Overlord Wizard

Chapter 127: Secret Realm Adventure (43)

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)

The Scar Man is the mana fluctuation of the first-order wizard in the later period, and the others are just the cultivation base of the first-order wizard.

However, there are more than 20 of these people, and they do occupy an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

But sometimes, no matter how large it is, it is just a bunch of lambs to be slaughtered.

And the scar man on the opposite side said the words so unscrupulously, the meaning is already very clear. That is to kill this skinny man today. And Li Luo and others didn't take it seriously, planning to get rid of them by virtue of their number advantage.

Li Luo's face became cold, and he couldn't help but press his hands to the ground.

Click! Whoosh whoosh!

Before the many wizards who had just surrounded them, they heard an explosion on the ground, and dozens of vines rushed toward them under the landslides and rocks. The speed was so fast that they just felt a few words in front of them. As soon as Lu Ying flashed, she was firmly tied to the ground, and under the stinging pain, it was as if the blood and flesh of her whole body were quickly drawn away.

The scarred man reacted quickly. With a sudden step on his foot, he jumped into the air and flew up. There were fifteen people flying with him, all of them at the level of the first-order wizard. But the other five people were not so lucky. The mini vines appeared behind them and turned into an extremely ferocious carnivorous plant. These people shrivelled up and down in just a few breaths, and lay down with staring eyes. On the ground.

Indeed, these five people burst into a dozen glaring fires before they died, but under the vines layered on top of each other, it was only more than half of them disconnected, and the remaining vines entangled these guys firmly. Movable. Naturally, these guys are unlucky enough to become food for mini vines.

The scarred man saw Li Luolian just greet him without saying a word, and he killed a few of them in an instant. Under the fright and anger, a resentment surged into his heart.

The first is that these five people are really useless. He reminded them of how powerful the enemy leaders are, and that these five people were still recruited. It's nothing more than death, these vines absorbed their flesh and blood, and their aura soared, reaching the level of the late stage of first-order creatures.

The second is to blame myself for not being the first to start, and being given the first opportunity by the opponent, the person on his side was suddenly passive.

The heart became more frightened and angry, and there was a dazzling red glow in his hands. The mana fluctuations of the whole person suddenly soared, giving people the feeling as if they had turned into a **** at once.

The remaining accomplices of the scarred man also showed various dazzling lights from their hands one after another. Under the surging waves of mana, they swayed each other, and there was a situation of gathering rivers into seas. For a time, endless power agitated here. Fang Tiandi.

The scarred man wanted to use his full strength when he shot, but Li Luo didn't panic at all. With a wave of his hand, seven or eight fireballs of two colors of blue and red shot out, and the casting speed was as fast as an instant.


The eight apprentice fireballs the size of a washbasin flew out and rose in the wind. They suddenly soared to the size of a first-order fireball, and turned into two-meter-sized oval fireballs rolling towards the nearest eight wizards. .


Seeing that Li Luo didn't even chant a spell, so he released the spell, the wizard who scared the man couldn't help but startled. What shocked them even more was that these eight spells were not at all weaker than the first-order Pyroblastic Fireball, and their power was even higher than that.

These wizards still had time to condense their spells, and when they changed their hands, they lit up various shields, and threw out shields and bell-like wizards to block them in front of them in an attempt to take the blow.

Being able to cultivate to the level of a formal wizard naturally can clearly analyze when to defend and when to take action. After seeing Li Luo's amazing magic, he gave up the magic he was brewing without hesitation.

These wizards naturally felt the power of Li Luo's spells, and while blocking their respective wizards, they threw out a few seemingly tattered magic weapons and exploded with a loud explosion.

In order not to damage their magic weapon too much, these guys decisively chose a self-explosive magic weapon! Two even blew up to five magic weapons, exploded in the mid-air of 300 meters, billowing fire, smoke and dust everywhere. These wizards all had flushes on their faces, spouting a mouthful of blood, and flew out.

These wizards were able to withstand this wave of spells by detonating one by one magic weapon.

"No, this bastard's spell is too powerful. I will solve them soon." An angry voice was heard from the scared man, and the red light in his hand was thrown at Li Luo abruptly.

The red light suddenly lit up, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a six-meter-sized fireball billowing towards Li Luo. The other wizards who were not affected by Li Luo's spells also let out a wide range of lights in their hands, and immediately a group of huge fireballs and wind blades emerged and rolled towards Li Luo.

But then, there were eight fireballs of the same intensity as before. Except for the comparison of the scarred man, the power was not much weaker than the spells of other wizards.

boom! There was a loud explosion. Immediately in mid-air, like eight fireworks bursting out of the sky, they waved in shocking circles, rolling wildly in all directions, and the momentum was astonishing.

At this moment, several people on Li Luo's side also finished their spells! The four-meter-sized fireball wind blade swept out, and rolled towards the Scar Man and others in the face of the fire wave.

Several people are all official wizards who have absorbed the original fire. In addition to the wind blade and ice cone they release, the power of the three fireballs is even more outrageous. Therefore, the Scarlet Man and the others didn’t even think about it. He threw his hand and sacrificed one by one shield and magic weapon. The magic weapon was thrown out as many as seven or eight at once. The blade and ice cone flew out, trying to offset this round of spell volley.

However, these wizards still underestimated the strength of Li Luo's team. They, except for Zhao Hu, are all monsters strengthened by bloodline enhancers and Origin Fire. How could it be so simple that they could be blocked?

as predicted.

Just hearing a few "booms", the three fireballs suddenly skyrocketed, and they instantly turned into a four-meter-sized fireball that swallowed their spells, and under a flood of fire, the magic weapon exploded. The shock wave was blasted away in an instant, and then the fire wave went unabated and immediately drowned these wizards away.

"Zizi" sounded endlessly.

As soon as Huo Langfang touched the defensive magic weapons one by one, these magic weapons flashed and dimmed quickly. Then it quickly melted and fell from the air. Under the fire wave swept through, these wizards burned out several shields, and hulled and burst into flames like gasoline was on fire. Except for the scarred man who flew upside down tens of meters in embarrassment, all the others who were affected by the fireball did not even scream much, and then quickly turned into a human-shaped torch and fell from the air. It was better to be attacked by the wind blade and ice cone, and the magic weapon in his hand firmly resisted the spell.

Three wizards died at once, the scarred man's complexion twitched, and he took out a bottle of potion and drank it in one gulp.

After the remaining wizards drank the potion, the mana fluctuations in their bodies became more agitated, faintly reaching the middle level of the first-order wizard. A wave of mana wave swept across, the surrounding earth, stone, and grass were all shook and creaked, and there was a trace of electric arc flashing out in the air, making bursts of crackling explosions, and a surging weather trend rose accordingly. It started to bend all the surrounding vegetation.

"In the late stage of the first-order wizard, this potion is really overbearing!" Li Luo muttered to himself as he felt the mana fluctuation of the scarred man.

The other companions of Scar Man also changed their complexion, and also took out this medicine and drank it in one gulp.

But at this moment, Li Luo's hands were full of blue and red rays of light. With a pinch of his hands, the two colors of light quickly merged and suddenly brightened.

Afterwards, a fireball nearly eight meters in size rolled out, lasing towards the scared man as if in a hurry.

The speed and power of the fireball are as fast as a small missile.

The scarred man just raised his breath, he was full of confidence, but with Li Luo's spell, his pupils shrank, revealing an incredible color.


The scarred man screamed, his hands didn't stop, and a seven-meter-sized fireball collided with Li Luo's fireball when he changed his hands.

boom! There was a loud explosion.

The two spells held a stalemate in the air for less than a second, before bursting out a white light rolling away in all directions. Then the billowing heat wave suddenly spread out in all directions with the whirring sound of fire waves.

The wizards who were close to the scarred man stiffened and were submerged by the fire wave. Anda's complexion changed greatly when Li Luo released the spell, and he took out a giant shield to infuse all the mana into it, and it instantly expanded. More than ten times more than protect everyone. Because Li Luo was far away from a few people, he only felt an irresistible impact, and the whole person could not control himself and flew upside down. He stopped without knowing how many trees had been broken along the way.


With a spurt of blood, Li Luo quickly looked in the direction of the scared man.

But there were some scarred men there, and even the wizards brought by the scarred men turned into several cokes and fell from a distance in the air.

Under the explosion of this spell, Li Luo actually destroyed the Scar Man Group here!

Anda and the others put away the huge shield, and at first they looked around vigilantly, and then looked at the scorched corpse that fell into the distance, all their complexions changed.

The power of Li Luo's first-order spells was so powerful that they shook several people in place for a long time like a thunderbolt.

Everyone looked at Li Luo's expression with a hint of fear, Irene Ivy opened her mouth to say something, but then she closed her mouth and fell silent. Zhao Hu swallowed fiercely and began to play the role of cleaning the battlefield. Yuqing opened her mouth for a long time and failed to close it. It was Yumeng who stroked her back before she reacted, but seeing Li Luo's expression obviously evasive, she didn't dare to look directly at ~www.readwn.com~ to the end. , Yumeng and Li Luo were the only ones who looked normal on the surface and talked unscrupulously.

After a while, Zhao Hu delivered nearly twenty space bags.

"Don't you choose?" Li Luo felt the contents of the space bag and asked slowly.

"Uh..." No one dared to answer the conversation, but took some magic stones symbolically, and stepped aside.

Li Luo frowned. Although he had a premonition that his act would scare everyone, he didn't expect it to have such an effect. He touched his nose and handed a space bag to Anda: "So, the tree of origin is back, you can divide it. Oh, yes. This comatose wizard can be sent into the cave."

Anda glanced at the contents of the space bag, his face was happy, and his expression relaxed.

"Hi! What expressions do you all have? Brother Ailan is brave and invincible, but he is still the companion who shares our troubles, and has not changed at all. Relax, everyone."

Anda's words seemed to be magical, and everyone's expressions relaxed.

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