Overlord Wizard

Chapter 125: Secret Realm Adventure (41)

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)

In the sound of a "bang", I saw Li Luo flying upside down while protecting Yumeng's body, and was slapped directly to the ground by a pink glow. The ground was cracked and a big crater was set in it. , And while Li Luo spit out a big mouthful of blood, there was a burst of ripples on the cyan-red energy shield that was generated in an emergency on his body, and it shattered into countless light spots and dissipated.

Now, under the mana increase of his two original powers, the energy shield he generated could not withstand the blow of the mahogany vine!

But at this moment, Alice's eyes burst into red light, and with a muffled thunder, she rushed towards Li Luo, and layers of cyan ripples immediately appeared in the void along the way. He came to Li Luo in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Alice was covered with dark green scales the size of her nails, with faint light shining on them. What is even more strange is that her consciousness seems to have been completely lost, and her eyes are full of endless hatred, as if Li Luo in front of her has been her life and death enemy for hundreds of years.

At this moment, Li Luo was dull, and he knew that people like him had always been tempted by this peach tree king to become Alice's nourishment!

Afraid of Yang blood? It doesn't exist, this Alice was directly transformed into a demon by the Mahogany Tree King from the very beginning!

Seeing this, Li Luo's pupils shrank slightly, but there was no panic. His eyes suddenly became pink, and an unknown spell began to be heard in his mouth.

The paw that Alice was about to pull out was a pause.

Li Luo's eyes seemed to flash through: "Alice, leave me alone, run!" Every word of Li Luo exudes strange fluctuations, like psychedelic sounds in Alice's ears. The edge kept reverberating.

Alice's body stiffened, her eyes showed a hint of clarity, but then she was immediately overwhelmed by endless madness.

Li Luo's heart tightened, his eyes were more pink, and he shouted: "Alice, I can eat, but please let my fiancée go!"

Suddenly, Alice's eyes faded and turned into a blue color. At the same time, hands with cold fingernails hugged his head firmly, and instantly half-kneeled on the spot.

A picture kept reverberating in Alice’s mind, "I can eat, please let go of my fiancee!" A man in a white robe is holding Alice, surrounded by water ghosts crawling around them, It was firmly surrounded in the middle. Behind Alice and the man was a peach tree more than 100 meters high, and countless vines rushed towards the man and Alice.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie! Well, I will fulfill you. After you die, I will make this woman a legendary Raksha demon. She will constantly think of you in endless memories and become my most powerful hunting tool. Jie Jie Jie Jie..." In the picture, the peach tree king Jie Jie Jie smiled strangely and ruthlessly pierced the vine into the two of them.

"Damn, we shouldn't be coveting the fruit on this ghost tree. I knew that there should be powerful monsters entrenched here, but I didn't expect... it was the peach tree itself!" The man's breath became weaker and weaker. , The last time he loosened his hand, he gradually closed his eyes.

"No! Kenan!" Seeing that the man was about to die like this, the woman let out a heart-piercing roar, as if there were endless wind elements around her body, and under the swift wind, the vines broke and broke. open.

"Kenan, go!" After the woman released this method, it seemed that she had spent the last effort. Then she gritted her silver teeth again and poured a blue glow into Kenan's body, and she slumped to the ground.

"Alice!" Kenan woke up and looked at Alice with splitting eyes, but then took another look. The vines shot from all around, gritted his teeth and slammed along the way. The gap between the vines underneath, flew away.

But at this moment, the distorted face on the trunk of the Peach Tree King suddenly became horrified. A dozen oval spheres wrapped in vines on the branches broke apart with a bang, and the pale-skinned women came straight from the air. Pounced towards Kenan.


Suddenly, a miserable howl resounded under the peach trees, and Alice gradually lost consciousness and closed her eyes.

The past scenes were as if they were happening now, causing Alice's eyes to flash with blood and tears, and the whole person maintained the posture of pulling out her paws towards Li Luo and froze there.

Li Luo's heart moved, and a mental wave swept away. "Alice, if you want to recover your mind, just..."

Then he shouted again: "Alice, let me go. My wife will give it to you, you eat her!"

Alice's eyes suddenly regained a scarlet color, but her hand was taken back.

"Grandma, you are right. Human beings are a bunch of untrustworthy garbage! But today, it is too cheap to kill this guy so easily! Let the water ghosts tear off his flesh piece by piece! I want He was tortured and died in endless pain!" Alice almost roared out this word, and at the same time panted violently, as if she had been greatly stimulated.

"That's right. That's right. Hate it. Hate everything. Transform in endless hatred! Hahahahahaha..." Grandma's tone became higher and higher as she spoke, smiling madly, branches and leaves They danced frantically, as if they had been given many shots of stimulants.


Bubbles began to emerge continuously from the lake, and pale heads glowing blue continued to emerge from the surface of the water, climbing towards Li Luo and Yumeng step by step.

"Here you! Eat this woman first! Don't eat me...Don't eat me!" Li Luo yelled and threw Yumeng out, and at the same time he backed back towards the trunk of the Peach Tree King in horror.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie! Look. This is human beings. Greedy. Afraid of death! I don’t know how many offspring have been hunted down! Children come over and gnaw off this human flesh piece by piece... Jie Jie Jie..." Grandma's voice became more and more mad, and her male-like female voices constantly echoed between the heaven and the earth, like a **** of death.

"Huh, let me transform this woman!" Alice took Yumeng, sneered, flew up, jumped out a full fifty meters, and fell into the lake.

"Huh? Alice when did you have this ability..." On the huge mahogany tree trunk, the twisted and wrinkled human face showed a hint of doubt.

But it didn't take long for it to wonder, it felt like a fireball comparable to the first-order peak exploded in front of its trunk.

Immediately afterwards, the tree demon king saw in disbelief, one after another water ghost, under the red light on his body, exploded one after another around it, and this explosion seemed to be contagious. After passing a hundred, it shrouded all around it in a blink of an eye.

It was Li Luo who caused all this. After Yumeng was taken away by Alice Ribbon, he released the magic bomb of the nearest water ghost. The first one was killed by his thunder and exploded in an instant, and then the surroundings The water ghosts were blown over by the blast of air, and the surrounding fire elements seemed to be drawn by a specific rule, submerged in them, and turned into new bombs. Later, Li Luo opened his mouth, raised his head, and sprayed a cone-shaped fire wave forward. These injured water ghosts detonated on the spot, and the dense fire shrouded the entire Peach Tree King.

This Mahogany Tree King is a Tier 3 creature, but it is definitely the body torso that has reached this level. In this world, except for Yalong, there are few existences that can get rid of the restrictions and restrictions here. The Peach Tree King's mana is only the first-order peak.

The Mahogany Tree King is originally a wood-attribute creature, naturally afraid of fire elemental spells. Now being shrouded by such a dense fire attribute spell, even if it is a third-order creature, it is like being bombarded by a round of second-order spells. In an instant, the bark on the Peach Tree King's body broke apart. The entire tree body was also shrouded in fire, and under the sudden collision of the fire, inexplicable waves of terror, rumblingly rolled around.

In this violent fluctuation, a dark green protective light curtain lit up in front of the Peach Tree King, and under the turbulence, it was very dim in the blink of an eye.

"Huh! Boy, it would be a wishful thinking to think that you can leave here safely if you just have such a talent." Grandma said with a cold snort, but then the branches and leaves trembled, shaking constantly. "What... this kind of attack can actually hurt the soul of the deity!" At this time, grandma's voice was visibly trembling, as if she had received great fear.

Seeing this situation, Li Luo stopped talking nonsense, just sneered, and the red glow in his hands was released, and a fire dragon rushed towards the dying water ghosts, and immediately enveloped these water ghosts.


As soon as Li Luo's spell was released, the surrounding space suddenly fluctuated violently, and a rolling red light rushed toward these water ghosts, and under the wild dance, it sank into the body of each water ghost.


boom! ......

There was another intensive explosion, and suddenly, the fiery red light flashed continuously, turning into a fire ring nearly 30 meters wide, covering the peach tree king. At the same time, the dazzling fire light soared into the sky, instantly illuminating the area within a kilometer. The peach tree king's branches and leaves stagnated, and then shrugged down, as if the entire tree had lost consciousness.

Li Luo's eyes condensed, his hands kept moving, his sleeves flicked, and a dozen fireballs rolled out and flew towards his grandmother.


The dense fire waves layer by layer, Li Luo squeezed his hands fiercely, firmly grasped the cross sword in his hands, and swung it to the right. Then the shadow of his body flashed, and he rushed away in response to the fire waves.


Zhang Xu's cold light suddenly appeared, and Li Luo appeared again and had reached the other side of the Peach Tree King. The cross sword in his hand was even stained with drops of black and red liquid, which seemed extremely evil, but it exuded a faint fragrance.

Click! A huge gap appeared in the branches of the Peach Tree King, and then the entire trunk began to tilt down to one side.

boom! This tree spirit, who didn't know how many years he had lived, finally fell down.

"Damn human... I curse you... curse you will never get the love of a woman! Ah..."

The peach tree king cursed viciously, following the click! With a sound, the whole tree shattered, and a huge green crystal was suspended in mid-air.

Afterwards, the peaches exuding alluring fragrance fell from the branches, and they all rolled towards Li Luo one by one~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo has been in a tight state of fighting, and he was so strange. The scene was really shocked, and quickly stepped back.

He leaned against a soft fragrance and stopped.

Li Luo's complexion changed, and when he looked back, he found that Alice had recovered her original appearance. On her side, Yu Meng looked at Li Luo in surprise, and a different kind of emotion was revealed in her eyes.

"I envy you, sister. You should...have a happy ending..." Alice looked at Yumeng tenderly, and gradually flew high into the sky. "Remember to let this little girl eat all the peaches on the ground. Otherwise, the devil blood in her body will gradually swallow her will, and these peaches are the essence of grandma's life. They will surely save your fiancee... ...."

"Fiancee!?" Yu Meng just woke up, still a little dazed by these three words, but then seemed to think of something, his cheeks blushed, and he looked at Li Luo. But from this look, I can't help but feel disappointed. It is not an exaggeration to say that the style of painting has changed greatly.

Li Luo squinted his eyes, greedily put away the green crystal, then bent down again, picked up a peach and ate it.

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