating.

"While the spell is delaying him, let's run. This person is an invincible first-order peak wizard! No, it's an early-stage first-order wizard. This...is it because it has absorbed the origin of fire?!" The front is blurred. There was an exclamation in the unclear green fog, and then the figure flickered. Four figures, one blue, one green and two yellow, rose up into the sky and flew away in different directions. The speed was so fast that they didn't even mean to fight.

   "Huh, since you dare to count me, then don't leave."

Seeing this, Li Luo suddenly said with a sullen expression on his face, shaking his hands, and under the roll of his sleeves, eight green and red fireballs the size of a washbasin rolled out and flew towards the four people in the distance. .

The four of them felt the strong spell fluctuations, looked back, their complexion changed drastically, one hurriedly took out a small shield and put it under the blue light in his hand, and turned into a small golden shield behind him, and the other two hurriedly took out a small shield. Each of them took out a small yellow clock in an instant, turned around and blocked him, the last one glanced at the fireball behind him, his complexion didn't change much, but a blue energy mask was condensed in a blink of an eye, and his head was stunned. Escaped.

   The golden shield rose in the blink of an eye and turned into the size of a meter to block behind. The two small bells also turned into two meters in size and covered two yellow figures, and the blue light shield also protected the caster. This person who inspired the blue light mask faintly exudes the mana fluctuations of the middle stage of the first-order wizard, and seems quite confident in his own strength.

  Everything seems to be very stable, there are no defensive loopholes at all.

   But the next moment.

   Boom! Under a blast of shock.

   The shield was blasted into more than ten pieces in an instant, and the owner of the shield in front of him screamed and fell down like charcoal.

   The two small yellow clocks were even more unbearable. On the one hand, they smashed into countless pieces. The two masters in the back broke apart, and two blood rain fell all over the sky.

   And that seems to be the strongest first-tier mid-term wizard, even more ridiculous, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a human-shaped coal, a few breaths turned into ashes, and disappeared without a trace.

  Shun second!

  To this day, Li Luo's wizarding combat effectiveness has been able to achieve this level with the knowledge gained from the little flame demon and the strengthening of the origin of fire.

   Then, several space bags fell from the air.

   Li Luo didn't have time to check, and hurriedly rushed away in several other directions.

   Soon, Li Luo came not far from the two witches, Irene and Ivy.

   At this time, Irene lay not far away, but the wizards in front of Ivy all fell down and were temporarily safe.

   Li Luo kept walking, and then ran towards Anda and Zhao Hu.

   "War Blade Crash!" "War Blade Crash!" "War Blade Crash!" Li Luo moved continuously and quickly approached the two of Zhao Hu Anda.

   At this time, Zhao Hu and Anda were standing in a circular mask, and were struggling to continuously pour mana into an oval witchcraft in Anda's hand.

   There were six figures standing outside the circular mask, and they also released fireballs or wind blades to attack the two.

   After each wave of attacks, the circular mask flashed wildly, and when Li Luo arrived here, the flashes on the mask were quite violent, and it was about to turn into a light spot and dissipate.

"If you start to obediently enter the mist, we can let you go while you are in a coma and take your belongings. After all, I didn't have any personal vengeance with the others, just pure robbing of wealth. But now, since the others are stingy Keep your belongings here forever!" The middle-aged man's voice sounded not far away again.

   Anda and Zhao Hu's complexion changed drastically when they heard this. Zhao Hu slapped his chest fiercely, and a mouthful of blood sank into the round mask. The mask stopped flashing, and suddenly it became brighter for more than three minutes. And Zhao Hu was slumped down and sat cross-legged on the ground.

   "Huh, let's die!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, his hands were bright blue, and he said an unknown spell in his mouth.

At the same time, he took out a cyan scimitar and swiped it at Anda and Zhao Hu suddenly. With a clear chirping sound, the scimitar was released with a large cyan light, and it swept out seven two-meter cyan wind blades toward the circle. The shaped mask lased away.

   The mask trembles continuously for a while, as if it will be completely breached in the next moment.

   At this time, Li Luo finally rushed to a few wizards not far away, and was discovered by a few people.

   Immediately, someone spotted Li Luo and shot the spell in his hand without hesitation.

   With the sound of this piercing air, five arrows in succession turned into blue and red light and shot towards Li Luo.

   Li Luo snorted when he saw this, but he stepped on his feet suddenly, and he appeared not far away from the six people in an instant. Most of the five arrows fell on the ground, and occasionally some splashed on Li Luo~www.readwn.com~, and the dark green mask on Li Luo's body flashed a little, and there was no effect.

   Li Luo opened his mouth as soon as he approached the six, and a cone-shaped fire wave rolled away, enveloping the six.

   "Dragon Breath Technique!"

   screamed loudly in front of him, and the wizard in the front turned into a burning man and ran out into the distance, before blinking and dissipating into ashes. What's even more outrageous for others is that they didn't even scream, just as if the world had evaporated. In the end, only the middle-aged man froze on the spot, bursts of fire ignited all over his body, and the blue and red light flashed alternately, indefinitely, but the whole person froze there.

   And just at this moment, after a sound of footsteps not far away, Irene Ivy and Yu Qingyumeng also appeared not far away, and walked towards the middle-aged wizard with unkind expressions.

   "Forgive me. I surrender." At this time, the middle-aged man no longer had the calmness of the past, and knelt on his knees and slammed his head against the ground one after another.

   bang bang bang! The middle-aged man smashed very hard. Looking along his feet, he could see a pool of water stains in the misty fog, which was undoubtedly urine.

   "Hey... this kind of wind element affinity. This guy has absorbed the origin of the wind!" At this moment, Anda hesitated and said in surprise.

   "Huh?" Li Luo only then carefully sensed the middle-aged man.

   At this time, the middle-aged man is surrounded by blue light, which is the state he should have after strengthening the energy of the wind element!

   The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard the words. Before he could move, Li Luo shook his hand and thrust a dagger into his temple.


   The middle-aged man covered his head with the dagger inserted and fell to the ground.

   Li Luo's eyes condensed, and he pressed the middle-aged man up without backing down.

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