Overlord Wizard

Chapter 122: Secret Realm Adventure (38)

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   At the same time, two teams of wizards quickly rushed to the area where Li Luo had killed the peach tree.

   "This... this level of explosive effect... can be called rolling." One of the fat middle-aged men's complexion changed, and he said in shock.

   "Brother Lu, what should I do? Those people are obviously coming for the Peach Tree King, should we share a piece of the pie?" A skinny wizard walked up and said in a low voice.

"Split the soup? Fortunately, you can say it. Not to mention how powerful the Peachtree Tree King is, there are hundreds of zombies under him. They go in like this, and they can't get out. I can't tell! Even if they come out safely. , Can we have our share?" The middle-aged man glanced at the skinny wizard and said loudly.

   "Yes. The captain said yes." The others nodded quickly, not daring to disobey the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked around with satisfaction, smiled, and said: "But I can't say that I can't enter. After entering, we hang on them not far away. If the group of people are really capable, we will help one or two. Forge a good relationship and see if they can leave us some benefits. If they lose, we will still have time to run. But let me remember that in this environment, you must act cautiously. Don't make your own way. Act alone!"


   The surrounding wizard shouted, and followed the middle-aged man in the direction where Li Luo and others entered.

   Another team of wizards, one of the scarred men watched the middle-aged wizard go, narrowed his eyes, and stood silently in place, not knowing what he was thinking.

   After a while, a pocky wizard stepped forward: "Brother, Ruelson's gang has already entered."

"Huh, the Peach Tree King is so easy to provoke! Most of them went in because they liked the strength of the previous group of guys, and wanted to help it, and it would be a good thing. Since they moved the Peach Tree King's idea together, we are far away. Hanging from the back, when the time comes, there will be a mantis catching the cicada, the oriole is behind! Hahahaha..." As the scar man spoke, he laughed wildly, his voice was loud, and the surrounding wood dregs splashed all over the place. The air seemed to burst.

   "The boss said, hehehe..." The other wizards quickly laughed.


   Li Luo followed Alice quickly, and gradually came to a lakeside.

   A towering mahogany tree stands in the middle of the lake, which is particularly eye-catching. At first glance, it is full of huge flat peaches, exuding bursts of attractive fragrance.

   "Brother, have you seen the building in the distance?" Alice stopped, wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, pointed to the south, and said softly.

   Li Luo looked up and saw a temple covering a full 100 meters in front of him. The whole temple was magnificent and looked like a Buddhist holy place.

   "Well, this temple seems to give people a sense of sacredness, but I don't know why the girl showed me the temple?" Li Luo looked at the temple and nodded in admiration, and asked Alice behind him.

   But just as he turned his head, he found that Alice was standing in front of the lake with her whole body removed, and she fell into the lake with a seductive curve jump.

   "Hey. Miss. You haven't told me where Yumeng is!" Li Luo saw that Alice was so bold, and he couldn't help cursing the zombie as cunning.

"Grandma's new catch people are locked in the temple first. Usually they will **** up the woman's blood at night. It's safe now. It's better to come down and play with me first, and wait until your teammates are together. Then ask grandma to come out. If the brother can play with the little girl well today, the little girl might be able to plead for his brother.” Alice showed her head in the lake, dimly, and could see Li Luo was in a daze, and his throat rolled down fiercely in his mouth.

   Li Luo glanced at the towering peach trees in the lake, his pupils shrank, and then turned around calmly. At the same time, he sighed slightly, and said: "The girl does not know that it is the fiancée who was caught. I will go to rescue her as soon as possible and dare not delay.

At this moment, Alice slowly swam towards Li Luo, stood up halfway, revealing a piece of white snow, bending over and splashing in the water, she kept pouring a stream of water on her shoulders, and asked with a bit of bitterness: "I really don’t Come in?"

"Hey, girl kindness, I naturally want to kiss Fang Ze, but now I have a partner, how can I let them down. The girl should find someone else." Li Luo turned and bent over and helped Alice's show hair. Afterwards, he stood up and started walking towards the temple.

   Alice saw Li Luo walk out so simply, her beautiful eyes were bright, and she also walked ashore. In a blink of an eye, her clothes were all over her body, and she walked over with Li Luo.

   "What's the name of the little brother?" Alice said crisply as she walked over.

   "Ailan." After Li Luo uttered two simple words, his speed picked up.

   Alice was still not slow, and followed closely.

"Brother Ailan, there are monks from another continent in the endless sea. They are very pedantic. Generally, they won't give you your little girlfriend without grandma's order. And each of them has one. The strength of the wizard, I am afraid that you can't save it alone." Alice's voice was very sweet, and it passed into Li Luo's ears.

   "It's okay! Even if there are dangers and dangers, I will rescue her!" Li Luo said loudly as he ran wildly, the expression on his face also looked very restrained.

   Now, Alice behind her fell silent for a moment, her expression also changed, showing an extremely struggling expression.

   Soon, Li Luo came to the door of this huge temple.


   Li Luo was not polite, kicked the door of the temple open with one kick, and walked directly in.

   "Who is coming!"

   More than a dozen bald monks made of copper and cast iron came out of the temple in the compound and asked.

   "A few of my girlfriends who have ever seen me are here, she was dragged here by a tree demon leader." Li Luo asked directly without turning a corner.

   "What about here? Since you dare to break into Yin Mi Arhat's incense temple, you can stay today for the blood sacrifice of Yin Mi Lord!" A dozen Arhats quickly surrounded Li Luo, and said with a bad face.


   These bronze men didn't know where to pull out a scimitar, suddenly stepped on their feet and rushed towards Li Luo.

   When Li Luo's heart moved, he would urge the spell to fight back. But in the next moment, the energy in Mu Di's hands dissipated for a while.

   There is a forbidden magic circle in this temple!

   Although more than a dozen bronze men were very fast, and there was a series of changes in energy disturbance and sudden attacks, Li Luo did not show any signs of panic.

   I saw Li Luo take a breath, hold the sword with both hands at the same time and wave it, turning into a thunderbolt that smashed the head of the bronze man who had recently killed it.

   He actually ignored the recent bronze man's scimitar, and played completely desperately.

   The bronze man's complexion was horrified, and even regardless of Li Luo's attack, the scimitar turned into a cold light, and only Li Luo throat came.

And at this moment, Li Luo suddenly spun strangely, and the colorful flames burst on the other sword, and he directly cut on the path of the scimitar, while the sword carrying the billowing thunder light was the blade of the sword. Li Luo crossed over with this bronze man.


   The head of the bronze man rolled down, but the other bronze men seemed to be indifferent to the death of their partners, and they still killed Li Luo with scarlet eyes.

   The physical strength of these bronze men has all reached the level of a second-order great knight, and the speed is only one shot slower than Li Luo.

   A full siege of eighteen knights, each one resembling a humanoid beast, looks really unstoppable.

   Being besieged by so many great knights, Li Luo fell in the wind.

   Li Luo didn't dare to fall into the siege of these guys at all, but danced with subtle steps under his feet, turning into a black phantom, wandering around the remaining bronze men non-stop, looking for opportunities.

   After a series of crisp sounds of "Dangdang", Li Luo turned over and distanced himself from these bronze figures.

   He flipped his hand, and five more daggers appeared. With a flick of his hand, he shot at the nearest five bronze men.


   With five muffled sounds, the dagger was thrust into the foreheads of five bronze men, and these bronze men also fell one after another.

   "This human race!" When the remaining bronze men saw this scene, they couldn't help but yelled, grabbing their palms to their waists, and they all took out a crossbow and held them in their hands.

good chance! Li Luo saw them take the scimitar back, his eyes brightened, and he shouted, "Warblade Clash!"


   Li Luo figure a flower, suddenly appeared among the remaining bronze men, UU reading www.uukanshu. A waltz dance step was taken under Com's feet, and the battle blade turned into two thunder blades, blooming in the world of bronze.


   These bronze men looked like they were holding a winning ticket at the last moment, and the next moment they felt a whirlwind, watching their headless corpse fall and plunge into darkness.

   And just after Li Luo killed all the bronze men, the temple door snapped and opened again.

   Crush! ......

   This time, a total of thirty bronze men ran out, and Li Luo's heart sank slightly.

"Huh! Boy, dare to kill so many of us bronze people, I think you are tired of life! Seeing that you are also a strong man, today we will let you have a way of life, let's get out of it!" The leader of the bronze life is very tall and unusual. Said grimly.

   "Your Excellency, don't want to laugh, if I don't rescue my fiancee today, I will never leave here alive!" Li Luo took a deep breath and said categorically.

   And Alice behind him stiffened when she heard the words, she was stuck there, her eyes were bloody, her expression seemed to be remembering something.

   "Good guts! Give it to me and kill him!"

The bronze figure headed by    had a grimace and shouted.

Li Luo watched the bronze man rushing towards him, without changing his face, he took out a bottle of khaki potion and green potion and took it together. At the same time, he turned his hands over and there were ten more daggers. With a shake of his hands, ten daggers melted. For the ten cold rays of light, blasted out to many bronze men.

   嗤嗤嗤嗤嗤! After a series of muffled noises. A full nine bronze men fell down with staring eyes.


The bronze figure headed by    was shocked, and when he turned his hand, a mace was held in his hand, and when he stepped on his feet, he turned into a gust of wind and went straight to Li Luo.

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