Overlord Wizard

Chapter 121: Secret Realm Adventure (37)

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   The wooden dog's speed was very fast, and everyone quickly came to a peach tree forest in mid-air.

   Just as Anda said, a six-meter-high peach tree man, with purple vines stretching out, is dragging Yumeng forward step by step. Its swaying appearance looks like the branches and leaves are swaying, which is quite funny. And around it, there are more than 20 peach tree people guarding it, it seems that it should be the hands of this big peach tree tree people.

   Although it looks quite funny, the following words can be daunting.

   "Suck this human witch dry, and grandma's mana can go to the next level!"

"Jie Jie Jie...The last time a few humans came to us, they were not fascinated by Alice's beauty, and they fell into the arms of grandma one after another.....I remembered those people who were so intoxicated to death. Looks like, I can't help but tremble."

   "I really don't know when grandma will bestow us with this ability, and at that time, we won't be the prey of these humans easily!"

"What do you know, grandma is gifted by the mysterious man, so you and I don’t have to think about it. Besides, the human beings who were sucked up by grandma’s blood seem to have mastered extremely evil magic. Stay away from grandma."

   "By the way, after this Alice was made into a zombie by her grandmother, but a monster or a person has never been hunted, what is going on..."

   "Huh, it's not always my grandmother who feeds her meat, otherwise, now he has eaten all of the 100 people.....um...Who are you?!"

  While speaking, a peach tree man looked into the air, apparently spotting Li Luo and others.

   "Huh, just rely on you to save people?"

   After one of the Taomu Shuren saw the number of Li Luo and others, his wrinkled facial features said with a little disdain.

   Li Luo had already heard what he said just now, and he couldn't help but scream in front of him, and pointed at the peach tree man in the middle without any explanation.

  嗖! A light of fire passed through countless vines sticking out, and directly submerged into this peach tree human body. Afterwards, the surrounding fire elements rippled for a while, and began to crazily flood into the peach tree human body, and his body also began to flash with an indefinite red light.

Then, the blue and red light in Li Luo's hands began to condense crazily, and then his hands were thrown forward, and a blue-red energy ball the size of a washbasin flew out, facing the storm, turning into a size of four meters, towards that The lit mahogany trees rolled away.

   "Huh, don't underestimate our mahogany people!"

Underneath, the voice of the tallest peach tree fell, and many peach tree people stretched their hands upwards. There were hundreds of vines blocking their ten-meter-high heads, and they instantly turned into a vine protection net, protecting them. stand up.

"When we don't exist? A group of monsters that **** human blood!" Irene Ivy was angry, and shot out a blazing fireball with two colors of blue and red. The two witches actually used a combination of spells. , It can be seen to what extent the dialogue between these trees has stimulated them.

   And Anda and Yuqing also released two fireballs and rolled towards the tree below, but Zhao Hu suddenly flashed down, but his hands were directly on the ground.

   Zhao Hufang pressed on the ground, the ground was yellow, and the folds changed in a radius of 100 meters, and the earthquake began to tremble.

   One of the many treants was unstable, and then they staggered, and the vines protruding above their heads also fluttered, and immediately lost the firmness and tension.


   Boom! ......

   Under a series of sky-shaking explosions, Li Luo and others in the air kept shining red light in their hands, and various fireballs and wind blades surged out, rushing to the tree people below without time to consume.

   In an instant, the whole peach tree forest was full of rubble flying, smoke and dust everywhere, and there were constantly broken pieces of wood, emerald green branch splatter, and the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

   The smoke dissipated, leaving a large pile of peach tree corpses on the ground, but Yumeng was nowhere to be seen.

   "Damn! Where's Yumeng?" Zhao Hu stepped forward and asked with a frown.

   Li Luo glanced around for a few moments, and finally settled in the long shallow gully deep in the peach forest.

   With a move, pieces of completed or broken emerald green crystals on the ground were picked up into the space bag, and he shouted: "Chasing!"

   Li Luo stepped heavily on his feet, and flew toward the gully that seemed to be dragged. The others looked at each other, Irene Ivy rushed to Li Luo without hesitation, Zhao Hu hesitated and followed. Anda stood on the original ground for a while, and then gritted his teeth and threw dozens of fist-sized golden metal **** into the air.

   clang clang!

As soon as the metal ball flew into the air, there was a clanging sound. Under the change, it turned into a one-meter-long metal wolf. These metal wolf claws exuded bursts of sharp light. On the rock fragments on the ground, the fragments were shattered with a sneer. The fragmentation was so great that it turned into powder.

   Anda narrowed his eyes slightly, and pointed his fingers at these metal wolves. Blue runes were continuously submerged in them. Then, under his spell, the metal wolf swished and rushed out in the direction where everyone disappeared. Anda also cast the cyan earrings around her ears, and disappeared in place under the sway of her figure.

As he deepened, he quickly saw the shadow of the peach tree man, but at this time Yumeng's state was really bad. The whole person was tied to the peach tree tree demon by purple vines. The mana fluctuations in his body were also extremely weak, and his head was pulled up On one side of the shoulder, he was obviously in a coma.

   After everyone discovered Yumeng, they were surprised to speed up.

   But this Peach Tree Man commander is obviously faster, and he has moved away from everyone in the blink of an eye.

  While running, Li Luo frowned slightly, calmly released the magic of thinking protection to everyone, and constantly scanned the shadows of the ancient trees around.

   Under this kind of environment, if it is true that those Peach Tree Treants have said, I am afraid that zombie-like monsters will be hidden.

   As expected, he ran less than ten kilometers away.

   There were more than a dozen green figures blocking their way. Although these people were no different from ordinary people, Li Luo still felt the necromantic aura that was extremely close to monsters.

   "Shengren! Jie Jie Jie! What a tempting heart."

  While speaking, one of the green-skinned figures opened their mouth, licked their mouthful of fangs, and stared at him: "Eat them!"

   Obviously, these guys should be the human beings who were drained of blood as the Mahogany Dryad said, and now it seems that they should be turned into zombies like monsters.

   These dozen or so zombies stepped on their feet and disappeared into the same place with a blast on the ground.

   And at this moment, the metal wolves released by Anda around them also disappeared in place with a bang.

Later, from Li Luo's vision, he clearly saw that dozens of metal wolves around the zombies appeared in a state of high-speed displacement in a single shake, but the gloomy claws gently swept away from their bodies. The zombies fell on their heads.

   Seeing that the metal wolf has been solved, everyone will continue to rush forward. But the more you go forward, the more zombies there are, and gradually the metal wolves have suffered some battle losses.


   After blowing up this wave of zombies, Li Luo's face looked a little ugly. Now after several waves of zombie attacks, the speed of several people has obviously slowed down, and even now the mahogany tree monster can't be seen.

   Li Luo glanced at the place where the mahogany tree demon disappeared, slammed on his feet, and wanted to continue chasing it.

But at this moment, a silver bell-like shout came from behind: "Everyone, I am afraid that now your female companion has been dragged by the monster to the tree demon king. If you move forward like this, there will be countless Zombies will come to stop you. At that time, let alone saving your female companions, it is very likely that these zombies will be consumed here alive."

Li Luo turned his head and looked, the girl's face was delicate and exquisite, and her proud curve made her look like a fairy descending to the earth, and an indescribable beauty filled Li Luo's eyes. He was in a daze, as if The women I met in the past were like clouds passing by, and their eyes were full of smiles from this woman, and it seemed that they could no longer look away.

   But Li Luo is definitely not an ordinary person. After a trance, he recovered.

   He narrowed his eyes and said nothing. As the woman said, there is still no idea how many zombies are waiting for everyone. If you want to rescue Yumeng safely, I am afraid that you will have to make a short cut. The woman in front of me came here at this time, and she was so lovely in her life alone. She was quite strange in this barren mountain. If she guessed correctly, this woman must be Alice.

   Now, Li Luo can't help but choose, he can only bow and say to the woman in a slightly humble tone: "Girl, you are here, not just tell us this. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

The woman's voice was extremely sweet, and said faintly: "Brother is smart. My husband was buried under the vine of the Peach Tree King. At the speed of the little brother, to the Peach Tree King, I am afraid that your partner is also dead. I am. There is a shortcut, I wonder if the little brother dare to go with me?"

   Li Luo narrowed his eyes, watching the woman silently, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a sneer: "Okay, I want to see what exactly is this peach tree king!"

   "You still follow this road, I will follow this girl." Li Luo said lightly, and then smiled at the girl behind him: "So, Miss Alice, let's go."

   The latter heard that his body became stiff, but the fragrant wind flashed down, and he rushed towards a forest path, and Li Luo also chased it.

   "Hey! Wait, Brother Ailan, don't fall into the tricks of this female ghost!"

   Seeing Li Luo ran out with Alice so simply, Zhao Hu yelled anxiously.

   "It's okay, if you hit the peach tree king when you fall and find that I am dead, burn some yellow paper every year to pay homage to me." Li Luo smiled freely, and disappeared in front of everyone without looking back.

   Anda and Zhao Hu frowned when they heard this, both showing a hint of hesitation, but then Zhao Hu turned his mind and rushed forward directly. Anda showed a very painful look again, and took out thirty or more metal **** and threw it into the air. Then, under a clanging sound, he rushed forward with thirty metal wolves. And Irene Ivy's eyes flashed in the direction where Li Luo disappeared, all of which were a tick at the corner of her mouth, rushing towards Anda and Zhao Hu. Yuqing saw Li Luo's disappearing figure, her entire identity was there, bit her lower lip, and chased in the direction where Anda and others disappeared.

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