Overlord Wizard

Chapter 126: Secret Realm Adventure (42)

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)

On the small island in the lake after the death of the Peach Tree King, Li Luo and Yumeng lay together with their stomachs puffed up.

The former slept very soundly with the halazi, while the latter kept looking at the former with a look of disgust, seeming to want to see what is different about the man in front of him. After watching for a long time, the more she watched, the more she realized that she was throbbing somewhere in her heart, and then her heart was beating nonstop, and her face flushed.

After feeling something wrong, Yumeng quickly pushed Li Luo aside, only then did a drowsiness hit and he passed out in a coma.

I don't know how long it took, and the two people gradually woke up.

"Damn! The water ghost in the lake didn't even come ashore to kill us!" Li Luogang woke up, looked around for four weeks, and shouted at Yu Meng.

Yumeng curled his lips and said with some confidence: "It's not someone yet. It's not enough to eat the peaches. He ate the peach tree king crystals in one bite, sleeping like a pig and a beast (an alien-like wild boar). It seems that I can't push it!"

Li Luo moved his hands when he heard the words, turned his head and approached him: "Which person? So immoral! You tell me later, I will reward him well~"

"Reward..." Yumeng's body just stood up suddenly tilted and almost fell to the ground.

Li Luo nodded innocently, and said, "The great man who can wipe out so many peaches with me, won't you reward him? That's right, if it's a woman, I should marry her."

When Yumeng heard this, his face flushed, and he turned around and flew into the air.

As a result, as soon as the two flew out of the lake, they found a group of humans in the distance surrounded by a large group of zombies, and a dozen graceful figures in red shirts hovered and danced in mid-air, like nine gods who came to save the world.

But the next moment, one of the fairies suddenly turned her head, causing a sudden change in the style of painting.

The fairy who seemed to be incomparably graceful at first had sores on her face, and under the roar of the two, her mouth full of fangs were exposed, like a deadly ghost, full of endless sense of horror.

"I absorbed the original wood and spirit of the Peach Tree King, and got some peculiar spells and abilities, let me experiment." Li Luo said to Yumeng beside him, and then slowly walked towards the group of zombies. .


Some of the zombies found Li Luo, and under the low roar, more than one hundred zombies rushed towards him. The speed is as fast as a first-order official knight.

"How many **** people have to eat to have this speed?!" Li Luo was taken aback by the speed of the zombies, and hurriedly pressed his hands to the ground.

As a result, under this press.

Within a radius of three hundred meters, under a burst of dense ground-breaking explosions, the originally hard soil suddenly cracked and opened, and countless vines came out of it and suddenly pierced toward the zombie's body.


There are hundreds of vine feet, but there are only a hundred zombies, all of which are firmly entangled by the vines, and they are pierced into the extremely hard flesh and blood, and gradually dry out.

After absorbing the nutrition of the zombies, these vines seem to come alive all at once, whoosh! Under a series of breaking air, he took the initiative to spread to the zombie group.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi! ......

There are constantly zombies entangled in the vines to **** up their flesh and blood and shriveled. The vines become more and more dense, and finally even the humans that surround them stretch out.

Li Luo hurriedly chanted an unknown spell, and these vines retracted to the ground and disappeared.

In mid-air, a dozen female ghosts of Rakshasa changed their faces, looked at Li Luo with extreme fear, turned and flew away into the distance.

After watching these Raksha female ghosts escape, Li Luo walked over with Yumeng swaggeringly.

In the crowd, a woman was extremely tired, but she immediately relaxed when she saw Yumeng, and after running over to hug her, she passed out into a coma.

This woman is Yuqing. Li Luo looked at the others in a blink of an eye, and Anda and others also walked out of the crowd, putting their hands on Li Luo's shoulders with a look of exhaustion.

"Your kid slept well. If it weren't for an alternative female ghost who wouldn't let those female ghosts approach you just now, we would all have planned to escape and abandon you!" Anda said with some complaints.

"Yes. Brother, you have gained a lot of benefits from the Peach Tree King." A scared man said with his eyes narrowed.

Li Luo glanced at this person, nodded, and said, "Well, I released the spell just now. Or would you try it too?" Li Luo's tone was very hard, and he didn't give up. The man held back what he wanted to say next.

The Scared Man saw Li Luo's strength, so naturally he dared not say anything, and left without looking back.

And a middle-aged man hesitated and asked in a low voice: "Little brother, we are a bit selfish this time, but for the sake of protecting you, can you give me a break?"

Li Luo glanced at the middle-aged man, nodded, and said, "Yes, this is the tree of origin. Take it. People are in a dangerous place. I can't say when you will encounter this kind of crisis. It's all this time. Thank you."

Although this middle-aged man looked sophisticated and sleek, he was also a person who obeyed the rules. Li Luo was also in a good mood and gave him a big gift.

He didn't see. After he gave the middle-aged man this big gift, the scarred man in the distance gave this side a bitter look, and then disappeared well.

The middle-aged man looked happy, clasped his fists, and smiled: "In thousands of worlds, only wizards will eternal. We will have a period later~"

After uttering a wizard saying, the middle-aged man quickly walked out in the other direction with someone.

After seeing everyone gone, Li Luo carried the unconscious Yuqing on his back.

"The dark elements here are extremely rich, not a place to stay for a long time. Let's find a safe environment to rest." Li Luo said lightly, but inadvertently revealed an invisible aura that could not tolerate others to refute.

Several people subconsciously agreed, and followed Li Luo out to the way he came.

after one day.

The crowd flew down in front of a mountain wall, Li Luo waved his hand, and several fireballs exploded in the wind, blasting out a cave of more than 20 meters in size and went into it.

At this moment, everyone felt a sense of uncontrollable exhaustion, and they took out the bed and fell on it.

Li Luo was in charge of the guard, and Yumeng felt surprisingly vigorous at this time, and sat in front of the cave with Li Luo.

"Hey. Big bad guy. You told the female ghost earlier that I was your fiancee. What's the matter?" Yumeng asked a snail on the ground while holding a branch, constantly swinging.

"Because~ Guess!" Li Luo said lazily, picking up a wooden stick.

Yumeng looked at Li Luo's undue beating appearance, instead of being angry, she closed her mouth for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing.

After a while, Yumeng couldn't help it anymore and asked loudly, "What the **** do you mean! Tell me about it."

"Stupid woman. Hey." Li Luo sighed, but stopped in the middle of the conversation, and all at once lifted Yu Meng's appetite.

"You tell me! Hurry up!" Yu Meng shook Li Luo fiercely, but the latter closed his eyes and snored again and fell asleep.

Time was spent a little bit of boredom. Yumeng wanted to wake Li Luo several times, but stopped again, revealing a look that a little woman could not bear. At first she didn't feel anything, but then she noticed her abnormality, her cheeks flushed, and then she calmed down. A day later, the crowd showed no signs of waking up. Li Luo awoke to look at the time, with a little doubt in his heart, but did not wake up everyone, sitting cross-legged, and began to carefully feel the benefits of this adventure.

First of all, he learned a growthable spell, named Dance of Mandala, which belongs to wood witchcraft. Under the display, as long as the absorbed creatures are enough and strong enough, theoretically, the summoned vines can be mutated and turned into a mandala circling and dancing, and even once the mandala is successfully mutated, even a creature like a giant dragon It can be strangled.

Secondly, he learned a passive witchcraft called the ingestion of vegetation. As long as he is in a place where there is normal vegetation growth, he can absorb the essence of vegetation from the air, quickly restore mana and vindictive energy, and even after long-term absorption, even his vitality will slowly increase, which can be described as a very auxiliary effect. Passive witchcraft.

Once again, when he absorbed the original wood, after his wood spell was released, it could greatly increase the spell strength. Once the first-order winding technique was released, it was several times stronger than other first-tier wizards.

Finally, one of the most practical skills is the active skill of Treeman Puppet. Li Luo can temporarily activate a few ancient trees and turn them into a few treants for the time being, but these treants can only last for an hour. After an hour, they will turn into a pile of dead wood and useless. But even so, these treants are also good investigators. Not only are the colors consistent with the surrounding environment, but the breath that they exude is also a scent of vegetation, which is hard to find.

The next step is to count the gains.

More than three hundred peach pits were quietly stacked in the space bag, making Li Luo ponder. Thinking of the Queen Mother's flat peach feast in his memory, the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a bit of ambition and joy. In addition to these peach pits, the mini vines in his hand that signed the contract with him are constantly restless, seeming to have eaten the flesh and blood of those zombies, this little thing is still not full, and the potential is still higher than Li Luo's expectations!

Except for these two things, everything else was average. Li Luo put away his mind and looked at other people in a blink of an eye.

At this time, some people have woken up one after another and stretched out greatly.

After everyone woke up, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Li Luo took out a pot of frozen broth, heated it up and ate a simple meal, and then led everyone to continue looking for those. Trouble with tree people.

As a result, before everyone had walked a few kilometers away, a skinny wizard ran towards them covered in blood.

"Brother Anda...Save me."

The skinny wizard fell loose after seeing Anda and the others, and everyone looked at each other with a look of surprise.

This person is no one else, but the middle-aged wizard team member that Li Luo previously presented the Origin Tree.

At this moment, there was a wave of energy in the distance, and more than two dozen wizards walked over from a distance. Among them was the scared man Li Luo had encountered earlier.

"Huh! Want to escape? You are running away. Why... you think it's safe to escape into the hands of your pitiful benefactor?" The scarred man glanced over Li Luo and the others, and said sarcastically.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, an anger surged into his heart, and looked at the scared man and the others with a grim expression.

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