Overlord Wizard

Chapter 120: Secret Realm Exploration (36)

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   After nearly an hour, Li Luo took his hands back. At this moment, there was a cyan wind group floating in his hand. After carefully feeling it, a stream of pure and incomparable wind element energy continued to circulate in it, making the surrounding whirling sound like Li Luo The whole person was shrouded in a hurricane.

   Li Luo did not hesitate, and opened his mouth to swallow the essence of the wind.


   The essence of the original wind seemed to be powerful, but after entering Li Luo's mouth, there was no resistance at all, and all of it was submerged in his body.

  At the same time, Li Luo's body suddenly burst into blue light, and the light is uncertain. A burst of blue energy circulates around him and penetrates into his body.

   An hour later, Li Luo gradually opened his eyes.

   Others saw that Li Luo had already absorbed them, so they put their heads over and asked tightly, "How powerful is it? Is it really the origin of the wind?"

"Yes. After absorbing this time, my wind magic damage was at least three times stronger. This is because I have to thank the middle-aged wizard who cultivated this original wind to such an extent. As for the remaining corpses. After the decomposition, it will be all over to you." Li Luo did not deny, feeling his own strength to improve, his face was happy, and he smiled slightly.

   Other people's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and they turned and walked behind.

   Li Luo looked up, the other first-order formal wizards were all stacked on top of each other, and a sacrificial array flashed purple lines on the ground, buzzing.

   Soon, the corpses of these wizards melted into a five-color light group nearly twenty meters in size, suspended above the sacrificial circle out of thin air.

   Zhao Hu removed the magic stone from his eyes and rubbed his hands, pretending to be cute.

   "Brother Zhao Hu, please be more reserved." Li Luo pushed Zhao Hu away and said with disgust.

  Through this time of getting along, he discovered that Zhao Hu, although he loves to covet some small bargains, but on the whole, he is a good person. He belongs to the kind of person who is thick and thin, but very good to friends. Therefore, Li Luo was not polite with him either.

   "Oh, my legs!~" Zhao Hu squatted to the side, clutching his legs and yelled.

  Looking at the appearance, Li Luo is nothing but Li Luo, and I will never give up.

   Li Luo did not care about him, nor did he avoid the eyes of the two girls of Irene Ivy. He directly pressed the essence group, and the two decomposing arrays in his hands began to emit bursts of purple haze.

   Irene Ivy The two girls saw Li Luo's movements, their complexions changed, and they seemed to have thought of something.

   After a long time, Li Luo sweated profusely and dragged a large milky white balloon. The ground was full of potion bottles.

  Because they are all normal wizards, the spirit masses obtained after decomposition have not shrunk too much, and they are 13 meters in diameter.

   "Divide it, I'll rest for a while." Li Luo took a deep breath, handed the qi ball to Anda, then sat cross-legged to one side and began to meditate.

   After a while, Zhao Hu walked over with a two-meter qi ball.

   "Boss, this was struggling to **** it from those guys, you take advantage of this mass of energy to dissipate, quickly absorb it!" Zhao Hu leaned forward in front of Li Luo, and said with a clear look.

   Li Luo raised his eyes and glanced at this guy, and directly sucked the ball of light into his mouth, and then fully operated the Dragon Soul Casting, and began to absorb it quickly.

   It took another hour for Li Luo to absorb it. The others were still meditating, and Li Luo didn't bother either. Instead, he came directly to Zhao Hu and squatted down.

   "Okay, don't pretend!" Li Luo moved his hands on his knees and asked slowly.

   "As expected of Brother Ailan, I was seen even after I absorbed it." Zhao Hu opened his eyes and said with shining eyes.

Li Luo looked at this extremely shrewd man, and did not intend to go around with him, and said: "You have consumed a few mouthfuls of the essence of the law this time, and you have given me a share of your own essence. Is there anything you need me to help?"

Zhao Hu waved his hand and said, "It’s okay to deal with the essence and blood. I brought the blood back to the essence water. This medicine is specially designed for my consumption. The other is that the two meters of essence are reserved for you by me in consultation with the others. Yes. I do all this and still have a request." Zhao Hu swallowed and spit out, took out a broken map, and said: "I didn't know where this map belonged at the beginning, but after observing the secret world these days, There are already some eyebrows. You see, this end position should be in the tribe of giants. It is said that there is a very powerful inheritance in there. I mean, help me get the inheritance, even if you and I share it!"

   Li Luo took the map and checked it in detail, nodded, and stood up.

   "This tribe of giants is too powerful, let's talk about it when we raise the rank to the end of the first-order wizard in this secret realm."

   Under this guarantee, Li Luo only put away the space bag of the middle-aged man, and then returned to the big tent. It's midnight now, so he still needs to get some sleep.

   Before Li Luo fell asleep, he heard people returning one after another, but everyone did not speak much, all lying on the bed with tired faces.

   No words for a night.

   The next day, when the sky was bright, everyone woke up one after another.

   This time, even if there was no vigil, everyone slept extremely comfortably, and they all looked refreshed.

After    waited for everyone to get out of the tent, they found that all the fog had cleared, and the fragrance of birds and flowers in front of them, mixed with damp water vapor, made everyone feel refreshed.

   "Let's go."

   Li Luo glanced at the front and said lightly.

   Everyone put their beds away, Li Luo put away the big tent, and everyone continued to walk forward.

   The swamp is very large, with many gelatinous soft monsters. The strength is not very good, but it is difficult to deal with. After being stuck to it, if you don't use magic to burn it, it will gradually be swallowed into the abdomen, suffocating to death. Everyone dared not fly, for fear of being stuck by these soft monsters when the mana was not enough. It took a month to reach the lush group of old trees.

   The ancient tree in front of me looks no different from other ancient trees, except that from the wide trunk, one can vaguely see the faces of the trees, like living creatures.

   Li Luo stood still, took out the map to compare, and nodded.

   "That's it. Be careful, everyone."

   At this time, Anda came over and said, "Don't worry, let my puppet open the way first."

After saying   , Anda took out a dozen small wooden **** and pressed the mechanism in them.

   After a creak, all the wooden spheres immediately deformed into a dozen wooden puppets like wild dogs.

   Then, Anda tied a piece of beast meat on each of them, pointed at Gu Lin not far away, and these puppets swooped over there.

   "Let's keep up." Anda yelled, jogging forward unhurriedly.

   Li Luo and others also followed closely, and everyone kept a distance of fifty meters from the wooden puppet and marched quickly.

While jogging, Anda said quickly: "Brother Ailan, this tree monster is different from the little balm. An ancient tree becomes a tree monster and needs to grow for more than three hundred years in a place rich in wood elements. Once the relative tree monster evolves, After exiting, a small part of the original wood is formed, all condensed in the depths of their torso. We only need to smash them to collect the original wood, which will leave a lot of trouble."

   Li Luo nodded when he heard the words, and after running a certain distance, he added: "What is the spirit provided by this tree demon? Is it worth our sacrifice?"

When Zhao Hu heard the words, he hehe smiled and said, "Brother Ailan, you don’t know this. This plant spirit condensed and bred. After being sacrificed, it has a good effect of washing the marrow and cutting bones. Look at the group of people in the distance, it’s not right. Sacrifice a lot of tree monsters?"

   Li Luo followed Zhao Huzhi's line of sight. There were fourteen people gathered in front of a pile of shredded wood dripping with green juice, seeming to be performing a ritual.

   "According to the rules, we have to stay away from them. To avoid misunderstanding." Li Luo took a look and then retracted his gaze, and said lightly to everyone.

   After walking for a while, everyone discovered that the tree monster had encountered some, but they were all broken into a pile and sacrificed by a group of other team members. Down the road, only a few treants who were not attacked were scattered.

   "Dizzy. There are so many people here." Li Luo frowned and said with some complaint.

   As soon as Li Luo complained, several wooden puppets in the distance quacked and were entangled by dozens of scarlet vines.

   "This kind of fluctuation may be the leader of the tree demon!" Anda looked at the end of the vine in front of him. A tree man with a height of more than five meters and very clear facial features quickly climbed over to the wooden puppets.

   Li Luo's eyes lit up and he was about to make a move, but Anda stopped him.

   "Look at the height of the tree-man, not to mention the second-order strength, let's go away." Anda glanced at the tree-man in the distance, frowned, and said.

   Li Luo closed his eyes and sensed, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he smiled: "You stand back, I will know it!"

   His voice fell, and his figure flickered before disappearing in place.

When    reappeared, he was already thirty meters away from the tree leader, and when his sleeves swayed, six or seven fireballs of two colors of blue and red shot out and rolled towards the tree leader.

   Boom! ......

After    was bombed, the leader of the tree walked back a few steps before stopping.

   "Human race! It came from peeping at the origin of our tree man again. Die!" Although the leader of the tree man spoke slowly, he also appeared to be sluggish, but it was slow at all when he started the spell.

   I saw its withered arm swept towards Li Luo, whoosh whoosh! After a few bursts of air, more than a dozen blood-colored vines flew towards Li Luo.

   "War Blade Clash!"

   Li Luo's figure swayed, then he appeared on the other side of it, and shot a few fireballs in the past.

   Boom! ......

   This time, after a few steps, the tree demon shook obviously, but his clear facial features were distorted, and he pressed it down to the ground fiercely.

   Obviously, judging from the expression of the leader of the tree demon, he had moved the real fire and wanted to cast some powerful spell.

   Li Luo's eyes condensed, he stepped on his feet suddenly, banged into the air and flew into the air.

   Then, in this small piece of forest, countless blood-colored vines appeared on the ground and swept away.

   Anda and the others were surprised, but they were still swept by the vines, and they were entangled one after another.

   And the energy shields on them are slowly dimming under the entanglement of the scarlet vines.

   was so scared that several people hurriedly used their whole body mana to burn these vines. But this vine is not known what kind of powerful thing, the mana of several people began to mess under the entanglement of the vine, and they could not cast any spells at once.

   Li Luo saw a few people so embarrassed, where he dared to keep his hands, one hand condensed a red energy group, another hand condensed a blue energy group, and his hands together he threw towards the leader of the tree monster on the ground.

   Both are first-order spells. After flying out, under Li Luo's control, they squirmed and turned into a fireball nearly eight meters in size. They rolled away ~www.readwn.com~ and flooded toward the tree demon.


   There was a sky-shaking explosion, and everything within 300 meters under the loud noise, at first there was a meal, and then I saw an energetic fire wave covering this small area. Under the heat wave, the rocks and trees were all cracked and opened, flying up, smoke and dust billowing down, vaguely saw Irene and other people vomiting blood and flying upside down.

   Because Li Luo was eager to save people, he didn't consider the power of his spells for a while. After watching the status of a few people flying out, he was frightened.

   He looked at the dryad where the smoke and dust had been dispersed again, the emerald green sap flowed all over the place, and only a fist-sized green crystal was suspended in the air, exuding bursts of grassy aroma.

   Li Luo flew down, put away the green crystal, and quickly ran in the direction where the others flew out.

   After a long time, Li Luo put all the people he found in a clearing, but Yumeng was the only one missing.

   "Hurry up, who knows where Yumeng has gone?" Li Luo hurriedly asked after taking the medicine to everyone.

   Anda gasped violently, and said, "Don't worry, my puppets are out of control. I will let them find them."

   Then, Anda closed his eyes and began to communicate with a few puppets in the distance.

   After a while, a few wooden dogs ran out in all directions.

   About a quarter of an hour later, only a wooden dog came back, and Karma squeaked in front of Anda.

   "No, Yumeng was dragged away by a group of dryad leaders, what should I do?" Anda said with a change of expression after understanding the message sent by the wooden dog.

   "What to do? Do it!" Li Luo's face turned stern when he heard the words, and the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a sneer: "Let your wooden dog lead the way!"

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